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via reddit, spking of software vs physics, the two are increasingly synergistic.
Physicists ≠ Software Developers / De Castro, AMVA4NewPhysics
3 hours later…
Hi, everybody.
@BernardMeurer Peachception.
Hey, @BernardMeurer what the hell's going on? Government turmoil and a mosquito-carried virus that causes birth defects. Scary.
@DanielSank heya
Idk what's going on, I'm just getting out of here ASAP, don't want to risk getting stuck later on
What are people saying there about the olympics?
The talk online is generally that lots of people travelling to Brazil could lead to a world health disaster because of zika.
Zika isn't the trouble people are making it look like
I only know one person who got it and:
1. I know a lot of people
2. I live in Rio, the actual Olympics city
We've been fighting the mosquito for a long time, mostly because of Dengue, and we can handle that
So the news coverage is overblown in your opinion?
Here people almost forgot the Olympics are happening, our politics is better than House of Cards so we focus on that
@DanielSank Very much so, it's like H1N1; "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD EVERYONE WILL DIE", two months later no one even knows what that is again
Well, people worry more when the pathogen affects babies.
Oh, @BernardMeurer I want to tell you the best bug I've ever seen. It happened today.
Yeah, I guess, I'd be far more worried about the athletes in rowing and things like that
@DanielSank Bug story time! Yay!
@BernardMeurer Oh, that's interesting. Will talk about that after bug story.
Ok, here it goes...
I was using the Google Cloud SQL to set up a database for some stuff at work.
There are several ways to connect to a database in the cloud. For example you can use a direct TCP socket connection from e.g. mysql client to the cloud database server.
However, to do this, you have to white-list your IP address, and there's a really annoying constraint that if the cloud SQL instance uses IPv4 or IPv6, the client has to make a connection from the same kind of IP address.
This was a problem, so I decided to use a proxy provided by Google.
The proxy sits on your local machine and provides a UNIX socket to which your sql client connects. The proxy has a private key which it uses to authenticate to the cloud SQL server, so you don't have to white-list anything etc. etc.
Still with me?
Yeah yeah, I'm following
Ok, well I set up the proxy on my laptop and it worked just fine.
Then I go into my office and try it on my desktop and it doesn't work.
Hm, firewall?
When you run the proxy, you give it a path where it should put the socket. I got an error message that the path I used was invalid.
Nah, not firewall.
This was an outgoing connection so I doubt our firewall would have anything to do with it anyway.
So I'm wondering why the path would be invalid.
The path I was using was:
Should be fine.
Nothing weird there. No funky characters.
I grabbed my coworder for help. I told him I thought it could be an issue with the length of the path.
Yeah that's a normal path
He pointed out that there's really no way that could be it, but he suggested it could have something to do with permissions.
UNIX limit is huge for path size
In particular, he was worried that because we were going through /, maybe permissions were messed up.
So, in the command line flag for the socket location, he shorted it to:
which was ok because our current working directory was /usr/google/home/danielsank/src/pyle/junctiondb already.
It worked.
He thought that suggested a permission issue, but I wasn't convinced.
The thing is, having a path originate in / can't mess up permissions if the actual full location is accessible.
I mentioned length again.
Yeah that's right
So, we looked at the system log.
We noticed that the error was coming from where the proxy was invoking the UNIX "bind" command.
(bind is how you associate a program with a socket)
It was at the call to bind that the "invalid path" was originating.
So, my coworker pulled up the documentation for Linux's bind call.
We noticed that the path argument was defined as a string buffer of length 108.
(Why is it 108, I have no idea)
So we checked the length of the path we were using. It was only 64 or something.
...but then my coworker noticed that the name of the socket was really long, and the path plus the name of the socket was 120 characters.
So I got my laptop, made the directory name long enough to make the full path and socket name 109 characters and tried it.
Same error :)
What on earth
So then I went home.
@BernardMeurer Yeah.
So now I'm learning how Google bug reporting works.
There's a specific path size just for bloody UNIX sockets
talk about obscure
#define UNIX_PATH_MAX 108
Good thing you aren't me
(and what does Unix(7) mean?)
I'd have opened the goddamn source and changed that define and recompiled the whole damn thing
@BernardMeurer o_O
ain't no one stopping me from using my paths how I want
My system, my rules
You'd recompile your whole OS?
@DanielSank just the bind tool
@BernardMeurer Yeahh that's probably used in a lot of the OS.
I have done this before you know, for silly reasons like this
That's kernel level stuff, isn't it?
papa bless that site
@DanielSank yep, that's why I don't have a working computer half the time
@BernardMeurer Dude, that's what it takes to become a true master.
well, a light enough distro takes only a few seconds to compile
Good for you.
@ChrisWhite Scroll up and read my bug story. You'll like it.
I've been reading :)
@DanielSank I've been told if your computer survives the process of learning linux in its completude you haven't really succeeded :p
@DanielSank Yes, I made up that word
Chrome tried to correct me but I'm in a rebel mood
@BernardMeurer Wait, but I found it in a French Wiktionary site.
== Français == === Étymologie === (1943) Mot composé de complet et -tude. === Nom commun === complétude \kɔ̃.ple.tyd\ féminin (Topologie) Qualité d'un espace métrique complet, ou d'un espace vectoriel normé complet. (Rare) Qualité de ce qui est complet, exhaustif. La portée des données du point de vue géographique et ethnique, la qualité des statistiques — c’est-à-dire leur degré de complétude. — (Annuaire démographique, United Nations Statistical Office, 2000) Afin d’évaluer le degré de complétude des données sur la mortalité enregistrées dans les pays dotés de registres d’état civil,...
See, I could be french
@ChrisWhite Tiny core?
I got a terminal to run on my kindle
@BernardMeurer should I feel insulted? :p
@ChrisWhite Hahaha, no no, that's a very small distro
@BernardMeurer wtf
I actually run gentoo with minimal bloat
@DanielSank Turns out that thing already sort of runs some weird UNIX-like thing
I just had to root it
@BernardMeurer ...
I wanted to change the screensavers, the normal OS wouldn't let me
@BernardMeurer I can tell you are destined for greatness because you share a very special characteristic with one of the greatest programmers of all time.
8 mins ago, by Bernard Meurer
My system, my rules
When I read your message in the kindle's terminal, it reminded me of this image.
Yeah I take inspiration from Torvalds, in that picture he's saying "Fuck you Nvidia"
The words of a true poet
@BernardMeurer lololol
pity whichever of your minions breaks userspace, or even logs a short commit message in the repo
@ChrisWhite Hmmm?
@ChrisWhite Hm? I ain't got no minions
@BernardMeurer yet
AAAAAH I've read that one
Love it
Mauro did make a shitty patch though
ehhhh, that tone is not helpful at all.
There's another good one from the git list where Linus 'explains' why he doesn't like C++.
@DanielSank Torvalds is known to be unhelpfully angry at times. Mauro's previous email wasn't good either, and his patch was filled with bad ideas
Before reading this, I should mention the in between Dmitry's and Linus's emails, there was someone who popped in and said something like "get your flame-proof undies on".
> Quite frankly, even if
the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out,
that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.
Well he is right about Boost
my experience with it wasn't good
GMP treated me far better
> So I'm sorry, but for something like git, where efficiency was a primary objective, the "advantages" of C++ is just a huge mistake. The fact that we also piss off people who cannot see that is just a big additional advantage.
OH @ChrisWhite I got it working btw :)
Torvalds is a savage in these emails
It's the nerd UFC
@BernardMeurer And imagine that was 2007. Boost has probably gotten a lot better since then? Though C++ has certainly only gotten worse.
I didn't like the introduction of automatic typing
It's like fitting a square into a round hole
that was definitely a colossal mistake
if you can't figure out the type of your object in such a strongly typed language, then you've already lost, and no compiler tricks will save you
@BernardMeurer really?
@DanielSank Uhum, because of what CW just said
@ChrisWhite In Scala I find it nice that I don't have to always write out the types.
depends on language -- Python doesn't need explicit types either
Scala has a real type system. It's nothing like python.
@ChrisWhite See if this looks cleaner, and this specially
I see auto typing as a readability bonus, but I can see that paying for that with compiler complexity could be bad.
but in C(++), either you can deduce the type yourself and using auto thus passes on the opportunity to have self-documenting code, or else you can't and you have no business proceeding until you can
I got into the next phase of that scholarships program :)
Have an interview monday in São Paulo
@ChrisWhite My point is that it can be really annoying to read all the type tags, particularly in cases where they simply are not helping you.
int x = 4;
var y = 4/3;
Actually that's a crappy example.
Get rekt
@BernardMeurer Whatever.
@BernardMeurer Nice.
I do get your point though
@ChrisWhite That's a really unfair comparison.
I just don't think if fits well into the C++ model
@BernardMeurer Much better. I'll even forgive your atrocious bracing style because at least it's consistent. ;)
Python box types everything. That's not the same as deducing types which are statically deducible.
@ChrisWhite What's with my bracing :O
brace yourselves...
::dodges tomatoes::
@BernardMeurer That's, like, the common style everyone uses. You populist.
I laughed :p
@ChrisWhite I used to break line before the brace but I got a ~lot~ of shit for it
so I changed my personality
As a physicist I refuse to use asymmetrical braces. If you won't let me put the opening brace on its own line, then you can be sure I'm putting the closing brace on the same line as the last statement.
And then we'll just have python style, with unnecessary end-of-line characters
btw, google-overlord says don't parenthesize return expressions
@ChrisWhite Look at the code again :)
I was in doubt what the norm was for returns, lemme change it
@BernardMeurer that probably is going to offend more people than it makes happy :p
Is there not a universal law about braces in C++?
You can talk crap about python all you want, but at least there's a well established intergalactic law about style.
@ChrisWhite I'm in a rebel mood today
Crap, my kindle just beat me at chess
I'm a disgrace
@DanielSank Python is my favorite language O.o
C++ is just an affair
@BernardMeurer That was directed at Monseur Le White.
@DanielSank I haz question
@BernardMeurer I has answer, maybe.
I'm writing my own testing solution for this euler totient project
@DanielSank I have nothing against python. In fact I'd probably like C with forced indentation rather than braces.
and I wanted to check if all values for n=1...500 will be correct
so I stored them all in a .csv file
and the test utility parses the file and tests them
is that a bad solution?
@BernardMeurer No that's fine.
I though it was cool because I can add more test cases by just adding columns to my CSV
@BernardMeurer Yes.
When I have a situation like this, I first try to think of a way to model the data.
Lots of my code comes with functions specifically written for that purpose.
For example, if I am writing a function to fit a parabola to some data which is parabolic but with noise, part of the module has a function that generates test data which is parabolic with noise.
However, if you're in a situation where generating the test data is expensive or impossible, it's totally correct to just store the test data in the repo.
Nothing wrong with that.
Q: How to include a Lenny face in a LaTeX document? e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

pixatlazakiHow would one include a "classic" Lenny face in a LaTeX document? A paper is due tomorrow and I am curious. e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I have attempted to use the verbatim environment but it has proved fruitless.

@BernardMeurer I will say that when I use standalone opening braces, I simultaneously don't brace single statements. That way the style isn't too open and spread out.
@Slereah Oh for heaven's sake...
@ChrisWhite I always brace single statements
This annoys a lot of people, but for anyone familiar with python it should read pretty fluidly.
@DanielSank Good :D
I'm always told things like "but what if you add another statement and forget to add braces" to which I reply "so do you code in Notepad or Word?"
seriously, of the many thousands of bugs I've made, my text editor has never let me do silly things like that
@ChrisWhite You're underestimating people's stupidity
Also, fuck it, I'm running x-server on this TI calculator
I want to play doom
@BernardMeurer ...why?
@DanielSank I only got linux to boot on it, I want to see if I can make X work :D
then play doom
I'm starting to wonder if Brazil even has modern computing equipment, or if you're forced to hack wristwatches and alarm clocks to access the internet :p
Or @BernardMeurer actually lives in North Korea.
@ChrisWhite I think the only way I'll be decent at Linux is by working on these hardcore things :p
it forces you to understand the system
Makes me wonder if I can run linux on a watch now that you mentioned it
nice project idea
You're crazy.
@DanielSank You don't know the half of it :)
@BernardMeurer Yes I do. You impress girls with probability calculations.
...and apparently it works.
You truly are insane.
Where is the keyboard
@DanielSank Hey, that was a cute move man, I showed her that we meeting was a miracle
I swear she liked it
@BernardMeurer I know! That's the crazy part.
@DanielSank Dude, try it on your girl and see for yourself!
You think I'm insane now? In my sophomore year I asked the school's treasury for money to build a jet-powered bicycle for the science fair
They denied my funding though
@BernardMeurer My girl is an astrophysicist and makes my stats-fu look like a small child playing with finger paint.
@BernardMeurer What did you think would happen?
@DanielSank Ask her what the odds are of the meeting happening twice, I couldn't respond to that
(I made a small rocket powered car once. The whole neighborhood came out to watch me launch it. It hit the curb and exploded. It was cool)
@DanielSank I thought I'd build a damn jet engine
@BernardMeurer To be honest, she'd think about it, and either become enraged and quit or become totally obsessed and not give up until she got the answer.
I had the blueprints and all
@DanielSank Hmmmm, this just gave me an idea
@BernardMeurer uh oh
@DanielSank Whenever I get married remind me of this probability thing, I have a plan to get many husband points
@BernardMeurer k
@Slereah I was never interested in statistics until I learned statistical mechanics.
Well here's the problem
Then a few years ago I bought a book of fifty hard probability problems.
Don't learn statistical mechanics
Now I really like it.
@Slereah wat?
Also boring
Brazil right now:
bool impeachment(bool vote){
vote=true ? impeachment(false) : impeachment(true);
@Slereah That's easy to say until you learn it. Then you'll see how cool it is.
Well I'll be off to bed, almost 4 in the morning
Nighty @DanielSank @ChrisWhite
@BernardMeurer ciao
I've learned statistical mech
I'm off too.
I've had a class and all
@Slereah a class? you only ever took 1
Well yes
Because it's boring
@Slereah what?
it like describes EVERYTHING
well no
QFT describes everything
Statistical mech approximates everything
It's for people too lazy to find exact solutions
@Slereah a vanishingly small approximation often
@Slereah and quantum at least to the level I've done it seems like a far worse approximation
@Slereah how is qft different
sure stat mech is a pain in the ass to work with sometimes but basically it underpins almost every multibody problem, and dont you generally learn important qft tools like renormalization groups originally in a classical statistical mechanic treatment
Well the real thing to do is
solve the QFT equations for the entire universe
No need to assume any thermodynamical approximation
it's not that hard jeez
Just solve the universe
i may not be well versed in qft but im pretty sure its not as easy as you put it
Just solve this
It's not rocket science
@Slereah still, that doesn't just give you an equation you can plug an IV into and tada the universe pops out exactly as we predict
you dont get each particle in each position at each point in time
Well that is where you are wrong
(or whatever the appropriate basis is for qft)
There are no particles in QFT
You just nead the field configuration at a time $t$
@Slereah and the field evolves completely deterministically?
The wavefunction does, yes
The measurement maybe not so much
@Slereah well the measurement is part of the universe isnt it
But then you can calculate the amplitude for that
Easy peasy lemon squeezy
@Slereah you still cant predict the measurement before you do it
or at least cant make a single prediction of what exactly it is
Well yes but then that is even more against statistical mechanics
You're just gonna get results on very broad and deterministic variables
Instead of actual measurement probabilities
You're gonna get ENTROPY
Entropy is bullshit man
You don't need entropy
@Slereah well so you decided to rag on stat mech for not describing the exact dynamics of a particle, meanwhile you are putting on a pedestal a system that completely ditches the idea of even trying to describe an individual particle and converts the universe into a field
Just because there are more field configurations for a given variable doesn't mean it's gonna happen!
or a bunch of fields
Obviously, what you say only applies if you adhere to the Copenhagen interpretation
If we go by Bohmian quantum theory
Then everything is deterministic
no problem
well now your just talking the version of the bible you adhere to
is there any experimentally determined difference between these interpretations

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