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@yuggib orly
is there a bijection from $\mathbb{R}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}$?
Same cardinality, so probably?
Not sure what tho
@Slereah that's circular
I can think of one
It relies on
Take two real numbers $0,a_1a_2a_3a_4...$ and $0,b_1b_2b_3b_4...$
@0celo7 let $A$ and $B$ be two sets, then $\#(A\times B)=(\# A)\cdot (\# B)$
The function to $0,a_1b_1a_2b_2a_3b_3a_4b_4...$ is a bijection
@yuggib uh so the cardinality of the plane is $\aleph_1^2$?
@Slereah wait a moment
does that work since a real number can have two decimal representations
write $1/2$ in deicmal form
Well I guess just pick one
why . there
but , above
@0celo7 1) the cardinality of $\mathbb{R}$ is not known to be $\aleph_1$
@yuggib Depends what axioms you use!
@yuggib why not
it is $2^{\aleph_0}$ for sure
Also the point is that R and R^2 have the same cardinality :p
@yuggib does the same idea works for $\mathbb{R}^n$ also thus proving that the cardinality of $\mathbb{R}^n$ is the same as $\mathbb{R}$?
@yuggib do you like Mythbusters
@yuggib proof?
in cardinal arithmetics, $\aleph_{\alpha}\cdot\aleph_{\beta}=\max\{\aleph_{\alpha},\aleph_\beta\}$
the fuck
you have to prove this stuff
@yuggib can one prove it directly
what about $\mathbb{C}^n$ is it the sam as $\mathbb{C}$ in terms of cardinality?
@Secret well certainly $\mathbb{C}\cong\mathbb{R}^2\cong\mathbb{R}$
so it should work the same way
@0celo7 these are standard results
not in America
anyways, if you want a direct proof you can find plenty just searching for them on the web
or on math.SE
looking, can't find any
Q: Cardinality of $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{R}^2$

Delightful_RichardI am working on this exercise for an introductory Real Analysis course: Show that |$\mathbb{R}$| = |$\mathbb{R}^2$|. I know that $\mathbb{R}$ is uncountable. I also know that two sets $A$ and $B$ have the same cardinality if there is a bijection from $A$ onto $B$. So if I show that there ex...

and references therein contained
paper cuts are literally Satan
@0celo7 it's not non-elementary
@yuggib it's PhD level
@0celo7 nah, it's the most elementary part of set theory
@yuggib wrong
what would you know about it
@yuggib what do you know about lie groups
@0celo7 almost nothing
because I never studied them in a mathy way, only in physics
so you know negative things about them
in which sense?
@yuggib ok so under the adjoint rep of a Lie group $G$ is the lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ a $G$-module?
just getting terminology straight
I said that I do know almost nothing about them
@yuggib the things you know about them probably only hold for unitary and orthogonal groups
and even then it's probably wrong
I had a mathematics course about Lie groups also, actually
@Danu was Chern a really cool guy
but I forgot everything, they are essentially differentiable manifolds if I recall correctly
I just noticed do Carmo dedicated his riem geo book to him
@yuggib yes
and the algebra is the tangent blah blah
@yuggib tangent space at the identity
or the left-invariant sections of the tangent bundle
as I said before, geometry is boring
take that back
suggested readings for you:
fuck that
you need to read the first, so you will finally understand something about sets
no prerequisite needed
why do I need to know things about sets
only pure math people care about that
you are a math major
and you always consider sets in doing math
@yuggib so
I have no intention of doing pure math
@yuggib what the fuck
there are some parts of that type of geometry that are interesting
I'll never be able to understand that
so you telling me to read that is pretty dickish
sure you'll be able to understand that
plenty of cohomology, $K$-theory, $K$-cycles etc
I can't understand that either
From the intro: "The theory, called noncommutative geometry, rests on two essential points:
1. The existence of many natural spaces for which the classical set-theoretic tools of analysis, such as measure theory, topology, calculus, and metric ideas lose their pertinence, but which correspond very naturally to a noncommutative algebra. Such spaces arise both in mathematics and in quantum physics and we shall discuss them in more detail below; examples include:
a) The space of Penrose tilings
b) The space of leaves of a foliation
you can't say that it is not interesting
I don't see where the GDP is
you are extremely narrow-minded
how so
I'm not interested in abstract nonsense
you're not interested in fundamental things, but you always ask for proof of everything
mb go there then

The question is unusual in that a graphical solution is often easy to found, but (at least me) have no idea how to do it algebraically

In terms of problem solving I am always interested in the interplay between graphical methods and algebraic methods
and demand that the proofs should be done only by what you are interested in
@yuggib I am interested in fundamental things
just not noncommutative geometry
which mathematical fundamental things are you interested in?
not set theory
wait what are the fundamental things
the things that build the foundations of mathematics
@Slereah good answer.
@yuggib like what
oh yesssssss
@0celo7 set theory, category theory, model theory, logic, abstract algebra
Q: What is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

FooBarI suppose GDP is supposed to create a measure of a country's wealth/welfare, something easily indexable. But how exactly is it composed? And is its composition disputed? How good is it at measuring a country's economic well-being?

@yuggib model theory?
In mathematics, model theory is the study of classes of mathematical structures (e.g. groups, fields, graphs, universes of set theory) from the perspective of mathematical logic. The objects of study are models of theories in a formal language. We call a set of sentences in a formal language a theory; a model of a theory is a structure (e.g. an interpretation) that satisfies the sentences of that theory. Model theory recognises and is intimately concerned with a duality: It examines semantical elements (meaning and truth) by means of syntactical elements (formulas and proofs) of a corresponding...
This the best equation.
@yuggib I'm not interested in fundamental things
I am usually interested in abstract algebra, on how wild can axioms get to give algebraic operations with very unusual properties (the naive overgeneralisation of this "hobby" often cause me to stumble upon category theory)
@0celo7 but since they are at the foundation, you often come in contact with them
@Slereah how the heck do you get the adjoint rep on the Lie algebra from the one on the Lie group by differentiation
like $\mathrm{Ad}(g)X=gXg^{-1}$
how exactly is $\mathrm{ad}(Y)X=[Y,X]$ related to that
@yuggib yeah, so?
I see no reason to study any of them on their own
@0celo7 So having a basic knowledge of them is useful in order to do mathematics in general
what's your point
even applied math
bullshit, no applied math person needs category theory
like 10 people actually need category theory
and of those 0 are doing meaningful stuff
maybe, but every applied math person needs to know sets and their properties
but not cardinal numbers
and some basic properties of algebraic structures
I'm taking an algebra course
right now
On the more applied side of things, I have a very slight interest in mathematical education, in order to show the kids that maths is not scary
@0celo7 why not? they can come in handy when considering sets
interesting math is scary though
@Slereah Is it the following: let $g=g(t)$ be a curve through $e$ at $t=0$ with derivative $Y$, then $\mathrm{ad}(Y)X=\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}|_{t=0}\mathrm{Ad}(g)X$?
@yuggib you're not going to convince me to read a whole book on set theory
we do a lot of set theory in intro topology
@yuggib did you know that some math programs don't require you to take analysis
@0celo7 it is not so surprising
for many pure mathematicians analysis is not useful
for example they told me that Sir Atiyah was of that opinion
and then he "destroyed" the english analysis tradition
his most famous theorem is about fucking analysis on manifolds
@yuggib what does that mean
how does one man destroy it
because nobody was encouraged to do analysis
@yuggib now if you sent me a book on the AS theorem, I would read it
or try
it's on my list of thesis topics
@yuggib but how do you do topology or geometry or PDE or like any useful math without analysis
@0celo7 you can do topology and geometry without analysis I think (or at least hiding analytic concept as much as possible)
of course PDEs are just a branch of analysis as is usually defined
from a pedagocial standpoint topology must be hell to teach if the students haven't had analysis
so you can't
and it's really hard to do geometry without analysis, it rears its ugly head all the time
@0celo7 no, topology can be so abstract that no analysis intuition may come to help ;-P
wait, are you considering metric space topology as analysis?
I am
you need "compact metric spaces are complete" in Riemannian geometry
don't know, I would call it topology and not analysis
Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics that uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces. The basic goal is to find algebraic invariants that classify topological spaces up to homeomorphism, though usually most classify up to homotopy equivalence. Although algebraic topology primarily uses algebra to study topological problems, using topology to solve algebraic problems is sometimes also possible. Algebraic topology, for example, allows for a convenient proof that any subgroup of a free group is again a free group. == Main branches of algebraic topology == Below are some...
according to wikipedia, the main branches of analysis are: theory of real and complex functions, func analysis, diff eqns, measure theory, numerical analysis
I think that they are overlapping with many, but not all, other branches of math
my problem with analysis is that it is not chunky, i.e. too many things happening at the same time to keep track of my calculations,, and then I fall behind
@yuggib complex analysis is important in complex geometry
And twistor theory
yeah, I think that also algebraists/geometers need to know at least real and complex analysis
and some parts of functional analysis are deeply interconnected with topology
so it is difficult to separate the disciplines exactly
let's say that most geometers and algebraists can live, in my opinion, without measure theory, diff eqns and definitely numerical analysis
I wish I wil be able to improve my analysis in the coming semester, all my functon related hobbies are related ot it, not to mention solving real life problems
There are just too many times I ran into problems of unable to explore an interesting mathematical function because I am not good at analysis
thus "not sure where I have walked"
@yuggib I was told by my adviser that measure theory is a must for higher geometry
But he's a geometric analyst
So he might not be trustworthy there.
@0celo7 to be honest, I don't know exactly what algebraists/geometers do
Me neither.
surely you can do some mathematics without knowing analysis (almost) at all, but your point of view would be very limited
my analysis prof should iron his shirts
He's looking very wrinkled today.
Brb lecture.
1 hour later…
@yuggib I think I passed out a few times in that lecture
@0celo7 Your sister just asked me why don't you act like a normal person
I had no answer
@BernardMeurer what the fuck
@FenderLesPaul Waiting for 4 schools, heard back from the other 7
@FenderLesPaul one of those hasn't sent out anything, the others I missed the first round
@FenderLesPaul I got into my ~2/3 AND ~3/4 choice though
didn't get into my first choice (rip), but no complaints
@GPhys Which ones are you still waiting on?
@ACuriousMind if you love me, you'll check out my proof
And tell me that it's horribly wrong.
I don't love you, and what little brainpower I had available today has been drained already, so I'd prefer not to think hard in the next hours
@ACuriousMind I'm a master at not thinking, I can teach you the skills
Thanks, but I'd also prefer to leave my kitchen and other possessions unburnt.
@ACuriousMind I'm genuinely hurt
@ACuriousMind ugh I keep bumping it
I keep finding little errors
Yeah, that happens. If you don't want to bump it constantly, note the errors, but don't edit it, but wait a bit, read it again, note the errors, and repeat until you've either lost the will to live or think you're not going to find any more. Then finally edit it.
@ACuriousMind I would appreciate if you read it eventually. I probably put in 100x more effort/upvote than you did for your muon answer :P
@ACuriousMind that makes sense
I will read it eventually, but I'm really not in the mood for tracing signs and definitions right now.
@ACuriousMind FYI I only set my kitchen on fire 3 times okay?!
And one of the fires started with me trying to make plasma using a grape and a microwave oven
so not even cooking
(Yes it worked)
@ACuriousMind I understand.
If you trace them enough you'll go insane.
Do you ever just look through lists of equation solution
Try to find one you'd think would make a good physics problem
@Slereah That's not weird enough for me to occupy my time with
Do you ever steal mailboxes to have sex with
I'd consider it if it involved doing that on top of a wild cat or a rhino
the cat can watch
And just a tip, the best mailboxes are those rectangular ones, real nice fit
hey hey hey
sup @Danu
Dammit found another typo
@0celo7 No need to let us know every time ;) we all make typos (and sometimes discover them!)
@BernardMeurer I just got back to Munich after a small vacation
(pretty sad right now, sigh)
Oh come on, don't be a downer, Munich is a p cool place to live
@Danu but now I'm gonna bump it again
@BernardMeurer Meh
Munich is in Bavaria, there's like 5 places worse than in it in the world
And many thousand better
@Danu Wanna switch? :p
@0celo7 I had a dream I got accepted to UPenn last night
that can only mean I'm not getting in
@BernardMeurer if you go there we're never gonna get to hang out
@0celo7 There's such thing as planes, and I didn't apply to anywhere close to Tennessee
I really want to go to penn
I'd chop an alfredo for it
@BernardMeurer but I'll probably go to CA more often than to PA
That's what I'm saying.
@0celo7 : LOL, I couldn't resist.
Someone downvoted it
@0celo7 But UPenn dude
They have a program that sends us padawans to the LHC
I'd strangle a baby panda to stay at the LHC working on their Python stuff
@GPhys Nice to hear you got into some of your top choices
Best of luck! :)
how is this question "too broad"? If anything, I would have said it's too narrow, or possibly unclear
@glS I actually voted unclear what you're asking. I don't see at all why you think you can't use density matrices in "second quantization" (and the comments don't make that clearer). Every time you got a Hilbert space, you can consider density matrices on it, I don't get the problem
@ACuriousMind you don't see the issue
Haven't said that one in a while
Have any one here ever had a thought WHY Grigori Perelman simply uploaded his genious solution only to ArchivX, without ever bothering to publish it properly? Or have any of you ever even read i.e. the Opus Majus from Roger Bacon from Year 1267? And if Yes, what might have bin your own thoughts about this?
@ACuriousMind well I'm failing to make myself clear, that is evident. Did you have a look at the last things I wrote on the related chat room? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/36428/…
@ACuriousMind mine is a very "practical" problem if you want: I'm failing to see how would you actually do the HOM calculation I showed (which is the most simple example I could think of which presents this kind of phenomenology) without "exiting" the density matrices formalism, as I (tried to?) clarify in the above linked chat
@JokelaTurbine He despises the mathematical community, and does not want to be part of it any longer.
@ACuriousMind Also probably there is a problem of terminology with what "second quantization" means. I basically mean the use of creation operators to represent a state and compute its evolution
@glS I think you're asking for something that's impossible. If what you know about your system is what states it starts in, then why do you expect you can get the density matrix without writing it as the projector of those states?
Conversely, if e.g. you're doing QFT at finite temperature, what you know about your system is $\beta$ and the Hamiltonian $H$, so you can write the density matrix as $\exp(-\beta H)$, but it's pretty impossible to write down the actual states in that mixed state without going through first writing that matrix.
@JokelaTurbine Ever heard of mad geniuses? Perelman has done what a number of others like him did before, just look at Wittgenstein or Schopenhauer if you shift to philosophy, the former lived alone in the middle of Norway and the latter had only a dog for a companion throughout life (which people would mockingly call "Mrs. Schopenhauer"). Go figure what goes through their minds
@Danu why
I despise the textbook and journal price setters
@BernardMeurer Pretty sure Wittgenstein didn't live in the middle of Norway :P
At least not for most of his life
@ACuriousMind While writing some of his works he did
Google Wittgenstein norway hut
@ACuriousMind I don't expect that. My point is that for example describing a state as $a_0^\dagger a_1^\dagger \lvert 0 \rangle removes the "issue" of having to symmetrize the state, which I would have had to do in the bra-ket formalism: $\frac{1}{\sqrt 2} ( \lvert 0,1 \rangle + \lvert 1,0 \rangle)$. Now consider mixed states described in the density matrix formalism: to properly write the density matrix of the above state I now have to use 4 projectors: (...)
@ACuriousMind And nontheless Wittgenstein was an absolute recluse
... $\rho = \lvert 0\rangle\langle 0 \rvert + \lvert 0\rangle\langle 1 \rvert + \lvert 1\rangle\langle 0 \rvert + \lvert 1\rangle\langle 1 \rvert $. This becomes hard when we have to deal with mixtures of such states. Hence my question: isn't there a better way to deal with this?
@glS Why do you not write $\rho = a^\dagger_0 a^\dagger_1 \lvert 0\rangle\langle 0 \vert a_0 a_1$?
@ACuriousMind mh. That may actually be exactly the answer I was looking for (which is actually also what Mark Mitchinson suggested, yes, but for some reason I didn't catch that a few hours ago, probably because there were other things I was not getting). We may then proceed evolving "indipendently" each one of the creation operator in the usual way... let me try to do the calculation but I'm quite sure that that is the answer, thanks
@ACuriousMind do you mean to write that to "second-quantize" the $\rho$ I wrote just above? because in that case the elements do not seem to come out right
@glS What do you mean "the elements don't come out right"? If you want the density matrix corresponding to $\lvert \psi \rangle = a_0^\dagger a_1^\dagger\lvert 0 \rangle$, it's what I've written there.
@ACuriousMind how would you know
@ACuriousMind oh, ok, but that is not the $\rho$ I wrote above here in chat, which is the density matrix of a state of the form $\lvert 0 \rangle + \lvert 1 \rangle$. Anyway, the concept should be easily generalizable, let me try
@0celo7 Because I seemed to recall he worked in Cambridge
@ACuriousMind how would you know
Wittgenstein had a shack where he wrote his first book I think in norway
dunno the name of the book anymore
@0celo7 Because I am an educated person.
tractatus or something
@ACuriousMind that's pretty insulting
Exactly @ACuriousMind
I wanted to start reading some of his stuff, but I can't finish Schopenhauer's complete work
@0celo7 What kind of answer did you expect? I read it somewhere, I learnt it in school, someone told me...I don't know where I got every single bit of (mis)information I have from
expected answer: "I read it somewhere, I learnt it in school, someone told me..."
answer I got: "oh I'm educated"
@ACuriousMind can I ask a probably stupid question
Asking to ask a question is already stupid
@0celo7 You should know by now that I consider "Can I ask a question?" to be among the stupidest questions ;P
@ACuriousMind my bad, poor memory
I honestly don't know whether I believe that
@ACuriousMind Ok, so we have the Cartan-Maurer form
now if this form were a connection, it would be flat
so suppose that it IS a connection
does the resulting horizonal/vertical split do anything cool
It's a connection on $G$ considered as the principal $G$-bundle over the point
So there is no split, the horizontal subbundle is zero-dimensional
ok, not very interesting
@ACuriousMind lol
@ACuriousMind Ok, so what exactly is the relationship between $\mathrm{Ad}:G\to\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$ and $\mathrm{ad}:\mathfrak{g}\to\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$? I thought it was $\mathrm{ad}(Y)X=\frac{d}{dt}|_{t=0}\mathrm{Ad}(g)X$ where $g=g(t),g(0)=e,\dot g(0)=Y$
That looks correct
OK, but his book has it as an exercise to show that's true
they define $\mathrm{ad}$ "by taking the derivative"
it's very confusing
Look at exercises A.4.5 and A.4.8 1.
@0celo7 Well, the definition of $\mathrm{ad}$ is as the differential of $\mathrm{Ad}$ at $e$.
I solved A.4.5 but accidentally used A.4.8.1
@ACuriousMind ok, so you view $\mathrm{Ad}$ as function on the manifold in one case
and $\mathrm{Ad}(g)$ as an operator on the vector fields in the other case?
If $\mathrm{Ad} : G\to\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$, then $\mathrm{Ad}(g)\in\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$. I don't understand the question.
@ACuriousMind Hmm, well, I guess I don't know how to calculate $\mathrm{d}\mathrm{Ad}|_e$
@0celo7 u got a spotify playlist?
except for what I just did via the derivative and using a curve
but I think that's cheating
@StanShunpike don't have spotify
@0celo7 Why not? You know how to compute the differential of a smooth map, no?
@ACuriousMind in coordinates via a Jacobian or abstractly using a curve
is there another method that I've forgotten?
@0celo7 No
so why do you say you don't know how to compute it?
Because I did it using a curve and that's a separate exercise
So I think the authors want me to use a different method
So should I chartify $G$ and work in coordinates?
How am I supposed to know what the authors "wanted" you to do?
@ACuriousMind MAGIC
@ACuriousMind so you think my solution is adequate?
@ACuriousMind lol I just bumped the answer
and I'll do it again in a few minutes
Not your problem the authors apparently didn't realize that they just put the same exercise twice :P
I should have fixed the typos and done requested clarifications in the same bump
oh well
@ACuriousMind yeah
@ACuriousMind Sigh...the proof is wrong.
Mathematical proof isn't scientific evidence. It's all "lost in maths" abstraction anyway. None of those things exist.
@JohnDuffield what are you talking about
Anybody want to talk physics?
I take it you gave me a -1?
Oh god not again
@0celo7 : I'm talking about physics.
@0celo7 : yes, I was going to make some comment to justify it but didn't get round to it.
@JohnDuffield please do
help me figure out this sign error while you're at it
Hmm, two negatives make a positive
@ACuriousMind I think I made the glorious mistake of an even number of sign errors :D
Every result is only correct up to an even number of sign errors ;)
I just lifted a Riemannian result from Lee
$\langle N,N\rangle=\pm1$ in GR, not just $1$
@0celo7 : there aren't really any signs there. We talk about positive charge and negative charge, but they aren't positive or negative really, just as cyclones and anticyclones aren't positive or negative.
@JohnDuffield lol
It's looking "under the math", and it isn't funny, it's physics. Learn to ask yourself what a term actually means in this real world.
No, it's not physics
It's a math question
@JohnDuffield The question is about Stokes' theorem on Lorentzian manifolds and the correct sign for the normal vector. Learn to recognize when a question talks about something you have no knowledge of.
@ACuriousMind Well put

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