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if I get into Penn, I could end up teaching @BernardMeurer in a lab haha
@ChrisWhite I don't know how you got it down to 73KB, but I can barely make a dent in the file size
Indexed mode doesn't seem to do much. I've also been compressing it in 8-bit, by the way
@SirCumference 8 bits per pixel or 8 bits per channel (i.e. 24 or 32 bits per pixel)?
there's only 75k pixels, so if it really was 8-bit indexed, it would be 73 kB
@ChrisWhite 8 bits per channel
Ya meant bits per pixel...
Sturdy is such a bullshit ability
Screw you Game Freak for making it a thing
@ChrisWhite This might sound like an idiotic question, but how do I set BPP?
@SirCumference What?
I'm tired...
@GPhys Poor you
@SirCumference No idea. Like I said, most image software is terrible on this point.
So, er...I'm out of luck?
that's life
@0celo7 brand new linux running
less than 600MB of used ram
Currently using 12.88GB
Well beyond photoshop, what else could I work with?
GIMP sucks
Say what brother?
fite me irl
free software bitch
Hence it's the poor man's version
Don't fight him!
He has such a pretty face
No, your mother
@SirCumference Saying free software is 'poor man's version' is pure ignorance and nothing else
If ya mean it nonsexually
What the hell are you talking about
It's from experience, Bernard
I suggest you do your research on GNU, GPL and so on
I've used GIMP for 3 years
@SirCumference saying it's bad it's one thing
It doesn't really fare well against PS
Saying it's a 'poor man's version' is a much worse statement
because it implies that it's being free has something to do on it's quality
I don't support piracy (looks around for NSA), but Photoshop can be downloaded for free
Pretty sure NSA doesn't give a shit about piracy.
being freeware and being free software are two different things
one again, read on the Free Software Foundation
I know this. It was meant as a joke.
@SirCumference They do care about stupid jokes.
@0celo7 Dang, guess imma change my name
@BernardMeurer I've messed around with other photo editing softwares. I know GIMP's a good free alternative
It's not PS level though
Using it instead of PS would be a downgrade
Nope, because it lacks contributors from the community
Make it better if you think it's not good enough, that's what Open Source is all about
All right, lemme ask the big question then
I will not marry you
Does it already have BPP (bits per pixel) configurations
@0celo7 You monster, leaving me with the children
Protip: they're not yours.
@BernardMeurer PS doesn't seem to have any. Using GIMP wouldn't help unless I can fix my ad
@SirCumference Is this what you are referring to?
That's bits per channel. PS has that
8 bits per channel = 28 bits per pixel
I thought BPP was a result of color depth
I can't figure out how to change BPP
well if 8 BPC = 28 BPP
It's long and complicated
you can change BPC and that's cause BPP to change
@BernardMeurer I can't figure out the ratio though. 16 BPC = 48 BPP
Ah whatever, I'll leave the ads as they are
@BernardMeurer Indexed mode is one channel (you define your own color space). But most software doesn't know about it and uses RGB or equivalent at 3 channels.
I've got a test tomorrow and I can't sleep...
@ChrisWhite Dude, if PS isn't gonna cut it, what'll I have to get?
The program costs like $10/month
write your own codec?
I don't have the skills for that
I can write in HTML5 and JS.
Wrong chat
@ChrisWhite I get you
1 hour later…
@SirCumference partner.
@ACuriousMind You take the derivative wrt the number ($L$ I think in your notation) on a suitable dense domain, and then solve the differential equation (i.e. re-exponentiate)...in the case of the position and derivative is possible and easy, in general the zassenhaus is plainly wrong (a zillion of domain problems)
Q: Should we add a notify/follow a question feature?

brainstI have come across many questions that I want to know answer of to. But All I do is favourite the question. So I want to make a suggestion to the community to add a feature that would notify me about any new answers added to the questions. So that I don't have to check the question every day from...

3 hours later…
I do not see which equations which tell me how to deal with combination iAi.
I do not understand even how can you pull iAi from the first A. I understand that Ai is a dot-product which gives us a simple number. Same is iA. But what is A times iAi?
You should use bra-ket notation. Note that mathjax also works in chat if you enable "chatjax" (see top right of this page for information about it).
Ok, |i><Ai> is a component of A in the direction of basis vector i. But what is <A| times |i><Ai>?
$\mid i \rangle \langle A \mid i \rangle$ is indeed the component of $A$ in the $i$-direction.
Now, sum over all possible $i$. What is the result?
That is vector A, I see now. I just had difficulty with the fact that you can pull <A| as a coefficient in front of the sum sign.
$\langle A \mid$ does not depend on $i$, so why should it not be allowed?
2 hours later…
The reason my body is sagging is because I'm surfing the crest of a gravity wave.
ba dum tss
Q: There is a subtle bug in the (first post) review queue(s?): The (up to recently) normally greyed-out options are no longer greyed out

DanuThe title says it all, really. Normally, when one hasn't done anything the "I'm done" option in the First Post review queue is greyed-out. Now, it is no longer so, but one still cannot click it. Similarly, after having done something, the "No Action Needed" button is not greyed-out, yet unclickab...

@DanielSank I think of waves interacting with waves. You can imagine this in the ocean, where a little wave rides over a big wave. Its path changes on the way up, and changes back on the way down. Then it continues on its way and you might think there was no interaction. But there was. A wave makes a wave change path.

Despite both subject of study being simialr because they are both nonlinear, it does wodner me why these analogues actually helped in understanding black holes
Q: Virtual object real image

Andrew SherpaUnder what condition a concave mirror form real image of a virtual object? Fuck stackexchange what more shall I type

What is going on in the head of someone who thinks "Gee, yes, typing 'Fuck stackexchange what more shall I type' will certainly let me get the answers I want"?
Also, why was this migrated here:
Q: Relationship between Lippmann-Schwinger integrals of different dimensions

Oliver LuntDefine $G_n (\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}')$ as $$ G_n (\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}') = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0^{+}} \left[\dfrac{1}{(2 \pi \hbar)^{n}} \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} \mathrm{d}^{n}\mathbf{p} \dfrac{e^{i \mathbf{p} \cdot (\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x'}) / \hbar}}{p^{2}-\hbar^{2} k^{2} - i \epsilon}\right]. $$ D...

@ACuriousMind He's frustrated
I'd rather migrate that to math because it's really just about the properties of that integral (and it doesn't even explain the physical meaning of the integral), and they migrate it here because "Lippmann-Schwinger" are physicists??
@ACuriousMind math touched by physicists is impure
It even was a unilateral migration by a mod.
I'm only on for about half an hour and I already have had enough :D
@ACuriousMind We could discuss least common multiples...
Q: Where does gravity get its energy from?

CaesarI would like to know where gravity gets its energy to attract physical bodies? I know that the law of conservation states that total energy of an isolated system cannot change. So gravity has to be getting its energy from somewhere, or else things like hydropower plants wouldn't be able to turn ...

Bounty reason: "The current answer(s) are out-of-date and require revision given recent changes."
Either I'm unusually grumpy today or this site is not making a lot of sense right now :P
Those who are interested in the more serious aspect of the coffee machien joke can look into the main PSE site

Well, + or - depends on whether the coffee machine is a fermion or boson. But for such a many particle system, Iwill not view it by counting the number of fermions that compose it
@ACuriousMind You've been unusually grumpy for a while now...
@ACuriousMind Probably he is too literate to understand physics . He is probably fascinated by Gravitational Waves!! So called LAYMAN ;/
Q: Conceptual Change thinking needed

The VoidUsing Conceptual Change Research To Reason About Curriculum By Glenn D. Berkheimer, Charles W. Anderson, and Steven T. Spees Introduction The kinetic molecular theory is fundamental to the understanding of most of modern science. Feynman recognized this when he said: If, in some cataclysm, al...

What do you expect from him?
@0celo7 All suspensions are temporary.
@ACuriousMind Wait, is this the sockpuppet guy?
@0celo7 No.
@0celo7 How would I know?
(If I knew, I would probably not be allowed to tell, and if I don't know for sure, it would be irresponsible to speculate. Discussing the reasons for suspensions is generally a bad idea)
@user36790 That doesn't make much sense to me either, and using "It's a layperson" as a reason is an insult to laypersons.
@ACuriousMind How do you feel about salsa on eggs?
@ACuriousMind Do you know what salsa is?
(Yes, I abruptly changed the topic.)
Yes. I've never encountered that strange combination, though
@ACuriousMind Strange??
Oh you poor German child...
When you say "on eggs", how is the egg done?
Scrambled, omelet.
Not boiled/poached.
Hm, okay, scrambled I can imagine
It's very common in the US.
I should go back to that CTC book I was working on
@Slereah Do it.
But salsa is generally not really eaten here outside of Spanish cuisine
@ACuriousMind Well...same here, I think. Except for eggs, that is.
I think I've seen people eat eggs+ketchup, though
@ACuriousMind Yes, I think that may be a German thing.
@0celo7 Suspensions lengths escalate over repeated offenses. The baseline schedule (built into the stack exchange software is) is 7 days, 30, days, 365 days and repeat.
On Physics we often introduce a 1 days suspension before the 7 days for users who look like they ought to be good contributors and we have issued a 2 or 3 month suspension between the 1 month and 1 year one in some cases as well.
I, of course, can't say anything about the case in front of us.
who are we banning
I say let's ban everyone!
@Slereah But...who bans the last account?
Can mods ban themselves?
You ban yourself
@dmckee Try to ban another mod -- let's see what happens.
@ACuriousMind I'm almost temped to try it.
@0celo7 Why would I give one of those other guys a day off when I could give one to myself?
One of my shoes is making this strange clicking noise when I walk, almost like it's sticking to the floor.
There's no gum on it AFAICS.
Any ideas?
Q: How to stop shoes from squeaking on hard floors?

Canadian LukeI have a pair of pretty nice shoes that I love, except when I'm going to work! We have hard linoleum-style flooring in most places, and carpet only in the office area where I work. When I have to go to another area, my shoes squeak very loudly. I have tried other sources of information for this...

Not squeaking.
It makes the noise on all surfaces.
It sounds like it's sticking and then breaks free
@0celo7 The shoe is farting then :D
Q: Theoretical Astrophysics accomplishments or Physics Popularity contest winners?

Theresa WoodsMany of the recent accomplishments in Theoretical Physics are based data creating a theory, instead of the creation of a theory, and observation proving the theory. Has technology gotten ahead of scientific thought and the proving of those thoughts? Do we have simply too much to explain? Does aca...

^ What the hell is this?
any astronomy lover
@sharafzaman Are you looking for a lover or an expert?
experts are lovers
Most of us like astronomy at one level or another. There is also a Astronomy site.
@sharafzaman But not all lovers are experts.
Hi! @JohnDuffield.
yeah that's true
Do not call out to He Who Shall Not Be Named!!!
@Slereah Time pass :)
@0celo7: What kind of shoes are you wearing?
@sharafzaman I asked because I do like it, although I'm probably not fit to explain most things about it
k my question appears
@BernardMeurer If an object is moving close to blackhole it has very high velocity!
agree!!! ????
question not over
@user36790 Some Polo shit. I don't know what they're actually called
@sharafzaman Please don't abuse punctuation, it looks weird
But I guess it could have very high speed, yeah
@0celo7 it sticks on the surface- on all surfaces for some time, right?
okay, it has very high speed,
Then it means according to relativity it has very huge mass, agree
@user36790 I have an idea...give me 15 to get back home and try it.
@0celo7 Meanwhile enjoy this:
@sharafzaman No. See ...
Q: Why is there a controversy on whether mass increases with speed?

User 17670Some people say that mass increases with speed, some people say that the mass of an object is independent of its speed. I understand how some (though not many) things in physics are a matter of interpretation based on one's definitions. But I can't get my head around how both can be 'true' is an...

That approach will consistently lead you astray which is exactly where you are headed.
You're about to suggest that that makes it into it's own black hole which is simply wrong. Give me a minute to find the question on that too.
Q: If a 1kg mass was accelerated close to the speed of light would it turn into a black hole?

shopsincI'm a big fan of the podcast Astronomy Cast and a while back I was listening to a Q&A episode they did. A listener sent in a question that I found fascinating and have been wondering about ever since. From the show transcript: Arunus Gidgowdusk from Lithuania asks: "If you took a one kilog...

@user36790 Plan failed.
I wanted to see if I could get a piece of paper to stick to the sticky spot
@0celo7 Did it stick?
then will its mass increase or not
@user36790 No, it failed
@0celo7 The shoe is sticky but actually it is not sticky??
The shoes are haunted!!
@sharafzaman There is a thing that increases. In very old fashioned and misleading language that is called "relativistic mass". There is also the right way to define mass, which is invariant under Lorentz boosts (changes in speed).
Most pop-sci treatment use the old language, which then leads the people who try to really understand it into believing things that are obviously not the case if you use a good definition of mass.
It's not that you can't do physics with the old language, but you'll make a lot of mistakes while trying to learn to do it that way. Learn it the right way and you'll get to a deep understanding faster and with few falls along the road.
@JohnDuffield And why are you so certain this this mental metaphor of Nature is superior to the one involving virtual particles?
okay then what is correct definition of mass
If you want a resource to start learning relativity the right way consider amazon.com/Illustrated-Guide-Relativity-Tatsu-Takeuchi/dp/…
The other shoe does not make that noise.
@sharafzaman The square of the object momentum 4-vector. It corresponds to what is called the "rest mass" in the old language. And it doesn't change.
@dmckee How do you define the momentum without mass?
yeah! that was next
In terms of Newton's 2nd and 3rd law, of course.
And at low relative speed.
@dmckee Let me know when you can measure a force 4-vector
In that case when two otherwise isolated bodies interact the ratio of their changes in velocity is the inverse of the ratio of their masses. It leaves you needing to define a mass unit, but that's unavoidable.
Hmm, well, maybe you only need the spatial part.
Oh my god
All physics has the bootstrap problem and the answer is and always has been to bootstrap from simple approximations.
The more rigorous you try to make physics the more self-consistent it becomes but also the more divorced from every-day, hands-on knowledge. We got from the latter to the former in small steps that were justified because they worked.
That's how you know it is science rather than math or philosophy.
@dmckee Dr. Physics, please figure out my shoe problem
@Slereah o.o
Letting students puzzle over things is important to their development. I'm doing you a favor by leaving it in your hands.
@dmckee Oh c'mon, the shoes are unwearable
But that's not my problem. I have grading to do.
i think the man exerts some muscular(considered external) force and there was no other force to balance it.
am i right?
@dmckee hmm, so you're doing yourself a favor
nothing wrong with that, but you're not doing me a favor
@0celo7 That doesn't preclude doing you one as well.
@0celo7 Doing grading instead of something else is not doing oneself a favor.
k anyone say the answer for that problem
@ACuriousMind grading is fun
I could grade his stuff and he fixes my shoe
@ACuriousMind What?
@sharafzaman What problem?
@0celo7 "grading is fun"
that shoe problem
> Can anyone explain why Euclid's Lemma holds? The proof makes sense. (Multiply the linear combination by b then apply the basic lemma etc etc.) However, I am trying to think of a reason why it holds. I would have a hard time explaining to someone why Euclid's lemma holds even with showing the proof.
@0celo7 Some people are under the strange impression that "proof" and "reason why something is true" are two separate things. The former is what they have to do because the math book says so, the latter is what convinces them it is true.
@ACuriousMind Well, the prof wrote this:
i had a doubt in fluid mechanics
It's pretty hard to get them out of that mindset because it means they don't really accept logic - so showing them this is a illogical position doesn't do anything
@ACuriousMind I think the student just didn't understand the idea behind the proof.
even i am a student
@0celo7 Then asking for a "reason why it holds" is really bad phrasing for that
If that's what they meant, the prof's answer should be fine, though
hey! i had a question in fluids
@sharafzaman You said so already.
What do you expect anyone to do without actually asking the question?
@ACuriousMind He wants someone to say it's OK to ask the question.
@ACuriousMind Maybe he's into guessing games
@0celo7 The worst that might happen is that no one answers him.
I have found our new god
lol! k my question
if we have a tube U shaped and water level is initially same in both, then when i push it on one side and leave why does it come back though its weight is balanced by normal reaction
@BernardMeurer ಠ_ಠ
@DanielSank Isn't that thing bloody amazing?
@sharafzaman Air pressure depends on how far off the ground you are.
That's it.
@BernardMeurer Welcome to 2011
@BernardMeurer Well, it's funny anyway. "Amazing" is a bit strong. I do not feel amazed.
forget air! then also it will come back
@DanielSank I'm easily surprised
@0celo7 the shirt
@dmckee I know.
@0celo7 You should be a professional jerk.
@sharafzaman You do know that the pressure that the bottom of a liquid is proportional to the height of the liquid, right?
^ That too
But the way I was raised, you ask if you can ask a question before you ask it.
@DanielSank He almost is, except no one can bear employ him
@sharafzaman Draw a free body diagram.
@DanielSank The Association of Jerks refused to licence him
@DanielSank Why?
Oh screw all of you
@0celo7 Well, you'd get money?
@DanielSank How so?
thats my question how to draw for a liquid i am confused
I'm not a jerk.
@sharafzaman Well, the bit of liquid at the very top has two forces on it:
1) Gravity, i.e. its own weight.
2) Pressure from liquid below it.
However, liquid at the middle has three forces:
1) Its weight.
2) Pressure from above
3) Pressure from below
Give it a shot now. You'll get it.
It's very instructive to first understand why the liquid in a cylinder doesn't move.
In other words, draw the free body diagram for bits of water in your cup.
You will find that in order for the water to stay still, there must be more pressure at the bottom than on the top.
oh!! i got it.
In fact, if you ignore air, then the pressure at any level in the water is exactly right to support the weight of all water above that level.
@sharafzaman Good :D
@0celo7 It's perfectly acceptable to go "Excuse me, <question>".
@ACuriousMind abuse
@BernardMeurer Huh?
@ACuriousMind what don't you understand
@0celo7 How that word is related to my statement, i.e. what he wants to say
@ACuriousMind he wants to say it's abuse
if i keep a stone at place of earth with zero orbital velocity what will happen
@0celo7 Which is a strange way of phrasing that it is unacceptable behaviour to him?
@ACuriousMind mb
@ACuriousMind Now you are just being sexist
Okay, no one is making sense today.
@BernardMeurer remember the shirt
are here everyone 20+
@0celo7 The shirt indeed
@sharafzaman far from it, faaaar from it
@ACuriousMind I have to solve $kr^2-V_0r+\lambda=0$, please help
I'm 30-.
@ACuriousMind studied physics in stone tablets so old he is
he wrote the very first lambda
its very hard to write syntax of stackexchange
@0celo7 You have an amazing confidence in my patience and good nature.
@ACuriousMind what do you mean
@0celo7: Saw the clip. Hmm... it's pretty weird.
answer my question!
Make me!
@sharafzaman Someone will if they want to, don't scream at people
In Brazil it will get you instantly shot at
@sharafzaman 20-

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