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@bolbteppa yes
actually it's better to say that the coordinate speed of light varies
but that coordinate speed is a meaningless concept to start with
the locally measured speed of light is indeed always the same in a local inertial frame
Duff has a theory of why coordinates are a misleading mathematical abstraction though haha
well I wouldn't worry too much about Duffield's theories haha
@JohnDuffield The speed of light is "variable" in GR because the space changes, not the light, if you go to a locally Minkowski coordinate system in a curved space the light beam will be the same constant value because the space is locally flat, this is what the second half of your Einstein paragraph even says, so saying the speed of light is not constant in general relativity is very misleading and ill-stated,
If the speed of light were actually variable then you couldn't go to a locally Minkowski frame where the speed of light was constant, you are just misleading yourself going on sentences and language from 100 years ago instead of using math and reading serious books
Imagine denying the coordinates
$F = F(????,???,??,?)$
@user507974 Chicken with garlic and sweet peppers in coconut milk, with rice. Currently waiting for it to cool.
ACM's a cook, too
@FenderLesPaul lol
why bother saying that
he refuses to accept the equivalence principle.
@0celo7 wouldn't you cook too if you didn't live in a dorm?
@ACuriousMind This, I was totally lazy yesterday and didn't have dinner, gonna try buffalo burgers in a bit
@ACuriousMind I'll starve before I try to cook; less painful death
@user507974 Never had buffalo, but sounds tasty
@BernardMeurer cooking is just amazing bernie
@BernardMeurer Try it! You'll learn to make something you can eat after the first few failures ;)
@user507974 Last time I tried I set my kitchen partially on fire
envisiona suculent slab of steak, crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, served atop a fresh alfredo pasta with a side of a yummy steamed green like broccoli that soaks up the leftover sauce
I just get distracted and then everything just turns to carbon
@BernardMeurer Maybe start with salads, then ;)
@ACuriousMind That's not even real food :(
@ACuriousMind yes
@BernardMeurer do you call any people regularly?
@user507974 What do you mean?
i call back home usually when I am cooking dinner
Oh, as in phone call; No I don't ever take phone calls
since I usually am not very efficient with work while on the phone but cooking is only minimally impacted
unless you call three times in a row
@BernardMeurer Then do...sushi? I don't know. It shouldn't be that hard to not set your kitchen on fire :P
sushi has a bit of finesse to it for sure
@ACuriousMind Dude, it's pretty damn difficult
I usually try to read while I cook
it never turned well
@BernardMeurer read standing up next to your pot
the sound alone changes so you should notice the differences
I managed to do pasta last time I tried tho
ok, that is all the cooking you actually have to do for a lot of tasty dishes already
are you a fan of alfredo sauces?
Well, don't try to do other things while cooking! Or rather, set a timer for the periods where don't have to pay attention
That cannibalism?
@BernardMeurer what is that referring to?
1. Find some dude named alfredo
2. Chop alfredo
3. Place on pasta
4. Enjoy
@bolbteppa : you don't even know the difference between curved space and curved spacetime, see Baez. The distinction is crucial. Now, is there some part of "the curvature of light rays occurs only in spaces where the speed of light is spatially variable" that you didn't understand?
Where do you hunt your alfredos @user507974?
traditional alfredo is some of the easiest thing to make on the planet, all you do is momentarily strain your pasta, toss it back in the pot still steaming and stir parmessan and butter together
That sounds pretty tasty
i generally like to add some heavy cream and a touch of garlic too
actually since i prefer a little more heft i thicken that heavy cream and garlic and warm it seperately
@user507974 You're going to give me classes if I go to wherever you study
but baby steps
sure, cooking has been too solitary for me since i moved to uni
But we'll sign a contract saying that any cases of fire are your responsibility
back in highschool i use to cook with my friends all the time, i kinda pushed everyone into it and since my stuff was so tasty they kinda ended up agreeing to it
@BernardMeurer as long as you're not reading at the time
@BernardMeurer I ain't got nothing to do until later, did you DL GTA5?
@user507974 deal
@0celo7 Didn't, should I?
do you have to delete BF4?
let me check
ok, the DL will take hours anyway
it's bigger than BF4 by a little bit
@ACuriousMind sushi is not easy to make
@JohnDuffield unbelievable, enjoy misleading yourself with this nonsense
@user507974 lol, when I cook with friends, it's always a hilarious confusing mess :D
@bolbteppa : the second half of the Einstein paragraph does not say the speed of light is constant. Have you ever read any material for yourself? Such as Shapiro: "according to the general theory, the speed of a light wave depends on the strength of the gravitational potential along its path". Obviously not. You're just another parroting naysayer who dismisses Einstein.
@0celo7 I know, but it was the first non-salad food that came to my mind that you don't need to warm
Although, now that I think about it, he'd have to cook the rice
@ACuriousMind Do I get free food from you when I go to Heidelberg?
Dude cooking rice is p complex
why would you to go Hberg
there's nothing of interest there
@ACuriousMind that too, everybody's personality quirks really pop out sometimes and coordinating noobs is amusing
@BernardMeurer oh
here is something for rice
makes the tastiest rice ever, and is the laziest way you can ever make it
never burns either
Buy it ready?
@BernardMeurer i said tasty, not pasty
not be a shite
then make it
what i do is take 1.5 times water to rice, a little salt, and a tbsp of the best tasting butter you have
@bolbteppa : Einstein said what he said, so did Shapiro, so did Don Koks: "In that sense, we could say that the "ceiling" speed of light in the presence of gravity is higher than the "floor" speed of light." You're the one who believes in nonsense.
I love how Coone started making mainstream house music, was shit at it, people hated him, he moved back to hardstyle and people love him again.
@JohnDuffield I'm the parrot, yet you're the one quoting Einstein and other people's language without a hint of math
@user507974 Wait I'm taking note of this shit
@bolbteppa the irony is lost on him
@user507974 isn't that how ALL rice is made
@BernardMeurer Yeah, you then get to taste one of my experimental meals. While I'm a theorist everywhere else, I take the "throw stuff together and see how it tastes" approach to cooking.
it says that shit right on the box
@BernardMeurer you put your stove on a slightly warmer than simmer temperature, like 2-3 on the 1-10 stoves, and basically either an hour later to 5 hours later its ready
hour to 5 lol
if you leave it a long time this golden rim of amazing delight (in persian called tadiq) develops around it
@BernardMeurer wtf is it with people eating dinner at 4:45
It takes 5 hours to make some rice? I'll starve in the process!
the buttery goodness is magnified there and if you want you can even add a bit more butter there
@BernardMeurer well, if you start with the water boiling this takes like half an hour
im usually sitting around doing hw
so i put that and forget about for hours
Tsc, how is it that i'm the only one getting flames
@BernardMeurer lack of linear algebra skills
read Shankar
@user507974 Do you rinse the rice? I imagine it'd turn into a starchy mess if you don't
@ACuriousMind you mean dissolve?
I would appreciate it if someone could explain-to-OP/mediate/step-in/vote-to-reopen/vote-to-close here.
@ACuriousMind half of the time i do, other times im a bit lazy but the results still arent too bad, i tend to use long grain rices
@bolbteppa : an optical clock doesn't go slower when it's lower because of maths. Or because of some magical mysterious thing called time. Instead it goes slower when it's lower because the speed of light is spatially variable. That's it, Einstein said it, others said it, and I'm saying it too.
Of course, you could always claim that both light pulses are moving at the same speed.
the difference isnt that big imo, but basically this is the perfect way to enjoy rice, you literally get a tadiq bowl you can put your entree into if you want
i do it with armenian chicken curries, steaks, and a million other things
@user507974 Where are you from?
@BernardMeurer ethnically armenian, us born
@BernardMeurer what's the DL time
@user507974 Figured
@0celo7 It's still allocating disk space
your drive is fragmented to hell
@0celo7 My PC is from '09
defrag the hard drive
@0celo7 It does so automatically every day
and you still need that long to find space?
@0celo7 Shitty hardware dude
but you can run GTA5
@Qmechanic Left a comment; not sure if it's helping.
@0celo7 Yeah, it runs alright
@ACuriousMind : Ok, thx.
I like how one of the tracks samples the first transformers movie
the first M. Bay one
not the one with Galvatron and Unicron
@BernardMeurer what?
Do you like my device names?
I don't know what a Pflugscharen is
@0celo7 all i know is that my english sensibilties lead me to assume that the pronounciation of that word is pfugly
@0celo7 It's a farming tool; dunno the name in english
@ACuriousMind Any idea?
@0celo7 Pflugschar is the German word for the part of a plough that digs through the earth
so kinda a hoe?
@ACuriousMind how am I supposed to know that
it's a strange as hell name for a phone
ploughshare is the english name for pflugschar
and yea @ACM, ikr
talk about creativity in translation
Stay classy, Fox.
ok guys, when you see a pic of ted cruz or hilary clinton doesnt your skin start crawling
@user507974 I don't know that English word either
@user507974 no
@0celo7 you're sure?
i dont know, even if people say dont judge a book by their cover its easy to get a vibe from him that something isnt quite right with him
im generally kind of sensitive to cues from other people and those two just give me chills
I've never seen him in person
So I wouldn't know
I've seen Jeb and Donald
@0celo7 seeing mannerisms in videos gives a lot of those ques, and then there is a kind of look in their eyes on high res pics too...
@0celo7 whatd you think of them
@user507974 Jeb seemed like a nice guy
Didn't get close to Trump
@0celo7 or else there'd be hell toupee
@user507974 what?
terrible pun, his hair wig thing is called a toupee, pronounced to-pay
his hair is real
I don't get the joke
ugh, I have a stomach ache
@ACuriousMind mama duck help me
@0celo7 well ok, sadly that joke is getting cut
@JohnDuffield "The description of motion in relativity requires more than one concept of speed. Coordinate speed is the coordinate distance measured by the observer divided by the coordinate time of the observer. Proper speed is the local proper distance divided by the local proper time. The coordinate speed of light (both instantaneous and average) is slowed in the presence of gravitational fields. The local instantaneous proper speed of light is always c."
@JohnDuffield "the parameter c is ubiquitous in modern physics, appearing in many contexts that are unrelated to light. For example, general relativity predicts that c is also the speed of gravity and of gravitational waves. In non-inertial frames of reference (gravitationally curved space or accelerated reference frames), the local speed of light is constant and equal to c, but the speed of light along a trajectory of finite length can differ from c, depending on how distances and times are defined.
@ACuriousMind in other words, risotto?
Heh, yes, I guess so
@bolbteppa : I know all that stuff. It's wrong I'm afraid. The coordinate speed of light is what Einstein referred to as the speed of light, which varies in the room you're in. If it didn't optical clocks at different heights would run at the same rate, light wouldn't curve, and your pencil wouldn't fall down.
The local instantaneous proper speed of light is always c by definition, because of the tautology. We use the local motion of light to define the second and the metre. Note though that at the event horizon of a black hole the coordinate speed of light is zero. That's a place where light doesn't move, so there's no defining the second or the metre.
"It's wrong I'm afraid"???
@BernardMeurer I used to think cooking rice was at least a 2/10 in difficult :p Then I lived with Asians for 4 years who all insisted they've never even considered cooking rice except with an automatic rice cooker.
Oh my god
It's funny how you deny the role of coordinates as nothing but some mathematical fiction yet your whole belief system about light speed is called the "coordinate speed", "depending on how distances and times are defined"
@bolbteppa : yes it's wrong. Einstein wasn't, nor Shapiro, nor Don Koks. Nor is Ned Wright: "In a very real sense, the delay experienced by light passing a massive object is responsible for the deflection of the light".
@bolbteppa : I don't call it the coordinate speed of light. I call it the speed of light. So did Einstein. So did Shapiro.
Note Shapiro: "according to the general theory, the speed of a light wave depends on the strength of the gravitational potential along its path". Don't you get it yet? I don't have a belief system. You do.
this is a boring conversation
@ACuriousMind can you believe I used to do this
Says the kid who thinks he's smarter than Einstein.
@0celo7 Yes.
@ACuriousMind wow
just when I thin you'll be nice...
@JohnDuffield I am
@ACuriousMind the other day I saw a Subway employee with the name tag "ayy lmao"

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