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If a book cites an article for a piece of information what citation do I write?
@FenderLesPaul just got an email from "Chairman Dept. of Physics...[rest cut off]"
email from school I didn't apply to, suggesting I apply to them
Whoever downvoted this
Q: What is the "interaction picture" or "rotating frame" in quantum mechanics?

DanielSank$\renewcommand{\ket}[1]{\left\lvert #1 \right\rangle}$ In typical quantum mechanics courses, we learn about the so-called "Schrodinger picture" and "Heisenberg picture". In the Schrodinger picture, the equation of motion brings time dependence to the states, $$i \hbar \partial_t \ket{\Psi(t)} = H...

I'd really appreciate knowing why.
@DanielSank please answer my citation question
@0celo7 Link?
13 mins ago, by 0celo7
If a book cites an article for a piece of information what citation do I write?
@0celo7 Question unclear.
You are looking for a reference for topic X.
You find it in book B.
Book B simply states X, and refers to article A.
You look at A and find a completely description.
Hawking-Ellis cites an article that says spinor equations may always be replaced by tensor equations.
I can't access the article.
I'd cite A preferably, but both if you can, 'cuz why not?
@0celo7 Ah.
Then cite the book and "references therein".
It's an obscure-ish journal from 1937.
@0celo7 If you can't read the article don't cite it.
That would be dishonest IMHO.
Cite the book and note that it contains further useful references. It's all you can do in your case.
@DanielSank Hmm, maybe you can find inspirehep.net/record/44924?ln=en
I'm dumb
What's really frustrating is when a citation trail ends at an article that clearly doesn't contain the claim that everyone cites it for.
^ Yes.
That should be illegal.
you have got to be kidding me
fucking paywall
I'm at a research university ffs
@ChrisWhite Astrophysics references to "quantum fluctuations" tend to end like that.
@0celo7 You're on their network?
They can't buy everything.
@DanielSank yup, in the dorm
You just said it was an obscure journal.
That's pretty bad, but I also hate when it's personal communication, or an unpublished paper.
@DanielSank turns out to be published by Cambridge
@MikeMiller Yeah, citing personal communications is stupid nowadays and I think no longer allowed in most journals. Decades ago before digital storage, it made sense.
does anyone else have access to that article?
You couldn't just staple a twenty page supplementary to every article.
@DanielSank Everything is field-dependent. It still happens in math.
@MikeMiller Woah, really?
@0celo7 Paywall for me.
Everything is field-dependent. I bet you couldn't think of very much that isn't.
Sure sure.
@DanielSank :/
@MikeMiller I'm just surprised that in the age of digital storage any respectable journal would allow citing something you literally cannot ever find.
@0celo7 Yeah, :/ for sure.
@DanielSank: vOv
^ shrug?
@DanielSank especially because it seems interesting
There's also the unpublished papers that nobody ever gets around to writing, even though they know the result.
but it also would make a nice footnote in my answer!
@MikeMiller Given that arXiv now exists, I find that kind of lame.
It's sometimes amusing in math to see a bunch of papers around a period cite each other in no sensible chronological order, because eveyrone is looking at everyone else's papers.
People should publish their technical notes, etc.
@MikeMiller Heh, yeah.
I guess I could ask the librarian to obtain it...that might work
Hey so, @MikeMiller, in a nutshell, what math is humanity working on in the modern day?
I doubt the library has a copy of the paper journal
What do we not understand?
@Daniel: What do we understand?
Library of Congress might have it
@MikeMiller Quadratic equations
I can tell you about the little corners of math that I know a lot about. I can say some of my favorite problems. If you want a summary, see the Princeton companion.
@MikeMiller Well, I'd say calculus is in the bag for the most part. We've got the whole abstract algebra basics down. Are there outstanding things there? What's the story on the Riemann hypothesis?
I think we have compact 2-manifolds covered.
And where's my proof of the Collatz conjecture, dammit?
@0celo7 Nah. The mapping class groups people still work on those.
where's my proof that spinor equations have equivalent tensor cousins
I should go Kylo Ren
throw a fit
@DanielSank It sounds like you might be surprised to hear that yes, people still do work on algebra, given that it's at least 25% of most departments. Riemann is still wide open. It would be cool of Connes would solve it but I'm making no bets.
@MikeMiller What algebra thingies are still out there?
Broad strokes.
I am not an algebraist.
@DanielSank the conjecture that spinor equations have related tensor equations
I hear it's very difficult to prove
I would broadly lump people into representation theorists, category theorist, algebraic geometers, number theorists. This is not really correct but it's close enough.
in fact, Cambridge university requires a $45 tribute to prove it
@0celo7 Woah, what? Really?
@DanielSank yeah $45 of difficulty
they must sacrifice a goat after all
@MikeMiller I sat in an algebraic geometry course for a week once. I perceived that it was the most interesting thing I could possibly study, and then stopped going because I couldn't follow it all.
I was sad about that.
@MikeMiller got time for a quick math question?
I have seen that happen before.
The answer is yes, I do have time, but I make no promises I'll attempt to answer.
I do promise I'll stop you before you get too into it if I xpect I won't.
great the library of congress does not have the article
meaning I have to hunt down the volume of the journal
I asked a cute puzzle on the puzzling site a while back. It's the old random walk with absorbing boundary conditions.
The variety of approaches posted is really awesome!
I too posted an answer using generating functions. It should be easy to follow as I included most of the details.
@DanielSank I actually cited a personal communication for data (though I think it was resolved into an actual publication in the final draft).
In doing the calculation, I had a sum $\sum_n f(n) z^n$, which I was able to.
@ChrisWhite can you access the article :/
However, I then took $z \rightarrow 1$ at the end.
distracted, give me a few minutes
If you observe the plots at the end of the answer, you see that as $z$ approaches 1, the solution curve goes from being smooth to developing a cusp.
Does it still converge at 1/2 for z>1?
Did you see the plot at the end?
Yes, but of course I can't say from the plot.
@MikeMiller Oh? I thought the violet curve shows that it does not converge.
@DanielSank: It says that it grows extremely quickly in the given domain.
But I did not see the bit in your naswer where you say it diverges.
@MikeMiller Oh, I see your point.
So I believe you.
Not really making a point, was just saying it wasn't obvious from the picture to me it diverged.
@MikeMiller yes, and now I realize that I'm not sure whether or not it does!
Anyway, I would like to ask if you can offer any kind of insight as to what $z>1$ means.
I cannot come up with a particularly interesting physical intuition.
I find it somewhat compelling that the curve develops a cusp and then "breaks" (assuming it does actually diverge at $p=1/2$).
I don't have much interesting to say, no.
@MikeMiller Ok, thanks.
No need to thank me for something I haven't done :D
I have to play the copy of LISA my friend bought me at Christmas tonight.
@MikeMiller Thanks for your time. I think this is sort of like baby algebraic geometry, right?
The shape of solutions to equations as one varies parameters, etc.
Mm, I wouldn't say that's what algebraic geometry is, but deformations are certainly part of it for sure.
@MikeMiller I was under the impression that the topology of solution sets as equations are deformed was sort of the basic starting point.
I would probably not say that, no, since it's not covered in Hartshorne in detail.
But I am not an algebraic geometer.
I found 2014 article that cites that article
so someone has access
(or they're cheating)
@0celo7 Is there a link to the article? All I find are references that it exists.
or is that what you're talking about?
God I love knowing how to integrate functions
@SirCumference Want a challenge?
Every time I look at something on Wikipedia and see an integral, I know I have a chance at understanding it
Let $f(x)$ be the function $=1$ if $x$ is rational and $=0$ if $x$ is irrational. What's $\int f(x)\mathrm{d}x$
@0celo7 Yeah, I've got it
Sigh, I didn't learn how to integrate piecewise functions...
Okay, walk me through it?
@ChrisWhite would you mind emailing it to [email protected]?
@SirCumference don't know how to do it
Well...anyway, calc is sorta easier than I expected
At least it is for now. All I gotta do is memorize stuff. Not having much difficulty understanding it.
@ChrisWhite Thanks, for some reason gmail sent you email to the spam...the webmaster ppl really need to fix that
Yeah, you guys have issues
@ChrisWhite Hmm?
We had problems for a little while when everyone had the local cluster email their jobs' progress to their gmail accounts, rather than their .edu accounts.
There's an issue with the gmail-.edu interaction
Google saw all the spammy looking mass emails going from Princeton to Gmail and concluded Princeton was a spam hub.
People who use Outlook or Yahoo don't have issues.
@0celo7 Oh by the way, I showed a gamma function to my teacher and asked her to do $Γ(1.5)$. She said it had no solution o_0
@SirCumference It's $\sqrt{\pi}/2$. I calculated it for you.
I'm told the undergrads here get special school gmail accounts or something.
I know...I don't know how ya got to it
@ChrisWhite I'd assume so. My school does that.
When trying to get that infinity part, I end up with weird stuff
@SirCumference You mind giving me her email? I'll teach her.
I don't got her email...
Probably should've gotten it...
Go to your high school's website and find it!
@SirCumference 0celo7 is a known troll. Be wary.
But I'm afraid you'd get her to fail me...
@MikeMiller Seriously?
^ Yes.
So imma say no...but ya can teach me, I guess
He asked how to calculate a Gamma function value.
@ChrisWhite What's a special school gmail account?
It's $\sqrt{\pi}/2$, for the last time.
I know...how did ya get to it?
How in god's name did pi show up?
Use the factorial property of the Gamma function + the special integral @ACuriousMind and I showed you last time.
@DanielSank No idea. I'm not a special undergrad.
@DanielSank my .edu email goes to a gmail thingie
@0celo7 cuz you forward it?
I can use the gmail app on my phone, for one
@DanielSank No, the school does it automatically.
@0celo7 weird
You're the one who works for Google!
@SirCumference $\int_\mathbb{R}\mathrm{e}^{x^2}\mathrm{d}x=\sqrt{\pi}$
R = 0 to infinity?
real numbers
Oh, so negative infinity to positive infinity?
okay, so e to the power of infinity squared...isn't infinity?
put a negative there
Oh then it's $1/e^∞$
Which is 0...
$e^{-(∞^2)} = 1/e^∞$, no?
...I'm plugging in infinity...
Because that's how you solve definite integrals?
You plug in their boundries
you discovered the antiderivative of $\mathrm{e}^{-x^2}$?
publish quickly
Ohh crud
All right, I hadn't looked at chain rule so I probably can't solve any $b^x$ stuff
protip: there's no known antiderivative
Wolfram gives me an error function...
Oh. Well.
the error function is literally defined as the definite integral of it
you can't write it down
Oh...crud, that's what she said.
"There's no known antiderivative"
I am an idiot...
maybe, but that's not for me to decide
Well then...imma do more reading on integrals...
Er, thanks
I showed you exactly how to do that integral the other day
Yeah, er, I didn't exactly follow it...
ok, then you're not ready to be working with the gamma function.
Yeah, guess not
Well, it's 2:44 am here and I need to try and get some sleep
1 hour later…
@ACuriousMind @0celo7 The interesting thing is that well-ordering and induction are strictly related. If in a set there is induction, then it is well-ordered (and with the Peano axioms, induction is taken as an axiom scheme, so well-ordering is a consequent theorem); and the vice-versa is also true. The definition of the Natural numbers in ZFC is that they are the smallest infinite well-ordered set, with the ordering given by set inclusion (i.e. the smallest limit ordinal).
The well-ordering theorem instead, tells that every set can be well-ordered. This theorem is equivalent to the axiom of choice. So in ZFC, every set can be well-ordered, even the ones for which a well-ordering seems "unnatural". The usual example is the reals, where a well-order cannot be defined in a constructive way, but it exists.
In set theory, I would say that the "well-ordering principle" for the naturals is true by construction, more than by axiom. Take the emptyset $\emptyset$ (whose existence is guaranteed by the axioms of ZF, in particular by the axiom of infinity that guarantees the existence of at least one set, and the axiom schema of separation).
Then you can construct the set $\{\emptyset\}$, and the set $\{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\}\}$. You see that both these sets are well-ordered by set-inclusion.
You can think of going further, and making any finite set of nested empty sets, and stil it will be well-ordered by inclusion: $\{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\},\{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\}\},\dotsc\}$.
You can extend it to an infinite set well-ordered by inclusion defining: $\omega$ is the set of elements of the form above such that: i) $\emptyset\in\omega$, ii) if $\alpha\in\omega$, then $(\alpha\cup\{\alpha\})\in\omega$.
This set is exactly the naturals, identifying $\emptyset$ with $0$, $\{\emptyset\}$ with $1$, and so on; and the ordering $\subseteq$ with $\leq$.
The existence of $\omega$ is guaranteed by the axiom of infinity (it is, roughly speaking, the statement of the axiom ;-) ).
4 hours later…
What's an example of a non-parallelizable manifold
Q: Totally non parallelizable manifold

Ali TaghaviDoes there exist a manifold M which all iterated tangent bundles are non parallelizable manifolds? That is$ M, TM , T^2(M), \ldots ,T^n(M)\ldots$ are non parallelizable manifold? What is an example of a manifold which is not parallelizable, but $T^{n}(M)$ is parallelizable fo...

Can I use Lagrange multipliers with redundant constrains?
1 hour later…
@Slereah $S^2$.
Shown with the theorem whose name you like so much ;)
@DanielSank Sorry; I had gone to bed at that time. I'm here now though
@BernardMeurer If you're accepted to waterloo will you go there?
Q: Theoretical magnetic Monopole

Faraz MasroorI'm trying to solve question B2 on the 2012 USAPHO semifinal exam (last page). The solutions are here on the last three pages. I don't understand the following line: The flux through the loop will then be $\Phi_B = \int \vec B \cdot dA = \frac{1}{2} \mu_0 q_m\int sin\theta d\theta $ If I...

Is this even legal? I feel so... violated.
The copy-paste job didn't even get the LaTeX right. It's unicode boxes.
@0537 Depends on where else I get accepted. But waterloo is amongst my top 4
Why do you ask?
@BernardMeurer Lol I may go there too if I don't do engineering.
@ACuriousMind Picardy Lindenhof?
@knzhou You shouldn't answer in comments. That said, it is exceptionally bad style to just copy-paste together the comments of another users.
@ACuriousMind Do you sleep?
@BernardMeurer Sometimes
Oh the hairy man bits theorem
@0537 Cool, let's make the first h-bar born research team
@ACuriousMind hahahaha
waterloo is like the best for physics in the world.
@0celo7 look at their books for the undergrad gr course link
scroll down.
One naively could have said MIT asked that question. Why is waterloo so good?
@0celo7 or look at the syllabus...
Literally says advanced graduate course.
I mean shit I can take a course on Ricci flow but that doesn't make it undergrad level.
Or surgery or whatever
no it's for undergrads too.
you need department consent.
That's literally every course.
Dr. Freire teaches a class on Lorentzian geometry based out of Hawking-Ellis and O'Neil.
I could take that as an undergrad.
do it then.
I have more useful classes to take.
@ACuriousMind Did you know that for every spinor equation there is an equivalent tensor equation?
What is a spinor equation?
@0celo7 I don't know what that sentence means
I don't either. But apparently it's true.
@Danu e.g. The Dirac equation
So what makes that a "spinor equation"?
As far as I can tell, it is just another differential equation, outside physics contexts.
Probably. I'll give the article a read.
I think maybe you're thinking about something like the twistor formalism, where you encode everything in terms of spinors
@Danu Uh, find it above. I had to get Chris White to send it to me, I didn't have access. It's a Cambridge link.
I'm on mobile.
@Danu Also I don't think that's right. One, it's the wrong way around. Everything is supposed to be expressed in terms of tensors. And it was published way before Penrose came around.
@0celo7 Lol, notice the word "equivalent" in your statement. There is no "wrong way around".
@Danu Morally there is.
It seems like it's at least very similar to the twistor formalism.
@0celo7 No.
Hawking-Ellis says the resulting tensor equation is usually quite complicated.
GR in terms of spinors $\cong$ twistor formalism
In what category?
...the obvious one
I don't think that's the name of a category.
It is, if you're smart enough ;)
I'm going emperor's new clothes-style :)
@Danu ...you're going naked? oO
@Danu I'm probably not...
@ACuriousMind When writing a pedagogical answer that leaves out some details as not to become the first chapter of a geometry book, should one try to provide one reference that explains everything or find multiple references, each one of which explains a certain part very well?
I.e. I won't prove that the partial derivatives are a basis or construct the tensor algebra carefully
Some other stuff as well.
@ACuriousMind Me obviously being the tailor in this scenario
@0celo7 Uh...I don't think that question has a unique answer in general
@ACuriousMind And for my specific case?
Like Lee explains multilinear algebra well but he constructs tensor fields differently than I want to. Straumann constructs tensors as I do but doesn't explain multilinear algebra.
Other Lee explains both well but uses modules and rings. Both you and DS say that's a bit much.
@0celo7 I don't think anyone except you can decide what references you think are best for the way your answer is written
I guess nobody got my reference :)
@Danu I just didn't find it comment-worthy :P
@ACuriousMind Ok. I might just put a "where to read more" section at the end.
@ACuriousMind Are polar coordinates a global homeomorphism from the plane into itself or do they fail?
You should know the answer to that. And if not, you should be able to deduce it.
@0celo7 Think about the origin.
@ACuriousMind Now this is a quote-worthy message ;)
@Danu Ah, yes.
I ought to bookmark it.

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