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for Cornell the committee just started meeting a couple days ago
I'm anticipating Washington the most right now
since they respond early and I know someone there
from a research group
are you international?
international students get late responses no matter what, it looks like
with the absolute earliest responses in mid-late February
for acceptances, at least
I see
ugh I just want to sleep until I can wake up and know where I got in
I guess next week and the week after that are going to be the most nerve-wracking
when did you submit apps relative to due date?
more or less a day before
almost all of them were dec 15th
only several of mine were ~Dec 15th
the rest were ~Jan. 1
I think I submitted a couple on the day of
dude if I don't get into UCSB I will be super bummed
especially since all 3 of my letter writers were post-docs there and know a lot of the theory faculty there
person who got acceptance for Brown claims 710 on PGRE (53%) QQ
and are collaborating with them
Brown doesn't care about PGRE though
not as much as other top places
like Princeton or MIT
also the rest of their application might have been really good
I wouldn't complain about that then
letters of rec/research
my PGRE isn't bad, but the rest of my application is relatively flawless in comparison
gah it's just stressful :3
I think are weighed far more than PGRE (and GPA somewhat more than PGRE) for most schools
I think Princeton, MIT, and maybe UCSB or Stanford are the well known exceptions
for domestic students that is
it's a whole different ball game for internationals
I'll let you know by the end of February
haha yeah same
hopefully it's good news for both of us
not asking for much I just wanna get into one of the places I applied to :p
one of the grad schools I applied to was a tease
I got an email from the graduate admissions department email
offering to waive the application fee to apply to their engineering graduate program
I agree it's stressful
can't believe I had heart palpitations over that
especially since there's no fixed date of acceptance
like undergrad
this is just cruel what they do
the usual advice is don't read gradcafe but nobody has ever actually listened to that advice.
I don't read gradcafe
it'll make me too anxious
what I'm more terrified of is my friends telling me where they got into
and I'm sitting there like "I didn't get any emails :("
goes to google gradcafe
well uh
don't check grad cafe dude
it'll only make the waiting worse
I did for fun calculate the chances of me not getting into any of the schools I applied to
based on their acceptance rates
it was like a 5% chance
is that even physics specific
I think the wait for these things was so much better when it's like, four months like NSF apps
as opposed to a month for some grad school apps
where you're nervous until they're all back and they trickle in only a few weeks after your last is due...
worst part is
it can either make or break your last semester of college
god I have to write a thesis
I was lucky because the first thing I got back was an acceptance (before the wave of nos started rolling in)
I just need one acceptance
and then I'll be okay :<
@GBeau same
just one
is all I ask
preferably chicago but still
man I don't even care
I know people that got into chicago with <60% PGRE
so if I don't get in I will run around in circles until I pass out
the last one i got was from the school i applied to i liked the least and it was like, screw you guys, I won
I wonder when UCLA sends out stuff
@MikeMiller When you applied to UCLA did they ask 5 questions about your gender
or is that new
I don't remember.
@FenderLesPaul I could ask.
@MikeMiller oh god that would be such scary information
but at the same time
how can I resist
stats from last year are mostly acceptances on 2/11 and a bunch of rejections on 2/27 for UCLA
and a rejection on 2/5
damn that's a long wait
do you know the stats for caltech or chicago?
classes start for me on the 27th
give me a sec
so I wanna get it all over with before then
cool thanks
"Mid-Feb - March"
@MikeMiller cool thanks
so I have to wait a bit then
rejections Feb ~25, acceptances ~Feb 12 for caltech
chicago, seeing a bunch of rejects on 2/9 and 3/3, still looking
the other thing to be warned about if you use grad cafe is that people lie about their stats
domestic male accepted 1/30 to u chicago last year
2, both 1/30
astronomy accept, 1/26
god damn that's only 3 days after school starts
pretty well-known thing that people who are accepted under-state their stats and rejected overstate them. so don't use them as a point of comparison
the other reason not to use them as a point of comparison is that admissions committees are more random than the powerball
oh friend updated "I got mine at the end of Jan tho"
@MikeMiller that's why I bought 11 tickets
end of Jan ok
that's fair
seems like chicago is also end of Jan
I have no point of comfort :(
I just want one
checks email
apart from one of the professors at MIT I wanna work for who told me he thinks I have a high chance of getting in based on talking to the professor I work for now
I should go to bed
which doesn't really comfort me at all
nooo don't go to bed
it's only 9:30
or possibly 8:30 or 6:30
depending on where you are
smoke a lot of weed
you're right, U Washington or Brown could still send out a letter this late ~ (I kid)
you'll feel less nervous
I can only imagine what smoking pot right now would do to me
checks email every 3 seconds
I generally assume physicists are high at any given moment
It's been houuuuurs
the thing is
it's only been 3 minutes
I don't even need to check my mail
if I had gotten an email, it would be pushed to my phone and it would ding
but I still checked it anyway
I remember I got nothing out of my classes for the first few weeks of winter
I was too nervous, and whenever my phone vibrated I checked
I have a mac so the email shows up on the side of the screen
which means I can't even be surprised
"Jesus christ no I'm not going to resell my books to you I NEED MY RESULTS FIX"
@FenderLesPaul you know the waiver email I told you about?
let me go find it so I can show you what the preview for the start of the email looked like
that was cruel and unusual punishment
lol I had something like this
"We're glad to tell you..."
"Congratulations! You've been accepted...to read this email about fee waivers!"
that we had a massive number of well-qualified applicants this season. Unfortunately, this means we could not offer most people a place in the program.
this was the preview before I clicked the email, from ""Office of Graduate Enrollment Management and Admissions"
it said: "Dear <GBeau>, We believe your academic achievements are a preview of the success you'll enjoy..."
from a uni I applied to over half a month ago
very nice\
after I clicked the email, it finished "We believe your academic achievements are a preview of the success you'll enjoy in the graduate programs at the <uni> School of Engineering. For that reason, we're offering an application fee waiver."
if that happens again I will lose my mind
shout out to the schools with no fees
I'm not going to get any sleep in the next 2 weeks
so if weed won't work, have you considered smoking meth
this is a well-known relaxation agent
meth is my fall back plan
@MikeMiller see I applied to U Washington, I'm not there yet
it's all or nothing
what are, say, the top 10 physics schools in the US?
Probably Princeton, MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Harvard, UCSB, Berkeley, UChicago
can't think of anything else
other two spots are empty
I tried my best not to apply to HEPT for the schools I applied to
since that's an automatic rejection
but some schools gave me no choice
@MikeMiller It obviously depends at least a little on the field you're interested in
but you'll never see a list without Caltech and Princeton
sure, I was interested as broadly as possible
oh if broadly as possible
then scratch off UCSB
UC SB is like, number 2 or 3 if you're doing particle theory, though
for sure yeah
was pretty surprised to see it there
mostly it matches up with math, except ucsb
it's so good that it would almost be tragic to try to get a non-physics job if you went to graduate school there
since non-physics people would have no idea how well-reputed it was
Something tells me I'm not getting an email today
I think you shouldn't worry about an email at this point
watch random shit on youtube
w00t UCSB!
@MikeMiller That is a complicated question.
@GBeau ...which is hilarious.
Different school are good at totally different things in a lot of cases.
With such variability by subfield it seems kind of meaningless to try to rank schools on a single scale.
@FenderLesPaul Why? UCSB has very good program. The Gravity, astro, and condensed matter subfields are all incredibly well represented.
(and we don't have a qualifying exam, heheheheheh)
@DanielSank ah ok I don't really know anything about their program outside of gravity/HEP
but it's still my dream school
You an undergrad?
Get your butt over here!
Do a summer job or something.
Here's hoping the UCSB admissions committee let my butt in
I just wanna work for Don Marolf
he is one of my gods
He taught my mechanics course.
yeah I love Don
He gave us our final...
Told us it took him three hours.
how'd that go haha
Asked us to log our time spent on it.
You know, for science.
Got results back.
According to my now fiance, next year's course was... easier.
I remember something Don said once, it was so funny I'll never forget it:
We're learning Hamiltonian mechanics, right? So at some point he goes all symplectic on our asses.
He starts talking about differential forms and stuff...
@Daniel: In math, at least, there are 5-6 holy grail schools that are the best at everything. Then you start getting "Depends what you want to do!"
Now, take a moment to remember that very few first year physics grad students have ever even heard of differential forms.
What year was this?
So at some point someone's like "Wait I don't get it what the hell is that funny upside down V symbol mean?"
Don's response:
"Oh, that's a wedge product. If you're confused about how to compute it, just follow your nose!"
LOL that's so bad it's good
modulo some fucking factorial
he looks like he would say a joke like that
The thing is, like, nobody had any friggin' clue what was going on.
damn it @DanielSank now you just made me want to work for him even more
what year?!
I had studied exterior whatever it's called on my own time in undergrad, so I could follow, but everyone else was completely lost.
Then Don dropped that one on us and I think it was at that moment he lost the class forever.
@0celo7 Uhhh, must have been 2007.
Don :(
I wonder if Don is on the admissions comittee
@DanielSank no, not that year
freshman, sophomore?
@MikeMiller You know what's funny about that? I know folks who went to Harvard, and none of them loved it.
@0celo7 First year grad school.
does UCSB release information about who's on their committee?
@DanielSank how can they have not heard of diff forms?
@Daniel: Eh.
I imagine a lot of it is who you work with.
@MikeMiller Yes.
more precisely: how can UCSB grad students not know of diff forms
he is!
he's on the comittee
@MikeMiller That's why I don't put much stock in this "best overall school" thing.
@FenderLesPaul Not sure.
@0celo7 By getting a normal undergrad degree in physics. Stop pretending that advanced stuff is normal. It's neither funny nor impressive.
@DanielSank ...
@DanielS: That's fine. Hiring committees do.
I agree with 0celo7.
The only physicists I know learned about diff forms in undergrad
@MikeMiller Argggg. See, that only matters if you want to be an academic.
The only physicists I know are the ones here
Dude if Don Marolf is on the committee then I'm so much happier
Most people who go to graduate school will never by professors.
+ some pure experimental types at my school
he's like bros with two of my letter writers
I find it incredibly disingenuous that academia pretends that everyone should aspire to be a professor.
@DanielS: I agree.
It leads to people making terrible decisions, and severely limiting their career options.
@DanielSank I think for what you did yes it would be limiting
@MikeMiller Ok, then we agree that what hiring committees think is not particularly important. In fact, it is decidedly less important than your general job marketability.
but I think for things like HEPT there really aren't other options that are also enjoyable to the person
@MikeMiller So, if academic departments are rating each other based on where they like to hire from, I just don't care much about that metric.
I guess.
@Daniel: ok
@0celo7 Ah. Ok, well this chat is full of a very thin slice of physics pie.
Most people here are theorists, and a particular sort at that.
Very mathematically oriented.

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