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@TanMath No, what you've done is to say I have Lindblad equation here and I want to drop down this Hamiltonian in it and I expect to get this and this as the output. You then use a solver made by someone else, write your matrix in it and ask why it is not giving you the output you expected. There's nothing physical going on here. Or mathematical. This is simply a programming exercise in reading documentation of the library you wish to use.
@no_choice99 That has an upvoted answer, so the Community bot wouldn't have bumped it. I would think that an answer was posted today, then deleted. It shows up as having activity by a user, but that user doesn't have a(n) (undeleted) answer to the question. Methinks deletion is afoot.
^ i agree
@HDE226868 I can confirm that there was activity that is now only visible to mods and 10k users.
@dmckee Gracias.
So you're a Mexican British Canadian
@HDE226868 let me guess, you're also Japanese and Swahili
With some Cherokee
My cat died, he was only 3 years old. =(
@0537 I am so sorry... it is sad when your cat passes away... I have experienced it too...
@0537 think about getting a new cat a couple of months from now... I bet he/she will continue to brighten your day...
It won't be the same. =(
I don't think I will.
I think I posted a picture of him a few months ago.
@0537 but the sorrow will be masked at least...
@0537 It certainly won't be the same, but it can be as good again. Just different.
My better half and I have been ready to get a new pet for some months now, but we're waiting until there is no travel scheduled.
@0537 soo cute!
@DanielSank according to my friends in code review, this is not what I should be doing at least for this project...
I don't know why he died. It was like some badly placed kidney stone according to the doctor.
oh.. so @DanielSank is here...
I just wish MM was here instead...
Finally home.
@TanMath Well then you understand that there is little that anyone here can do to help you. Go read the documentation, get correct results for some simpler 2x2 harmonic oscillator or whatever, and then try to get your Hamiltonian to work. There's no shortcut here, and you should stop trying to wait and see if someone will provide you one by solving your entire problem.
@alarge huh?
@0537 I was probably around your age when my dog died. I'm very sorry. I never did want to get a new dog after the loss.
@alarge My dad was that way for 40 years until our current dog
@alarge I think it is a problem with the physics and that is final....
I must have messed something up with the model...
@TanMath Thanks a lot.
Who are your "friends in code review"?
@DanielSank Quill, Phrancis, and holroy...
@DanielSank what to do... I am getting little support here... maybe I shouldn't have had the "instead" at the end...
Oh... and just for the sake of saying...the plot I currently get looks like the site 3 population plot without loss and trapping...
@TanMath You know, you're "getting little support" here because you act as if you're entitled to it, and you never really give the people who try to help you what they are asking for, but instead just ask another question, or say they don't understand.
You would do well to remember that you are asking for help from people who have no obligation at all to help you.
@ACuriousMind i do not understand... I have asked the question, yet people are telling me to do stuff that does not even matter...
For example, what is the big deal about PEP8 here? if it is such a big deal, I will fix it later...
@TanMath People told you to test your code. And you mostly reply by "it's not the code" without indicating what you have done to ensure that.
@TanMath lol
@TanMath You ask people for help. Several of them tell you that they will help you if you clean up your code and test it. Now you come back several days later, without doing what the people asked you to do, and you're wondering why you get "little support".
Even if you have no idea why PEP8 matters you should do it because the people who are able to help you asked you to do it.
You should understand that you do not know what matters and what does not matter.
I think you might want to regard our suggestions and requests with more faith that they are designed to help you, whether you understand how they help you or not.
@TanMath Unless you fix up your code to adhere to the PEP8 style guide, I will no longer respond to any chat messages about this issue.
I hope @MarkMitchison will do the same and refrain from handing you the solution to your problem, as I think it would produce an undesireable result in this case.
@0537 that's a smart cat
@FenderLesPaul Well it's a dead cat now.
1 hour later…
@0537 :(
A dude on a physics chat says he published this paper
On vixra
Quite amusing
Why link to the PDF? The abstract page is nicer: vixra.org/abs/1601.0082
But either way it's a riot.
I was double charged my physics PhD application fee by a graduate school :<
that sucks
threaten to sue them if they don't accept you
and then break their knee caps in a back alley to drive home the lesson
Can I have "things I wish I didn't have to email a potential graduate school about" for 200, Alex
better than having to email them explaining why you uploaded your manifesto instead of SoP
what are you applying for?
ah ok
best of luck!
do you have like a dream school?
a school of dreams
I didn't apply to it
holy shit that reminds me I still have one application left
It's far too late to second guess myself at this point, though
what school?
stupid winter break
penn state
I have one application left
Stony Brook is due the 15th
That reminds me I still have two left
::scratches head:: did I forget an application?
one due in two days
there are applications due on Jan 12?
that's screwy
I have a .txt of notes for schools
since I applied to 11
I heard UCSB starts emailing people late January
that's terrifying
yeah but they reject everybody ;)
they don't even give you a chance to enjoy the start of school
I just want to know
but only if the answer is yes, otherwise they can think about it some more ;)
they're just like "welp here's a crappy start to your last semester of college courtesy of us"
what are you taking
I'm taking Quantum 2, a math grad course, cryptography, and I'm writing a math thesis and a physics thesis
I don't think I'm going to take any classes; Cornell has a policy where seniors only need 8 credits to be in academic standing so I'm just using my two research groups to get 4 credits from each
grad course is basically graduate calculus analysis 2
that way I can just focus on research
luckily I got a lot of my thesis stuff done already so I'm mostly just writing
write like there's no tomorrow
cryptography sounds dope
yeah it's taught as a senior math course
I needed one more senior math course to finish my math BS, and that course is taught by my thesis advisor for math
plus it looked way better than some of the alternatives, none of which were otherwise relevant to physics
it should be fun
sounds fun
hope that goes well
do you happen to know when UChicago or Caltech send out their first round of acceptances?
what's your top choice from what you applied to
@TanMath Just fix the code, use autopep8 if you have to but make it bloody PEP-8 compliant.
good school
@GBeau If you've ever lived there you know why the have an overabundance of applicants.
good school indeed
Sadly the only one of my peers from undergraduate days that has managed to stay in town in the guy who had financial trouble and never graduated.
If I get into UChicago I will sacrifice a goat to the gods
@dmckee I heard they have free ice cream ;)
ice creaaam
They have ~330 sunny days a year and weather that rarely gets over 90 or under 45 F.
@FenderLesPaul so that's why you applied to penn state? :p
sigh why are applications such a bummer to fill
@ChrisWhite haha
I used to go swimming in February so I could go home for spring break wth my tan already in place.
@ChrisWhite goats for everyone!
I currently go to a school in a small college town, so I almost exclusively applied to graduate schools in inner cities (because that is where I would like to live for the next...6 years?)
@BernardMeurer Did you apply to MIT?
@GBeau In HEP experiment? Could be 7 or 8 all too easily. I was slightly over 9 and I knew people who took even longer than that.
They have the most hipster application I've seen
@dmckee Great. Now I'm nostalgic for socal.
@FenderLesPaul I don't have the brains for that. Top school I applied to was Berkeley
it looks like it was made in 2001
I knew a couple of people who got out in 6, but it takes luck as well as interlligence.
dude Berkeley's application is even more hardcore
they're the only school I know that makes you list a separate GPA for grad courses
Meh, I thought it was alrighty, specially me being a foreign
I'm undergrad as well
even Harvard just asks for a small list of your most advanced classes
Your experiment/data has to come up at just the right time and you have to have relatively few unexpected snags.
^ I remember calculating a different GPA for each school.
@dmckee Yeaaaaahhhhhh....
turns out my physics GPA was a lot less impressive than my overall GPA
I have, by some miracle, maintained a no-calculations-necessary GPA
Yeah but you went to caltech
so your GPA has to be scaled to be compared with every other school's GPA
GPA's are a bummer, the brazilian grading system is a total chaos
I feel like caltech shouldn't have a GPA
@FenderLesPaul where everyone slacks off in the required humanities -- perfect grade boosters
it should just have P/F
and when you apply to grad schools there's a separate option that says "I went to caltech"
When trying to determine likelihood of acceptance for graduate schools when picking where to apply, I essentially viewed my GPA as neutral
I bet y'all are too young to remember the pre- common app days for college
fun times
I think mine translated is 3.8 unweighted
@ChrisWhite Wait. There's a common application? Since when?
Bloody literature dropped it
@dmckee <<<
@dmckee for undergrad applications
@FenderLesPaul Yeah. Since when?
idk since when but when I applied for college it was there
and I applied in 2012
it was pretty new around then
not all colleges had it but most did
Ah. So it happened while I was postdocing. No wonder I didn't notice.
It was phasing in when I was applying ~2006.
many moons ago
Caltech and Chicago were staunch holdouts -- they prided themselves on the unusual parts of their applications.
fuck chicago's undergrad application
with their stupid essay prompts
"Where's Waldo?"
who cares
some graduate schools applications asked...more than others
LOL did you apply to UCLA?
they ask for your sexual orientation
5 questions
about your gender
and whether or not you identify as mostly feminine or mostly masculine or something in between
like jeez I just want to apply for grad school
not make a tumblr account
@FenderLesPaul I'd be sorely temped to answer that I identify at right angles to the the male/female axis.
I think the most interesting one was Columbia where I read I was to write and upload an essay in Japanese before I read the text that it was only for Japanese pedagogy applicants
The momentary look on my face was presumably amusing
@dmckee dude you could've done that and they would've accepted it as valid
@FenderLesPaul so yes, I applied for UCLA ;)
anything is valid
other schools were just like
are you a boy or a girl? Ok thanks.
one of them had a fill-in-the-blank, and the other questions had all gender options I could think of, plus a gender option that equated to "other gender", PLUS an additional option of "not applicable"
not applicable was NOT, for example, for agendered options (this was already a choice)
too good
caltech and uchicago were the only schools that completely fit my desired interest
so I'm looking for a needle in a haystack :p
I would absolutely attend everywhere I applied to
but my top choice is Columbia ;)
hope you get in!
NYC is definitely a place
on a side note why does Physics.SE have so many people who don't know what they're talking about arguing
human nature or something
it just seems so much worse than math.se
never been on math.se so I can't say
usually I visit Physics.SE, click a question, see a comment patently incorrect with 14 "ups" and lose hope and go back to looking for interesting math.se questions
although you could argue I'm part of the problem (by ignoring what I believe to be incorrect)
Maybe math crackpottery is limited to number theory, whereas physics has crackpots in relativity, cosmology, quantum, perpetual motion, fusion, ...
@DanielSank fine! but why do like PEP8 so much??
@ChrisWhite Heck, if you try hard enough you can find rotational newtonian physics crackpots
Plus, I have tried it and had problems with the PEP8...
@ChrisWhite en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Laithwaite "suggested that Newton's laws of motion could not account for the behaviour of gyroscopes and that they could be used as a means of reactionless propulsion" back to math.se :)
Math has a lot of crackpottery when it comes to unsolved problems
only 2 weeks left before school starts
I can do this
No you can't
Give up
@TanMath I (and @dmckee, and probably others) already explained that to you. Did you stop reading when we took the time out of our days to type that explanation?
@TanMath, whenever people run into hard bugs for the first time, they tend to blame anything besides the code itself. I definitely did this, the first few times I spent over 1 hour debugging, but in each case, it turned out to be a dumb mistake in my code.
As programmers get more experience, they learn not to trust themselves, and instead trust tools like unit testing. And also pretty formatting, like PEP8, which makes it easier to catch dumb stuff.
This is why people are suggesting these things to you.
To echo @knzhou here: every beginning programmer thinks they've found a bug in the compiler or the standard library or some other piece of foundational code at some point.
They haven't.
There is a rule of thumb that it takes ten year to become good at anything worth doing. For programming that might be an understatement.
I've been programming (after a fashion) since 1983. I've written hundreds of thousands of lines of code. I have code in ROOT. I have many hundreds of lines of code in large-scale particle physics analysis codes.
I've written a toy compiler, a toy ray tracer, a crappy little break-out clone and a couple of toy Monte Carlos.
I consider myself ready to start learning what the craft of programming really is, instead of the this slipshod, piddly little fooling around I've been doing...
@GBeau I've never seen one that bad
Don't do it @dmckee
Programming is all bullshit
Especially nowadays
Uplay is trying to sell me Fallout 4
maybe I should buy it again
I've bought some games twice
Mostly when I can't be arsed to make it run
@FenderLesPaul you've got to be kidding
@FenderLesPaul there is no what
I don't know what's going on
too bad
are you ok
what are you up to
dope, pirating what
the Carribean
Assassin's Ceed 4
did you know there's going to be an AC movie
it will probably suck
also have you played Witcher 3?
it probably will
no my laptop dies when I try to run it
there's some hardware incompatibility
eh it's not that great anyways
I'm enjoying AC4
will probably stop after it
it's straining my hardware like crazy
it's not very well optimized
and school starts in two days anyway
wait is AC4 the sailing one?
@FenderLesPaul since you're not going to answer my light rays question just give me the relevant article titles
@FenderLesPaul yes
oh shit
ok read the section in MTW on geometric optics approximation in curved spacetime; it's in chapter 35
it's not just about geometric optics though
it talks about how to do light propagation perturbatively in curved spacetime beyond WKB order
and also talks about what happens at higher order i.e. backscattering and tails
fucking MTW
I checked every other GR book
where is my MTW pdf
They say that quantum gravity is solved somewhere in MTW, but nobody has found it yet
and references therein
actually read all of that pdf
I'll answer the question myself eventually
mainly just read that last pdf
the tapir one
gravitational waves?
I'm talking about Maxwell waves
the idea is the same
almost nothing changes
how do you know
A great man once told me
can't find MTW
have to convert a djvu
people who own a copy of MTW are insane
I would own it if I were a relativist
my math advisor owns it
if you didn't know who the authors were
I want MTW
you'd think the book was written by crazy people
But it's expensive IIRC
like $140?
or more?
MTW is a fine book written by decent people
But it has no organization
It's a mess
dude the last page of the book has a wizard on it
Amazon does not even sell it new
oh down there
it's 179 for me
You know what has a wizard on the cover?
jesus 200MB
MTW needs to go on a diet
this PDF is too large
@FenderLesPaul dude this is all g wave stuff
it's the same formalism
for EM waves
I have to try to translate it to EM waves
@0celo7 : what Einstein had to say on the matter was "Eine Krümmung der Lichtstrahlen kann nämlich nur dann eintreten, wenn die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit des Lichtes mit dem Orte variiert".
@Danu LOL yourself, I nailed you down, then you did a runner. Translate the above.
1 hour later…
Did the site fonts just change for anyone else?
@ChrisWhite check
I think
@Slereah so the copy in my possession (paid new $80 ten years ago) got a more than 100% revaluation in 10 years....not bad B-)
at least this for sure
Bounty markers were red last night
honestly, I like the new look better
Up & down vote arrows are different too
It's subtle and I can't quite place it but I'm pretty sure it's changed
The lack of serifs still disturbs me.
also the pages counter is changed, and the boxes with votes e.g. in the profile
The old version
and the tags now have a rounded on the right, straight on the left box...
maybe SE wants to check our visual memory :-D
@yuggib I think they've always been that way
Or at least they're like that on the wayback machine
Also meta is apparently now called Physics me
^ that's got to be a bug, right?
or is dropping half the word the hip new thing kids are doing these days?
surely a bug
But it does seem like we're programmed for a brave new Android Lollipop aesthetic with the redesign
Q: What happened to the appearance of Physics Stack Exchange all on a sudden?

user36790Physics Stack Exchange is changed! Even at 11:30-12:00 IST, the site was as usual. But when I visited the site again at 2 IST, the appearance of Physics SE. was different! Picture speak more than words: This is the snapshot of a question of mine at the past: Now, it appears as: This ...

"Crackpots do not go for the small problems, for what Kuhn called the puzzle-solving of normal science, they invariably shake the foundations of modern physics. They provide a new structure for the atom, a new unified theory of field and energy, a complete alternative to general relativity, an entirely novel cosmology, etc."
" In the same way, the crackpot alternative is, almost universally, less mathematically challenging than the standard account. For instance, tensors and other complicated tools of SR are replaced with college-level calculus, and in many cases with high-school algebra."
"Most of my cranks cite virtually no recent publications in physics. Almost all of them rely, for their understanding of modern physics, on what is in the textbooks. This explains some quaint, often comical aspects of their prose."
source? :-D
this is a very uninteresting open problem
which crackpots should focus on
actually, I would be very interested in the answer
@Slereah source?
1 hour later…
Oh god, I think we got the update
Don't like it!
@JohnDuffield Yes, yes, exactly :)
Nailing me down like a boss!
@FenderLesPaul ?!?!?! Take that back :P
@Danu Still not the new profile, though

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