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Just thought I'd say.
One of my professor used to say that $\pi = 2$ was acceptable
And $\pi^2 = 10$
I had a professor who would use $\pi \approx 4$ in cases where there were already even coefficients floating around the problem.
Really I don't even remember the last time I did actual calculations in physics
Like the last time I needed to compute numbers
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
For me, I tend to do things as symbolically as possible, thus I plug $\pi$ into my calculator (or computing software) and then it spits out the number (usually in terms of $\pi$)

If I need an approximation, then 3.14 is usually suffice for me
Wrong slash lol
I have memorise however the following in the past:

However it seems I only technically memorise 3.141592653589793238462 because I tend to mismemorise 64 as 46
I memorise because it sounds like a (overly long) phone number
Seriously it is rare to have data good to more than five or so digits. I use 3.14159 when I want to feel swanky; Or more likely double pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0); the traditional incantation of the the guild of numericists (of which I am all but the lowliest novice).
Indeed, that's why when I do calculations, I either use $\pi$ symbolically or just use 3.14

In fact, $2\pi$ is used so often that I already memorise 6.28 along with 3.14
I'm a greasy-handed wrenches and soldering irons physicist. Pi can stay a symbol only so long. Sooner or later you need measurements on the ground.
you'd better have something really round if you need more than 3,14 :p
Odds are good it will not be that round
2 hours later…
Suddenly, the Lawrence Klein Bottle started to make sense
that's a proper Klein bottle
how's it proper, it is not even folded yet? (unless I overlook that there's a mathematical meaning to "proper" in topology)
(PS My current knowledge base only known proper sets)
topology isn't about curvature
it's just about open sets
In that case, what is the klein bottle a proper subset of?
I just used "proper" informally here
(Argh, so easy to be confused when someone mentioned terms that can have a math meaning, whether they are using it informally or formally)
Ok nvm
Anyway, do we have klein bottle spacetimes?
you can define a klein bottle spacetime, yes
It is easy to conceptualise what non orientable space mean (basically chirality of the object was reversed after going around in a circle once

But what does time non orientability mean, does it mean that after completing a loop, we have effectively applied a time reversal operator on the system in question (e.g. electrons become positrons after the loop?
non-time orientable means that there is no global definition of the past and future
standard example is
Hey all, how can a create a side chat in a comments section?
I created a mess by making excessive edits to this question and thought a chat room where those involved in the thread could help sort out my mess?
Is it possible for a moderator to consolidate edits?
@Slereah Looks like a moebius stripe version of minkowski spacetime

So if there is no global definition of past and future, does it mean the initial value problem of any equations of motion not well defined at all points in the manifold?
No, non-time orientable spacetimes aren't very hard to deal with
They always have a time orientable double cover
If it's well defined on the double cover, you can always pull it back

So much reading to do before I can watch how a field propagate in such spacetimes (by doing the maths and then get mathematica to simulate the results)

I guess I should go back to my quantum chem reading for now and think about this next year
@theNamesCross no, not really. If a revision really needs to be purged (e.g. because it contains sensitive information, strictly defined), we can request that the SE team do that, but it's an involved process. In general there's nothing we can do about edits after the fact.
You don't seem to have created much of a mess anyway. Long comment threads are not so bad on meta.
But if you do want to start a side discussion, create a new chat room and post a link in the comments. Or sometimes you can have the discussion here.
@DavidZ Thanks. Do I need a certain rep to do that? I thought I might post a link in the comments where we could agree on a rollback or something. JohnDuffield wasnt too happy about my edits. Before it detracts from the question as a whole, I thought I might try to address it.
Maybe like 100 or something? The rep requirement is not high, but I'm not sure offhand.
Alright. Sounds like that might be more of a headache than its worth.
Do keep in mind that a rollback counts as another edit.
Ha oh, glad I asked then.
Alright, whats done is done. Oops.
@DavidZ Long story short. I can see JohnDuffields point- he quoted me and I changed the quote. How is that supposed to work for edits vs answers.
By that logic, a question can be made uneditable if the entire question is quoted. For future questions/ edits, how should I address this conflict?
You mean, he posted an answer which quoted part of your question, then you changed the part of the question which he quoted?
That's precisely how it's supposed to work.
If an answer depends on some particular wording in the question, it should quote that wording so that the meaning is still clear if the question is edited later.
Ok. So he keeps his answer based on the earlier edit, but the edit is acceptable? Thats how it stands currently. I gave him a heads up that I edited thinking he would just 'requote'
The question is never made uneditable because of something posted in an answer.
Got it. Alright, thanks again. Just trying not to step on too many toes- Im the noob. See you around.
@theNamesCross no worries... honestly, what matters more than anything else is the fact that you're trying
apparently some people call "path integrals" the Schrodinger formalism for QFT
They are technically I suppose
Though it is kind of an odd way to put it
2 hours later…
Have anyone watched Final Destination?
Well sort of like that in the real world: A man cheated death twice: at 9/11 & at 13/11. This is luck. He was present at both places & each time, he flummoxed death!!
@JohnRennie : That sounds like the rating 3. Will require therapy after viewing on Mr.Cranky's rating scale. On a positive note, it is at least better than 4. As good as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick; 5. So godawful that it ruptured the very fabric of space and time with the sheer overpowering force of its mediocrity; and 6. Proof that Jesus died in vain. :D
@Secret : secret there is a "global definition of past and future" implicit to the motion. You have to move from A to B to be able to move from B to C. Then you have to move from C to D to be able to move from D to E. You can't move from B to C then A to B then D to E then C to D.
@JohnDuffield I think what Slereah describe is sort of like moving from A to B then B to C then C to D then D to E and then E back to A. And we did this cycle twice but the two cycles of motion differ in some way

I have not have time to gone through the details yet, perhaps the lagrangian will tell me more about it
That is the motion ABCDE forms a loop. But it seems it cannot be the same again unless it cycle around twice
how it differs I am not sure, but Slereah said it is not as simple as a time reversal
@theNamesCross : I don't think anybody would mind if you added something, marked with an Edit:. But I imagine most people will say it isn't acceptable to make major structural changes to a question in response to their answers. Especially if it's a "political" question pushing for a change.
@Secret : Adrian Rossiter's torus animations maybe help. You can start with this:
Then you can reverse the gif and flip horizontal.
Non time orientable spacetimes don't necessarily have CTCs tho
@Secret: each torus has two orthogonal rotations. If two complete "steering-wheel" rotations occurred whilst one "smoke ring" rotation occurred, the rotation would have a spin ½ nature. Note that the two tori have the opposite chirality, and because we reversed the gif, each is time-reversed version of the other.
@Slereah Not very apparent from the top of my head currently
Yeah it's not too easy to see
The "real" definition is the inability to have a timelike vector field
That never vanishes
Greeting and salutations.
@JohnDuffield Saturday donuts?
What does that word mean? Sounds like "donut" is probably a butchered version of "dough knot".
@DanielSank : I have to go I'm afraid. And after tea I have to go to a Will Young concert with the wife. Sigh.
Wow, first Friday of June is National Donut Day in the U.S.
@JohnDuffield Is that bad?
Three thousand screaming women in the audience. And me.
That's bad.
Gotta go.
4 hours later…
Amazon just suggested a book for me: Quantum Physics Without Quantum Philosophy. I was intrigued, until I realized it was nothing but philosophy written by a bunch of Bohmians with an axe to grind.
... and now Amazon is recommending the entire corpus of Bohmian mechanics books :(
So 3 books?

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