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Hmmm...someone upvoted my answer after 8 seconds. Fast reader.
@ACuriousMind that explains your REP
You know, I just peeked at TanMath's chat messages, and I found this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/26894228#26894228
@DanielSank Did my comment about not accepting your answer guarantee you won't write one?
Screw that.
@0celo7 No.
@TanMath I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. I've been trying to help you for weeks.
@DanielSank This one. Stop your time.
I've been giving you the same advice over and over, but you ignored it.
What the $%* is wrong with you?
@ACuriousMind Stop your time?
How can you ask for help and then act so irritated when people give it to you.
@0celo7 Uh...that phrase doesn't mean "Record the time it takes you" in English, does it?
@TanMath I keep trying to help you and your response, after weeks of being told by multiple people to do something, is to act like we're making you do something you don't want to do for our own benefit.
I just can't process how you think this is a good way to run your life.
@ACuriousMind Ask a native speaker. What German thing were you trying to say?
@0celo7 "Stopp deine Zeit!" means as much as "Use a stopwatch to record the time it takes you"
@TanMath I want you to explain yourself. Right now. Tell me why you think it makes sense to ask for help, reject that help for weeks, and then act like the people helping you are doing something annoying to you.
Do it now.
I'm listening, and I may never listen to you ever again.
@ACuriousMind Huh, never heard of that saying. (Rather, I don't remember hearing that.)
@ACuriousMind Ack, now I don't know if I have heard that before or if I'm imagining it...
I don't know what "Stop your time" would mean, even with the fuether explanation. What was it in response to?
I go away for 20 mins
and chat got intense
What, the TanMath thing?
I just cannot fathom what is going through his head.
@DanielSank Really?
@MikeMiller I wondered aloud about someone who upvoted my answer after 8 seconds. Then Daniel asked for a link to the answer, which I posted and said "Stop your time" by which I meant he should record how long it takes him to read the answer to check whether 8 seconds is realistic...
@0celo7 Yes, really.
Not sure if that made more sense inside my head than it does written out.
@ACuriousMind I understand it.
I look away from this chat for five seconds and as soon as I come back nothing makes sense anymore
I also understood it the first time around.
@0celo7 Not sure if that is reassuring ;)
@FenderLesPaul Well, @TanMath's behavior on this site for the last few weeks defies anything I consider normal/sensible/respectful. At this point I want to understand it out of scientific curiosity.
@ACuriousMind :P
I also do want to help him learn how to ask for help better, and how to break problems down into manageable chunks, as this is the most important part of science.
@DanielSank I see
that's fair
@BernardMeurer That's chat at its best
@ACuriousMind: I see.
@MikeMiller We should work on a coding project.
oops, thought you were Bernard.
Let's make a game
it might be a cultural barrier if @TanMath studies in a country where asking for help obeys different customs
not that it justifies his/her behavior
@FenderLesPaul He said English is his first language.
but as an initial conjecture as to why he/she is behaving in said way
ah ok
I retract my conjecture
I figured that meant British, American, or Canadian, but I guess that's not necessarily true.
@Slereah Sounds like it belongs in the '90s.
And should remain buried there
I don't know what to do about these indices
I'm so desparate
I love my indices
@0celo7 Don't do that (unless it's a jab at poor question asking)
In which case LOL
I'm not desparate.
At this point I'm trying to find the balance between what you think is good and my desire to make it completely unreadable.
man biology SE has some cool questions
it has more sex questions than physics certainly
@DanielSank maybe I should make a meta post about what to do about the indices
when I was younger I thought learning physics would allow me to have a better handle on the questions regarding everyday phenomena
but I realized the "everyday phenomena" I wanted to have a better handle on were really biology related
not physics related :(
@0celo7 hahahaha
@FenderLesPaul Hahahahaha... ::laughter changes to crying::
@FenderLesPaul some optical stuff still gets me.
@0celo7 Definitely
@FenderLesPaul Yeah!
Dude, when I was a little kid I wanted to be a physicist because of biology, actually
@ACuriousMind crying changes to depression
I wanted to build prosthetics and cybernetic brain interface devices. I figured physics was the right place to start.
Can mathematical finance people do taxes better than TurboTax?
...and now I'm in quantum computation...
@NeuroFuzzy I agree
@FenderLesPaul Have you seen The Martian?
classical optics is related to some insanely cool everyday phenomena
That movie is fundamentally a rumination on biology. It's amazing.
@DanielSank I haven't yet I was going to in a couple of weeks with a friend
now I'm more pumped to see it :)
Yeah yeah, keep that in mind. Sure it's a space movie but really it's about biology.
::looks up "rumination"::
So many minutiae you miss. Have you ever peeked through a small hole in your fingers? You don't have to focus your eyes clearly but there's also a bit of a distortion/lateral displacement of the image I think.
oooo man @FenderLesPaul is here
I wonder if that greek scholar who starved himself to death because he couldn't read any more could have just done that... hehe
i got question ;)
@TanMath Now this is a bit of a problem. How do you suppose you can just start with a 7 state system if you don't know how the 2-level one works? This is made worse by the fact that it appears that QuTIP has ample documentation and tutorials on these things, covering much more than your average scientific library, meaning that the material is already out there.
@no_choice99 sup
all good
i was wondering whether the number of photons is an invariant in QFT
for 2 observers in 2 different inertial reference frames that is
@DanielSank Seriously, how do you want me to treat coordinate transformations properly without getting into the gory details of charts
@FenderLesPaul oooh OR I wonder if you could listen to radio and be able to tell certain atmospheric events or something from the static/imperfections.
@0celo7 Isn't that a long discussion?
No no, wait.
@0celo7 just do the abstract tensors first.
@no_choice99 it is not an invariant
Then show how they relate to the physics notion.
It's waaaay easier and more sensible that way.
@no_choice99 No, it's proportional to the Hamiltonian, which is the zero-th component of the momentum four-vector.
thanks @FenderLesPaul
Ok but you complained about me not defining a coordinate transformation.
@0celo7 Well yeah.
hamiltonian of which system @ACuriousMind
@NeuroFuzzy I feel like something to that effect is used in movies a lot
I mean, draw a picture of a manifold.
something like harmonic oscillator?
@no_choice99 Of the free field theory
@KyleKanos Kyle!
Then draw coordindates, two grids in two different colors.
I missed you
@FenderLesPaul Hi
Can I just post that
that sounds interesting thanks @ACuriousMind
@KyleKanos how is the new job treating you?
@KyleKanos Oooh another real physicist
actually that question arose in my head thanks to your answer to my question about "virutal" particles
@0celo7 Two bacteria having sex on a surface?
@FenderLesPaul Wonderfully
I need your help
omg so many chat messages.
@0celo7 I'll try being your Obi Wan
@ACuriousMind you have a wonderful mind
a curious one at that
get it
@KyleKanos Actually, it shall wait
Well I may not be here
Actually no! Can I send you a quick test email? I think there's an issue with the school's server.
Wait...are you soliciting homework help?
@DanielSank's thing put my email straight to spam.
@KyleKanos No, that's @ACuriousMind's domain.
@Daniel: Good, because I have much less to offer to your coding project than Bernard.
@0celo7 Okay
What's the subject?
@0celo7 ...it is?
@DanielSank How's the quantum computer building going?
I need someone to read a Q&A I'm writing who doesn't define a tensor as a multilinear map on modules/dual modules into some ring.
@KyleKanos It goes well. I discovered a thing.
But @DanielSank gave me some ideas and I'm going to rewrite it, no need to show you the current draft.
@DanielSank Fancy. An important thing?
A...thing. Aliens?
@KyleKanos I think so.
Other people are trying to discover it.
@ACuriousMind You volunteered.
Damn, cool @DanielSank!
So will it make the quantum computer work?
@BernardMeurer Yeah I'm really stoked.
@KyleKanos It explains why a certain thing doesn't work in certain cases.
Because my boss wants to buy one to run our software on
If @DanielSank helps fixing decoherence in quantum computers I'm paying him a hamburger
I'd give you more, but I'm a student
@KyleKanos Sent it to your Yahoo.
@BernardMeurer Uh, well, I did discover a decoherence mechanism!
If it goes to spam the IT department is getting a very angry email.
@0celo7 You sent a "hi" email...nothing's attached
@DanielSank Darn it, Wendys? Five guys?
@0celo7 I did?
@BernardMeurer Um.. we have neither here.
@KyleKanos Ok, thanks.
Santa Barbara is kinda lame in the food department.
@DanielSank Well make your pick hahaha, I keep my word
@BernardMeurer Uh... how is this transaction going to work?
Maybe we can just work on a project together.
@ACuriousMind Yes.
Don't you remember?
@DanielSank not entirely sure, I hadn't thought it totally through.
Damn sounds awesome to me!
@0celo7 I don't.
@BernardMeurer Ok, I'm working on understanding capabilities based RPC, wanna play too?
I made a crap little repo on github with some code.
I'll play
@KyleKanos No. RPC.
@ACuriousMind Being drunk at the time is not an excuse!
"Capabilities-based RPG"...life?
Can I be an elven archer?
@0celo7 Oh.
@DanielSank Well that's not fun
@DanielSank I'd love to play!
Or at least less fun than RPGs
@BernardMeurer No no, it is fun. It makes writing RPG's and stuff like that waaay easier.
@BernardMeurer cool.
Especially after these RPGs:
@KyleKanos Image not found
Oh, I had to click
Is that better?
looks like a rocket launcher
Yep, now it worked
@ACuriousMind Do all noncompact manifolds have Lorentz metrics?
@no_choice99 RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade, so you're not entirely wrong
@0celo7 I don't know, the classification of non-compact manifolds is hard
@ACuriousMind : but they do, IIRC
They do.
Unrelated to their classification
I wanted to see if he had some cool one-line reason.
That's not what a rhetorical question is :P
@ACuriousMind I realized that. Hence why I deleted it.
Before you posted that.
Let the record reflect this.
@0celo7 It can't, you removed the message
You guys have worst best jokes
@ACurious: But their geometry is usually quite easy. Many problems automatically have an h-principle on noncompact manifolds. Roughly, you just pick a decomposition into compact submanifolds, solve the problem except near the boundary, then take a limit of your solutions.
No, they just have bad jokes
@DanielSank When I was there there were any number of short-lived hippie restaurants serving organic, free-range, local, seasonal, hormone-free, zero-antibiotics, air-fried, fusion quisine.
Some even lasted six months.
I found out today that I've been tying my shoes wrong my entire life
@0celo7 Probably outdated, it was published in 1955
@KyleKanos And how do you feel about that?
@KyleKanos But which better way are you going to use?
@ACuriousMind Kinda sad that I didn't know it was wrong
@dmckee That's the key right there.
@dmckee Still granny of course
Just won't be having vertical ties but horizontal ones
what is a "tangent sphere bundle"
restriction of the tangent bundle to vector fields of length 1?
A bundle of tangent spheres.
@dmckee Not vegan? Can see why they didn't last ;)
IIRC Steenrod has a thing about tangent spheres
Every noncompact manifold admits a nonzero vector field?
That's the thing I need!
You have strange needs
More interestingly it admits a complete one.
@ACuriousMind Only you can satisfy them, which is why I'm stuck with you...
@MikeMiller Complete?
@0celo7 that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard!
What's the basic idea of that proof?
@ACuriousMind *remember
You were drunk all the other times
In all seriousness, Santa Barbara is a bit of a restaurant wasteland unless you can afford to go upscale. One of the few problems with the place.
@ACuriousMind @MikeMiller What's the basic idea of the proof for this?
@dmckee Well ok, it's a bit more complex than that.
@DanielSank do you know of pop-sci bio books that are really fun to read?
preferably related to evolutionary biology
@dmckee There are a bunch of really cheap amazing restaurants, but you really have to know the area to find them.
The problem is that there are a lot of expensive and pretty gross places that look inviting from the outside.
@FenderLesPaul Heck yes.
@DanielSank The ones I found never lasted.
I took the wife out to a Greek restaurant tonight for her birthday. It was mega-'spensive but totally worth it
@FenderLesPaul Have you read The Selfish Gene?
@DanielSank I have not
Hawking-Ellis states the theorem without proof!
googling now
@FenderLesPaul Definitely read it.
holy shit it's only 2 bucks
the proof is in Steenrod
I think Steenrod and Hawking-Ellis contain proofs of all interesting Lorentz geometry theorems.
There's a few books on Lorentz surfaces, too
1+1 D manifolds
Stringy reasons?
Because they are easier to deal with
Only 5D metrics are interesting

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