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@JohnRennie yes, that was my honours research group I joined
The three years of my PhD were without question the most enjoyable of my life.
Admittedly I no longer have to live in a dump of bedsit with no money, but those three years were just such fun!
@JohnRennie wow, not many do it in 3 any more it would seem. it would be interesting to see statistics on that although they are probably nearly uncollectable. a friend did a machine learning one in physics in ~5 (which seems more typical nowadays)
looking forward to mine also. This time I want to choose a group with more wet lab work, because staring at spreadsheets gets boring
@JohnRennie did you just google that?
@vzn well there's more physics to learn now than when i did my PhD :-) I think even Cambridge now does four year PhDs.
@JohnRennie four still sounds kinda low to me
For that article comment, I plan to grab slereah to analyse it first before moving to the next phase. There might be an issue though, because slereah is interested in CTC type time travel, not the more fictional ripple dynamics

Slereah seemed to act like a neutrino recently, passing through h bar without leaving much reaction. Thus I hope ACM can somehow act as a W boson to pin him down long enough for me to drag him into the analysis
@vzn yes, though it was an informed google. My PhD was actually physical chemistry and several friends were doing that sort of research.
@Secret hey he has been hardcore in even matching 0celo7 in chat addiction engagement & was pioneering 1st guest but cyberspace is always easy come easy go
@vzn I don't know what the situation is now, but in my time the PhD was fully funded so you didn't have to take a separate job. We worked every hour we could on the science.
@JohnRennie what's that
@JohnRennie getting permission from my prof now to buy it
There are several different models of Optiplex 7010, and I wanted to know which one yours is. That's why I posted pictures of the backplates.
But it doesn't matter since the card I linked will fit all models.
@Secret we still have nobody lined up after DS as next speaker plz keep it in mind you could talk about eg your dream journal lol
@0celo7 $29 - are you sure the dept can afford it? :-)
@JohnRennie No, we're poor
Windows will detect the card automatically, so just install the card and power on the PC. Then connect the dongle and it should just work.
I assume the dongle is needed to allow you to run some software ...
@vzn The European system is very, very different.
They do a master's degree first.
In the USA we just skip that and call the whole thing after the bachelor's degree the PhD.
@DanielSank oh ok. but think a lot of (US) phds also do masters right? maybe physics is a bit different than other fields
In my time the masters was just the first year of your PhD.
Whatever the topic is, at its current state, it will be largely incoherent and jumps around like crazy

My dream journal is extremely long, thus it cannot be something that spans the entire chat session unless people are really interested. I also need to filter away the identities of my friends etc. to avoid upsetting them

Before the Ripple Dynamics Scifi investigation, I might don't have much idea on a coherent topic, but (unless there is major advancement in these few days) the model is still in its infancy and thus it will definitely will not last a whole chat session
in the U.S., the PhD program includes master program
especially physics
@vzn No. Getting a masters here is rather rare.
@Shing Not really.
Usually you just automatically get a masters awarded after you pass your qualifier exam, or something similar.
mater degree is given usually those who failed the PhD exams.
from what I have heard
@Shing PhD "exams"? You mean the qualifier?
After he Bologna treaty it works like this: 3 year bach degree (1st cycle), 2 year masters (2nd cycle), ??? year doctorate(aka. PhD(?), 3rd cycle)
This is how it works afaik
Speaking about DS's AMA, I have a Quantum Move question left for him to ponder
@Secret ACM hasnt been involved in the sessions it seems, dont recall, he doesnt seem that interested. anyway if you dont wanna do it may be reduced to asking BM to talk about his grape experiments :P ... re your mind as "messy room" how about what is called in psychology free association/ stream of consciousness which are highly linked with imagination & used/ centered in literature/ poetry etc... anyway the chats go by very fast and not even that many Q/A can be fit in etc
That's throughout EU I think
The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries designed to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher education qualifications. Through the Bologna Accords, the process has created the European Higher Education Area, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. It is named after the place it was proposed, the University of Bologna, with the signing of the Bologna declaration by Education Ministers from 29 European countries in 1999, forming a part of European integration. It was opened up to other countries signatory...
It appears it's now a one year masters then three to four years of work.
Four to five years - that's a long time. If you leave academia after the PhD to go into the business world I'm not sure the extra two year delay is helpful.
@vzn do you have a date in mind for the next AMA?
@Secret we "usually" do them about every other chat session which are biweekly so ~4wk after DS this friday would/ could be about the time. (its turning out to be not exactly easy to get guests/ volunteers)
hmm ok
@Secret would like to at least get you to say "ok (sometime)" without a date yet/ TBD...? (actually it went kinda like that with DS)... & @johnRennie is still playing coy etc
September is when I need to start preparing for the phD application (and I expect things might bestart crashing in). Thus if I am going for next, I has to be somewhere in aug
that is my AMA will be somewhere in aug
@Secret ok thats fairly soon but could work (late aug maybe). thx. so you ok with idea in general? (think your chemistry work alone could easily fill the whole session... heck maybe even JR might have a question or two)
I wish we can really kick h bar up with some high profile guest (although it might be quite hard as work started to flow in in a few months here)

Yeah, I think people can ask me about my honours project
I kinda agree that JR might have questions because the honours project is related to phsyical chemsitry
I've been thinking (all along) that it would be nice to get outside guests. Of course before doing that we'd have to work out any issues with the format, and make sure we know how to run the event smoothly, and all that.
@Secret have long had same desire/ as do others/ have some ideas on that & plan to post in meta on that sometime. ok cool will try to fit you in late aug, feel free to ping me if something come up otherwise, it takes quite a bit of back-and-forth to nail down dates around here (and even then we mess it up lol)
@DavidZ defn/ all in favor of that too, envisioned that from beginning, but the logistics are very challenging. are you ok with Secret as a (next) guest?
from my schedule, I am currently occupied on 13 Aug Syd time, and otherwise will be free until start of sep
after that it is the big unknown in my life (because I need to start hunt for part time)
@vzn That's all up to you. I don't manage the guests.
@DavidZ ok fair enough. (looking up the date.) next 2 sessions are aug 23rd and sep 6th. are you ok with either of those for guest?
tell me a date that sounds good for you guys and I will see if it can fit in my schedule
I think we will have other things to discuss for the next chat session.
The one following that should be okay for an AMA.
@DavidZ ie not 23rd but sep6th ok? @Secret can you do sep6th
it is currently free, I will let you know if there are schedule hiccups suddenly
@JohnRennie got approval...
If you don't do it during a chat session, then it's all up to you.
@DavidZ not sure what you mean. but need to reserve sessions. think your slot is already well attended & other time slots might not be as much (we will find out soon on fri)
@0celo7 cool. I hope it works or you won't be pleased with me!
What is the dongle for? What software?
@vzn Oh, well I'm just saying that (as you know) you have the option to schedule the AMA at some time that's not during a chat session, and if you do so, you don't need to get approval from anyone to do it.
@Secret ok cool next step is for you to post in meta an intro in next few wks, that approach has worked well so far. for me, its ok up to 1 week before the mtg, but earlier lead time may possibly get you more audience. you can cancel before then. but after your post, consider it locked-in. we can chat more about the topic(s) etc
@DavidZ ok thx for that flexibility; may experiment with it sometime depending on DSs mtg outcome & schedule constraints etc. actually tues morn is not convenient time for me but am just 1 person (already missed 1 mtg etc)
@JohnRennie Internet explorer
@0celo7 eh? Since when has Internet Explorer needed a dongle?
@vzn what is chat session time and time zone?
@Secret 1600Z. if you go to this pg it translates into your local time chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/71/the-h-bar?tab=schedule ... hey would very much like you to talk about the Tenev/ Horstemeyer paper (before/ then) etc ... had long chat session on very similar topic(s) that engaged ACM/ DS/ JD et al
@vzn uh for that, because my GR is shit, I cannot 100% interpret that paper's results correct let alone understand every single notch of it, thus I am unable to talk about that paper for some time
@Secret lol so study it further dude, you found it! do you care about ripple dynamics or not? :P your small )( attn is far better than anyone else is giving it so far, it deserves a freakin parade or more if you ask me, seriously think this is nobel level stuff my man ← & dont say stuff like that lightly :P
@vzn I knew well that it would took me at least 3 years to fully caught up with all prerequisite of GR (because I have ZERO background in differential geometry or even topology), it is one reason I brought attention to the GR guys so they can analyse it first
@Secret (tbh!) dont understand GR that much myself. just try to address/ focus on anything you can about it. you know F=ma right? its not much different. it uses substantial undergraduate level physics/ engr stuff/ contents. it looks literally revolutionary to me so far... am almost 100% sure right now it will be built on at some pt... have been musing/ looking for something like it ~3decades
@Shing Most places include the coursework that would be needed for a masters in their Ph.D. program. That doesn't mean they issue a master degree along the way. In more than few departments you just get a doctorate, or you bail early and just get a M.S. with the understanding that you won't be continuing (or at least not in that department).
But even that "bail early" process means writing a master's thesis. It's just a shorter and possibly less original document than a Ph.D. disertation.
@JohnDuffield not exactly sure/ wondering why you are citing this although recently just cited something similar (sound waves in perfect gas). do you have/ know a way to relate those eqn to EM waves or GR?
@JohnRennie Internet Explorer Premium Edition
22% less viruses
@BernardMeurer Ha-ha-ha. In Germany, everybody ignores my MSc paper, many of the bosses don't even know what is an MSc. In the pre-Bologna system they used "Dipl. Ing" for that, and nooooo they don't think my MSc would be even comparable with a "Dipl. Ing". :-( FCKGW :-(
@DavidZ Frankly, that's always a judgement call, and the way I see it the proposed dupe is so far from a serious level that there isn't much of a question left. I don't particularly like how John has phrased this one but it's a clear no-dupe on level grounds for me.
Hey, @DanielSank, I just saw this one
I'll try to read up on it before the chat session, but it looks pretty cool.
@EmilioPisanty well, I rather strongly disagree with that. It may be the case that what John intends to ask goes beyond the earlier question. But in his question as written, I don't see anything to distinguish it from the earlier one (or others along those same lines, I believe)
@EmilioPisanty Hi! What would you like me to think about? The question?
@CuriousOne Yeah. Or why we're lugging around the bizarre concept of a base quantity into the twenty-first century.
Not on my screen
@0celo7 hence the link ;-)
Wait, hang on
it mangles the link
@EmilioPisanty True... but how are we going to teach physics to beginners without this concept? At least in my mind physics starts with some rather naive assumptions that one can build on and that, at some point, can be abstracted away... but I don't know how to get started without them without losing almost all high school students.
@CuriousOne True. But I'm not sure we ought to structure the fundamental concepts of 21st century physics worrying about whether highschoolers will understand it. We should figure out whether the concepts are worthwhile first, and what they should mean exactly, and then we can worry about how to explain them.
What is a base unit anyway? In a single sentence.
I've never heard of that term.
@EmilioPisanty I've never heard of a base unit before.
My college professor explained physical units and dimensions by explaining their definitions operationally, i.e. simple experiments you can do to define "mass" and "1 kilogram".
I guess you can call anything you can define with an experiment a "base".
@EmilioPisanty Yeah, it's a neat experiment.
Not really my work though.
@DanielSank Yeah, I kinda wanted to ask, but I didn't know how to put it without it looking really crass once it was written down ;-).
@DanielSank uhhh, this is awkward. bipm.org/en/measurement-units
> This SI consists of a set of base units, prefixes and derived units, as described in these pages:

> The SI base units are a choice of seven well-defined units which by convention are regarded as dimensionally independent: the metre, the kilogram, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole, and the candela.

> Derived units are formed by combining the base units according to the algebraic relations linking the corresponding quantities. The names and symbols of some of the units thus formed can be replaced by special names and symbols which can themselves be used to form expressions and
@EmilioPisanty How come he gets a reference and I don't?
Yeah ok.
Seems reasonable.
Note sure why "mole" is considered dimensionally independent.
The International System of Units (French: Système international d'unités, SI) is the modern form of the metric system, and is the most widely used system of measurement. It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base units. It defines twenty-two named units, and includes many more unnamed coherent derived units. The system also establishes a set of twenty prefixes to the unit names and unit symbols that may be used when specifying multiples and fractions of the units. The system was published in 1960 as the result of an initiative that began in 1948. It is based on...
...and I only sort of understand why candela needs its own dimension.
@EmilioPisanty Oh I already Googled it
But thanks
As for why Kelvin exists apart from Joule, I actually touched on that here, but you'd know that as I think you gave me the generously enormous bounty for that answer...
@0celo7 you get LMWTFY'd for complaining =P
Ok I have to look up that acronym
that's a thing?
Don't tell ACM
@0celo7 It is now
No, it really is a thing
@0celo7 hah, that's grand
> In practice, it is actually rather difficult to measure temperature and energy in the same system over many orders of magnitude. I think that it's for this reason that we still have independent temperature and energy standards and units.
still not as good as lmgtfy.com/?q=lmwtfy though
@DanielSank But do we, really, still?
I mean, $k_B$ is getting exactified, right?
> Boltzmann's constant is just a conversion between energy and a made-up dimension we call "temperature".
I think in the end it's just really, really hard to draw any sort of line between dimensions that are made up and dimensions that aren't.
@EmilioPisanty I am very worried about science education. I live in the US, you know...
and the distinctions are often down to a model of what you can and cannot do technologically.
@EmilioPisanty: The base unit for mass is what lets us compare two stones that are not in the same place, by choosing a "normal stone" that we can replicate. :-)
If you're on a ship and all you have to measure distances are a lead-and-line for depths and a chip log for horizontal distances, the fathom and the nautical mile begin to look a heck of a lot like independent units.
@0celo7 If you restrict your technological model to only those devices, then horizontal and vertical distances are very, very hard to combine. Once you allow for the full kit of a geographical surveyor, then they become comparable and then equivalent.
what's a good letter for a curve that isn't $c$
or $\gamma$
Similarly, for the restricted technological model of the 18th/19th century, temperature and energy are essentially independent quantities. Once you allow for optical pyrometers, they're comparable.
@0celo7 $C$.
@EmilioPisanty very funny
If we teach that physics is only for those of us who have access to the full resources of the government and its funding, then physics will become intellectually irrelevant.
@EmilioPisanty I see
@CuriousOne No, I'm not saying that at all.
A student who doesn't understand that a hand made ship log is just as much physics as the NIST atomic clocks doesn't understand science.
I'm saying that the conceptual structure of physics and the pedagogy of physics are equally important but mostly independent efforts.
Might as well take $\gamma$.
At the end of the day science and specifically physics is the comparison of nature with itself.
I think that's the most important learning unit of them all.
I agree, but they don't meet once we abstract from base units.
I get it, at the end of the day the universe should not depend on any free constants, so there can be no units left, but that day is far, far away.
We aren't there, yet. An elementary charge is something irreducible, at the moment. At least I don't see how we can get rid of it. The meter, kg etc. are less obviously "natural".
@CuriousOne Are you saying String Theory is not the solution to all our problems
@EmilioPisanty No no. The case of temperature and energy is not just us making up a new dimension.
In pure theory you don't need a temperature dimension.
However, in experiments, it's extremely hard to measure internal energy and temperature at the same time in the same system over large range of magnitudes.
For the sake of doing experiments, taking data, and having standards, you need a way to measure temperature that everyone agrees on.
Therefore, you actually do need a separate dimension.
@0celo7: How did you get that idea? :-)
Day 5/6 of being confused by Ricci flow
I'm starting to get annoyed
@DanielSank I really don't see the difference. It just comes down to a model of what's hard and what's not.
@DanielSank: Temperature is independent of the microscopic structure of the system, while energy scales with details like mass and number of internal degrees of freedom. Is that what you mean? I think I fully agree. Temperature is a different concept, even though, at the end of the day, it is a measure for energy.
@0celo7: Take a deep breath and imagine you are a surfer on the Ricci flow. You are riding the longest pipe of your life and a dozen beautiful cheering girls on the beach are waiting for you once you get out of the water. ;-)
> You are riding the longest pipe of your life
I'm straight
> a dozen beautiful cheering girls on the beach are waiting for you
What's annoying is that I'm not even confused by Ricci flow
I'm confused by straight up Riemannian geometry
Welcome to my world? ;-)
A: What is the scientific basis for comets vs. main-belt comets being composed of different materials?

GiffyguyI was hoping to have a more lengthy discussion of this specific topic, but apparently that isn't going to happen, at lest not at this time. Without further explanation from the physics community, there are significant implications of leaving this question unanswered - even what you might consider...

Q: September 6 Physics AMA Secret: question pool

SecretI am Secret and will be the next guest for AMA on September 6 at The h Bar.16:00 UTC (2:00 Syd time and 12:00 EDT. For other timezones, check here). Post questions you like to ask below AMA took place in informal format. Post questions below to get ideas on what topics others are most intereste...

@ChrisWhite: I left a note to the OP... I doubt he will get it, but what the heck...
So, uh, anyone good with GR?
@CuriousOne I wouldn't bother -- there's a point of no return, and he's very much past it now.
> I don't see how you could miss the connection between my answer, and the original question, especially considering how far I went to ensure this connection was crystal clear ... your comment is not what I would call constructive. If this is not the place to air questions and concerns about science, what is this place?
How on Earth can someone who's been here for a year not know what this site is about?
It's not a forum
@ChrisWhite: Sounds a bit like a creationist...
@CuriousOne That reminds me of a question I saw here. "How can creationism be explained with physics?"
Is his answer flagable btw?
> I asked a simple question, the community responded by deflecting. The fact that the information is inconvenient to professional scientists, does not justify ignoring or exiling this information. I asked a question, and provided an answer, in keeping with this site's standards.
@SirCumference: Yeah, there are all kinds. I didn't flag the answer, that's something I only do in really extreme cases of misconduct (I don't think I did it more than once or twice in total), but I did give it a -1. It is not helpful and really looks more of a psychological issue than a physical one.
This guy is hopeless
We get a steady stream of such psychological issues here.
@SirCumference: I even agree with the OP's sentiment on some level: until a probe flies to these things and drills them to the core we won't really know what's cooking. Logically it could all be chocolate fudge on the inside. Having said that, I don't have a problem with not knowing with 100% certainty because I don't have any kind of worldview depending on the details. I am not sure about the OP.
I often wonder what such people are like in real life. Do they display the same ardent adherence to bizarre fallacies of logic everywhere?
@ChrisWhite: Have you been watching the US election???
No laughing matter. This is scary!
The issue is I don't know any such people personally, so I don't have firsthand experience with the psychology. But this might be because I haven't significantly interacted with a non-scientist in the last 9 years.
The subset of people I know is not very representative.
@ChrisWhite I've met a few nutters who claim the Earth is flat.
> Because pictures nowadays aren't proof, and 'proof' is literally NOT synonymous with 'truth'. Lastly, it is strictly forbidden to go to the arctic wastes. It's not that fucking simple.

Here's proof:

Shine a laser over a flat lake that is long enough to make the curvature of the earth measurable. Punch in the equations and put a receiver on the other end. If the curvature of the earth is as NASA proposes, the laser will not hit the receiver and shine out into space.

You know what? They tested this with a 20+ mile lake, and it hit the damn receiver, proving that whatever shape the earth
That's one's quote
@ChrisWhite: What shade of ivory is your tower? :-) Sadly, there are a large number of these people who do behave like that "in real life".
@SirCumference You know what's funny
You could not win an argument against a dedicated flat Earther
You would lose horribly
I know!
I can't, I've tried everything
Why argue? You tell them that they can go to hell and that's it. Well, in some way these people are in hell, but we can't get them out of there. Not even the professionals in psychiatry can.
I tried talking to him normally, I'm met with this
> That's the attitude of the average atheist. Burden of proof on someone else and no will to understand, therefore you will never find out. The internet is filled with god damn evidence, that's why everyone's looks so lazy in your eyes when you say "If you don't chew it, put it in my mouth and swallow it for me, it isn't true."

inb4 someone expects me to be a bible thumper, which im not.

I don't need any credible source, what I'm doing here is giving out hints. I have nothing to prove, I won't feel sad if you say "lolno ur retarded n flat urf is bole shite", I'll just move on my day and s
@SirCumference How do you know he's wrong?
If you cannot defeat the argument, the logical response is to agree.
@0celo7 The nutter believes evidence is useless to science
@SirCumference Is his argument to that effect is more convincing than yours to the contrary?
@0celo7 Well, mine was this
> I really don't understand a word you're saying. We're interested in learning the truth, and we know evidence is necessary. Otherwise, for all we know, the flying spaghetti monster might be real.

You really think medicine or technology would come this far if we just guessed on how the world works? No, of course not. We had to experiment, step by step, to learn about bacteria and electrons, respectively. Then it became useful to us. Where would we be if we just guessed all the time?

And for your information, I'm a theist. I just know better than to put my unproven beliefs out as facts. I'
"I really don't understand a word you're saying." you lose
@0celo7: Actually, the logical response to a binary argument is to admit that there is always a third possibility... "I don't know!" is a freaking valid answer to all questions that leave doubts. :-)
@CuriousOne :P
He just discards everything I say
These people can't say "I don't know!". They have to have an answer, even if it's false.
Next he tries to prove to me that GR isn't real, but Newtonian physics is absolutely correct
Did you buy it? :-)
I raise the doubt flag on that one
Honestly, no so sure about the flat Earth thing
I tried convincing him otherwise
He responds with this:
> If you refer me to Einstein, I will refer you to the fact Einstein revered Tesla, and I will point you to his research which is widely available. Theory is not fact, if you disagree, you need to go back some and speak to Plato and Socrates, they will tell you something about science that today's physicalist reduction cannot tell you.
I wave the "idk" flag
The flat Earth thing can be experimentally tested by walking. :-)
@CuriousOne Good luck
I am not the one who is asking for proof. All I am saying is that if you believe it's flat and you didn't walk to the edge, you got nothing. :-)
Ah... Plato... the greatest mindf... there was. He screwed up a lot of people. :-)
It's horrendous dealing with those people
Then don't.
Easier said than done
I haven't dealt with them in over a decade. If your mind sucks, I can't help. Get a shrink I say, pay $100 an hour so you can vent.
No actually it's easier to do nothing than to say you're going to do nothing.
@ChrisWhite Oh crap
@ChrisWhite By the way, you know GR, right?
That's one of those meta questions that comes across as trying to secure services before laying out what it is you want.
It's a chat room, just post your questions.
Well, does time dilation increase to infinity as I approach a black hole's absolute horizon, xor apparent horizon?
(English really could use the word "xor" some days.)
Actually, that doesn't work...
Screw it
what is xor
Ya ever heard of a logic gate?
An apparent horizon should be good enough to see whatever redshift you want.
If it's an XOR gate, then the output will be true if only one of the inputs is true
False if both or neither are true
@ChrisWhite So as I approach the apparent horizon, time dilation increases to infinity?
Next question
If I approach the event horizon of a black hole, and time dilation increases, could the black hole evaporate through hawking radiation before I reach the event horizon?
not exactly sure where the time dilation comes into this
Well, if I approach the black hole and time dilation increases, I would see the rest of the Universe speed up quickly, wouldn't I?
Before I reach the event horizon, could the black hole have already evaporated?
first, you should be very careful about applying that logic, since in SR the same thing would tell you the moving spaceship sees Earth age faster than normal
second, if you want to think about redshift factors, there's a fundamental asymmetry between what's inside your radius and what's outside
the speed at which you see the rest of the universe going by is not a priori the speed at which you'd see the black hole below you evolving
So I would inevitably reach the event horizon, right?
more fundamentally, the issue is that if the black hole evaporates, then there is no event horizon
You just said the speed at which the black hole evolves is not necessarily the speed at which the rest of the Universe evolves
well, I guess there's some speculation about point objects (string-sized objects?) being left over to solve information issues, but let's put that aside
So if a black hole were pulling me in, would I eventually reach the event horizon?
@SirCumference but an event horizon is defined by the global structure of spacetime -- it is nothing more or less than the surface delineating what things can send null signals to the point at infinity
if it turns out that even stuff near/entering/inside a black hole can eventually make it to infinity just by waiting the finite time until the black hole doesn't even exist, then there is no event horizon
nowhere/nowhen in spacetime
You literally just said that the black hole may evolve at a different speed from the rest of the universe
Doesn't that imply that I would eventually reach the event horizon, before the black hole evaporates?
@SirCumference sure, that statement is true within the bounds of its own ambiguity
@SirCumference the event horizon is not a thing that can exist for some times and not others
@ChrisWhite Then how can a black hole possibly evaporate?
@ChrisWhite Is it wrong to make bets about someone's life?
Doesn't the event horizon form when the black hole forms, and disappear when the black hole evaporates?
@SirCumference that's too much of a simplification, and it's one of the reasons the notion of apparent horizon was invented in the first place
@ChrisWhite All right, so how exactly is it incorrect?
@BernardMeurer That's an oddly out of context moral question.
@ChrisWhite Is that a no?
And thanks, they're my specialty :)
Pragmatically, it might be illegal in some jurisdictions. Deontologically a la Kant I can't see what's contradictory about a world in which such bets were made. Anarcho-libertarian capitalism would allow such things, and possibly even encourage them as raising GDP. A true consequentialist would probably be bound to say it's wrong iff it makes it more likely that someone I like dies or someone I don't like lives.
@SirCumference This really depends on what you think happens when the black hole evaporates. Is there something unevaporable left?
@ChrisWhite Er, I wouldn't know. I'm the one asking about evaporation.
well, if there really is nothing left, then there never was an event horizon
@ChrisWhite I like Kant, so I'll go with that; thanks!
So, once again, how can a black hole possibly evaporate?
Or how can one form at a specific point in time, if the event horizon cannot exist for some times and not others
@BernardMeurer Really the question is whether this concerns certain people in the US or certain people in Brazil
though perhaps it's best if you don't answer that in public :p
I was betting that the guy climbing trump tower would survive
wait wat?
@BernardMeurer I just heard about that a few seconds ago
What what?
A guy is/was climbing trump tower with suction cups
but the police just grabbed him inside
33 seconds -- nice timing
I've been watching it for a while now
@ChrisWhite So if a black hole has an event horizon, and event horizons aren't something that exist some times and not others, then how can a black hole form or evaporate?
This seems like a contradiction
there are tacit approximations made when speaking about these things
What kind of approximations?
there's "black hole" -- the eternal, static Schwarzschild GR solution
then there's "black hole" -- the finitely old astrophysical object that theory says will evaporate in $10^{10^{10}}$ years or so
You're saying the latter is an approximation of the former?
They seem completely contradictory
the Schwarzschild solution is very close to reality, and much simpler to work with
But the latter is reality as we understand it, right?
Or as close an approximation as we can get
So back to my original question
@ChrisWhite The Trump tower climber? Indeed, except that sometimes the tacit approximations used by different people differ rather wildly.
especially when taking limits as time goes to infinity, there's a real risk of interchanging limits that ought not to be swapped
Ignoring the approximated Schwarzschild solution, will a black hole always evaporate before I reach it?
the tower climber does look pretty happy with life
definitely not a grad student then
@SirCumference yes, but I reserve the right (and chat moderation power) to edit this message in the future if it proves convenient
@ChrisWhite He is clearly a poor chess player
@ChrisWhite Hm, so is there a black hole so large, it can't possibly kill me through tidal forces?
@SirCumference yes, the one at the center of the galaxy
@ChrisWhite Interesting. If I were to approach it, soon enough I would find myself at the point in time when the black hole has evaporated, right?
I suppose
as it evaporates it gets smaller, so the tidal forces increase
So any black hole could theoretically tear me apart...
That sucks.
Just like any sufficiently motivated woman
never forget that
@BernardMeurer lol did you seriously bet $? how much?
@vzn 2 beers
On that note, I'm not sure why you care about tidal forces. I mean, the matter around it is millions or billions of degrees, the radiation is intense enough to not only destroy all molecules, but to fully ionize iron to bare nuclei, and the magnetic fields are strong enough to induce order-unity corrections to the shapes of electron orbitals.
@ChrisWhite Yes, yes, I know
@BernardMeurer lol ok maybe CW will have to change his very sophisticated/ erudite philosophical answer based on it being beers and not $ (wow! who knew! astonishing! and think hes never said anything about QM interpretations, maybe should take a shot!) :P
I was just thinking around
@vzn money is just an exchange format, if you're exchanging products it's all the same
@BernardMeurer we might think/ assume that but maybe not to philosophers and it might depend if youre a consequentalist etc :P
(geez, spking of islamic grapes... this election is turning into such an epic circus... bet there will be a zillion editorial comics on Suction Cup Man™... & maybe some will be posted in here) :P
What is a consequentialist?
@CuriousOne ahem, have nearly no knowledge of this, but (from CWs statement) assume its a concept in philosophy to deal with morality and theories of morality etc, which has occupied philosophy & top philosophers for centuries now etc... maybe its something like "ends justify the means" or whatever
The Germans call that an "Arschloch"... OK. :-)
23 hours ago, by 0celo7
I wonder if the misery in this chat had anything to do with that
No, it actually sounds like the opposite. "Nice guy" is more like it. The German's don't have a word for that, I am afraid.
How is that a nice guy
proves 0celo7 is into S&M as well as nihilism :P
@vzn I've gone back and forth on that
You can't have it both ways...
@CuriousOne Exactly.
It's inconsistent to like both S and M, so I like neither and I don't like the whole thing.
What's wrong with a good spanking?
@CuriousOne That's what I asked my girlfriend and she got even madder
@0celo7 ??? not following this at all cant tell if you guys or joking or what youre exactly referring to. any wrt your comment, am fully expecting you to switch majors any day now! & am still awaiting a serious explanation of your serious obsession with advanced/ abstract math, increasingly filling up this physics room :P
Wrong girlfriend for that purpose... too bad.
@0celo7 sometimes "mad girlfriend" is a pleonasm... rhymes with... :P
I'm not good with rhymes
I knew a mathematician who was seriously into M... comes with the field, I guess.
are integral curves of Killing fields geodesics
Suction Cup Man is done. He will get punished worse than Trump for asking for the assassination of a future US president. :-)
@BernardMeurer Schopenhauer?!? Zizek?!? we might have to slap you sometime o_O
Schopenhauer always looks like he had dispepsia... that may have something to do with his works...
spking of "philosophers," re this election circus, was just reminded of chomsky... the man behind the curtain is almost visible now... alternet.org/media/…
Chomsky could have reduced his entire framework to the simple observation that the average Uhmerican is incapable of critical thinking.
Look around you. :-)
Oh that's a bullshit proof and you know it
It is self-evident. :-)
Part of the problem is the school system's reliance on multiple choice tests... that just fries the mind like a green tomato.

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