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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@JohnRennie Hmm
he writes $\sqrt{g_{00}}$ in that fraction but didn't he just say that's 1
@JohnRennie This discussion is in Straumann, for the most part.
Probably in Wald, too
Speaking of Wald, I should clean up my desk
>using $g_{00} = 1$
Get out you fake GR person
I need to put more books on my desk
but it is currently is disarray
@0celo7 I got a PhD. That's what happened to me.
@ChrisWhite Congratulations, but I meant your picture
It's all related in a sense
I think I used this pic in my dissertation, though I might not have used a 35730577305-approved color scheme
I thought it was him at first.
Time to disappear further into the wilderness.
@ChrisWhite Congrats!
I need x86 halp
come baaaaaack
@Danu yes
@ChrisWhite congratulations! =D
@Danu Sounds complicated.
@BernardMeurer Don't whine.
@DanielSank Dude assembly is grown up stuff
I'm a big boy now
Never said otherwise.
I'm not going to stop busting you @$$ just because you're writing assembly :D
Hahaha, okay, okay fair enough :p
I feel like you'll never stop busting my ass lol
@BernardMeurer It's how I express love.
@DanielSank If I call Mrs.Sank will she verify this?
@BernardMeurer My aunt?
No, wait a second.
brain asplode
There aren't any Mrs. Sanks anymore o_O
Anna kept her name.
Homo mrs.sankiens is gone :(
Where's @Danu when I need to make a really crude joke?
Oh yeah, I always forget she kept her name
Can't blame her though, her last name is pretty cool
@BernardMeurer ?
@DanielSank Can't blame Anna for keeping her badass last name :p
@BernardMeurer I got that part.
Was wondering about its cool factor.
I don't know German.
@BernardMeurer Anthony needs to get glasses that fit better.
He keeps having to push them up.
@DanielSank It is very cool
@0celo7 Dude that really bothers me!
I'm always noticing it and it rustles my jimmies
@ChrisWhite Many congratulations. If ever we meet in person I will shake your hand and call you "Dr. White' just the one time.
@BernardMeurer more x86 help?
@JohnRennie I'm just stuck on my makefile now
I got my printing to work rather beautifully
@BernardMeurer what was wrong with the printing?
It wasn't printing lol
@BernardMeurer I have a more or less working knowledge of make. As long as you aren't trying to be too clever.
What's up?
@dmckee @JohnRennie Well, upon switching into Long Mode (64-bit) I call a C code like such
But I'm having problems getting the compilation step built in on my Makefile
@DanielSank am I in time?
@BernardMeurer Well, you don't have an explicit rule for c source files nor anything that tell make which c files you want it to process.
@dmckee Yeah, that's what I'm trying to add
You want/need a generic target like build/arch/$(arch)/%.o: src/arch/$(arch)/%.c and the appropriate build rules for it.
I know this is how it looks if you're doing rust github.com/phil-opp/blog_os/blob/set_up_rust/Makefile
Remember that make is a declarative language for running procedural rules. Ain't that fun?
What it mostly means is that you have to tell make what files to worry about (the declaring bit) and either give it rule about how to process them (more declaring) or rely on the default rules.
The rules, however are imperative.
Q: If you don't understand the question, don't vote to close as duplicate of something vaguely sounding the same

SF.Yet again at least 6 people skimmed the first paragraph and voted to close as duplicate before reading the actual question. I rephrased this into the most trivial, obvious manner to make it absolutely 100% clear this is completely different, and yet only one of them retracted the close-vote and ...

Wrong link
@dmckee The more I code the less I like GNU tools
@BernardMeurer Make isn't GNU's fault. You should blame one of kernighan, ritchie or pike for that. Can't recall who.
Oh, and the lore has it that the tab problem was noticed within weeks of initial release and wasn't fixed because there were already dozens of users.
@BernardMeurer Really? Shows you what I know.
@Danu Well, I bet if you read the transcript you'll see it :)
@dmckee When the hardest part of writing this thing is figuring out the makefile it becomes clear that I've been eating crap for the last 2 years and not learning what I should
@BernardMeurer You just summed up the life of a programmer.
1) Learn thing
2) Make project
3) Learn different thing
4) Question life choices
5) Repeat
@BernardMeurer Few people are really expert at make. Most users get a good-enough template together and just tweak it until they hit the point where it simple won't work.
Then they either learn a bit more and write a better template, or try to convince everyone else on the project to switch to something newer.
Haha yes!
@dmckee that's what I was about to say. I've spent years cobbling together makefiles from bits nicked from other working makefiles.
Sigh. The deeper I dive the more I'm reassured I should've gone to something like geography
It's worth reading "Recursive Make Considered Harmful" as soon as you are moderately competent with basic make as it will save you some pain.
And there are invariably people who defend the old way to the death, hurling insults at those who want a newer tool.
@DanielSank Well, this version of their template is finally good enough. Why change now?
You could use MS Visual Studio of course ...
Not a makefile in site :-)
and the next do?
@dmckee I don't know which, if any, side of those discussions tends to be in the right.
It's just funny.
@JohnRennie Shoo, go away you Windows mango-jamber
@BernardMeurer .PHONY means "these targets don't represent files, they are just names for sets of actions."
What? No MSVS is amazing!
mango-jamber ?
@JohnRennie He's Brazilian.
@JohnRennie It's a new expression I'm trying to coin
And the next line is the first target in the file, so it is the one that runs by default. The first target should be the only one (other than clean and install) your users ever need.
So they can make clean; make; make install with a moderate confidence that it might just work.
@BernardMeurer I have heard tales of the deviant purposes to which ripe mangos can be put, but the term jamber is new to me ...
@JohnRennie That just proves my point that you're a mango-jamber
Actually I think mangos contain a protease, which limits their use for non-culinary purposes.
Or am I thinking of pineapples?
How does... what is protease and how does it preclude non-culinary applications?
More weird food from the Asian store @DanielSank
@DanielSank Protease is a general term for a class of enzymes that split up proteins into their component amino acids.
@JohnRennie I'd never have sex with a pineapple in the first place
@Danu Uh oh...
@BernardMeurer What the...?
@DanielSank Just sayin'
Would you?
@DanielSank the boy is cracking up
@BernardMeurer I'm not sure that's really possible.
@DanielSank Oh, it definitely is
@BernardMeurer Depends...is it a good-looking pineapple?
Some variation on glutinous rice things.
@ACuriousMind My kind of guy
Except mine has no discernible rice structure: The outside is like a pudding.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Here's the deal, I'm giving a blow...torch to whoever fixes this bloody makefile
@BernardMeurer How are you going to give us a blowtorch?
@DanielSank Mail.
The "post."
@DanielSank I will hand deliver it
@DanielSank Coming right up.
Also the inside is pretty damn weird
The vegetables have the structure of... uncooked scallions
Or some kind of cabbage
And there are some funny flavored spicy things
Maybe something like the sezchuan peppercorns?
@BernardMeurer If I could be sure that the chat room contained only immature males the temptation to rapidly lower the tone would be almost irresistable.
@JohnRennie I make an effort :p
@BernardMeurer Why would I want to have a blowtorch? Contrary to you, I don't consider it a kitchen utensil :P
@ACuriousMind You clearly don't eat Crème brûlée
@JohnRennie I've been biting my tongue ever since this one:
1 hour ago, by Bernard Meurer
@DanielSank If I call Mrs.Sank will she verify this?
@DanielSank I know, I know, my mom :p
I got mine for soldering copper pipe, but with care it can be used on creme brulee.
@BernardMeurer Dude. Think deeper.
@Danu That's a nice pillow in the background
@Danu I'm cracking up inside and I hope you are too.
Or whatever that is
@DanielSank My father?
@Danu Haven't seen that before.
@Danu: why the obsession with eating things that look like they came out of a Quatermass film?
Because delicious.
I also suspect that Danu may have a new important other in his life. Such things often result in the acquisition of otherwise unheard-of cultural foods.
or maybe he's just hungry.
@DanielSank Hungry for food or ...?
@DanielSank The way to your heart really does go through your stomach, doesn't it? ;)
@JohnRennie Even after reading the Wikipedia article I'm not sure what that means
@ACuriousMind Uh... yeah... is that odd?
Hey @JohnRennie did you make your special breakfast?
@DanielSank Did you know @JohnRennie only uses single cream and not double cream?
@BernardMeurer I did not, and I don't know what that means.
@DanielSank I feel so sad now: I don't get anything particularly funny out of it :(
@DanielSank Yup, it's pretty weird.
In my stomach now though :)
Today's lunch ...
Lamb sausages
@JohnRennie Because I don't wanna be stuck on bacon and sausages at your age ;)
That's a lot of sausage.
Ah, lamb. Very good.
@DanielSank That's what all the girls say
@JohnRennie LOL
@Danu What's wrong with bacon and sausage?
@DanielSank Hah, you really deduced that out of my Asian food posts? Or from something more generally?
also, jeez dude.
@DanielSank Nothing
I just needed a comeback
^ indeed.
@Danu I'm perceptive.
So what's the deal?
@DanielSank But incorrect, in this case ;)
@Danu awwwww
I'm still with the Greek goddess
@Danu OH! Good.
@Danu You too have a greek goddess?
She has me!
He does, lucky bastard.
In other news
I found a pretty good facebook page
@Danu Lol, that's more likely
It takes crappy memes from teh interwebz
and copy-pastes math into them
I love the absurdity
Just when I start thinking this chat can't surprise me anymore
^ Gold
That's excellent.
@Danu That's pure gold
I'm glad y'all like it.
American politics: providing source material for comedy since 1776.
You know, writing js is like writing assembly.
@DanielSank Oh please don't even try
You have no type safety and the semantics are pants-on-your-head stupid.
@BernardMeurer Say what you want, but js is fantastically frustrating.
Except that when you make a mistake you don't have to reboot the computer lol
Or you accidentally access some memory you shouldn't have and your computer catches fire
@Danu I'm non-Hausdorff
@BernardMeurer That's what you think.
@DanielSank O.o
What kind of monster are you making
Closing a browser tab is probably close to as complicated internally as rebooting.
Browsers are basically VM's.
It's ridiculous.
Browsers are stupid, that's what they are
the whole web is dumb
I'm sort of kidding, of course.
@BernardMeurer Correct.
Oh look, page markup, let's render that. Oh, it contains source code? Let's just go ahead and execute that because lol why not?
Cross site scripting? Yeah ok, sure let's make that massive security hole everyone's problem instead of fixing the standards.
^things I'm blissfully unaware of
@Danu It's blissful until someone steals your personal info and buys a giraffe with your money.
That moment when...
Dude, HTML is based of SGML
Which is just so, so, so stupid
Hey, if any old timers around here remember Mega Man 3 you might enjoy this cover of the theme tune.
@DanielSank I would find it very blissful to live in a world where criminals' primary purpose is acquiring more giraffes...
@Danu You are very, very lucky
@ACuriousMind I suppose that would be nice...
but I'd say this is analogous to notation being crap
@BernardMeurer HMTL executing code is not a notation problem.
@DanielSank I wasn't referring to that, but rather about web dev in general and how bloated and a pain it is
Web is hard because the standards suck.
HTML sucks
js sucks
The whole system barely has a notion of modularity. It's awful.
There's so much weirdly good free music lying around the internet.
@DanielSank It did start with a deliberate decision to ignore a known hard problem of hypertext (link integrity), and just get something running.
We should start from the ground up again...
@BernardMeurer Fortunately there is work to improve stuff. Backwards compatibility is hard though.
And that ethos ruled of at least a decade into the web era at which point the cost of fixing the resulting mess was astronomical.
HTML2 is waaay better than HTML.
ES6 introduces modules to some degree.
@DanielSank Backwards compatibility is why your computer starts up in real mode (16 bit) which is just so stupid
I hate it
@ACuriousMind I just noticed "manifolds" are on the syllabus for my basic analysis course.
4 hours later…
were you expecting girly folds?
@knzhou Can I ask why you flag things as "harmfully incorrect and don't downvote them?
The first and foremost tool for marking stuff as not helpful or even harmful is the down-arrow button. It sends a signal to every reader that comes after and doesn't require the moderate to be present to have that effect.
@dmckee Whoops, I just forgot! I don't downvote all that often, let me go remedy that.
Thanks. It wasn't fair to single you out, but ... I handled a lot like that lately. Sorry.
No prob! Point taken, for me.
@knzhou More like 5 points taken from him (oh snap)
or was it 3 pts (ive really forgotten how things here work somethimes)
Downvotes deduct only two rep (and cost the voter one)
I'd like to see it made 3 for Physics, but I don't know if the team would go for it.
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