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03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@johnR Yeah, why wouldn't someone who studies GR & topology be interested in real world questions? Sheesh
@0celo7 What does that have to do with trains?
@MAFIA36790 Nothing in particular.
@JohnRennie I can't find it
Google train full service brake or something like that. The full service brake is the maximum non-emergency braking.
See e.g.
why would I know to google that
Half an hour ago we both knew bugger all about trains. In that half hour I managed to discover that full service brake is the technical term.
Another dead link! arrgghh
@Secret The question was deleted by the OP.
must be one of those diracpaul questions
It starts:
> I am developing a theoretical model of the universe as an arts/science initiative which will involve the investigation of modeling time, matter, scale and dimensions throughout the universe.
Need I say more?
yeah, I recall that there is something interesting in that question (or answer) that caused me to bookmark it for later
@JohnRennie Yes.
What is your point?
@0celo7 the question was closed for being meaningless new age speak
hmm how can it be an arts initiative I wonder
I was tidying up my various archives and time capsules scattered all over the internet recently, and I keep seeing dead links

I thnk from now on I should screencap whatever stuff that I fund interesting, since I can no longer trust when they will go dead and result in a massive lost of an idea spark
-why do I have so little time to read in detail any interesting stuff I found, and then attempt to store/bookmark it to later, only to find them decayed away...-
I'll post a screen grab of it if you really want ...
(but yeah, I really have to find a better way to bookmark stuff so that they can be made immune to decay)
@Secret save pages ;/
or gain rep so that you can see deleted questions
Actually I'm not sure about the ethics of posting deleted questions. @Secret can you grab the image if you want it and I'll remove my post.
done ( Ihave grabbed the imag)
@obliv how much more rep I need to reach that rank?
I think it's 10k I'm not sure tho
that's a long way, better sharpen up my quantum mech skills more
so I can answer questions more completely
or you can gain rep in some other SE's
I already have the 100 association bonus
my favorite way is to ask Math.SE every exercise problem in my book. Surefire way to get ~100 rep & look like a jerk :D
@JohnRennie (In case you missed that) I already grabbed my image, you can delete it now
@Secret It's been too long and I can't delete it now :-(
I could trash it, but then it is visible in the trash room for anyone to see. I think the best policy is just to say nothing and hope no-one notices.
@0celo7 do you know if the normalizer & centralizer have the same/similar functions as subgroups?
aw crap, sorry about that...
Shrug :-)
At least I now remember why I bookmark these links: It seems while I can recognise them as not a physics qeustion, the ideas they presented seemed to be nice raw materials to be massage into a scifi story idea
and the logic behind on what I will consider as a scifi idea is *even more incoherent* than when I ask physics questions.

literally speaking, the occurence of the idea is like as if a random neutrino just decided to react with a water molecule in the vat
It all does not help that I keep time capsules everywhere on the internet and offline, in both space and time
They answer for getting placed in the low quality review queue.
oh lord.. @johnR
it wasn't sufficient to say the train had more mass, was it? Sir Alfreb Einstime had to be involved
He completes his answer in a single sentence!!
@mafia "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - A. Einstein I think it follows that if you can't explain it in a single sentence, you don't understand it well enough.
How could they get the guts to say anything without thinking twice ;/
Hi guys! I know that a 95% CL bound for a variables is A < x < B and for another is A' < y < B'. How can I construct the excluded region (that one which looks like an ellipse) in the plane x-y? The bound comes from an experimental 95%CL bound that is LowerBound <f(x,y)< UpperBound where f(x,y) is a function of these variables.
Q: Physics equivalent to Math Monthly problems section

Chris I have a question about my Physics Stack Exchange post: Physics problems for submission

403 forbidden
"you are the 1st PhD guest in the series"
Well gee sorry for not being good enough!
@slereah lol did vzn say that
@Obliv Yes.
vzn has a way with words.
@Slereah dont get all impressed/ intimidated now his Phd is in math :P
@vzn talking down a math PhD too. you animal ;)

Although I'll be taking a course on statistical mechanics next term, I'm looking to work through the details of statistical mechanics on my own in the summer. Which textbook would one recommended. I have heard that Schrdoder's and Kerson Huang's books are good.

Any suggestions? And how do the aforementioned books compare?
damn I was so dumb this morning.
@JunaidAftab Not a suggestion for a book (because I'm not good enough at the subject to know good from bad) but if you see a copy of Goodman you should read the classic first paragraph.
@DanielSank :)
@dmckee Goodman? Statistical Optics? The first paragraph was unimpressive.
@Obliv I think Einstein has a lot of dumb quotes attributed to him.
Hi @ACuriousMind
@Danu heyhey
I decided to drop a course, for the first time in my life!
I'm...proud of you? :D
SUSY... It was so incredibly boring.
MSSM all the way... And the next chapter was perturbation theory (including lots of 1-loop stuff)
::recoils in horror::
What made me sad about it is that this stuff could've been amazing
2D SCFT and stuff... Geometry and stuff...
Anything except MSSM!
@Danu 2k rep offered in bounties
@ACuriousMind !!
Some people don't want the power ;P
the 2k superpowers
Well, with 39 rep you can't even downvote!
@Danu Why the MSSM though? Is the prof a believer that SUSY is just hiding from us that the LHC? :P
Pretty pointless to teach such a specific model when it's not even all that likely to be found anymore...
He loves phenolojflkd;aj;wlkgj;alga
@Danu what's so boring about a SUSY course?
@Danu screw phenomenosh**t
@bolbteppa In principle it should be one of the most interesting courses.
MSSM and perturbation theory?
Yeah I would think so :p Kind of shocked to see why it's that boring
@bolbteppa ...is shit
Is someone here familiar with the PREPRO packages for nuclear calculations?
Would you not treat it as necessary background to do the more interesting stuff and use the free time doing SUSY gravity or related things like Seiberg-Witten or use Weinberg vol 3 or something? Is it really that boring?
Honestly it's the kind of thing I'd assume is boring from browsing TOC's but that's only because I still want to do the normal SM properly :p
> the free time
Anyways, I'm pretty much completely uninterested in all possible pheno stuff.
I'm interested in SUSY mostly for the mathematical perspective.
@Danu Then you mean you're interested in $\mathbb{Z}_2$-graded symmetries, right? ;P
@ACuriousMind Yeah, I guess I am.
(not even joking)
Mostly interested in the diff.geo. perspective, though.
(never write $\mathbb{Z}_p$ in the presence of people who are into number theory, I had a very confusing discussion recently where only after significant time I figured out the other person thought I meant 2-adic numbers :D )
So I've recently discovered many people write $\Bbb Z/2$
Which I think is absolutely terrible.
No, that's all half-integers!
Tell the math chat! :P
The only really correct thing is $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$.
(also my TA)
@Danu Like Witten's SUSY and Morse theory, or what do you mean?
...or superspaces and stuff? I know nothing about that
But the former first.
I'm looking into learning Morse homology at the first sign of spare time :P
Next semester there will be a course on SW theory at my uni :D
By a mathematician, too :D
I'm currently taking a course on "unitary rep of the Poincaré group" by a mathematician.
Oh, nice! A separate course?!
Any notes? I'd love to have them.
He said he has heard that that's also in Weinberg's first QFT volume. But then he said he looked there and he couldn't find anything that made sense :D
Very nice!!!
Lol, "Self-Publishing, 2016"
@ACuriousMind Is it being updated, still?
@Danu I guess he will update it once we're past the point to which it is teXed? We're currently around "Casimir operators"
He has a whole bunch of scripts. Nice!
@Danu He's 74, he's amassed a few of them I guess ;)
Hodge Theory!
also Kaehler Geometry (high on my list of to-learn)
@Danu what stopped you up until now? :P
surely you must've completed other boring courses
I don't know...
...hmm, ok.
That commercial was psychotic @Danu
Like who waits in than empty parking lot like that?
what's worse is someone made a 10 hour version :-/
@Danu you can't tell the math chat anything without allegations of being overly pedantic :P
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Never happened to me!
@Danu Hi.
03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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