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I am quite a dapper fellow
@HDE226868 Well I don't see any difference in his doings compared to any one who is using the scientific method; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method But I did not came to the chat for this. I just asked if G is measured in space /ISS. Simple YES/NO would have been completely enough. - And I do tried to google it. Instead of that I just learned today that HSM = History of Science and Mathematics. -Well thanks for that.
An amusing thing about the history of sciece is that in one of Heron of Alexandria's book, there is a diagram of a machine to pretend to turn water into wine
In Πνευματικά
so the apostles drank from wolf-shaped cups?
Hard to say
Maybe it was a commonly known party trick
Old timey religion had a lot of weird party tricks used for miracles
Back before most people realized such things were possible
Went to the park did you?
Yes ;_;
it's a tough one
If you have a missile launcher on you I would advise it
what do I do
I have a pistol!
Then run the fuck away!
shooting yourself in the head is another option
fast and painless
"Postal 2" had a suicide button
@JokelaTurbine Glad you feel so enlightened :3 HSM is the best :D
You put a grenade in your mouth and say "I regret nothing"
is there a way to avoid him
If you don't bother him he stays underwater
Do tachyons violate causality if they are non interacting
I think they're pretty benign
@Slereah Didn't we conclude they don't a while back?
what do you need them for if they do not interact
@ACuriousMind : Well I am talking about tachyon point particles heree
Not tachyonic fields
@yuggib : Theorems!
@Slereah Ah
Tachyonic fields are apparently complicated but point particles move on spacelike curves, no doubt about that
@Slereah there are plenty of thing to write theorems about
Like what
there's two crazy cat lady houses in Fallout 4
quantum mechanics with the banach space of bounded operators as coordinate space.
it seems as useful as non-interacting tachyons
tachyons are exciting, though
I am wondering how much you can stretch causality into accepting things
what do you mean "stretch causality"
Pretty obviously tachyons interacting with massive particles will violate causality
(Well not obviously, but I suspect it is)
I'm not sure about free tachyons and tachyon-tachyon interaction, though
Tachyon-tachyon I think would also violate causality
Since it has a weird little group
And you could totally have closed spacelike curves for tachyons
(that are interacting)
Which would fuck up causality
But free tachyons, I think those might be okay
ok, but causality seems one step ahead of detectability for practical purposes
Who cares about detectability man
Do I look like an experimental physicist :V
well, theoretical detectability should be interesting for any physicist
anyone play starcraft 2 here?
if else you are doing math, but then it is not so interesting (by mathematical standards)
Them's fighting words!
@AngusTheMan Don't guess. Profile. Just about every optimization question asked on Stackoverflow comes down to someone guessing (and being wrong) about what the code was actually doing under the hood.
Even those of us who write high-performance code for a living almost never get it right on the first try. Just about every piece of software ever written can be made significantly faster with proper use of a profiler.
@ACuriousMind Just heard Belethor's voice in Fallout :D
@ChrisWhite Thank you Chris, I will look into this area. This is the first time I have ever coded anything so I am really new to it all. I really appreciate the help! :)
Wow I thought there are only CTCs, now there's CSCs
Should investigate them later after finishing that exercise
@AngusTheMan Ah well if this is your first time coding, it's easy to get drowned in suggestions. Having fun and getting the right answer are probably more important than efficiency.
Closed spacelike curves are not very interesting though :p
Because massive particles move along timelike paths
Also it is not very strange that some spacelike paths are closed
A circle is a closed spacelike curve
A bicycle wheel is
@ChrisWhite Indeed! Well I get the correct answer pretty quickly, and I am definitely having a lot of fun! But thanks to both your and alarge's suggestions I have a lot better idea what to do next :)
@Slereah A curve is a map, not a physical object. But alright :P
Ever heard of "factorial moments"?
@ChrisWhite This is good advice.
Factorial moments?
Those don't sound good.
@Danu Have you ever seen a curve in the sky
^Does anyone know what latex symbol I could use for this symbol
$\curlyvee$ seems the closest one
@Slereah Do you know DeTeXify?
It's not quite a Y
"I thought it would take just a few moments, but it took a whole 6! moments."
@ACuriousMind doesn't work
Yeah, seems it doesn't know that one
Guess I'll go with curly vee
I couldn't even get it to give me upsilon. Just lots of psi's.
@ChrisWhite Well, upsilon isn't a special symbol, it's just Y, so it doesn't give you that.
Inconsistently, the standard symbols do not provide things like \Alpha, you have to use A or define it yourself.
I think ACM and CW should fight.
Definitely a palm tree, not just a Y
@0celo7 Against each other? Or against Witten?
@Slereah \Ydown from the stmaryrd package
(from table 52 in this pdf)
@ChrisWhite Nah, throwing a smart person in would complicate things.
or the boisik package
@ChrisWhite how did you find this
you are the TeX god
that is one of the most useful documents on the internet
speaking of which, are these German abbreviations?
That's pretty bad.
@ChrisWhite Yes, that's German: Fourth (note) - Viertel(note); Eighth - Achtel; Sixteenth - Sechzehntel
> However, mathematical constants such as π = 3.14 . . . are sometimes required
to be typeset in roman (i.e., upright) style
People upright Greek??
@0celo7 Well, technically, if you upright the $e$ you should upright the $\pi$, too.
^ that sentence disturbs me for some reason
@0celo7 Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's horrible, but it's worth a try before one goes scrolling through the symbols list
@ChrisWhite Thanks!
@ACuriousMind Upright Greek is almost as bad as calling someone 5 years your senior by their first name...
makes me ill

Joe Blow767Now, this may be a...odd question but.. Lets say theres 100,000 ...Oxygen Generators (a machine that pumps out tons of Oxygen) floating around in the vacuum of space pumping out Oxygen. and let's say 50,000 to a million or so years go by with these gens doing there thing. would the Oxygen just d...

I think he's asking about whether or not there would be enough dissipation to make the oxygen density negligible.
@HDE226868 That's a pretty charitable interpretation...
@ChrisWhite Well, after that he kinda wanders off somewhere to the land of incoherence. . .
Makes sense to me
The land of incoherence. Sounds like a place in quantum computer folks' nightmares.
Well obviously it would still be bound gravitationally :p
@ChrisWhite lol
"It is shown that there are upper bounds on the first and second betti number of compact spacetimes or spacetimes with Cauchy surfaces whose fundamental groups are abelian"
Oh boy
@Slereah WTF is microcompact and why are there some bosonic interactions in there?
you're the math guy
Surely you should know
I've never heard of "microcompact"
Where is that from?
"Let X be a locally compact space. Then for each x ∈ X and each neighborhood V ∋ x there is a compact neighborhood U ⊂ V of x (X is then said to be microcompact)"
Locally compact?
Ah, it's one of these annoying notions that's equivalent to local compactness in Hausdorff spaces, but not in general
In topology and related branches of mathematics, a topological space is called locally compact if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a compact space. == Formal definition == Let X be a topological space. Most commonly X is called locally compact, if every point of X has a compact neighbourhood. There are other common definitions: They are all equivalent if X is a Hausdorff space (or preregular). But they are not equivalent in general: 1. every point of X has a compact neighbourhood. 2. every point of X has a closed compact neighbourhood. 2′. every point...
I take it your definition of locally compact is merely "Every point has a compact neighbourhood"?
@Slereah and which one is paracompact? or is the diagram incomplete?
Wait a moment...what's the difference between compact and quasi-compact here? Usually, the quasi- means "not necessarily Hausdorff", but if stuff is Hausdorff, locally compact and microcompact are the same
Or are the two arrows supposed to tell me that?
It is from here
"We call a space quasi-compact if from any open cover one may extract a finite subcover, and compact if moreover it is Hausdorff"
Wait what
That is an odd definition
No, that's the usual one
Isn't that the definition of compact usually?
@Slereah Well...it depends on who you talk to ;)
What if I talked to a sane person
For algebraists and general topologists, it's common to say quasi-compact for the cover property and compact for "quasi-compact and Hausdorff"
People working with metric spaces and the like won't need this distinction because everything is always Hausdorff
So they'll just define compact to mean the covering property and never mention that others call this only quasi-compact.
Well good to know
Using manifolds without the Hausdorff axiom is really a rather unusual thing to do
Why are you looking at this?
Book on CTCs
There's a spacetime model where they use non-Hausdorff manifolds to deal with CTCs
I get the CTC thing. I don't see why you would allow spacetime to be non-Hausdorff, though.
Called branching spacetime
Non-Hausdorff spaces just aren't reasonable models for anything that's supposed to be physical spacetime, imo
it has been proposed to deal with quantum mechanics
every branching corresponding to a different measurement of the wavefunction
Basically many world with a topology
It hasn't been investigated a lot, though
Basically the spacetime branch at every point around the light cone
@ACuriousMind You have no imagination
@Slereah You introduce this entire apparatus just to accomodate a silly interpretation?
Give me one good reason why spacetime should be Hausdorff
Like thus
I'd like to be thorough :p
@0celo7 You can't separate points, that wrecks a lot of the usual goemetrical structure. Stokes' theorem fails. You can't take limits towards a point. Etc.
Hell yes you can take limits on points
Sequences can converge to TWO POINTS
That's like twice the limits on points
I don't see why Stokes theorem should fail. Partitions of unity are woo.
A: Stokes' theorem etc., for non-Hausdorff manifolds

Tom ChurchThe existence of flows in the direction of a vector field seems to require Hausdorff; indeed, consider the vector field $\frac{\partial}{\partial x}$ on the line-with-two-origins. We have no global existence of a flow for any positive t, even if we make our space compact (that is, considering the...

But as said
Some work has been done on non-Hausdorff manifolds in GR
But none in QM
People propose it a lot but nobody actually put forward a model that isn't vague
I guess because that sounds like a hornet's nest of math
@Slereah Well, you can say that, but the notion of limit then becomes rather useless if you never know how many of them you get
Well as many as you want, depending on the manifold :p
@Slereah I'd rather guess because no one really see what the benefit would be.
that has never stopped anyone from making a QM interpretation
All that is not forbidden must be allowed.
I mean really no QM interpretation will ever increase the GDP
The EEP does not mention Hausdorff.
Einstein Equiv Principle.
I'm not even fully convinced that you can do GR on a non-Hausdorff manifold. You have to reprove every single theorem from analysis and differential geometry without using Hausdorff-ness, partitions of unity, or whatever.
You just don't want to think for yourself.
@ACuriousMind There's some work done on non-Hausdorff manifolds
Not a lot though
@Slereah By people who are careful or by people who just think it's fancy and deduce some things without laying the fundamentals?
@0celo7 Stop trolling. :P
@ACuriousMind a little of both!
@ACuriousMind Bah.
The original thinkers get call "cranks" and "trolls."
As the MO post shows, it's not even clear that you are allowed to switch between the velocity vector and the derivation description of a vector field.
The big non-hausdorff manifolds used are like
Splitting real line and the complete feather
@ACuriousMind That's...an issue.

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