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@skullpetrol IT WORKS
p.64 of Zee's QFT nutshell: $\langle\vec{k}_3\vec{k}_4|e^{-iHT}|\vec{k}_1\vec{k}_2\rangle = \langle\vec{k}_3\vec{k}_4|e^{i\int d^4x\mathcal{L}(x)}|\vec{k}_1\vec{k}_2\rangle$. Shouldn't there be a path integral $\int Dq(x) e^{i\int d^4x\mathcal{L}(x)}$ on the RHS?
where is Slereah?
@Secret out there living la vida loca? he's unemployed...
if Zee's equation is true for all $\vec{k}_i$, then $-iHT=i\int d^4x\mathcal{L}(x)$, so the Hamiltonian would be equal to the Lagrangian (up to some constants)
@Bass I don't see why a path integral, but that equation is definitely fishy.
@ACuriousMind I think he means a path integral without a scalar product...the left hand side seems to suggest something like the integral kernel of the evolution operator
anyways, it is fishy indeed (whatever that means)
@ACuriousMind well previously he showed that $\langle q_F|e^{-iHT}|q_I\rangle = \int Dq(t) e^{i\int_0^T dtL(\dot{q},q)}$, which is (as I understand it) the essence of the path integral formalism
$q_F, q_I$ being some initial and final state
if it's fishy anyway I'm just going to ignore it
@Bass Yeah, but there you have position states. I'm honestly not sure what the equation Zee wrote there is supposed to be
Zee? Lemme get on my laptop, where I can get the book
The accompanying text is not very helpful :P
@ACuriousMind ok never mind. maybe I really shouldn't look too closely while still in that chapter 1
@ACuriousMind You read it?
@0celo7 I looked it up in my completely legal copy, yes.
I own the book
So my legal copy is actually legal
At least moral ;)
@ACuriousMind Indeed
I never understood that section
QFT sucks
::goes back to Jacobian determinants::
@0celo7 You should start studying operators...are not so different from matrices and could become useful if you plan to be on PDEs
Doesn't that require analysis
I had a PhD course on matrix theory (for numerical analysis), and ended up doing all the proofs using operator theory :-D
@0celo7 not so much as you may think
I am here
of course it is needed to do operators in concrete spaces (e.g. $L^p$)
My goal right now is to learn geometry that's not physics
Including this really poorly written proof
why on the world would someone do that??
But I refuse to ask Bajoran, I won't give him the satisfaction
@0celo7 Try Euclid
It's a classic
Hilbert wrote a modern day version of Euclid's elements, too
With actually consistent axioms :p
Euclid's axioms aren't consistent
you can prove weird things with them
Well, the Jost proof still makes no sense.
@yuggib Because geometric analysis seems interesting
because you will learn something useful
Does that even raise GDP
of course
it doesn't
What does actually increase GDP
studying at the university
by means of paying tuition fees
That's deficit financing
@yuggib Only in countries that have those :P
@ACuriousMind every country has a small fee to pay for university enrollment I think
Italy and France have those
they are very cheap compared to US, but still are non-zero
But it's 400€ in France
per year?
It's thousands of dollars in the US
Tens of thousands
in italy is more than 1000€
still cheap compared to US
@yuggib Hm, well, I would not call the ~150€/semester I pay here for access to the university's facilities and a cheap universal ticket for public transport a "tuition fee".
@ACuriousMind Well ok, anyways it is a fee that you have to pay
call it a tax, or a (very partial) recovery of university's costs
gah, he refused to talk because he thought I have relayed all the info to you and that you disagree with all of his points

I should not have been the relay person, that way I won't miss this important opportunity to extract infomation from that potential conversation

However, he said he wants your facebook to talk later
there are still people very convinced that the wavefunction has to be continuous...
how disappointing
in general, it does not even make sense to evaluate a wavefunction at a point
@0celo7 here's how to raise GDP: goo.gl/hckzgj
Is this your facebook?
@yuggib What?! Next you'll tell me there are no position eigenstates or that I can't apply the momentum operator to everything... ;)
damn oversimplifying books that end up saying just false things
How does quantization of angular momentum work
The statement, “in general, wavefunctions are technically meaningless when evaluated at a point”, is not correct, IMHO; please provide a proper reference material. Many local physical quantities are obtained from the wave-function at a give position — as I have mentioned above. Notice also that not all valid wave-functions are $L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$; for example, the eigen-states of the momentum operator (which are $\propto e^{\mathrm{i} k x}$). Consult the reference I have given above: Ballentine, section 1.4. @yuggib — Khwārazmi 40 mins ago
Does the wave function have to be single valued?
@0celo7 technically, it is not a function
@yuggib The reluctance of many physicists to actually admit those simplifications never cases to astound me. I recently suggested to someone that if they want to pretend everything is linear algebra, they should teach finite-dimensional systems, not particles. They indignantly refused because apparently doing QM on $\mathbb{C}^n$ is not "intuitive" to students.
@Secret I guess
I don't use it though
@ACuriousMind Ahahahah
In that case it is not very usefull, but I'll just tell him anyway
After all, it is HIS problem
Spinor wavefunctions are multivalues
I am always puzzled as well
Also who is that guy @Secret
And why doesn't he just come here
And why is he mad
Should I get a gun
@ACuriousMind Anyways, QM on $\mathbb{C}^n$ would be so nice...it is a pity that then with second quantization you still end up on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$
Well, if we think of a logical peerspective, he does not even have a stack exchange account

But the main reason, according to him, is that he think you shot down all his points
but there's a recent bit of the discussion we have that have not been relayed to you
but he said I have already done that, and we had a small argument
Did I shoot down anything
I don't remember saying much
@yuggib Well, some people doing quantum mechanics never get to second quantization!
And they don't need it, either
And with quantum computing and the like, finite-dimensional quantum systems are actually not that abstruse a topic to deal with
quantum computing is pretty low key
Basically all eigenstates are finite
@ACuriousMind Yes, it's true
but matrices are so boring
@yuggib Well, look at the projective spaces of states as complex manifolds/varieties and do geometric things with them if you're bored by the Hilbert spaces ;)
There are interesting relations between entangled states of qubits and special fibrations of spheres, for instance
I am tired of being the relay perosn, keep on getting infromation wrong, his reason is shown here, apologies for the previosu misinformation
@ACuriousMind I am bored at matrices, not Hilbert spaces. Anyways, I am well enough with doing topology on non-separable spaces
nvm, that (removed) does not make sense
@ACuriousMind is there any result that hinges on QM not being linear algebra
@0celo7 $[x,p] = \mathrm{i}\hbar$ is impossible in linear algebra, for one.
@ACuriousMind besides that
What do you mean besides that!? That means you cannot have operators with the same properties as $x$ and $p$ in linear algebra at all!
@ACuriousMind damn, I might need your help on this proof
Also apologies for my strong language on top (the caps), I am not having a very stable mental state today because of the exictement x worry of tomorrows party
and that so many things happening all at once
I'm soooo close to understanding it
but I want to stop giving you the satisfaction of explaining things to me
@ACuriousMind what
It's linear algebra with strange commutation relations
I don't see the issue.
every irrep of the Heisenberg group (over a finite dimensional vector space) is unitarily equivalent to the schrodinger representation
here you go with something that is hardly provable with linear algebra
but why does that matter
@0celo7 Because if not all representations are isomorphic, how do you know which one to pick?
@ACuriousMind what?
just pick the one with $[x,p]=\mathrm{i}\hbar$
I'm not trolling here
No, they all have that.
I just think you guys are overthinking this
@ACuriousMind pick $x=x$ and then it's obvious $p=-\mathrm{i}\hbar \mathrm{d}$ does the trick
Yes, that's one possible representation. How do you know it is the physically correct one?
@ACuriousMind did....
you referenced a post before it was posted
holy shit
@0celo7 No, perfectly correct order on my screen.
you're a time traveller
correct order on mine too
Q: Modification by Community to question in Recently active tab

AniketI was reading the questions on RECENTLY ACTIVE tab which I don't often do (I usually look up the newest questions tab) and found this. But I had viewed the question just a few minutes before that and after this so-called modification by the Community, I re-viewed the question and found it exac...

@ACuriousMind does it make verifiable experimental predictions
answer: yes
Okay, if you only want the theory to be post-hoc justified, alright. Still, there's a lot commonly used that doesn't make sense in linear algebra. Like: WTF is $\int \lvert x \rangle\langle x \rvert \mathrm{d}x = 1$?
It's the identity operator, duh
The LHS is the issue.
It's an integral
Maybe you should take some calculus
I can't tell if you're being obstinate or if you genuinely think this isn't an issue.
I'm being obstinate
But I also don't think it's an issue.
AFAIK no particular measurement issues hinge on what exactly $\int |x\rangle\langle x|\mathrm{d}x$ means
if you can find one, great
but physics is about measurements, nothing more, nothing less
what do you mean by measurement issues?
@0celo7 No, the hackjobs you can do all give the right answer. The problem is that there is a lot of formal "linear algebra manipulations" that simply give nonsense answers, like $[x,p] = \mathrm{i}\hbar$ giving $0=1$.
@yuggib will you produce different numbers for the outcome of an experiment using your fancy $C^*$ algebras, etc. than some engineer using a linear algebra analogy
It's an operator such that $\int \langle a \vert x \rangle \langle x \vert b \rangle = \langle a \vert b \rangle$ :p
I think measurements are quite related to spectral properties of observables
and spectral properties of observables has a lot to do with the spectral theorem
I'm not arguing that a rigorous understanding should not be achieved or developed
Without the proper formalism, you don't know whether a formal manipulation is allowed or not - you have to guess, and every time you get nonsense you just have to start over without any idea what went wrong.
But it's completely unnecessary to bog down intro QM with these details
@JohnDuffield What does that mean?
Why is my name italicized
@0celo7 Let's cut it short; justify with linear algebra the existence of observables without a complete set of eigenvectors
or that have an unbounded spectrum
I'm not sure what that question means
There are plenty of questions on this site where people derive apparent contradictions from applying naive methods to the operators and states, and it is terrible style to not teach people that there are subtleties, because that leads to people like the friendly fellow berating yuggib that wavefunctions should be continuous.
@JohnDuffield I know what you were referencing
But why is my name italicized
@ACuriousMind So QM should only be accessible to people who have taken courses on analysis, functional analysis, measure theory, godknowswhatelse?
@0celo7 From my point of view, it is only accessible to those already, and the others are just using tools they do not understand.
So there should be no courses in QM unless analysis, etc. are prerequisite?
@0celo7 As I said, I am in favour of teaching QM in finite-dimensional systems first.
@0celo7 Sadly, the non-commutative "world" is rather different from the commutative one.
Will resume in a bit. Gotta walk to dining hall.
Here's an interesting question for you guys: How to show that a machine that is claimed to be able to send a signal back to itself 5 mins ago and trigger a stopwatch to count is actually a time machine. What will be the predicted observable consequences?

How will this be modelled mathematically, Will attempt to model the state of the stopwatch in terms of state vectors too risky because there might be relativistic effects have not accounted for?

for simplicity, we can assume the signal travel back via a wormhole with the required time difference (is this the correct term?)
@JohnDuffield why
@Secret : I'm sorry, but the predicted consequence is paradox and contradiction and reductio ad absurdum. See articles like this which explain why time travel is science fiction. I know that a lot of people of people have fallen in love with the idea of time travel and don't want to let go, but IMHO you should, because it's woo, and there's some real interesting physics you should get into instead.
Man, Coke Zero is like taste bud cocaine
I once was in the Czech republic for holidays
They have an energy drink just called "Cocaine"
That's some marketing gimmick
@0celo7 : because people listen to you, because you're the numero uno popular humorous chatroom guy.
@JohnDuffield aww that's so sweet
I think @ACuriousMind has the most credibility here
get him to agree with you!
I wanted to read some HE but then I played Fallout all day long
Coca cola once contained an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass. In 1903, it was removed.
@ACuriousMind NEs have to take a course on quantum mechanics to understand neutron scattering, etc. This QM class is of course one that you said should not exist. So should NEs have to take a lot of math just to "understand" QM?
To be honest you'd kill the program by doing that.
@0celo7 : you're pulling my leg, surely?
The average engineer does not give a flying hoot about functional analysis.
Which is a graduate level class, anyway.
What are the undergrads who need some QM supposed to do?
You want to make nuclear engineering a discipline that requires a masters degree in mathematical physics?
What do they need it for?
@0celo7 Never said that, you're extrapolating.
Calculating cross sections, decay rates
@0celo7 Probably they would be ok understanding mock QM in finite dimensional systems
as @ACuriousMind suggested
they have to keep in mind it is almost a fairytale anyways
@0celo7 Can be done in $\mathbb{C}^n$, just introduce a energy cutoff.
@ACuriousMind A bit more than that :P
Some parts of NE is all about solid state QM, atomic lattices, scattering in lattices
Spectroscopy, MRIs, PET scans
Yeah, I am of the strong opinion that all the lattice people could use a good dose of actual maths :P
All of that requires QM and NEs take courses on it
In any case, I'm getting a math degree and probably won't know enough to do "proper" QM.
Now I'm sure you could say my school's math program isn't amazing, and I won't argue there.
But the NE program is world-class and no one knows about operator algebras.
BTW, you don't have to make it a proof-based course. No need to prove all those horrible theorems you think are so useless. But mention them, and don't pretend you're doing linear algebra when you're not. One never proves the finite-dimensional spectral theorem anywhere in physics, either, and nobody worries about that, so just cite the theorems.
I don't think they're useless. They're useless for most people.
@ACuriousMind The average engineer can't tell you what isomorphic means.
@JohnDuffield No, why would I be?
@0celo7 So? No shame in not knowing things. And if you don't have the aspiration to be anywhere near rigorous to begin with, fine, do QM however you like.
The problem is physicists teaching QM as linear algebra and acting as if there were no problems, or as if everyone pointing them out is just an annoying pedant.
@0celo7 : l'll give you an example or two. But not now. It's Friday night, and I've got to go.
@ACuriousMind Please don't get the impression that I don't want to be rigorous with QM. I'm planning to take functional analysis so I can understand the foundations of what I'm going to be doing for a significant part of my life...
@0celo7 That wasn't "you" as in "you, personally"
@ACuriousMind Ah
It was "you" referring to the hypothetical "average engineer" in your statement
Yes, yes.
Apparently the post-doc I'm trying to talk to is off at a conference with a prof.
@Fermiparadox Welcome
Never seen you here before
hello :)
Well, i rarely drop by.
Been here 3-4 times for a few minutes or so.
Oh no chat star person is about to disappear
what do u mean?:P
the last thing on the star list
There is a vid, with a simulator (its a game actually) showing a big object colliding with earth Which are the unrealistic parts of it that should be changed in the vid?
Not the last on my screen
it's about to disappear when something else gets starred
Oh, i see.
@ACuriousMind did you click on the "see more" option
(my linking skills have failed me)
...I don't see a "see more" option oO
@Fermiparadox they haven't, multiline messages break markdown - don't press shift+enter if you want links and formatting to work.
@ACuriousMind Nice :)
@ACuriousMind you don't see a "show 4 more" option?
No, and I never clicked it, but I do indeed see 4 more.
maybe it has to do with screen res
i'll goto 1200p
Have no fear! I'm here!
@ACuriousMind it's a screen res issue
when I go to "small text" mode I get all of them
@0celo7 how did it get 10 stars? lol
i feel like you've said similar things before.
@0celo7 number uno chatroom pro confirmed
Everybody listens to the almighty cat
I understand that in QFTs, where fields are operators, one talks about hermitian or non-hermitian fields. But what does it mean for classical fields, like classic solutions of Klein-Gordon? What does it mean for $\varphi$ to be hermitean?

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