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Yeah there isn't really such a thing as well defined particles
They are pretty smeared
@Slereah Freire said the smoothing proof should be easy and will write it up and send it to me. He says O'Neil is pretty close, he'll make it explicit
He did remark that it's a little strange that the proof is not available anywhere
Yeah once you start trying to Prove All The Things You Know
It gets a bit weird
Tracking down a full proof of anything is pretty hard
And sometimes you realize that the proof doesn't exist at all!
Like when Peskin says "Well the interacting theory has a small coupling so we can totally use the vacuum state of the free theory as a starting point"
Even though that's a filthy lie
I thought that's how you did QFT
You build the interacting vacuum out of the free one
@dmckee Got my venti dark roast from El $bucks
That is what people do, yes
The Hilbert space of the interacting theory isn't the same as the free one
Hence rigorously it doesn't make sense!
Although it does work
who cares if it makes sense
ugh why is coffee always so hot
@Slereah you know
the proof of Lemma 4.5.2 in HE is wrong
Is it
you need to use a pullback connection
@Slereah yeah, because formally the covariant derivatives $\mathrm{D}/\partial s$ and the other one don't make sense
you need to define a connection on a pullback bundle $\alpha^*T\mathscr M$ or something
but no one bothers with that, not even a lot of actual riemannian geometry textbooks
@Slereah is the Hilbert space for interacting particles really different than the Hilbert space for non-interacting particles? In condensed matter this is not true. Do you have a ref I could read for high energy?
@JamesRowland It's the Haag theorem
In non-relativistic QM it is the same, yes
Cool thanks!
But the two different spaces give similar enough measurements that nobody really cares
@Slereah Why similar
Well, experimentally it works
So any difference between the two will be below experimental reach
or maybe @Obliv was right and QFT breaks math
QFT math is pretty shit
Either it's all handwavy, it doesn't apply to the standard model or it's horribly complicated
was gonna type a blog post in starbucks
like a real man
apparently 100 authors against Einstein was never translated
Ich kann's dir vorlesen, mein Junge.
@Slereah do you know what that translates to
I can vorlesen you, my young'un
(I hope that's not "molest")
I can read it to you
coffee on SW
@0celo7 I never said that >_> I now realize that math is simply a language of logic that if applied correctly HAS to describe the universe otherwise it was written wrongly in describing the system.
Only if you assume the universe to have understandable rules
@Slereah I spit coffee on the cover of SW
@Slereah Well, we try our best I guess :p
@0celo7 very nice. Now you can hand it down to me for half the price :D
@Obliv how much math do you know
SW is not a "physics" book in all honesty
I know like 5 maths
@Slereah I know 7, SUCK IT
My feelings
@Slereah do you know what a pullback bundle is
Is it when you pullback a bundle
I...that makes sense.
@0celo7 Well, I'd like to say I know up to Calc II. I haven't really learned it rigorously though. I also dabble in algebraic geometry and trigonometry. Which is a fancy way of saying I can draw shapes.
algebraic geometry o.O
@Obliv what are you, a freshman?
@0celo7 yeah lol
are you really
@0celo7 no i am a pathological liar
or are you a high schooler who wants to be taken seriously
@0celo7 no lol I'm a freshman.
what year do you think I am
@0celo7 I'd prefer to be a high schooler so I could have learned more :[ I think you're in your 2nd or 3rd year of grad ?
@Obliv I'm a freshman lol
@0celo7 you finished undergrad though, right? lol
No, I'm 18
@0celo7 yeah fuck off lol
Are you American?
@0celo7 Yeah I live on the east coast. You can't mess with me man I know an 18 y/o isn't going to have 9 gr books
@Obliv How can I prove it?
@0celo7 does ACM know?
@0celo7 I'll have to ask him i guess @ACuriousMind
Someone who can confirm for real is @BernardMeurer
He's met my sister
I bet he has ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@Slereah He's too poor for her to fuck you idiot
WOW... @BernardMeurer shots fired.
I would send a pic of my ID on a GR book but I'm worried about people stealing my identity already
No need for people to know my exact DoB
@0celo7 I refuse to believe you're 18, btw. You had to have been homeschooled?
public school in VA
@0celo7 what kind of steroid-enhancement program did you go through to learn that much math in HS?
@0celo7 my school didn't offer anything beyond Calc 2
Algebra 1, Geometry (over a summer), Algebra 2, precalc, Calc BC
@0celo7 so you learned all of the material on your own? starting from what age o_o
hmm, about 16?
took calc 1 for fun after algebra 2 at a community college one summer
taught myself calc 2, 3, linear algebra
@tfb do you have a Ph.D. in physics? no? is that why you're calling the scientific method "tinfoil?" :) — Physics Ph.D. 1 hour ago
@Obliv if you want my sincere recommendation for a GR book, it's Zee
@0celo7 I have to brb but that's incredible dude. I thought I was a nerd senior year when I studied the fuck out of calc. Still years behind you somehow
I read it junior year with some basic knowledge of calc 3
the book has hard parts, but I'd be more than willing to assist
@0celo7 i'm not going to start learning gr when I haven't even learned lagrangian/hamiltonian mechs lol or before I take the math required for it. But thanks, I'll look into it when the time comes.
(some of the exercises are insane, too)
@Obliv Zee teaches Lagrangian mechanics
And you don't need Hamiltonian mechanics for basic GR
@0celo7 is it a math approach? I will still be severely behind I think.
It's a physics book
@0celo7 give me like 2 semesters and I'll have learned calc III, linear algebra, stat, & maybe discrete
He doesn't even formally define the tangent space, everything is done intuitively
Why would you need stat
I know what stat is!
idk it's a math :D
What school are you at
that is top secret information
Oh don't be like that
Are you an X Man
@Obliv well?
why don't you want to say
> however, it turns out that the result will not depend on the choice of extension
God, that's the "cf. HE" of Riemannian geometry.
A: Beginners Textbooks in physics

OblivThe textbook my school uses for my AP Physics 2 course is the fifth revised edition Giancoli textbook. Like you, I am reading ahead and trying to absorb as much information as possible. I am sure many high school physics books are a great starting place to go further in studying physics at your l...

Time to investigate what his school is!
@0celo7 I like anonymity
@Obliv then don't tell us your name?
there's likely thousands of people at your school
Not like we're gonna know which one is you!
@FenderLesPaul denied for Cornell and UPenn
hmm, why $\mathrm{d}F(\tfrac{\partial }{\partial t})c(t,s)$
That doesn't make much sense...
Time to seppuku
@Obliv do you still doubt my age
@Obliv he's indeed 18 and I'm indeed too poor for his sister, or for college as it seems
> A direct calculation shows, that all five properties of the Proposition 16.3 are satisfied.
> Exercise 16.4 Perform the necessary calculations in the existence proof of Propo-
sition 16.3.
@Slereah Are you going to track my ip? That is a pretty popular book in many schools :p
@Obliv no one is going to track your IP.
@0celo7 I don't doubt it anymore, I just thought you were messing with me at first. It just takes a certain kind of person to be able to teach yourself that much math in hs and I think they're pretty rare.
I can't teach myself anymore
@0celo7 how come
@Slereah : I don't have a theory, I refer to Einstein, and I don't like being badmouthed by you.
Flag thrown @ArtOfCode ?
So... why is this guy's theory so offensive to someone and yet another comment about "being too poor to f*" isn't?
@0celo7 apparently
@0celo7 I think I saw 3, at least.
Didn't see it myself, but someone said it was here.
@Catija Because the person who it was directed at didn't find it offensive?
I saw two.
@Catija There's a long-standing issue in this room.
The latter doesn't really bother me, honest... mostly it's the former I don't get.
@Catija links or they didn't happen
@ArtOfCode chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28659208#28659208 and the post two above it were the ones I saw flagged.
@Catija I concur. And to call it "badmouthing"? If that's what that is, I know a few rooms around here that probably need to be burned to the ground and exorcised.
that should give me something to do
This was the one that initially drew my attention. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28659188#28659188 Then I saw another that I couldn't check before it was handled, then the one @Catija linked.
Mar 23 at 22:27, by ArtOfCode
Let me just drop a reminder in here: Be Nice. No matter who is is, whether you like them or not, it is a requirement of chat that everyone is nice to everyone else. Professional respect is a great thing.
Automation saves time. Put that message on a one week loop.
@ArtOfCode You want me to star that one for you, too... so it's up in the star board twice ;)
@ArtOfCode perma-star a quote of yourself ;)
Oh jesus!
Mods everywhere now
That got 16 stars over there --> kinda indicates y'all want people to be nice? Everyone's part of that, make it happen.
@0celo7 Yeah, that usually happens with flags. Draws Mods & 10k-ers from all over.
@Catija : because I don't have a theory, I just answer questions with robust references like this, and I'm still getting slagged off for it.
Great, @Slereah is suspended for a day
what if you are referring to the archaic definition of "nice"?
GG @JohnDuffield
don't go there
@ArtOfCode He's the one who flagged
@0celo7 You don't know that.
Don't mudsling.
> Be welcoming, be patient, and assume good intentions.
@ArtOfCode I know with 5 sigma
Good enough for CERN
Not good enough for the Dictator of Stack Exchange (tm)
We've tried being welcoming, being patient and assuming good intentions.
@ArtOfCode I dunno. I don't even know this room and I'm fairly confident enough to assert the same. Particularly given the first item I saw flagged.
Can we now no longer do that?
@0celo7 It applies always or it applies never, and if it applies never then you get suspended. Your choice.
Why is calling out people on being wrong "not nice"?
It's not, provided it's done constructively. It wasn't.
@0celo7 I'm not saying I agree that it was flag-worthy, but there's a difference between saying "you're wrong" and saying "anyone who bothers trying to understand you is a fool".
@Iszi when are you going to get a diamond?
@Iszi The user that message is referring to is wrong 99% of the time for the past X months
@ArtOfCode Well, for the record, there are users here who cannot be constructively criticized because they cannot learn and never will.
@ArtOfCode Next Sec.SE election if I'm lucky. But I've already been passed over twice.
The only thing to say about them is that they are completely wrong, and others should be rightly warned of this.
@ChrisWhite I'm well aware of those users. I know the entire situation here, believe me.
@ChrisWhite For the record, who are those users?
But there are constructive ways and unconstructive ways. "You're a fool" is of the latter.
Fool's errand != you're a fool
@0celo7 Yes. I was going to say the same...
Did @Slereah ever insult JD himself?
Insulting someone's ideas is not the same as insulting the person.
@0celo7 Yes, that's fair, I did paraphrase. However.
3 mins ago, by Iszi
@0celo7 I'm not saying I agree that it was flag-worthy, but there's a difference between saying "you're wrong" and saying "anyone who bothers trying to understand you is a fool".
@ArtOfCode Oh, no. The statement was that anyone trying to understand the person is a fool. Unless that is a compliment, to imply that said person possesses supreme intelligence that mere mortals cannot comprehend, that's at least one or two levels past "unconstructive".
(Still not quite flag-worthy IMHO, but I come from a slightly different culture.)
How about... we return to your regular scheduled policies, and try not to discuss suspensions too much while their subjects aren't around?
@ArtOfCode Heh. Strictly speaking, they may be around - they just can't speak for themselves fight now.
@ArtOfCode I'm sure @Slereah doesn't mind.
@Iszi True enough
@0celo7 I'm not.
I can get him on Skype and confirm.
@0celo7 Regardless, the point is: Flags & disciplinary actions are done. Let's get over it and move on.
@Iszi Get over it?
Until round 134 in a week.
Or tomorrow.
@0celo7 : the moot point is that Einstein wasn't wrong. You say he was, and that you're smarter than Einstein, and other things too.
Man, it's that bad around here? Never would have imagined physicists took things so personally.
@0celo7 Look, I'll get onto the Physics mods. I agree totally with you that certain users here are persistent sources of trouble, and that needs to be addressed - but in chat, I don't have the tools to do that.
@0celo7 Be Nice. Last warning.
@ArtOfCode That was very nice!
@0celo7 LOL
I didn't insult him, did I?
@0celo7 Attempting to publicly forecast imminent moderator actions, for solely humorous purposes, will often result in said actions being performed upon you instead.
@JohnDuffield Got you really good with those links @0celo7
@Obliv Lol, didn't even click on it.
@0celo7 Ugh, stop rules-lawyering for God's sake. I'm moderating with the spirit of the policies, just like every moderator does.
perhaps we should all just go and play some unikong
I don't need to see an out-of-context Einstein quote for the 14th time.
@0celo7 the conversation where you and slereah keep saying 'shit' rofl.
@Iszi That does seem to be a pattern.
Unfortunately I'm not intelligent enough to pick up on that.
@0celo7 Then you're welcome for the education.
@Iszi What education?
Have I mentioned that my memory is like that of a goldfish?
@JohnDuffield What's with those last two links?
@Iszi seriously, go get a diamond. And link me to your nomination so I can upvote it several hundred times.
@ChrisWhite Second time I've heard that word today, in as many different rooms. Am I missing something?
@ArtOfCode Heh. Next time I'm up for one, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
@Iszi SE released the April Fools' thing (remember StackEgg?)
@ArtOfCode ORLY? Which time zone rolled over already?
only about half of them...
AFD anywhere in the world runs from 2016-03-31T12:00:00Z to 2016-04-02T12:00:00Z
@ArtOfCode AFD?
sorry, april fools day
Why are you having your personal chat in the GR chat PSE chat
@ArtOfCode Ah.
@0celo7 I quote: "General chat".
@ArtOfCode Well it would be a GR chat but someone just had to ban the other half of the GR duo
Thread was already well-hijacked anyway. At least now it's hijacked to a more casual topic.
@0celo7 get over it, ain't nothing you can do will change it
but plenty you can do will get you suspended too
@ArtOfCode oh?
ffs don't try
I want to see how close I can get
What's the upper bound?
You're already on a last warning. Don't.
@ArtOfCode Heh. I'm tempted to flag that for the sole sake of seeing such terminology used outside the DMZ. ;-)
I'm not doing anything!
@Iszi Hmm?
@ArtOfCode poke
@Iszi true enough... it's not often I use it, either.
What are you talking about
> ffs
What about it?
It's rare, from me.
It's one of my favorite sayings, rolls right off the fingers.
@0celo7 Because I have no interest in being vulgar in a pseudo-professional setting that is publically indexed and searchable by anyone who wants to know my character. Like employers.
@ArtOfCode Oh, BTW: It's not a diamond, but did you hear I got bumped to Co-Room-Owner in the DMZ? Not sure exactly how it happened - I wasn't really all that involved in it - but it did.
@Iszi Hey, it's a step on the way :) I had a couple of RO appoints a few months before I was modded, too. Nice one!
@ArtOfCode Employers check PSE account? Now that I find doubtful.
@0celo7 the same was said of Facebook in a time I can still remember.
@ArtOfCode Facebook has a real name attached
@0celo7 My website links to my SE profile.
@0celo7 Maybe not specifically, but they do Google. And Google can lead to chat aliases, which can lead back to here...
@ArtOfCode Yeah, I just saw that.
Wait... DeviantART has that?
They have porn there
Heh. It's what the Internet is for, after all.
Let's check
Okay, I'm getting out of here before you link a pic and have it oneboxed or something. I'm still at work.
@barrycarter : re "I am attempting to unify JohnDuffield's theories with a more traditional understanding of SR". I don't have theories Barry. I'm not some my-theory guy. I've just read the Einstein digital papers. The understanding you get from that is different to the understanding you get from other sources, ranging from popscience articles to some textbooks.
@Iszi Don't worry.
@Iszi ...Do you really think I'd onebox porn?
@skillpatrol don't lie
That would be a very good way to get suspended for a long time
@ArtOfCode Oh really...
Let's get out 4chan then
let's not
Or even a pornographic avatar
@skillpatrol lol remember Sofia
oh gosh
a prude?
that offends me
flag it
I'm not a snitch
You lot do open-source licensing? Ever heard of the DBAD license?
@ArtOfCode Who, me?
The expanded acronym is "Don't Be A Dick". I think that would work as a good policy here.
Are you calling me a dick?
No, I'm proposing a policy preventing you from being one.
what happened to your cool avatar? @ArtOfCode
I don't know what I did to deserve being almost called a dick :(
@skillpatrol I got a cooler one. Look at the high-res version of this one.
@skillpatrol my avatar is the best
@ArtOfCode do you understand my avatar
I'm not sure I want to.
@Obliv if you want a real nerd, take a look at @HDE226868
@ArtOfCode Wow where's the love
@0celo7 It died a long time ago. Around the same time I got a diamond.
I still prefer the math spirals @ArtOfCode
Don't let the power get into your blood pal.
@0celo7 what the fuck.. HOW??? I mean, to be fair, I did play around 4k hours of a videogame and got to a professional level. So there is a lot of time in HS to learn things. Just wish I could convert those hours to math&physics now '-'
What, CS?
@0celo7 can't say since my alias there is similar to my SE one
@BernardMeurer really sorry to hear that dude :(
@Obliv Now you're being silly
their loss
do you know where you'll be attending?
@0celo7 oh right, how does toxoplasmosis inhibit you from learning things on your own?
@Obliv brain damage
I was doing something just now
Can't remember what :(
Oh, I was gonna write a blog post on pullback connections
@0celo7 is it treatable/curable?
@0celo7 the toxoplasmosis that is
@Obliv I don't know
@0celo7 you got it diagnosed right? They didn't tell you what to do o_o?
Never forget Einstein and The Evidence
no, self-diagnosis
You should put links to all his early papers in your blog?
@skillpatrol lol
I'd be just as bad as the goblin then
@0celo7 just curious but how did you come to your conclusion?
@Obliv I have a cat
There is a user called Goblin
at mse
@JohnDuffield remember, we told you not to have those kinds of discussions here
@FenderLesPaul It's alright I guess, I'm feeling a little better now
@FenderLesPaul No, I think I won't be attending at all; no money
Don't drop out.
@DavidZ Why did 0celo7 get suspended?
@BernardMeurer We don't discuss specific suspensions.
@DavidZ Oh, correct we discussed that before, pardon me
No worries :-)
Was calling Sophie a prude uncalled for?

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