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Which is sad
and hilarious
@Danu He didn't understand the conceptual difference?
He was a confused/confusing guy :P
I'm not sure I get what's funny here
But... a field and a number...
Well @ACuriousMind, some times we laugh at other people's failures.
He thought it was 3.141...?
Not sure why, but we do.
Okay, that is funny :D
@DanielSank The Germans have this great word... ;)
@Danu Ah yes I believe I've heard it.
@Danu Back in undergrad, we had a case where a girl asked the professor what is that triangle $\Delta$ over there in the blackboard. This result in the professor gone eye wide open, before saying that we are supposed to know that is the Lapacian. After that the girl is known by the class as the Triangle Girl, which is too bad
@DanielSank I'm familiar with Schadenfreude, but I didn't get until now that he confused the field and the number
@ACuriousMind Ugh, you Germans and your capitalization. You're the reason I see English sentences all of this site like "I am studying Quantum Mechanics and I was wondering how to compute Hydrogen levels...".
^ so true haha
@DanielSank Ha, indeed
Are you sure that that strange capitalization is caused by analogy to German?
Because in my experience, if there's one thing that people get about English is not capitalizing anything - most do it all the time in informal texting anyway
@ACuriousMind No. But I'll claim it anyway 'cuz you're here.
@ACuriousMind I think your Capitalization is better than the English one, I wish Portuguese had kept it's Gramatics the same over Time
@BernardMeurer Bah!
@DanielSank :P
@BernardMeurer Meh, after having spent enough time writing and reading English, I must say that I don't find the capitalization contributes much.
In my sock puppet kingdom, I declare English capitalization rules!
I do think our rules for commata are better, though :P
@ACuriousMind Do they differ from English rules?
@DanielSank More comma's
@Danu Blasphemer! You are exiled!
Portuguese >>> Other languages
For instance, they have "He said, that you"
@BernardMeurer False
(mandatory comma after the "said")
our rules just make so much sense
Portuguese \equiv drunken Spanish
@DanielSank Yes, the simplest difference is that all German relative clauses get enclosed in commata, but not in English, but there's a lot more
@ACuriousMind Example?
@DanielSank The sentence(,) that you just said(,) is not a full sentence
@DanielSank Everything is better with a couple of beers :)
@ACuriousMind ah
The English distinction between "necessary" and "auxiliary" relative clauses feels very unnatural to Germans
@ACuriousMind meh
It's confusing to native English writers too.
English is relatively wishy washy compared with other languages, in my experience.
You can sort of do whatever you want.
Especially with comma's :P
Nobody agrees
At least all of you guys have somewhat clear hyphenation standards
@BernardMeurer We do?
in Portuguese the hyphen is a wild, wild beast that no one knows where to put lol
I'm always sticking hyphens in places, but then others tell me to remove them.
One need to be careful not to put too many commas, though, else people get confused as the sentence became too long
A wild hyphen appeared
We don't even tell people to remove them
Are we talking about hyphens in-between words, or at line breaks?
Portuguese tries LOGIC
because literally no one knows where they go
It's not very effective
in between words
lol @DanielSank
For hyphens, I sometimes get confused, for example, ice cream and ice-cream both sound fine to me
Like "Vou-me a praia"
@Secret It's "ice cream" in USA written English.
I see
No hyphenation
You guys have it easy
In Dutch, we're right between English and German
That means we're supposed to paste words together as much as possibly, but sometimes (when the pronunciation would be hard) we have to use hyphens---and SOMETIMES we split the words.
The latter is of course getting more and more important, as it is the easiest and also the most English-inspired.
@ACuriousMind commata?
Dutch is the worst language
You're trying too hard
@Danu for example?
@DanielSank do you not capitalize Quantum Mechanics?
@0celo7 I do not capitalize words that are not either the first word of a sentence, or proper nouns.
@Secret vice-president
@DanielSank I think a lot of people treat Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, String Theory, etc. as proper nouns.
because vicepresident could be vicep-resident (resident is also a word in Dutch)
@0celo7 sure, a lot of people do that. But they're not.
@0celo7 I think that makes no sense
The one that really bugs me is "Physics"
Yeah I'd say Quantum Mechanics is a composite proper noun
@BernardMeurer wat?
@DanielSank Wat wat?
@Danu I disagree. And as Balarka would say, I am removing myself from the conversation.
@0celo7 They do, but it's inconsistent. We don't capitalize other abstract things like "love".
@0celo7 I applaud that idea
@Danu This is why I don't like you.
Interestingly though, perhaps we do capitalize other "invented-by-humans ideas", such as "Democracy".
You always try to tick me off.
I don't even know you
@Danu You like to applaud things
Mar 24 '15 at 23:45, by Danu
@DanielSank I applaud your actions
@0celo7 I am removing myself from the conversation.
@DanielSank I really like that word.
Interesting misuse of my favorite phrase (which I in turn learnt from Mike).
@DanielSank Not according to Google.
I think perhaps it's not so weird to capitalize "Quantum Mechanics" after all.
@BalarkaSen How is it a Misuse?
@0celo7 Oh ok then never mind.
Hey Guys how do you do ?
Hi, @PhysicsGuy.
@DanielSank The wiki article on democracy has normal capitalization.
@Ocelo7 What are you working on now ?
@0celo7 Ok, then capitalizing "quantum mechanics" is inconsistent.
Maybe. I would write Riemannian geometry, for instance, not Riemannian Geometry.
@0celo7 fine.
So why write "Quantum Mechanics"?
Writing Differential Geometry would look strange indeed.
@DanielSank It looks wrong when written lower-case.
Why does it look wrong?
I can't give a satisfying answer to that, I'm afraid.
Are you really arguing about how to type physical/mathematical names ?
@0celo7 That's good, because Riemannian is derived from a name.
What happened to discussions about sheaf cohomology ?
I also insist on using Abelian, for instance.
@PhysicsGuy --> math chat
@Danu Yes.
But some (Arnold I think) write lagrangian and hamiltonian.
And that's a holy offense.
@0celo7 It really... isn't.
In English, we capitalize persons and places.
"Lagrangian" is questionably a person.
But capitalizing things derived from names has a really good reason.
It's super confusing to students
I tend to wrote, respectively: String Theory, String theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, Loop quantum gravity, quantum mechanics, general relativity, lagrangian, Lagrangian, Hamiltonian
@Danu oh?
I, for one, really care about understanding where the name of an object comes from. If it's derived from a name, I want to know so, so I don't worry what "lagrangian" might mean.
Hamiltonian, Lagrangian, differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, quantum mechanics
99% of the time I write GR, so it doesn't matter.
That's it
@Danu I see.
Hence Abelian :)
Back in my honours thesis, my group said I wrongly capitalise words when they should not be capitalised. For example a laser technique call resonance enhanced multiphoton ionisation. They said this is not a proper noun thus no need to capitalise
@DanielSank Well, do you agree that "Riemannian metric" is better than "riemannian metric?"
Calling Riemannian metric riemannian metric is just weird IMO
@Secret Yeah, I agree.
In german (that's the good thing) it's easy to spell these things: Hamiltonfunktion, Lagrangedichte, Differentialgeometrie, Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
No problems
The last one is garbage
Why ?
They write it like that.
Allgemeine means "General"?
I know
It's just a bad word
It doesn't have the same feel as GR
Well, I happened to read that as Augmented relativisitc theory for some reason
Allgemein = General
@0celo7 meh
I think holy wars on this stuff are dumb. The most important thing is consistency.
@Danu made a good point that the capital helps understand that the word isn't normal vocabulary.
@DanielSank Right. So if we chose Riemannian metric, then it's Lagrangian (function).
Q: Quantum uncertainty

TESLAGENHow do you solve for the minimum kinetic energy given that you have an area of movement of you're particle ? It seems kind of random to me . I thought of using the momentum given that you have the position uncertainty and then calculating the lowest possible momentum from the deviation by subtrac...

Insufficient prior research and effort + unclear what you are asking?
On edited version: It is clear but still insufficient effort?
@0celo7 what's a good qft book other than peskin/schroeder to learn more details about qft?
and before you say "no idea", I'm sure you know because you read a lot of qft books.
No idea.
I don't remember any QFT
Anyone here knows a thing about motorcycles?
@IceLord Remember that reading Zee and Weinberg made me give up on ever studying physics.
@BernardMeurer does Fantano have a list of "good" albums
@0celo7 He does a 50 best albums yearly
yeah but I want by genre
I don't care for grindcore and all that other shit he likes
@0celo7 Hmm, I don't think so let me check
@BernardMeurer He recommended some trap I'd never heard of before and it was really good
This is the closest I have to what you want, there's a genre selection on the right
I want to listen to Lemonade but it's not on Apple Music
Buy it
Like $18
I could buy you Shankar for that.
Ouch, that's too much for any album
(the softcover edition)
I can get Getz/Gilberto on top quality for that on HDTracks
1 hour later…
@BernardMeurer go study linear algebra.
@DanielSank I'm fixing my video drivers right now :p
@BernardMeurer Why do you have broken video drivers?
Oh, wait, I know what you mean.
Underclock them.
The card.
Actually that won't help you, will it?
I have broken drivers because I'm an adventurer
And tried fiddling with the NVidia drivers
A note for future people:
Fuck you Nvidia!
@BernardMeurer ah, nvidia Linux drivers ...
Lol, @JohnRennie Would delete that, but he knows it's too damn true :p
It worked fine when I was using the libre drivers
but then I couldn't control backlight
so I tried installing the proprietary NVidia ones
which made the system run super hot, but whatever
and also broke some graphics
which I was not okay with
So I have entered a journey to fix it
And odds are I'll go back to libre drivers
and try and fix backlight instead
Is $$\sum_{i=1}^n v_i^2\ge\frac{1}{n}\left(\sum_{i=1}^nv_i\right)^2$$ true/believable?
@BalarkaSen That's as helpful as me saying "what"
It isn't.
It is to me.
Lol, this was a fruitful discussion
Aha, it's in my analysis notes.
No Cauchy-Schwarz.
@Fermiparadox Arguable the development of cyborgs has been a slow on-going process for the last two hundred plus years. Starting with eye-glasses and dentures and working up through insulin pumps, full-time glucose monitoring, implanted titanium-rooted teeth and similar current technologies.
do you need to know string theory and gr to do research in AdS/CMT?
@BalarkaSen Cauchy-Schwarz was a good hint.
@0celo7 Well, duh.
One should think for five minutes before saying something is not helpful.
@BalarkaSen Duh?
I mean obviously it was a good hint, otherwise I would have explained more when you asked.
Oh, well. One can show the same thing with $|v_i|$ instead of $v_i$. Do you have a slick proof for that? I just have an ugly direct proof.
(What I asked for follows from that, it's stronger.)
Curious. Not off the top of my head.
To be precise, it's $(\sum |v^i|)^2\le n(\sum v_i^2)$.
Since $v^i\le |v^i|$, one recovers the other result.
@Slereah what did you mean learn math before learning solitons? chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/32515070#32515070
that comeback
Oh my god
You all have your algebraic topology Van Kampen, well I have my mechanics Van Kampen now!
"In classical mechanics integrals of the motion play an essential role; accordingly their theory has been elaborated in great detail and generality, culminating in Noether’s fundamental theorem, which connects them with continuous invariance groups of the action integral. The virial theorem, however, in spite of its physical significance, has a somewhat separate position and is hardly connected with the main theory.
It is the purpose of this note to remedy this situation by showing that virial theorems can be derived by means of a generalization of Noether’s idea." Knew it!

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