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@Bass Take the classical field to be complex-valued. Then Hermiticity is $\phi = \phi^\ast$.
(at all points)
@ACuriousMind so it's real-valued? It's imaginary part is zero everywhere?
@Bass Exactly
Strange terminology.. Does it stem from the QFT side where the analogue is the hermiticity of operators? If not, why not just say "real field"?
@Danu hey buddy
don't laugh at me
@Bass People do also say "real" and "complex" field.
just ignore that
Nov 10 at 15:59, by 0celo7
@Danu The ol' I can't figure out this test problem no one wants to help me and people laugh at me and are too smart and I'm going to class
@ACuriousMind ok thanks!
Did another problem last night. Did you know that the Poisson distribution has the same value for all cumulants?
@ACuriousMind is the QFT operator $\hat\phi$ hermitean if and only if the "underlying" classical field $\phi$ is real?
@Bass Yes
Ok cool
i.imgur.com/cnNuLEk.jpg this is some interesting textbook
seems legit
Does anyone know a neat derivation of the identity for the discrete Fourier transform of the Dirac delta "function":

$$ \sum_{n\in \mathbb{Z}}e^{in(x-x')}=2\pi \delta(x-x') $$
Mostly: I forgot how to take the discrete Fourier transform; HALP :P
@Danu Same as for the continuous case - do the inverse transform and observe both sides agree.
@ACuriousMind I realized as soon as I posted, hence the second comment :P
@Danu I see :D
@Danu Any decent engineer would know that...
@0celo7 Right, get on it then
Geez, Emilio and Kyle don't get along well :P
@ACuriousMind Linkerino?
@Danu I'm a terrible engineer :(
@Danu slinkerino
I think @KyleKanos misses the petty fighting of the h bar and fulfills his needs elsewhere ;D
petty fighting
you're the only belligerent one
@ACuriousMind pig
::slaps @skullpetrol:: Nothing to chuckle here, we're a serious chatroom.
violence now??
So I have a question which full disclosure is part of a homework problem I'll be graded on. A balloon in a vacuum, temperature T/pressure P has a hole area A in it. What's the force on the balloon? Or rather, why ISN'T the force just $PA$? I can use the maxwell distribution to find the average outgoing momentum is $PA/2$ but the question wants a second way too.
I vote to close this chat post as off-topic for reasons of homework phobia.
Please see our meta for further guidance.
Don't beat me...master :P
> (~12:30 gmt to ~11:00 gmt),
He's at work for 22.5 hours o.o
Yes, that's exactly what that means :P
wow no wonder why he doesn't come here...
@Danu ...you clicked No Action Needed?
gert please let me know what is anti gravity paint? — Amal Babu 14 mins ago
When snarky comments backfire...
@ACuriousMind I did? Woops... I wanted to click "skip"
A: How come gas molecules don't settle down?

Crazy DeanoGas molecules don't settle down because they're like men - afraid of commitment. Men are from Mars originally, however Venus women divorced every single Martian after constant complaints that they felt unloved, and that no one ever listened to them. They were awarded the Red planet in a landmark ...

I lol'd
I was really close to VTC'ing but I didn't really know what to VTC for :P
@ACuriousMind Niceeee
They do settle down...
Poincare's theorem!
For a little bit at least.
@Danu Well, now you completed the review, instead :P
@ACuriousMind Life is life
When do you plan to take statistical mechanics @0celo7?
@skullpetrol Uh
@Danu Na-naaa-na-na-na-a
I'm not taking a course on it per se
You get a lot of it in various NE classes...
I could take a class on it...
Don't know when
wonder what the prerequisites are...
How about thermodynamics?
I have an intro next semester
Then the actual course next fall
It's the one all engineers take from the mechanical department
Stat mech requires 231 which is intro E&M
So I could take it starting next spring
But that's already my crazy 20 credit hour one
@0celo7 you could take it now and help meee
Yo forreals though, I can't derive that discrete FT thing.
get a prof to sign off on it! No prob! Hehe.
How does taking the inverse discrete FT help, @ACuriousMind
@NeuroFuzzy nah it's thermo for physicists + intro stat mech
nothing you couldn't figure out :P
@0celo7 What's the norm for credits/semester?
@0celo7 I can't figure out a hole in a balloon so...
@Danu 12 is full-time student
15-16 is the average
19 is the maximum without approval from the department head
15-16 average? k
PHYS 551 - Statistical Mechanics

3 Credit Hours
Ergodic theory, classical ensemble theory, quantum mechanical ensembles, relation of statistical mechanics to thermodynamics, transport theory and approach to equilibrium, phase transition, fluctuations and correlations.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): 521, 531, and 571.
@NeuroFuzzy That sound like what you're doing?
The point system here is different. 30 is the norm.
@0celo7 Yep! Roughly the first 45 sections of landau and lifshitz statistical physics
How much do you do per semester @ACuriousMind?
I assume a lot, since you know a lot more than me, haha
@NeuroFuzzy Well the prereqs are QM1, Analytical Mechanics and Math Methods 1
So I probably won't take that any time soon
@0celo7 rats.
PHYS 571 - Mathematical Methods in Physics I

3 Credit Hours
Linear vector spaces, matrices, tensors, curvilinear coordinates, functions of a complex variable, partial differential equations and boundary value problems, Green’s functions, integral transforms, integral equations, spherical harmonics, Bessel functions, calculus of variations.
Cross-listed: (Same as Mathematics 517.)

Recommended Background: Advanced calculus and differential equations.
I think they mean index gymnastics
@Danu Take the $\delta$ and apply the inverse transform to it. The result should be unity. Then observe that your original thing was to show that the transform of unity is the delta, and by bijectivity of the Fourier transform, you have then shown that, too.
@ACuriousMind Try deriving that the result is unity.
Also it's not the usual delta, but a "periodic" one.
@Danu Between 32 and 40 thus far. Nearly nothing this semester because there wasn't much interesting.
@Danu Do you want the solution
What's a "periodic" delta?
@0celo7 Sure
It's in Cahill
@ACuriousMind Who knows
It's in Luest's book, and I need it to derive the commutators for the string.
@Danu Page 97 ff. of Cahill
but he states the formula without proof.
@ACuriousMind What does that mean? Credit hours?
@0celo7 Neat.
@Danu Yup!
I remember grabbing Cahill for that section :)
@NeuroFuzzy Yeah, but in the European system. 30 is the norm, as Danu says
btw it's not rigorous
but maybe it can convince you
It's not really the same thing, is it?
@ACuriousMind oh I missed Danu's message
@Danu the thing in cahill?
@Danu I hate physicists :P
of course it is
the Dirac comb is exactly what you're looking for...
top of page 99
Let's see...If we are on an interval $[0,1]$, the Fouier transforms live on $\mathbb{Z}$...
you take the fourier series
In mathematics, a Dirac comb (also known as an impulse train and sampling function in electrical engineering) is a periodic tempered distribution constructed from Dirac delta functions for some given period T. The symbol , where the period is omitted, represents a Dirac comb of unit period. Some authors, notably Bracewell as well as some textbook authors in electrical engineering and circuit theory, refer to it as the Shah function (possibly because its graph resembles the shape of the Cyrillic letter sha Ш). Because the Dirac comb function is periodic, it can be represented as a Fourier series...
This is what you need.
I don't know why you say it's not the same...
Oh that's page 99 I think
2 mins ago, by 0celo7
top of page 99
@Danu: It works when you know what the correct inverse transform is ;)
@ACuriousMind Ba-dum-tssss
@Danu are you convinced or...
I guess you tried using the sum just with minus signs in the exponent?
@ACuriousMind "using"...
I wrote it down and saw no simplification
Yeah, no, the inverse is an integral, the two transforms are not as symmetric as on $\mathbb{R}$,
@0celo7 Convinced sure, but I don't wanna write a "derivation" like that.
@ACuriousMind Ah...
I told you I don't remember how to do it :P
I feel like I must've learned this though, at some point.
Because one transform goes from functions on $[0,1]$ to functions on $\mathbb{Z}$, and the other in the other direction.
where would you learn this
real analysis?
mathematics for physicists
lol I never took any analysis course
so Phys 571 in my case
well I took complex analysis (for physicists)
"integral transforms"
@ACuriousMind So errr what is the inverse?
@Danu why
even engineers take analysis
@0celo7 Because I don't need it.
@Danu one can do measure theory without analysis?
@0celo7 I don't need measure theory.
@Danu you can do functional analysis without measure theory?
I need basic facts about measures, and perhaps about functional analysis
I don't care for the nitty-gritty---I'm much more geometrically-minded.
@Danu One is $L^2(\mathbb{Z})\to L^2([0,1]), f(n)\mapsto \hat{f}(x) = \sum_n f(n)\mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i}nx}$, the inverse is $L^2([0,1])\to L^2(\mathbb{Z}), g(x)\mapsto \tilde{g}(n) := \int_0^1 g(x)\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i}nx}\mathrm{d}x$, possibly with factor of $2\pi$ missing because I'm a lazy fuck.
The basic facts are simple to learn yourself once you know enough
@ACuriousMind Nevermind the $2\pi$ haha
@Danu ok
Also yes you can do functional analysis without really knowing measure theory, btw.
I'll take your word
Let me try to prove those are inverse to check I haven't lost my mind.
@Danu really
the functional analysis book my school uses opens with a review of measure theory
Not professionally as a mathematician, but you can do all I care to learn just fine.
@0celo7 Haha, that was very tautological at first :D
@Danu :)
In any case, I've been told PDEs require measure theory beyond a cursory knowledge
maybe that's a lie
Depends how much you want to know about PDEs.
not sure yet
but it raises GDP
I'm not particularly interested yet---perhaps once I get to learn more about spin manifolds and perhaps Atiyah-Singer-related stuff will spark my interest?
in PDEs
a lot of engineering is secretly a PDE
so having a solid background in PDEs is good
Damn, @Danu, I need your identity to prove those are inverses of each other :D
Real "mathematician-style" PDE knowledge is probably not necessary at all as an engineer.
So that way is not good.
@Danu Probably.
@ACuriousMind Yeah I'm not getting too far either, so far
But I'm going to do what I want
So screw all of you
Also, either the integral upper bound needs to be $2\pi$, or the variable needs to be $2\pi x$ instead of $x$.
$$\sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}\int \mathrm{d} \sigma' e^{i(n-m)(\sigma-\sigma')}=1$$?!
Except you @ACuriousMind
@ACuriousMind Never mind the $2\pi$, I will put it in later.
I want to use contour integration
but the only remaining $n=m$ term is ehh... not nice :P
$1/0$ somethingsomething
Oh wait I shouldn't be integrating over the entire real line, heh.
No @0celo7 0/0=7
@user685252 No, listen to Mukhanov: "Dividing zero by an elliptic operator is like dividing by 5; dividing it by an hyperbolic operator is like... Green's functions!"
@user685252 uh, no
(just wanted to pull out that quote) :)
that's undefined
also @ACuriousMind wikipedia has a derivation
close enough
@Danu in the link I posted
I felt the whole time something was off here...I'm not sure which link you mean but the relevant thing to use is Parseval's theorem.
@ACuriousMind something is indeed off
@Danu is an imposter!!
@0celo7 Exactly
@Danu you're welcome
@0celo7 huh?
@ACuriousMind exactly.
I have no idea what you're talking about
people say that a lot
Me neither.
@0celo7 :-)
@Danu you could use physics math
when the exponential is 1 you get infinity
@0celo7 Yeah, no
Hey! Who divided by 0 up there :P
and when it's not you're gonna get cancelation
I need slightly (but only slightly) more rigorous ;)
so it's just a bunch of deltas, obviously
Skull Rigor
A rigorous skull is hard to find :P
Most of 'em are just numb.
I read that as conformally numb
Chat has left this life.
1 hour later…
Q: Lectures on black holes and the $AdS_3$/$CFT_2$ correspondence, Per Kraus

Rev SSI have been reading Per Kraus' paper on $AdS_3$/$CFT_2$. I am struggling with deriving eq 2.16 on page 9, the $AdS_3$ stress tensor. The two metrics (conformal boundary metric and induced metric in the Fefferman expansion in page 8 (2.12)) and the radial coordinate confuse the hell out of me, I t...

Reopen? This is OP's first post. OP might not know how to TeX. Perhaps someone could help improve the post?
Been playin' Fallout for 10 hours
@Qmechanic Don't reopen in the current state, I'd say, but I'll see if I can edit it.
@Slereah Should I buy it when I get home?
It's alright
Some good some bad
Milquetoast answer right there
what kind of answer?
@ACuriousMind just saw myself floating in from the top
@ACuriousMind : Thanks.
@ACuriousMind Are you going to get F4?
Though I would say this at least
Maybe wait until it is patched a bit
Nothing game breaking but there's a few little bugs
@0celo7 Not soon, what I've heard and read so far doesn't sound like a particularly amazing improvement over the other games. Also, one should always wait the first few patches with Bethesda
Mostly it's pretty minor stuff but annoying
Sometimes you fet stuck, sometimes the screen isn't properly centered, the followers get a bit lost sometimes
Also as a general comments on Bethesda games
Bethesda calm down with the random objects
Now you basically HAVE to pick up random objects
the crafting system is based on a whole bunch of components
Most of them you basically have to get from random objects
Combined with the usual inventory problems this is getting a bit out of hand
Calm your tits Bethesda
I know you want to evoke a nostalgia of the retrofuturism of the 50's but that doesn't mean I have to pick up every nuclear powered razors in the world
@ACuriousMind the knowing is not nearly as enjoyable, for me, as the learning or the discovering. I suppose that's the primary reason I find myself a physics grad student at the age of 55.
why did you send me that
now I gotta spend monies on this game

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