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@BernardMeurer uh, what
well, I think cigarettes are line bundles
so you could be smoking a hamiltonian system over a circle
Which includes a manifold
So I buy it, very clever.
@ACuriousMind Are $C^k$ manifolds Banach spaces?
@0celo7 Sorry, but that's a stupid question.
@0celo7 That's not saying the $C^k$-manifold is a Banach space. It's badly expressing that the space of $C^k$-functions is a Banach space.
@ACuriousMind Oh, that makes more sense.
(Yes, I know why it was a stupid question; manifolds aren't vector spaces.)
@ACuriousMind Why aren't the smooth functions a Banach space
Inb4 counterexample
Inb4 functional analysis
hello again
oh! i remember you!
still no answer for my question
This proves chemists are not intelligent @skillpatrol
and you said you liked maths...
yes! lol
@0celo7 There are sequences of smooth functions that do not converge to smooth functions
@Slereah like what
@sharafzaman that proof was completed long ago
Any discontinuous function you can express as a Fourier series, for instance
The series at order $n$ is smooth, but does not converge to a smooth thing
@0celo7 i agree with you but @ACuriousMind doesn't accept
@sharafzaman he's just too nice to everyone-{me}
@0celo7 hahaha! great use of notation
@0celo7 The smooth functions are dense in all $L^p$ and all Sobolev spaces, showing they are not complete.
@ACuriousMind ...ok
hey if a function is non-differentiable at a point, is this always true that it will have a sharp edge at that point (always?)
@sharafzaman What does "sharp edge" mean?
If it's not differentiable and continuous, then yes
i mean the graph at that point will be sharp like $|x|$ has at 0
I'm not sure I would say that of a fractal like the Weierstraß function
Weierstrass is the pointiest function
It has points at all scales
@ACuriousMind If $(V,J)$ is a real vector space with complex structure, how does one show that there is an isomorphism $\phi:V\to\mathbb{C}^n$ for which $\phi(Jv)=\mathrm{i}\phi(v)$?
I have the feeling we did pretty much that already when you were proving things about almost complex structures in Arnold.
$\phi$ is linear, does one expand in a basis?
Also, what have you tried?
@0celo7 Try it!
@ACuriousMind I tried expanding in a basis!
But the problem is that we're looking at $V$, not the complexification.
And AFAIK $J$ does nothing special on $V$ itself.
What do you mean, "nothing special"? It's a complex structure, that's pretty special
@ACuriousMind Perhaps.
@ACuriousMind But the problem is that I have no clue how $J$ acts on a basis of $V$.
I know how to deal with $V^\mathbb{C}$.
@ACuriousMind The standard method is to take a basis $\{e_i,f_i\}$ for which $Je_i=f_i$ and $Jf_i=-e_i$
But one must first show that all vector spaces with complex structure are isomorphic to that one
Then the standard constructions work on all of them
@ACuriousMind Well we know that $V\cong\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ as a vector space, so maybe $\phi$ is the composition of that isomorphism and something that preserves the complex structure?
@0celo7 Try it! I won't tell you what to do. Fail until you succeed.
@ACuriousMind Try what?
Are all linear combination quantum superposition?
@0celo7 You say "Maybe $\phi$ is the composition of that isomorphism and something that preserves the complex structure". So try finding that "something".
A: How is a molecular orbital a 'quantum superposition' of the atomic orbitals?

WildcatSame story as with the previous question: quantum superposition is always expressed mathematically as a linear combination, but the converse is not necessarily true. Not each and every linear combination expression has something to do with real physical quantum superposition. In many cases it is ...

@user36790 What do you mean?
every quantum state can be written as the (quantum) superposition/linear combination of others
Q: why do we call lone *pairs*?

sharaf zamanAccording to VSEPR theory molecules adjust their shape to minimize the effect of repulsion. suppose i take the structure of $ClF_3$ i has 3 bond pairs and two lone pairs. So to minimize the repulsion it gets T-shape. the two lone pairs are at corners of a trigonal bipyramidal shape. But my doub...

> quantum superposition is always expressed mathematically as a linear combination, but the converse is not necessarily true. Not each and every linear combination expression has something to do with real physical quantum superposition. In many cases it is just a mathematical trick.
@sharafzaman use \mchem
i am new to all languages
@user36790 That's wrong. There is no such thing as a "real physical quantum superposition".
@ACuriousMind @ACuriousMind: I'm coming.....wait.... toilet
@user36790 Uhhhh...what?
@ACuriousMind suppose i keep a proton in between two electron will its repulsion decrease or not?
@sharafzaman I don't understand the question.
@ACuriousMind suppose between two electrons there is a nucleus (electrons are on opposite side) will the repulsion between electron get less or it will be same
@sharafzaman Of course a positive charge will attract the electrons. (Note that it doesn't make sense to speak of "opposite sides" on atomic scales, electrons in atoms don't hav definite positions)
i see!
what is difference between meta SE and normal SE
@0celo7 : and you're getting bogged down with mathematical abstraction.
No reply necessary.
@JohnDuffield please explain
@sharafzaman meta is where you ask questions about the normal SE site, and where discussions about policies happen.
@0celo7 : no. Because you aren't listening.
@JohnDuffield Why do you hate mathematical abstraction so much when it predicted special/general relativity, positrons and stuff like that?
@ACuriousMind Ok, I'm really confused. If I take $\phi=\mathrm{i}\tilde\phi J^{-1}$, where $\tilde\phi$ is any isomorphism between $V$ and $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$, I get a similar equation, namely $\phi(Jv)=\mathrm{i}\tilde\phi(v)$.
@bolbteppa : I don't hate mathematical abstraction at all. What I dislike is people confusing abstraction with reality.
@0celo7 What is $\mathrm{i}\tilde{\phi}$ supposed to mean? there is no multiplication with $\mathrm{i}$ on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$.
@JohnDuffield why will you not answer my last question?
@ACuriousMind Hmm.
And $V$ is not naturally isomorphic to $\mathbb{C}^n$, is it?
@skillpatrol : I've only just got to it.
take your time :)
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ : can I explain the meaning of that sentence? Not specially. Einstein's writing about simultaneity and time. IMHO the best way to think about simultaneity is to use collisions.
@JohnDuffield Where exactly has mathematical abstraction led us astray from reality in a negative way?
@JohnDuffield ok, thanks for looking at it
@bolbteppa : people don't understand time because people like John Rennie says it's a coordinate, so they don't understand that the speed of light isn't constant, so they don't understand gravity, so they don't understand electromagnetism, so they don't understand QED, and so on. Then they start rabbiting on about supersymmetry instead of seeing that the Standard Model needs completing.
There's been no significant advances in physics for 50 years, and it's lost its place as the "queen of the sciences". Particle physics in the USA is now history.
@ACuriousMind So, he is wrong?
@ACuriousMind: All linear combinations are superposition?
@user36790 I don't know what "superposition" is supposed to mean if not "linear combination"
@ACuriousMind Could you please supply a hint?
@0celo7 No.
Is he right that the speed of light is not constant in general relativity? I know the speed of light is constant in an inertial frame right? But in GR can't you always locally transform the metric to be locally the Minkowski metric, so isn't the speed of light constant when you do this?
@ACuriousMind is superposition only for orthogonal basis or is it applicable for non-orthogonal also?
@user36790 I repeat, I don't know what "superposition" is supposed to mean if not "linear combination".
@ACuriousMind because you don't know or because you don't want to
@bolbteppa : Define "speed"
@ACuriousMind yes! got it! So, it's applicable to all basis, right?
@0celo7 Because I don't want to, but why does it matter?
@Slereah 'velocity of propagation of interactions'?
@user36790 Yes.
@bolbteppa How do you define velocity when distance and time depend on the coordinate system, though
and you can't compare directly two vectors at two different points
@bolbteppa I think Slereah wanted you to define the speed part, not the "of light" part.
Velocity is kind of a hard thing to define in GR
Depending on how you define it things can go faster than light, yes
@ACuriousMind I've read Feynman; he solely discusses about orthogonal basis; can you give me an example of non-orthogonal basis?
@user36790 Coherent states for the quantum harmonic oscillator.
I already told him that yesterday :V
@Slereah o.O
@Slereah That seems to be a theme in this chat lately :P
"Given this situation, in the presence of more complicated frames and/or gravity, relativity generally relinquishes the whole concept of a distant object having a well-defined speed. As a result, it's often said in relativity that light always has speed c, because only when light is right next to an observer can he measure its speed— which will then be c. When light is far away, its speed becomes ill-defined. "
yesterday, by Slereah
Coherent states form a non-orthogonal basis
@Slereah Have I denied that you didn't say anything to me?
Well no, but why would you ask!
So clearly it's fine to say that the speed of light does remain constant so long as you consider it's motion relative to a locally-Minkowski coordinate system following the light right? In other words, saying the speed of light changes is incorrect.
@bolbteppa : they end up talking about stuff like closed bosonic strings because they don't understand gamma-gamma pair production, and they don't understand that the electron is a standing wave, or that bosons are waves on an open path whilst fermions are waves on a closed path.
In a local frame the speed of light is always the same, yes
@Slereah I had problem in understanding the quote of the answer at Chem SE; that's why I asked and I don't think it's prohibited, right?
It is highly illegal
I am calling the police right now
@Slereah non-bailable?
@JohnDuffield pretty sure your lack of basic linear algebra (diagonalizing a quadratic form) is causing you to make massive errors about the physics of why light is constant.
It is immediate death penalty
@Slereah \(◎o◎)/!
@Slereah It's dictatorship!!!
@bolbteppa : the speed of light varies in the room you're in. The locally-Minkowski coordinate system is of infinitesimal extent, and is nowhere precisely realized in the real world. See the second paragraph here.
@Slereah If I be hanged, I would be called martyr and revolution will begin!! The Dictator will fall!!
The Great Revolution !!!
@JohnDuffield but that is a completely different issue, you are missing the whole point of physics thinking this way, you may as well deny Galileo's postulates that bodies move in a straight line in the absence of forces because we can never experimentally observe this :\
in The Periodic Table, 2 days ago, by user36790
A: Do we need an orthonormal basis in Quantum Mechanics?

By SymmetryIf two states are orthogonal, this means that $\langle \psi | \phi \rangle = 0$. Physically this means that if a system is in state $|\psi\rangle$ then there is no possibility that we will find the system in state $|\phi\rangle$ on measurement, and vis versa. In other words the 2 states in some s...

Orthonormal basises are nice because it simplifies calculations
@ACuriousMind: Is non-orthogonal basis meaningless?
@bolbteppa: It's a futile exercise to argue that point with him. Different people have tried it on various occasions in this chat, and on the main site. He never listens, and declares victory when they get tired of the discussion.
at what age did you guys started quantum mechanics course
Isn't there a theorem that states that there's no orthonormal basis for continuous observables or something?
@user36790 Well...it's not a basis of states that you could all get as the result of measuring the same operator (eigenbases are orthonormal), but that doesn't mean it's meaningless
@ACuriousMind sure, just want to make sure I understand the kinds of things people who don't study math make mistakes over
@user36790 it means you don't know quantum mechanics
@Slereah Yes, but that's again the issue of the continuous eigenket not lying inside the actual Hilbert space
@JohnDuffield your little quip about "infinitesimal nature" has just rejected all of calculus and modern science, if only you did a bit of actual study you'd see that
@bolbteppa : no, I'm not making the massive mistake.
@bolbteppa : I have done the study.
@sharafzaman I'm illiterate.
@FenderLesPaul: o/
@user36790 sup?
@FenderLesPaul what would you do to make 29 Feb memorable ?
Apart from marriage or divorce or murder?
I'll eat a lot of cereal
@FenderLesPaul ^_^
@JohnDuffield are you telling me that, at any point along the path of light moving in a curved gravitational field (giving the appearance of faster/slower than light), when we transform to a locally-Minkowski coordinate system for the light beam, we will measure a speed different than $c$ or no?
@ACuriousMind: same question
@user36790 Why would I want to make it memorable?
It's just another day
@ACuriousMind (-‸ლ)
@ACuriousMind If someone be born in 1972 in 29 Feb, he would be 11 by now.
^ 9 reasons to celebrate 29 feb
Which are...discounts at various stores. Yay, consumerism!
@bolbteppa : you always measure a local speed of light to be 299,792,458 m/s because the motion of light defines your second and your metre, which you use to measure the local motion of light. So you measure the local speed of light to be 299,792,458 m/s at the top pair of parallel mirrors, and at the bottom pair.
Seems to me like, for analogy's sake, he's basically letting friction cause him to deny Newtonian mechanics
@JohnDuffield pinball?
Seriously, you're not going to get me excited about some random date
@ACuriousMind arg..
See the tautology here: arxiv.org/abs/0705.4507
@user36790 : a depiction of light moving back and forth in two parallel-mirror light clocks at different elevations. The lower clock goes slower when it's lower because light goes slower when it's lower, just like Einstein said.
@JohnDuffield O.O
Time for tea.
@JohnDuffield I prefer coffee.
@JohnDuffield you claimed that the speed of light is not constant in general relativity, now you are admitting the speed of light is constant in general relativity, but that when you view the light from a different perspective then the speed of light changes :\ (I'm pretty sure!!!) That's also even true in special relativity if you view it from a non-inertial frame, you are not making much sense, even the passage you quoted agrees with what I'm saying not you, did you finish the whole paragraph?
> The lower clock goes slower when it's lower because light goes slower when it's lower, just like Einstein said.
When did Einstein say that?
@ACuriousMind: Have you any idea when Einstein said the above?
I think you are letting the language used in the paragraph you posted i.sstatic.net/nI3OV.jpg mislead you, I can see how it would confuse you
@user36790 Don't play his word games.
Okay so maybe all those nobel prize winners were not misleading themselves into thinking they understood relaitivity, qed and stuff like that after all :\
@ACuriousMind It matters because I want to make sure the result is correct. Fool's errand and all that.
Oh wait
I remember now
@user36790 hey don't lie you are not illertrate
even in the simplest case, sometimes energy levels switch due to electron electron interaction
@sharafzaman I know nothing.
Doesn't mean I know nothing; it means I'm nothing to all the experts here.
@user36790 i agree so do i!
i am also nothing to these experts
@sharafzaman O.O
@user36790 CHEERS!
@sharafzaman \o/
@user36790 i am nothing compared to u as well, i am just a high school student and you a researchist
@sharafzaman nay! Who said I'm a researcher? I'm also a high-schooler!
@user36790 whats your age?
@sharafzaman 18
@user36790 GENIUS!!
@sharafzaman (+_+)
@bolbteppa i like lectures by feynman
To me Feynman is all over the place
I like Feynman by lectures
@FenderLesPaul III is the best
Followed by II
I like II the best
I don't like III
II is quite good though
are you saying by volume 2 and three of feynman
@FenderLesPaul Well, at-least it helped me introducing QM.
@sharafzaman yep
@FenderLesPaul The languages are kinda simple
:( i am still at vol. 1 !!! hahahahahahahahahaha
I tend to dislike most books on QM
including Feynman's treatment of it
Feynman knew QM as well as anybody but he tries to teach it in too "intuitive" a manner
and it really just obfuscates the underlying structure of QM
I like Landau's QM the best as far as QM treatments go
@FenderLesPaul As I said, you saw the world; have experienced it; I'm just a baby in QM
what book i should read for QM
@sharafzaman First complete electromagnetism
@user36790 u are a baby in QM, i am not even born then.
@sharafzaman hahahaha
@user36790 do u have any chemistry course in ur high school
@sharafzaman course?
@user36790 i mean are studying chemistry or not
@FenderLesPaul: Could you understand Feynman's derivation of Liénard and Wiechert potential?
@sharafzaman Yes
@user36790 it is boring or interesting
@sharafzaman apart from industrial chemistry and metallurgy, I really like chem.
then this question is for you
Q: my question is about hybridization and a bit quantum mechanics?

sharaf zamanI have read in many books that hybridisation is the intermixing of atomic orbitals to form molecular orbital of almost same energy. Hybridisation always takes place when orbitals does not have much energy difference like it can't take place between 2s and 5d Now I know hybridisation can t...

@sharafzaman hybridisation is not intermixing; it's superposition of atomic orbitals as orthogonal basis with definite coefficients that determine the directional character of the wavefunction.
@user36790 WOAH!!WOAH!!WOAH.. i am only 15!
tell in layman language
@sharafzaman okay intermixing.
then why 3d not 4s?
it's like constructive interference
if it is constructive it doesn't indicate that the probability of elctron should be in 3d not in 4s
@sharafzaman not said in that context; I'm reading your question, wait.
@sharafzaman Just ask the query in one sentence.
I'm having difficulty in getting through that body.
when electrons of 3s 3p excite why do they jump in 3d not in 4s
(i mean probability)
@sharafzaman why should they go to 4s?
because 4s has less energy "hybridization should have minimum energy difference"
@sharafzaman BTW, it's promotion of electron, not hybridisation.
what is hybridization of phosphorus in PCl5
@sharafzaman Hybridisation does not solely depend on energy; it's also dependent on the geometry of the participating wavefunctions.
@user36790 say hybridization of phosphorus in PCl5, then i think you will understand my question
@sharafzaman $\mathrm{ sp^3 d}$
@ChrisWhite I'm currently working on a proof of the thing.
It's getting very complicated.
I'm using the topological definition of in/out.
Trying to get a condition on boundary charts.
Then I'll use the uniqueness of the normal vector to get a contradiction. Maybe.
This is hardly "easy to prove".
@user36790 CORRECT! my doubt is why it is sp^3d why not sp^3s
Frikken Wald.
Like most proofs, you'll probably look back and realize there was an easier way.
@ChrisWhite yes, I'm trying to formalize this
@sharafzaman As I said, hybridisation depends on the geometry of the participating orbitals; not on energy; however I would wait to see if someone answers your question at Chem SE
One possible strategy is to define $\partial M$ as a level set of some function
then I can use methods on the gradient of that function to do stuff
@user36790 Then how did u calculate?
I have this vague notion that the sign comes about via the chart. Like, in one case we consider integration on the manifold, and on the other we have integration directly on $\mathbb{R}^4$.
@sharafzaman calculate what?
@ChrisWhite I need to do some exercises in Lee
hybridization for PCl5
He has an analytical condition on a normal vector to be in/outward pointing
But it's an exercise
@sharafzaman I know its structure and that predicted what hybridisation $\ce P$ would undergo.
Oh, also, I proved that for $\{E_\mu\}$ a vielbein, a volume form $\omega(E_0,...,E_n)=1$ iff $\omega=\sqrt{-g}\,\mathrm{d}x^0\wedge\cdots\wedge\mathrm{d}x^n$ in oriented coordinates $x$.
@sharafzaman BTW, hybridisation is not real; it's a tactic of VB theory to explain these.
Maybe this was clear...but I proved it anyway.
where $g$ is calulated as the determinant of $g(\partial_\mu,\partial_\nu)$
@user507974 It's not an easy problem, is it? ;)
@0celo7 Not that I want to derail your efforts, but you might try the case I was imagining first -- Minkowski with constant t,x,y,z surfaces bounding a box. We all know what in and out mean there, but if you can see where the sign difference is there, it might be easier to generalize.
No! I'm doing this abstractly
::erases picture of frame moving along $\partial M$::
@0celo7 Picture shame?
@ACuriousMind oh! Measuring the operator wouldn't give the element of basis! It must be orthogonal to be an outcome of the measurement!
There must be some physical implication of non-orthogonal basis ;/
what am I actually trying to prove?
well shit, the normal vector is spacelike for a timelike hypersurface
@ChrisWhite is that right?
@ChrisWhite that's where I was trying to get the sign flip -.-
::sobs quietly::
@DanielSank Are you using stable 1.x matplotlib or new and fancy 2.0?
they are changing the default color tables in the new version
@ACuriousMind: So, if I write the Molecular Orbital of $\ce{H_2O} $, it would look like $$|\psi\rangle = |\psi_{\ce{H_{1s}}}\rangle C_1 + |\psi_{\ce{O_{2s}}}\rangle C_2+ |\psi_{\ce{O_{2p_z}}}\rangle C_3 + |\psi_{\ce{H_{1s}}}\rangle C_4$$
@ChrisWhite Oh crap. There's a theorem in Lee that says that if $\omega$ is an oriented volume for $M$ and $N$ is an outward pointing vector field nowhere tangent to the hypersurface $S$, then $i_N\omega$ has the same orientation
no mention of the metric
$C_1$ would be $\langle \psi_{\ce{H_{1s}}}|\psi\rangle$ ; $C_2$ would be $\langle \psi_{\ce{O_{2s}}}|\psi\rangle$ etcetera, right? In order to make the energy of the wavefunction lower, we would use variational principle, right?
@ChrisWhite Well, I've constructed the outward/inward pointing normal vector to the hypersurface
it's unique
@ChrisWhite right about now is when I would like to listen to the hypersphere
some calm, serene hypersphere music
@ChrisWhite Any ideas? I'm thinking that theorem is wrong. We know that if $N$ is outward pointing, then $\omega$ and $i_N\omega$ are consistently oriented. I have constructed the unique outward pointing $N$ on any hypersurface.
We also know that $i_N\omega$ is the metric volume form on the hypersurface if $N$ is a unit vector!
@ChrisWhite So here is where things could go wrong: if $\Sigma$ is a timelike hypersurface, we cannot find a triad on $\Sigma$ such that one vector is timelike.
But then nothing makes sense
@ChrisWhite mb it's something stupid with how Carroll defined the integration measure
Q: Closing Homework with no attempt as Off-Topic

Tom CarpenterI find myself all too frequently voting to close a question and having to give a custom reason along the lines of "Homework questions with no attempt at a solution are off-topic". In fact I see a fair few others doing the same thing. Although actually in a few cases (like this one) I see that s...

^ Electrical engineering is thinking about homework now.
We may be able to offer advice based on our experience.
I'm probably going about this incredibly wrong
I think the math makes sense, but the GR people are doing something stupid
@ChrisWhite I don't understand these indices
why did anyone think index notation was a good idea
I'm afraid I lost you
@ChrisWhite I'm rambling
if you want to understand me, tell me where you lost me
if you don't care...then whatever
I think you might be right that the GR people are defining the induced volume form in a fucky way
and this is producing a sign
because I've checked the coordinate-free math over and over and over
there's no sign ambiguity
@ChrisWhite hmm, my new idea depends on there being an odd number of spacelike dimensions
so that $(-1)^{odd}=-1$
@ChrisWhite do you have carroll handy
look at Eq. D.34 on page 448 pls
$\epsilon(n)$ depends linearly on the sign of $n$
but AFAICS $\hat\epsilon$ does not
what gives
@Slereah That and the bit where he dies at the end of the first movie.
@dmckee people don't die in star wars
they become one with the force
::wiggles fingers mysteriously::
$\hat\epsilon$ does not?
if I had the same hypersurface (as a subset) but declared it's normal to be pointing the other way, would it's volume element not change?
@ChrisWhite I'm sure it would
but I don't see that from the equation there
the $\sqrt{\gamma}$ one
claim: if you change the normal direction you must concurrently do an odd number of the following: (a) change the ordering of wedges of $y^k$, (b) change the overall sign of $\hat\epsilon$, (c) understand that the handedness of your coordinate system has changed
@ACuriousMind Is this in the right direction: Let $v\in V$ be expanded as $v_iE_i$. Then $v_i\phi(JE_i)=\phi(Jv)=\phi(J^{-1}JJv)=-v_i\phi(J^{-1}E_i)$. So $\phi(JE_i)=-\phi(J^{-1}E_i)$. This is eerily similar to what $J$ does on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$.
@ChrisWhite I'm starting to think it's some bullshit surrounding (a)
and that you can compensate for the ordering of the wedges by flipping the sign of the normal vector
FWIW, it's an actual theorem that if $n$ points outward $\Leftrightarrow$ $-n$ points inward
one can prove this using that crazy topological definition I gave earlier
@dmckee Yes that did hurt his popularity campaign, didn't it?
He was shaping up to be a good villain, but alas he had no staying power.
@dmckee I think he was too British.
@0celo7 Hey, at least he went full Brit. Leia, on the other hand, wavered between L.A. vulgar English and the Queen's English.
LA vulgar English?
@0celo7 I was trying to be funny. I just mean "street English" as opposed to high English.
Anyway, I believe Exhibit A will settle this issue:
@ChrisWhite Ooooh, does putting "claim" at the beginning give it extra ooomph?
I need to start doing that.
claim: this proof about complex structures is hard to prove
claim: english are hard
@yuggib please tell me you know something about complex structures on vector spaces

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