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Ohanian's book is actually quite affectionate. Although it's titled Einstein's Mistakes he makes it very clear in the introduction that it isn't an attack on Einstein.
@JohnRennie Well, most reviewers disagree with you.
Ben describes an example in detail of Ohanian mischaracterizing the situation.
It had never occurred to me to read the Amazon reviews, but I'll have a look.
@JohnRennie I don't really have any other option, sadly, since I don't own Ohanian's book.
In any case, I think it's clear that it is more accurate to characterize Einstein as an "excellent student" than as a "bad student who just got by".
I'm guessing you are especially interested in reading it. If you are, some might say I have a pdf of it, though I couldn't possibly comment.
@JohnRennie You're a regular Ed Thatch.
Q: questions regarding the proof of a physical identity

ss1729Is it really on topic to ask questions regarding an exact proof/how to approach the proof of a particular identity, or a physical equation ?

@dmckee : I want to lodge a complaint. I've just posted an answer, and received an immediate downvote from some malicious chatroom troll even before they had time to read it. It isn't the first time that's happened.
By the way I still don't know the proof of Hadamard forms
@Danu As AcuriousMind notes, I sometimes vent about things happening on the main site in chat without naming names. I suppose that you can generally find out what I'm talking about if you care to work your way through my recent activity.
I should look it up someday
It's in an old ass book I recall
Of course, I try to not vent any of that frustration in my comments, so you really would have to read all the questions I've been active on recently.
@JohnDuffield Why tell me? There is literally nothing I can do about.
@dmckee : because PSE is going downhill, and there's some good posters out there who are ex-posters, IMHO because of dishonest voting. And you're a moderator.
@0celo7 Arr, Jim Lad.
@DeNiSkA Collision with solids is a bit more complicated
1) the entire wall does not have to move 2) since the wall is much heavier, it does not have to move with the same acceleration at all
@JohnDuffield Do you really want me and the other mods to start deciding that certain users are trouble makers and get busy wielding moderator powers on that basis? Luckliy for you that's something that we are not suppose to do.
@dmckee I tried, but failed.
@Slereah but to conserve momentum earth should move (resnick-halliday from fundamentals of physics)
Well yes, but
Try computing the acceleration upon earth
@JohnDuffield Didn't you say this... 6 months ago?
The mass of the earth is... $\approx 10^{26} kg$
Did anyone leave since then?
Also why didn't Duffield leave
He is the best poster
Surely he should be the first to leave
@Slereah: you're a duck?
cranks vs quacks: Olympics anyone?
@Slereah yes! i agree it will move with velocity almost zero.(do you agree?)
Quack :V
@JohnDuffield Maybe some food for thought: 1) Have you ever left a "discussion" here while not proclaiming yourself to be "the winner"? 2) Has any discussion with you in this room ever resulted in anyone saying you're right?
@DeNiSkA Pretty much
(Please don't answer, I don't wish to debate, just perhaps to spark some thoughts)
Quanks---sounds nice
@Slereah Change your avatar :p
Nah I like my Leonard J. Crabs
@Danu 1. Someone who is never wrong will always win. 2. I concede that Duffield is correct.
@0celo7 I didn't ask you anything
@dmckee rekt
@Danu Oh really
@Slereah now my question comes!
to conserve momentum ball has imparted very negligible velocity to earth so when it does some infinite rebound collisions (like hitting walls to & fro ) all velocity of the ball will drain and finally the ball's velocity will approach zero. (*is my understanding correct*?)
@DeNiSkA No.
You're doing exactly what you asked others not to do, @Danu :P
@0celo7 "rekt" = "correct", or "wrecked"?
@ACuriousMind No; I only asked others not to engage in "physics discussions", which I'm not doing.
@JohnRennie lol so old
The second one.
@dmckee but why ? (::*politely*::)
Because after the first impact the opposite wall will me moving ever so little toward the ball.
In particular, I took great care not to say that one should not talk to him at all, which didn't stop him from accusing me of doing so nonetheless.
@ACuriousMind What should I have for dinner?
Assuming we're talking about fully elastic interactions, of course.
@0celo7 It was a serious question, I'm too old to understand your banter.
I am not quite sure where Something Awful got the face for Leonard J. Crabs
@dmckee I want the mods to be absolutely authoritarian. Make Physics SE the new stalinist era!
@JohnRennie I know it was serious, but you're still old :)
@Danu I see. Lawyering your own rule, I like it ;P
And I gave you the correct answer.
@ACuriousMind Of course, you're quite right that the best way to avoid bad chatroom vibes is to not talk at all.
@BernardMeurer Too bad. I don't like myself when I starting doing that stuff.
@ACuriousMind I actually didn't make that up on the spot, believe it or not. I'm forced to be careful here...
@dmckee :)
@JohnRennie I believe he means that mine remark was a stinging rebuke. Or something like that.
@dmckee so you mean ball on the second collision, will get the velocity back?
I guess using "rekt" for that is one of these "finesses of entertainment" I keep hearing about
@DeNiSkA Yeah. If the collisions are elastic then the energy must stay in the bulk kinetic channel. That's what "elastic" means.
The youth of today. I don't know what the world is coming to.
@dmckee yup
rekt, verb: to rek
definition: To cause one/one's argument to look like a goof
@JohnRennie Greatness, my old friend.
@ACuriousMind no
@JohnRennie Waste and ruination. Same as always.
@0celo7 That's OK, I'll be dead by then. Enjoy your, erm, greatness.
Hey @0celo7
Did you know
The youth are to the world as DJ Trump is to America. The interpretation of that statement can be wide and varied.
It's basically impossible to have a spherically symmetric static wormhole
@JohnRennie you're like 55
@Slereah uh isn't that Schwarzschild
Do I need to get Visser's book?
And you were planning to achieve "greatness" within the next 50 years?
It's actually not in Visser
Oh well, it's good to have ambitions I suppose
It's some paper
I forget which
I think it's called like
No go theorems for spherically symmetric spacetimes
Or some shit
the very same
Basically if you try to find a solution for a spherically symmetric spacetime with reasonable sources
@JohnRennie WW3 is coming.
You find that $\frac{dr}{dl} > 0$
For a spatial section like $f(x) dl^2 + r(x) d\Omega^2$
@0celo7 Will that be here before or after global warming drowns all our coastal cities?
For such a spacetime to be a wormhole
@JohnRennie implying that's realistic at all
The function $r$ has to have a minimum
The throat size of the wormhole
Also it's $\frac{d^2r}{dl^2} > 0$ I think
Hence no minimum
Oh no, I've opened the global warming bag of worms. Time to go!
Unless you allow for specific fields
On phone, I have no clue what you're talking about Sam
Like phantom fields or non-minimally coupled scalar fields
Time for bed, I have to be at work in 8 hours. See you all tomorrow.
IIRC it's impossible for like
Any number of interacting scalar fields and vector fields
How good of a read is Visser? Can you send me Hawking and Gibbons? Are you still reading that
Not sure about spinor fields
I don't give books away fool :V
@JohnRennie whimp
I'm not sure anyone is listening to your rambling, @Slereah ;)
I am, Bajoran
You should, it is interesting!
Btw that's a word in my phone's dictionary now
@0celo7 comes with age
I've said it enough times
has here anyone written IPhO?
What is ipho
Also that article also had some weird thing I've never heard enough before
Spacetime horns and spacetime flux tubes
A bit odd
Never read those terms anywhere else
I just had a nerve-wrecking draw after coming back from a piece down due to a blunder by the opponent.
@Danu Uhh, no? It's a reason for downvoting, but I always vote to leave open if the only reason is insufficient effort.
@ChrisWhite That was just a statement of fact
There are many questions closed for the exact reason that they "show insufficient effort"
why everyone has put john duffield on ignore?
^^ okay, I don't dispute that fact
@DeNiSkA Just ignore the matter---it's a complicated story with no really interesting features.
Now, if you disagree with that reason for VTC-ing, then maybe you can bring it up on meta.
@Danu i see!
@DeNiSkA It is interesting but Danu is a grumpy
@Danu It's already there, with no real consensus, but actually back then a majority seemed to say "don't close these questions".
@Danu Perhaps. More pressing though I'm formulating a request to have downvotes have more effect on this site.
@ChrisWhite LOL, good luck.
@0celo7 they say the crushed version of it!
I am 100% behind you on that, but it ain't gonna happen.
Yeah. I'm not expecting to win.
@JohnRennie Nooo but he's the worst crackpot. He wastes taxpayer money trying to prove logical inconsistencies based on a middle school understanding of physics.
@ChrisWhite I assume you are aware of the once pending version of that from the Trilogy days that resulted in question upvotes having less weight instead?
@dmckee Yeah. But I also think costs and effects of votes do vary in some rare site-by-site cases.
I don't want to change how SO does things, but just how we do things.
Fair enough. I just figure you have to make the case in the context of that older discussion.
Unlike code sites, we get answers that are patently wrong yet aren't downvoted quite into oblivion. Or rather they are, but not into 5*oblivion, which is what's needed to keep people from gaining rep.
Q: What is a spinor?

PhilosophicalPhysicsIn a youtube video, sir Michael Atiyah mentioned that even after working during the most of his life on spinors, he doesn't know what a spinor is. Now surely that was part of his humorous introduction to the talk there, but still, we work on spinors but how much are we capable of setting its defi...

@ChrisWhite Yep. ::starts whistling 'I've got a little list...' from _The Mikado_::
Why did they take away our hats?
@JohnRennie They are utterly mad though. Sticking two plates close to each other does not make negative energy density as far as GR is concerned.
@ChrisWhite Yeah...
@BernardMeurer So that you'll appreciate them more when they come back next year?
@dmckee I had some pretty sick hats that made my whole family proud
@Danu I still don't understand how that didn't get closed as too broad or shows no research effort.
@ACuriousMind I don't know. You can vote for that now.
@Danu No, I can't
Also I was thinking if it'd be nice to have a mathematical answer to it
@ACuriousMind Tomorrow, then.
I pushed it into the queue
> A spinor is a mathematical representation of a harmonic standing-wave quantum field "topological structure" or excitation which typically exhibits a spin ½ geometry which in turn can be likened to Dirac's belt or the Möbius strip
Word salad!
Scheduling my thesis defense is apparently half the battle.
I can't imagine how people do it with external examiners
@ChrisWhite Donuts.
Is your thesis done?
@0celo7 troll
If my thesis was done, I'd be off doing... fun. Or whatever it is that normal people do.
Which part?
donuts isn't trolling
they're also not sufficient to get tenured professors to change their schedules, unfortunately
Have you tried getting good looking females in the room?
@ACuriousMind Your perspective on that spinor question is shocking tbh
@0celo7 Implying I'm not?
Quite a good looking lady you are
@Slereah Who is that?
That is @ChrisWhite
@ChrisWhite Tell Princeton to get its shit together
I get a different photo for you on my phone :V
Unless that's you in both pictures
@ChrisWhite Why isn't LaTeX on your CV as a skill?
Latex is like the quadratic formula -- no need to tell people I know it :p
@ChrisWhite You're saying that to a guy who does not know the quadratic formula.
@dmckee How do you feel about Basil Hayden's?
Q: Where to ask questions that are "on the boundary between science and philosophy"?

user289661The question that I have in mind, which may very well have a definitive answer that I am not aware of, or include false premises, is this: Since particles are "probability clouds" and it is possible to have identical particles (fundamental particles), is it possible, or at all meaningful, to ide...

who is this physics meta?

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