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Left a comment, though:
Hi @SF. . This is not the correct place to air your grievance. If you really think some injustice has been done, please feel free to ask it in Meta or come in our chatroom.
As that of closing, let me make it clear to you, my single close vote doesn't make your post get closed; there must be other four users who close-voted your question. So, this is not legitimate and rational to impose solely on me the closing. In fact, after checking I was the last one to vote in both the cases. Hmm.
Okay, he left such comments in ACM's nomination post also... this is ridiculous ;/
He is vehemently ranting now without any logical reason T__T
@JohnRennie: (Or anyone else too, really) I know that you did chemistry for awhile. I'm learning inorganic chemistry now and it is proving to be a nightmare, really. With regard to ionic equilibrium in particular, can you tell me why we bother to study it in the first place? At least then I may be less annoyed(and the desire to tear up my book will subside)...
(I've posted this query in the CSE chat as well but the response is usually very low over there... :/)
I specialised in physical chemistry and specifically quantum chemistry. But, yes, I did three years of chemistry lectures (most of which I've forgotten). What in particular is giving you grief?
@JohnRennie Oh, I see. No, I don't need help with the concepts as such. I was wondering if you could tell me why in God's name we study these things in the first place!
And by "these things", I mean Ionic equilibrium.
For example, one of the ways in which I earn money is writing software for the nuclear industry to model the ionic compositions in reactor cooling systems. The cooling water contains a witches brew of various ions and has a range of pHs. If you get the composition wrong it corrodes the pipes and BANG!
@JohnRennie Yikes. Interesting.
So understanding the ionic equilibria involved is fairly important.
But I'd be surprised if at undergraduate level you had to anything nearly as complex as this. What sorts of problems are you being presented with that are raising your ire?
@JohnRennie Hm, OK. Thanks. I have about 170 pages to get through.
Oh, there's loads of crap!
Just flipping through the pages is giving me a headache :-(
The equilibria are just regular equilibria, I don't think there's anything special about ions. You just get something like $K = [A^+][B^-]/[AB]$.
@JohnRennie Yeah, but there are some other concepts involved. Buffer solution, levelling/differentiating effect of solvent, Ostwald's dilution law, pH of ALL KINDS OF MIXTURES, salt hydrolysis, solubility, solubility product, indicators, titrations, name a few.
@JohnRennie, Could you tell me what to do? He is constantly alleging me ;((
@MAFIA36790 There isn't a lot you can do. If it gets personal complain to the mods, but if all he's saying is that you voted to close his posts then, well, you did.
@JohnRennie Surely, I did; I'm not disagreeing with this; but he is blaming me for my closing his post; and also attacking the nominees especially ACM there. this is bothering ;/
@DavidZ @dmckee @Qmechanic the comments to Alfred's nomination post have gone well off topic and could usefully be pruned.
@JohnRennie: OK, I'm gonna go try my best. 170 pages. Sigh.
@MAFIA36790 SF. appears to have a chip on his shoulder. He's made rude comments to several of the posts. Just ignore him - there is simply no point in engaging with someone who is only interested in their own point of view and will not listen to yours.
@KaumudiHarikumar yes, there are lots of applications but the basic principles behind them all are the same. Is there really that much to learn?
@JohnRennie Yes. Like I said, 170 pages.
@JohnRennie sure.
Incidentally I'm happy to answer questions on chemistry, though I'm likely to struggle with anything outside physical chemistry.
@JohnRennie And ionic equilibrium...doesn't come under the realms of physical Chem.?
@KaumudiHarikumar I'd say that was physical chemistry.
@JohnRennie I also need to finish these 170 pages in about 4-5 days. Yeah, I'm screwed.
@JohnRennie OK...I will ask you if I face major problems then. Thanks :-)
Incidentally I am a member of the Chemistry SE though I rarely post there. You should be able to ping me from the chemistry chat room. I think you have to visit the room at least every two days to be pingable, but if I'm not pingable there just ping me here.
@JohnRennie OK, will do :-)
@MAFIA36790, @JohnRennie, it was not a hate message, it is the plain truth, you are, after ACM one of the meanest reviewrs around. And it is a shame, since you are a student who just a little over a year ago was whining that your question had been unjustly closed, and writing posts fulls of all sorts of typos and blunders. Y
ou should be compassionate and understanding of students who are just what you were short ago. Your average of close and leave close is appalling: take a look of how many posts you VTC, john voted to leave open and draw due consequences.
The Moderator Election page started accumulating a lot of noise. Perhaps those comments need to be moved or removed, since they offer nothing related to the discussion. I won't link to specific users, but i think it's very obvious.
Can I cast a vote in the election?
( Just curious )
@david-z Dear Mr. Zaslavsky, I hope that everything is clear now for you in questions physics.stackexchange.com/questions/282261/… . Also in question physics.stackexchange.com/questions/281726/…. An user named DelCrosB mussed up the latter question just because he didn't like the term "massive photon".
@Qmechanic Dear Doctor, the question physics.stackexchange.com/questions/282261/…, has been put [On Hold] for unclear reason. However, I've edited the question as much as possible. I appreciate your help for this matter. Thanks a lot.
How can I cast a vote in the election? I have a personal fav.
@SwapnilDas It's too early, you can do it next week (if you have 150 rep), here: physics.stackexchange.com/election/3
@Danu Hey, a mathematical physicist! I'm enlightened
He's a mathematician now :P
@anna-v Dear Prof. Anna, it would be fine and kind of you if you also take a look at this question: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/282261/… . Your answer is highly appreciated. Thanks.
@Newmann She doesn't come here.
@SwapnilDas I wouldn't really call myself either. I'm studying math.
so I just accidentally joined a large steel sphere to an extremely strong permanent magnet and I'm having trouble separating them. Thoughts?
@JohnRennie: Chemistry was pissing me off so I switched to math for a bit and I already have a small question. I asked at the MSE chat for help but they didn't understand :/
in Mathematics, 19 mins ago, by Kaumudi Harikumar
Hello everyone :-) Can anybody provide me the exact definition of an "algebraic function"? is how my textbook defines it:
> I retract and apologize for my earlier comment saying that you were creating a hostile atmosphere. I confused you with 'CuriousOne'.
Oh dear. Is this going to happen a lot?
@ACuriousMind yes
@ACuriousMind Hi! I'm your PSE fan :)
^ aren't we all?
@Jim Well, what am I supposed to do about it? Add a disclaimer "I'm not CuriousOne" to my nomination?
That seems kinda weird
@ACuriousMind You're new campaign platform
"Vote for me, I'm not CuriousOne"
I'm a fan of your answers
Even more because you are a theorist
"I'm also an orc, not a troll"
@SwapnilDas Well, you shouldn't vote for me merely because you like my answers. I'd still write my answers if I'm not elected. Although I might not if one of the joke candidates gets elected :P
@ACuriousMind joke candidates? I should run as a joke
@ACuriousMind I vote you for a plenty of reasons
Although, if I'm actually elected, I'd lose all faith in humanity
@Jim There are indeed many there ;P
@Jim I'll not get specific but have you looked at the nomination page?
@ACuriousMind not since it was posted
@Jim Please go on and check!
@ACuriousMind 1. You are a theorist. 2.You know string theory and good math. 3. You are write neat answers :)
Hey, I've got a question. Why is this network named "Stack exchange"..?
@Jim, "...so I just accidentally joined a large steel sphere to an extremely strong permanent magnet and I'm having trouble separating them. Thoughts?", try to slide it off instead of trying to pull it apart. It'll work
@SwapnilDas I'm not exactly a string theorist, and again, all those things might make me a good user, but I don't see why they would make me a good moderator.
@user104372 Already tried that. The thing is a broad horseshoe magnet. I can't bring the sphere even to the edge of the face plate because the field keeps it centred
@ACuriousMind I don't carry political reasons, I'm at last a tenth grader :P
@ACuriousMind: Man, do spend the same amount of time here and the site even after you become a mod ;)
@SwapnilDas Moderators have enormous responsibilities on this website, apart from answering questions expertly and being great at what they do(and this I learned a few weeks ago) It is a tough task and has nothing to do with "political reasons", to my knowledge.
@Jim, then do like Archimedes and you can move the earth
@KaumudiHarikumar it started out as a site for programmers called the Stack Overflow - stack overflow is a term in computer nerd speak. When it became obvious the site was a big success they broadened it to other areas and the name Stack Overflow was no longer suitable.
@user104372 Tried that too
@KaumudiHarikumar "Political" here was just a poetic license :P
@MAFIA36790 I don't expect that to change, although might need to refrain a bit more from talking about specific users.
broke several levers and the others were magnetic
@Jim, poor sod, Archimedes!
I suppose they chose the name Stack Exchange because the site is aimed at the exchange of information.
Or "Stack"
@ACuriousMind You made my day!!
Well, that was easy
@JohnRennie Oh, I see!
Hmmm, of all the nominees, ACuriousMind and myself are the top two scores
I know one of us will likely get it
You do realize there are two free positions, right?
Also, why couldn't you have made a serious nomination :(
@Jim, You should have mentioned you are the King of all Jims ;)
btw, rare sighting of Kyle Kanos in the nomination comments
@ACuriousMind I am aware that I don't have the time to make a serious commitment to moderation. As such, I cannot in good conscience put myself up for serious nomination
@JohnRennie: Any thoughts about that math question..?
@ACuriousMind He indeed visits the site on and off.
I mean, if elected, I'd do my absolute best, but it's a responsibility I don't think I could do justice to
@Jim But you ran for a nomination...
@MAFIA36790 And would you vote for that platform?
@Jim Hmm, I want your profile more informative first.
@MAFIA36790 say what? What about my profile is not informative?
@Jim Why would one choose you? What would you do after being a mod? That's what I want to be mentioned explicitly.
@Jim : build a bonfire around it.
Although @Jim, I really find your profile interesting to read ;)
Also, @jim, have you answered in the Questionnaire? I'm waiting for it.
You are a cosmologist! Cool.
@MAFIA36790 Ah, well my nomination wasn't serious. If I'm still elected: 1) I'd lose all faith in humanity and 2) I'd probably become even more impartial than I already am (I know, how's that possible) and I'd stick to mostly improving posts, answering in meta, and resolving flags/disputes. At least until I got the hang of all the new tools I could use
@ACuriousMind : joke candidates? This is not the sort of attitude one expects from a would-be moderator.
@DavidZ : see above.
@JohnDuffield There's a one-line nomination with a link to a picture of Dr. Evil there. Would you call that serious?
@JohnDuffield Lol, classic politician mudslinging :P
@ACuriousMind Yes?
Dr. Evil would make a great moderator
He has sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. Moderation accomplished
@ACuriousMind : you said joke candidates. Plural.
@JohnDuffield Do you want him to say you're a joke candidate? Because that seems to be what you're aiming for.
So Jim, what's all this about magnets? I know about magnets. Amazingly, you can make a magnet by merely rotating a piece of iron.
@ACuriousMind The position eigenstates are not strictly speaking, quantum states, since they are not square integrable. What about the eigenstates of spin, for say $\hat{S}_z$, are they quantum states?Also, we know that $\langle x|p \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \hbar}}e^{\frac{i p x}{\hbar}}$ but what are the transformation functions $\langle x| s_z \rangle$ and $\langle P| s_z \rangle$?
Well, there are at least two other nominations which are obviously intended to be funny. I'm not sold on how serious the candidates themselves are.
ok @ACuriousMind my analysis homework is over the top hard this time
@Alex Your latter objects don't exist. The spin states don't exist in the same space as the position wavefunctions - if you want to have a state of a particle that freely moves and has spin, you need to take the position space $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ and tensor it with the spin space $\mathbb{C}^2$, so you have objects like $\lvert x\rangle\otimes \lvert s_z\rangle$:
> Let $(S,d)$ be a metric space. Then \[\tilde d(p,q)=\frac{d(p,q)}{1+d(p,q)}\]
is also a metric on $S$.
How on earth do you get the triangle inequality from this
With skill and grace
Sorry, not in the mood for math
@Jim That sounds much better; you should mention clearly why you think you are competent for the job and what experiences you have that made you consider yourself a good mod; you should mention this what you have written here there at your nomination bio (except point 1 ;P).
@BalarkaSen that's seriously unhelpful
@0celo7 I think it's in the exercise of Kreyszig.
I know it is.
There, I deleted it.
@Danu : that's not very nice, now is it?
Especially since I know how a magnet works.
@ACuriousMind Are you saying $\mathbb{C}^2$ because you are assuming that I am taking particles with $s = \frac{1}{2}$ spin?
@Alex Yes, for spin $s$ it's $\mathbb{C}^{2s+1}$, of course.
@ACuriousMind Also, dude
Dude bro
Did you realize that the map between states ($S^3$) and expectation values of the ''spin vector'' (on $S^2$) is the Hopf fibration?
@Danu Yes
@ACuriousMind That's so excellent
10/10 geometry
@MAFIA36790 I would except that I fail on one of the most important issues. I don't have more than a couple hours a day to offer to moderating the site. But for that, I'd put forth a serious nomination platform. But I'll compromise with you and answer the questionnaire in a serious way
Isn't the hood do ration topology
lol that autocorrect
@Jim That's great :)
@0celo7 how do I language :P
Ah, Hopf fibration
I classify it under geometry because connections and curvature play a big role.
@JohnDuffield I have a very strong horseshoe magnet to which a steel sphere is currently stuck. I want to remove the sphere. Nothing I've tried has worked. I tried sliding it off and using a lever to slide it off. Nothing.
@Jim Use TNT.
Heat it up.
@MAFIA36790 Of course, why didn't I think of that? TNT is the answer to all unsticking problems
(Don't take it seriously and blame me after some bad things happen).
No, no, duct tape
handyman's secret weapon
@Jim, 2 hours a day is more than enough, mods say. You should run, especially if @JohnRennie will not. You can always step down in future
If ACM is elected it will be a disaster for the site
If ACM is elected it will be great for the site.
@user104372 How? I've got several comments saying that but no one ever actually gets specific about what they fear I'll do.
@Jim The only solution to all real problems
@ACuriousMind Exactly what I was thinking :/ @user104372: Why do u think so?
@ACuriousMind. It's so nice to be specific.
He would be elected democratically and by no foul means.
@user104372 I do not desire the power of authority nor the responsibility that comes with it. I have always had a certain distaste for authority. If asked to step into the role, I would do my best for the community and perform the role as adequately I could, but never would I elect to do so if I felt I could cede that task to someone similarly or better qualified
@ACuriousMind, if you wish me to be even more specific, I can, but it'll hurt your inflated ego
@Jim : put it in a vice and hit it with a sledgehammer. Or trash the magnet by burning it in a fire. Or get another horseshoe magnet. Is this for real or is it a quiz?
@user104372 Go go go go for it!
@user104372 Yes, I do wish you to be more specific how I would be a "disaster" for the site.
@JohnDuffield For real
@Jim, too modest, the only more qualfied here is John
We all want the enormous ego of the pompous ACM PUNCTURED :P
No, don't hurt mamma 😨
Puncture @0celo7 too, while you're at it!
Now now, I think ACM would be a wonderfully iron-fisted dictator
I think the moderators of the Physics Stack Exchange should be physicists, and not some average IT guy who has read a few pop-science books. – Bass 4 hours ago
@Slereah that was a bit much
@Slereah Good job, Danu. I was about to flag that.
^ that
Psh you're no fun
@0celo7 That was me :P
@Jim : get a hammer and an aluminium wedge. Put your magnet in a vice. Apply wedge between magnet and sphere. Hit with hammer.
@Danu I know.
I would change it to @Danu but meh
You can if it makes you feel better
@0celo7 no Lumo still :(
@0celo7 lel
@Danu hehe
Mod abuse
@JohnDuffield I was thinking about that, but I'll need someone else around to both catch the steel sphere and keep the magnet from coming off the table
> confirmed
@Jim What are grad students for?
And where are your Jim slaves @Jim?
Announce a reward for who accomplishes the job.
Man, the star wall is fast-moving today :P
We're waiting for specifics, @user104372
what is this madness
@ACuriousMind I'm on a roll!
@user104372 : Your magnet is in the vice. Hit that wedge hard enough and you won't need anybody to catch the steel sphere. Mind you, you might break your magnet.
If moderator elections in physics.stackexchange are such a big pain in the neck with all the mutual slanderings, I can imagine what happens at "da real election".
Make Stack Exchange great again
In fact, you probably don't need a wedge. Put the magnet in the vice, and hit the steel ball like you're playing golf.
@BalarkaSen Here ACM, there Trump!!
I think it's supposed to be some kind of mollifier set
@BalarkaSen It's mostly one-way slandering, FYI
@MAFIA36790 Well, another nominee implicitly put Duffield as Trump and me as Hillary in their nomination...
Fair 'nuff
@ACuriousMind good!!
@ACuriousMind Because you're so secretive and sneaky! :D
I'm not fond of Hilary Clinton. She lied about Farage. She isn't honest.
@Jim, place the horseshoe around a picket in the concrete upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Horseshoes_game.jpg, then swing a steel chain around the ball and tow it with your SUV
I don't like Trump. He lied about an average of probably 5-10 important campaign points on a daily basis for the last months.
We ARE still waiting @user104372.
@Danu : can you give an example of that?
@JohnDuffield Are you not aware of the fact-checkers being used on politicians nowadays? Google is your friend!
@Danu : example please.
@Danu To pervert an old Roman saying: Who fact-checks the fact-checkers? ;)
31/7 $\approx$ 4.5 a day, and I'd say that week is a good indicator of most of the campaign.
@ACuriousMind The watchmen, of course.
@user104372 All great suggestions. Now I just need to get all of those things
@BalarkaSen Thank the gods this one only lasts two weeks
@HDE226868 : that NY times article is secondhand stuff from a biased newspaper trying to tell you what to think. Give me a concrete example of Trump lying about 5-10 important campaign points on a daily basis for the last month. When you struggle to do so, maybe you'll start thinking for yourself.
"No background in non-standard analysis is required of the reader: our framework is still the usual standard analysis"
@Danu Sounds legit
that is gud
@Slereah Which book?
@Slereah Ah!
OK guys, nice talking to you as ever, but I have a meeting now. Catch you later!
@JohnDuffield Please, find a source that isn't biased in this election. You're not going to find one easily.
@Danu, you'r so clever, can you get us the top ten statistics of VTC and Reopen reviews : the percentage of close votes on total votes cast
@Slereah, Even Bourbaki writes in its preface that no mathematical perquisites are necessary; really seems to be not true.
Oh Bourbaki doesn't require any math
He defines all the math
@Slereah Sure!!
if you don't get it maybe math isn't for you
@Slereah, I spent two weeks straight to get how they got motivated to formulate Criteria of Substitutions.
Generalized functions are a tad annoying because there isn't really any standard
Everyone kinda uses its own version
Where was the ACM roast?
Did I miss it?
Do you mean you didn't understand the concept of "Writing something else for short"?
@Slereah Nay, I do get what he writes but it takes so much time to comprehend why they are doing so.
I mean they lack motivation.
they do it to write shorter formulas
They can be readable, no doubt, though.
there u go
@Slereah yeh, Yuggib explained that a week or so ago.
And also the Hilbert Operator.
@0celo7 It never happened.
⊢ ∃𝑦(𝑥 ∈ 𝑦 ∧ ∀𝑧 ∈ 𝑦 (∀𝑤(𝑤 ⊆ 𝑧 → 𝑤 ∈ 𝑦) ∧ ∃𝑤 ∈ 𝑦 ∀𝑣(𝑣 ⊆ 𝑧 → 𝑣 ∈ 𝑤)) ∧ ∀𝑧(𝑧 ⊆ 𝑦 → (𝑧 ≈ 𝑦 ∨ 𝑧 ∈ 𝑦)))
Nothing but the finest logic
@Slereah yes!!
"Kurt Gödel showed how to find explicit examples of statements in formal systems that are provable in that system but whose shortest proof is absurdly long. For example, the statement:

"This statement cannot be proved in Peano arithmetic in less than a googolplex symbols"

is provable in Peano arithmetic but the shortest proof has at least a googolplex symbols. It has a short proof in a more powerful system: in fact it is easily provable in Peano arithmetic together with the statement that Peano arithmetic is consistent (which cannot be proved in Peano arithmetic by Gödel's incompleteness
Gg stackexchange
Sent the message 10 minutes late
@Slereah wtf
Is that real math?
No, its just fantasy
This is Foundation of math!!
2004 Classification of finite simple groups. The proof of this is spread out over hundreds of journal articles which makes it hard to estimate its total length, which is probably around 10000 to 20000 pages.
Nuclear physics TA took off 7 points for rounding too much
I despise this person
@0celo7 WTH ;/
2000 Almgren's regularity theorem Almgren's proof was 955 pages long.
Ironically the wikipedia article on it is two lines long
@Slereah: Did you read Mathias' paper on Bourbaki?
I did not
@Slereah what is the classification in the end
@0celo7 Very large, hahaha
Is it like a bajillion pages?
I tried to look up the generators of E8 once
In mathematics, the classification of finite simple groups states that every finite simple group is cyclic, or alternating, or in one of 16 families of groups of Lie type, or one of 26 sporadic groups. The list below gives all finite simple groups, together with their order, the size of the Schur multiplier, the size of the outer automorphism group, usually some small representations, and lists of all duplicates. == Summary == The following table is a complete list of the 18 families of finite simple groups and the 26 sporadic simple groups, along with their orders. Any non-simple members of each...
Then I saw that I had to download files of several gigabytes
@Slereah That's not a finite group
And I thought maybe not
That's not finite.
No, but it is another thing that is big
@Slereah, check this: dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~ardm/inefff.pdf
@Danu wow
@Slereah I suppose that any proof of the statement that the shortest proof has at least a googolplex symbols has at least a googolplex symbols?
no math now
cooking some chicken
@0celo7 Not so bad, eh?
@Danu a trivial exercise.
If I ever become a prof and teach some algebra 101 course
I will make the first exercise on the first sheet: Classify all finite simple groups.
Your office hours will be flooded
No office hours in Germany
The TA's deal with that ;D
What kind of crap is that
I would like a TA for analysis. I'm seriously stuck but I don't want my prof (advisor) to know that
I have three exams this week and four problem sets and I can't waste 4 hours thinking about those two problems
There, I posted my answers to the questionnaire
@Danu Well, the professors do have office hours, but they'll kick you out if you start talking about exercises :D
@Jim \o/
Q: Can we try to cut the vitriol during this election?

HDE 226868Well, we're a day into the nomination phase of Physics Stack Exchange's third election. We already have 8 candidates for the two positions available, and no doubt we'll get plenty more. A pattern has begun to emerge, and it's not hard to see where it's leading. In both nominations and comments, ...

@PhysicsMeta great; short of stars :(
A: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Jim How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of answers with mixed or negative scores, but still manages to get thousands of rep (because upvotes count much more than downvotes)? That really depends on the specifics of the situation? Is the user trying their best? Are th...

@Jim I like that especially the the 3rd , 5th and 9th point.
@0celo7 You around?
@ACuriousMind Or you
@ACuriousMind Are you free later tonight?
I need help understanding convergence
The definition is very nebulous to me right now
@BernardMeurer What thing is bothering you?
@MAFIA36790 I just don't understand it
I like how questio #1 is to sniff out who would ban JD
@0celo7 Skype 2night?
@BernardMeurer Can't promise anything, packing/sorting my things will take a while
@ACuriousMind That's alright
I have analysis homework too
And I don't understand it either
Why not try those MIT OpenCourseWare?
@MAFIA36790 I thought people would appreciate the 8th point most
They have some good lectures on Infinite Series, Convergence, Series etcetera @bernard.
@Jim I loved that brief Jedi analogy.
@0celo7 Tsc
@Jim Heat it to above the Curie point?
I suggested that!
@user104372 Sorry to disillusion you but ACuriousMind is my preferred candidate by a long way.
@ACuriousMind where is the data query that plots answer score graphs for a particular user?
@JohnRennie By the way, do you plan on running, yourself?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.
@JohnRennie Thanks, was waiting for that :)
@BalarkaSen I suggested the best dangerous thing that would guarantee a positive result ;/
How about using an atom bomb instead?
@Danu I honestly don't think I'd be a good moderator because my judgement tends to be lacking. I would stand if I felt there weren't any nominees whose views reflected mine, but that isn't the case.
@ACuriousMind we both agree to ban all questions on thermodynamics, yes? On the grounds that the subject exists only for the setting of fiendish homework problems and only engineers use it in real life :-)
@BalarkaSen Damn, we need to survive ;/
Same with EM really.
@MAFIA36790 @BalarkaSen please don't get nuked
@JohnRennie :P
Q: Could the mystery of “Dark Energy” be demystified by general relativistic Massive Electrodynamics (as a new approach)?

NewmannIn one of the relevant recent papers published in Physical Review D physicists claimed that massive electrodynamics could provide an explanation of dark energy. Here is the paper: Title: "Massive photon and dark energy", https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.93.083012 Preprint...

This one bypassed the automatic review process and I'd prefer to have the community take a look at it before I do anything unilaterally
how does this bypass the automatic review?
@JohnRennie I'd like to avoid destroying it
@Secret it got edited again while a review was pending, so the review got invalidated.
Not really "bypassed" I guess
In seriousness, can you upload a picture? It's hard to tell from the description what your problematic magnet looks like.
ok, that's sounds normal
@JohnRennie Alright.
We just need a second "great" candidate...
How about connecting the magnet to an alternating current source? I think that'd lower the intensity of the field.
@danu, what about you? You have the experience of being a mod.
@MAFIA36790 If no one else I really know would be great steps up until 2 or so days before the end of the nomination period, I'll think about it. It's probably not going to happen, though.
In mathematics, an algebraic function is a function that can be defined as the root of a polynomial equation. Quite often algebraic functions can be expressed using a finite number of terms, involving only the algebraic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and raising to a fractional power. Common examples of such functions are: f ( x ) = 1 / x {\displaystyle f(x)=1/x} f ( x ) = ...
@Danu okay.
@BernardMeurer: since you're here, is a BCM970012 hardware graphics processor any of use to you? It might be faster than the Optimus for number crunching.
I have one that I bought because we were going to support it in XBMC then never did.

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