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Hey @S007: You wanna give me that lecture? :-P
Oh well.
@Kaumudi Sure ..wait a min
Evaporation is a phase transition from the liquid phase to vapor (a state of substance below critical temperature and critical pressure) that occurs at temperatures below the boiling temperature at a given pressure. Evaporation usually occurs on the surface. Evaporation may occur when the partial pressure of vapor of a substance is less than the equilibrium vapour pressure.
Boiling is a phase transition from the liquid phase to gas phase that occurs at or above the boiling temperature. Boiling, as opposed to evaporation, occurs below the surface. Boiling occurs when the equilibrium vapour pressure of the substance is greater than or equal to the environmental pressure. For this reason, boiling point varies with the pressure of the environment. Evaporation is a surface phenomenon whereas boiling is a bulk phenomenon.
When you lower the external vapour pressure actually the boiling point as a whole decreases like in mountain areas
If you decrease the pressure drastically, the BP may even fall by 20-30 degrees
Dude, the heck is ur point?! Ik all this! >.<
But evaporation occurs at all temperatures even if surrounding pressure is not equal to vapour pressure
Yes, it does!
So, when you decrease the vapour pressure to such an extent that the whole liquid can vapourize that is boiling point
and boiling
don't call that evaporation
because for evaporation vapour pressure is not necessarily equal to surrounding pressure
I will tell u now, why this has just been a miscommunication. First of all, Ik everything that u said just now.
Secondly, I didn't say that boiling=evaporation!
Okay, answer me this-what happens first, evaporation or boiling?
What do you mean by first ? Evaporation is something that happens always
in liquids
By first, I mean, according to how this works, clearly, molecules of the liquid come away by breaking intermolecular forces b/w other molecules and themselves and occupy the space above the liquid. This is evaporation. Clearly, this happens before the entire liquid begins to boil, yeah?
JR said that this process, wherein the vapours form is equivalent to boiling. Okay this is what he said:
4 hours ago, by John Rennie
A liquid boils, i.e. turns to vapour, if the pressure is lower than its vapour pressure.
Notice the "i.e"
I had a problem with that part, not the "a liquid boils if the pressure is lower than its vapour pressure" part.
Yes, so ? Evaporation and Boiling are two different methods of vapourization. Also notice "if the pressure is lower than its vapour pressure" ....which clearly implies it is boiling and not evaporation
@AlfredCentauri Not in the strict definition of the term (it does not exist solely to promote the content of the link, it also asks a question), but off-topic as non-mainstream nevertheless.
@S007 Aii. I only pointed out that the "i.e" was out of place. By placing that "i.e" over there, he was saying that a liquid turning into vapour=boiling, which is not always the case, since vaporization can happen even via evaporation, wherein the entire bulk of the liquid isn't involved, as in boiling.
Dyou see how this is nothing but plain miscommunication?
4 hours ago, by S007
Boiling may be induced by pressure change too
4 hours ago, by Kaumudi
No. That is called evaporation. If it happens so that the saturation vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure at that temperature, then only boiling occurs.
Sure, yeah.
Boiling can definitely be induced by pressure changes also.
You said vapourization induced by pressure change is evaporation
That was my objection
Vaporization induced externally by pressure change is boiling
You've cut out the important parts of that ^ conversation.
I said:
4 hours ago, by Kaumudi
@S007 Well, he said turns into vapour = boiling. That was the problem.
And then u said:
4 hours ago, by S007
@Kaumudi Yes, that is called boiling only !
And to that claim of urs (I thought u were telling me that all kinds of vaporization is boiling), I said:
4 hours ago, by Kaumudi
No. That is called evaporation. If it happens so that the saturation vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure at that temperature, then only boiling occurs.
John never said turn into vapor = boiling, He said "A liquid boils, i.e. turns to vapour, if the pressure is lower than its vapour pressure. " ....of course "A liquid evaporates i.e. turns to vapour at all temperatures" holds equally good.
1 min ago, by Kaumudi
4 hours ago, by S007
@Kaumudi Yes, that is called boiling only !
But I certainly didn't mean to negate the fact that boiling can be induced by pressure changes too, which I knew it can but perhaps it sort of came across as me not accepting that fact.
When I said "that" I meant "A liquid boils, i.e. turns to vapour, if the pressure is lower than its vapour pressure. "
@S007 Oh. My. God. Dude! The only problem I have is with the placement of that "i.e" over there!
Okay, lets end this
It was really stupid :-P
Gee are you people still talking about it
I mean it's thermodynamics
You could literally experiment it at home
Yes, please. This is clearly miscommunication on both of our parts and it's now become clear that there is nothing to be learned. Also, I don't mind if I come across as being wrong. If there's s'thing to learn, I'm all for it but there's nothing here so I don't want to spend more time attempting to force my "rightness" upon you, because again, there's been a miscommunication. I think we both know what we're talking about, thank God :-)
@Kaumudi Ok done ! STOPPED !
Okay. Toodles! :-)
There's nothing like a good miscommunication :-)
@JohnRennie Oh, Ikr? :-P
I'm feeling so tired after this XD
And what the heck, @DanielSank has been online literally all day and all night! Are u okay? O.o
Bye and goodnight people !
Night :-)
@Kaumudi tata...bbye..alvida ! _/\_
Sometimes this chat room makes me feel every one of my 55 years. I just had to Google to find out what ikr means. The language has evolved a bit since my time :-)
@JohnRennie :-P Oh, sorry about that. But hey, don't u speak about short forms! You guys say stuff like "IMHO" and "IIUC" and I had to go and Google all that :-P
Or are they still current?
I believe these days kids are all about the Harambe
The gorilla?
Honestly, I still dunno what that is ^
And I'm 17 so I qualify as one of the "kids" from "kids these days", right?
Anyone young enough to be my grandchild qualifies as one of the "kids" from "kids these days" :-)
My grandma is 55...
What were the memes of your days
Was it all about keeping on truckin'
Whoa, there are these things where they mix Harambe with the Trolley problem!
Okay, the internet is truly a very weird (but wonderful) place.
The 70's memes
Robert Crumb!!
though maybe not in merry old england
I've still got loads of his comics in a cupboard somewhere
He lives in France now
There's a whole facebook page of trolley problem memes
@Slereah I loved his comics, but the guy himself? Let's just say he was never a role model ...
1 message moved to Trash
So not fun :p
This is what I meant ^
Kill the gorilla I say
It's good eating
@Slereah damn, you beat me to it :-)
@Slereah do you know the Gilbert Shelton comics?
I do not
e.g the Freak brothers?
Harambe is cute though
I don't know a lot of Crumb
70's-wise I'm more into French comics
Gotlib and such
If you like Robert Crumb's stuff you'll probably like Shelton's comics too.
I guess Reiser would be the closest to Crumb
To be fair even with my olden memes I'm starting to feel pretty old :p
I remember the first internet memes
Already 15 years ago
Reasonably typical
@Kaumudi huh?
Whoa, that cat sounds vera level, as we would say :-P
@DanielSank U've been online for the past 12 hours.
Bill Watterson is still a genius
He's alright
I have? That's odd because I was asleep for most of the past twelve hours.
Although Calvin memes were mostly him peeing on things
@KyleKanos True that.
Such is his legacy
My son laughed for like 2 days over that one
@Slereah he didn't licence any of that.
I know
@DanielSank That was why I asked if u were okay.
Memes aren't licensed my man
they just grow naturally
OhmGod, he drew himself as Calvin's dad?!
Didn't know that!
You know, one thing I always think about when I think about the long lasting impact of memes
Up until the 13th century, foxes were called vulpes in French
Then they started to be called Renard
Named after the character from le roman de Renart
Which makes me think there were a lot of intolerable memesters back then
I have the full collection of Calvin and Hobbes comics. Watterson had the good judgement to stop before he ran out of ideas - which isn't true of every cartoonist.
Isn't that right Jim Davis
Or Scott Dilbertman
But C&H is quite poignant while the Crumb/Shelton comics are mostly nihilistic. And there's nothing wrong with a bit of nihilism from time to time :-)
@JohnRennie OHHHMYGOD!!!
How much will u sell it for?
@Kaumudi you can also buy it at the store
Hi everyone!
@Slereah ALL of it?!
@Kaumudi As annuals, not original publications. Anyway weren't the original publications in a newspaper? The annuals are widely available and have no great value.
Well sure
Can someone please hep me understand pulleys
I am a beginner in Grade 10
and the pulley thing goes above my head
I once bought an original edition of Winnie the Pooh for me mum
She likes that bear
Whoop! Just hit the max rep for the day! I feel like I've been idling a bit as the chat has been more fun than answering questions. It's good to know I can still do it :-)
Not that expensive it turns out
Pretty widely released, I suppose
@Abcd what's the question?
Been answering a few questions again lately
But all to the same person :p
One guy asking CTC questions
@JohnRennie I wanted to understand from the basics of pullley. My basics arent clear
@JohnRennie Ohh, okay .__.
@JohnRennie If you wish we can go step by step
@Kaumudi I don't collect stuff, well, apart from laptops ;-) I have no great interest in original editions of anything.
Still not gotten a single upvote on my latest answer & Rennie's boasting about hitting max rep >:(
I see...
Anyway, I'm off! Night! :-)
@KyleKanos I feel you, bro.
@Kaumudi It's not even noon....
@KyleKanos eat my dust!
@Abcd pulleys are pretty simple things. I'm not sure what the basic would be.
@JohnRennie -_-
A: The meaning of "raw materials"

Kyle KanosIt seems the author of that document is intending to mean electrons and protons. After collapsing upon itself, a cloud of (molecular) hydrogen gas can form a star. From the various fusion processes (starting with the proton-proton cycle or the "CNO" cycle), elements up to (and sometimes beyond1)...

okay @JohnRennie ... for a fixed pulley L=T and E=T ...This is in my book...I cant understand why E=T?
All the other 70's things I know about England is from reading the White Dwarf of the era
Although that was mostly the 80's
+1 from me, that's pretty much what I would have written had I seen the question.
@JohnRennie Yay, +1!
They were big on Judge Dredd
2000AD seemed really cool at the time, but I recently bought some annuals and, well, between the two of us it's a bit childish ...
Oh it's fun :p
@Abcd what are L, E and T?
I guess it was more poignant when you were a teenager under Thatcher
80's British comics were big on future fascism
One wonders why!
@JohnRennie Load effort and tension respectively
Although I can understand your point
Movies try to make people think that Judge Dredd was a big action comic
I was a student during the first six years of Thatcher's reign. Actually I was a bit right wing in those days, though I'm drastically mellower now.
I think the original story in 2000AD branched out into it's own comics, annuals etc after it became widely known. But I'm not an expert on that era.
2000AD also did a bunch of trash nobody remembers
I could name like maybe 3 comics they did
It was mostly just Judge Dredd
I vaguely recall Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper
@Abcd I think we'd need to look at a specific example. If you have a diagram of the pully you can upload it here by clicking the upload button.
@JohnRennie How to use upload in mobile?
Though I might have mis-spelled that ...
To be fair they nicely predicted fat positivism
@Abcd I don't know i'm afraid. I don't use a mobile.
There was a crazed polar bear who was pretty, err, cool :-)
Google, Google, aha it was Shako
But for 70's comics I mostly remember
That's "comic" to me & my youth
We couldn't get Marvel comics in rural Somerset in the 70s :-(
Actually we lucky to get electricity and running water in Somerset in the 70s :-)
I probably could get it in the 70's, had I been alive...
Same here
I'm surrounded by young gits
US comics were pretty rare here when I was a kid
I had some, but they were like
Very very old comics
50's US comics
@JohnRennie I'm older than most here @ 33 years
They were very silly
Fortunately France isn't a cultural wasteland like some other places
So we had plenty of comics
cultural wasteland - Somerset in the 70s - hmmmm
As I recall drinking scrumpy and stealing lead off the church roof were the major pastimes.
...why would you steal lead?
Good times
To resell it, I suppose
Or throw it at people
@ACuriousMind high scrap value
Well, high enough to buy more scrumpy.
Well glad you didn't consume enough lead to not go into physics
I was a nerd in those days as well. I used to spend my time reading science books and fiddling with electronics.
More fun than hangovers and climbing up churches in the dark.
You can do both
@JohnRennie hERE IT IS
i'd be grateful if you could help me quickly because I have little amt. of time
@Abcd OK. The main feature of a pulley is that if everything is in equilibrium the tension in the rope is the same on both sides of the pulley.
@JohnRennie I think the fun part is not supposed to be the hangover :P
@JohnRennie why??
Why is tension same
Because if it wasn't it wouldn't be at equilibrium!
@ACuriousMind as I recall the scrumpy was mostly awful. It was cheap and contained alcohol, but had little else to recommend it.
Well you bought it with stolen lead money
Yeah, "scrumpy" doesn't sound particularly tasty to begin with
I drank a fair amount of the stuff, though my efforts pale compared to the more truly self-destructive of my aquaintances.
@Slereah Dont you see a boy standing there :( in the pic..thats confusing me ?
I am still unclear about this thing :/
@Abcd we generally assume the pulley has no friction, so if the tension in the rope was greater on one side of the pulley than on the other the rope would start moving through the pulley.
If the system is in equilibrium we can be sure the tension is the same on both sides of the pulley.
@JohnRennie right but how does tension come on other side when there is no load?
Load is necessary for tension right?
On one side the load is the 10kg mass, and on the other side the load is the force exerted by the boy.
If the mass isn't moving the net force on it must be zero. The gravitation force downwards is mg, so the tension in the rope must be mg upwards.
okay I get it ! So E=T
for this reason?
Because the tension is the same on both sides that means the tension is pulling upwards on the boy with a force mg, so the boy must be pulling downwards with a force mg.
Wondering if I know enough AQFT to read this now
"There is no extension to $(M, g_{ab})$ of the usual field algebra on the initial globally hyperbolic region which satisfies the condition of F-locality at any base point. In other words, any extension of the field algebra must, in any globally hyperbolic neighbourhood of any base point, differ from the algebra one would define on that neighbourhood according to the rules for globally hyperbolic spacetimes"
@ACuriousMind I might be going out tonight for a curry and a real ale or two. Much better than scrumpy :-)
@Abcd a single pulley doesn't reduce the force the boy has to use. The force, mg, is the same as if he simply picked up the mass. To reduce the force you need to use a system with multiple pulleys.
For example:
@JohnRennie wait we will come to that later
@JohnRennie I hav to go...Thanks for ur help :)
That papers implies that compact generation is obviously derived from the machine stemming from a compact region
I am skeptical
I'd better do my usual research methodology
(Print out the paper and read it on the toilet)
Actually since we have two QFT guys here, I have a probably silly question about QFT.
In a non-interacting QFT is the vacuum a Fock state - I'm guess that yes it is ...
@ACuriousMind whatcha talkin' about? scrumpy cider is delicious
@Slereah glad you agree
With the Hilbert space $\Bbb C$
So it's just a complex number with norm $1$
In an interacting QFT is the vacuum a Fock state - I'm guess that no it isn't ...
Well nothing is a Fock state in interactive QFT
What it is, who can say
Not even the vacuum?
@EmilioPisanty I'll take your word for it
It's not even necessarily unique
@ACuriousMind possibly the best thing about the UK
@Slereah in flat spacetime?
Even in flat spacetime
You can have a whole bunch of vacuas in interacting theories
What exactly those states are I can't say, not a lot of solved interactive systems
Ah, I was about to ask if the interacting vacuum could be expressed as a sum/combination/superposition/whatever of Fock states, but from what you say I guess the answer is no it can't.
Well no, but we pretend they can
That is what perturbation theory is all about
It works okay
Standard example of non-unique vacuum would be in spontaneous symmetry breaking
If you have a spontaneous symmetry breaking in $\varphi^4$, you have two vacua
@ACuriousMind aha, yes, e.g. the Higgs vacuum has a degree of freedom. Yes?
@JohnRennie Exactly
If we can pretend the interacting vacuum can be constructed starting from Fock states is there any simple way to explain how this is done?
Look up chapter 4 of Peskin to see how it's done

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