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@Slereah Using goto is horrible style in almost all cases :P
@Huy bah
I'll pick a fight, I don't care.
just listen to some adele
@ACuriousMind There's a few good uses of goto
Mainly getting out of nested loops
Gotos aren't bad really
They were just abused a lot and it spooked people
@Huy rekt
@ACuriousMind Did I get flagged?
Hell all control operations are just gotos deep down
@Slereah Yes, but goto often makes code harder to follow when reading it than using specific loops
Well spaghetti code is best avoided, yes
But I feel people tend to have a knee jerk reaction to gotos
Plus really, gotos are great, compared to what was before!
You don't want to increase the instruction counter by hand
You will punch holes in cards and you will like it!
Still not a lot of situations where goto is really advised outside of assembly, but no need to cry for help if you see one either
I have a friend who is a retroprogrammer
He codes for the Amstrad CPC
It is fun to hear his tales
The tricks people used back then to save one byte of memory
@ACuriousMind dude
My dad had to do that back in the day
at 1 in the morning because that's when undergrads got computer time
Our programming teacher used to describe to us how they did a program back in the days
First, write it down on paper
Make sure it is all well and good
Can't have any bugs
Then give it to the typist to punch the punch cards
Then put them in your little briefcase
Take the train to Paris
oh god
Give the punchcards to the computer people at Orsay
Then they run it
And bam, you have your results
Unless it crashes, of course
then you wait a few more weeks because a spot at the computer takes time
how long ago was this?
my dad's college had a computer back in the mid 60s
60's too, I think
I guess back then a computer was too expensive to have one for every university
should have gone to a better uni then!
what does Hawking & Israel talk about
is it an easy read?
It's a series of chapters by various authors on topics in GR
In between Wald and HE I'd say
I want to reread HE one day
and take detailed notes
the Cauchy problem would be a cool senior thesis
Apparently this is what Orsay had
IBM 360
The Cauchy Problem of General Relativity on the Worst Torus
60's groovy chick included
I think Purdue had a Cray
Apparently it had 2-4 MB of RAM
if thing_that_might_be_true:
do something
do something else
@DanielSank I got it
I was being stupoid
@0celo7 k
@0celo7 k
By the way
You know what had the best keyboards?
no, but I'm sure you'll tell me
The LISP machines
Look at all those keys
Good times
wat are you on??
It also has a thumbs up and thumbs down button
For facebook, no doubt
APL keyboards are also pretty impressive
@ACuriousMind What exactly does it mean that $\exp_p$ depends smoothly on $p$?
I had a girlfriend who is an actuary and she bought an apl keyboard
so complex
Why APL though
How old are you
APL was vaguely popular in the 70's
Or did she work at a company that had legacy APL
really don't know why but this was in like 2010 ...
Legacy probably then
@0celo7 The map $M\times TM \to M, (p,v)\mapsto \exp_p(v)$ is smooth in $p$.
The languages that won't die
i thought it was pretty dead language but where she worked required her to write APL
no 2011
Oh, and ADA
@ACuriousMind Exactly, what does that mean :P
Hm, no, that isn't right
C++ should probably also die
And Java
what would we be left with then
C# is fine
Python is okay to code in a hurry
C is god, of course
Assembly you can't really get rid of!
get rid of that and most people die
Well no
But people might get poor
(Since it is mostly used in banks nowadays)
::master baits to GDP::
Can you feel that GDP
@Slereah younger than you :p
How do you know
@ACuriousMind What isn't right
@0celo7: Okay, I think it just means the map $\exp: D\subset TM\to M,v\to \exp(v)$, where $D$ is the set of vectors for which a geodesic $[0,1]\to M$ with them as tangent exists, is smooth. $\exp_p$ is the restriction of that map to $D\cap T_pM$, and this is "smooth in $p$" in the sense that $\exp$ is smooth and so this restriction is also "smooth" in a vague sense. (It would become actual smoothness if the maps $T_pM\cong \mathbb{R}^n\to M$ formed a smooth manifold, I think)
@0celo7 My statement wasn't right, $\exp$ is not a map on $M\times TM$.
@ACuriousMind Yes, I see you have elaborated.
@Slereah it says so on your profile :)
You whippersnapper
@ACuriousMind Uh
I don't get it
but I'll leave you be
In particular, I don't see how that helps with my $\rho$ issue.
Well, that I don't know either, you just asked me what it means for the exponential map to be smooth in $p$ :P
@ACuriousMind I was hoping you would have some epiphany and it would fall out
@ACuriousMind Ok, I think the argument here is that there is an nbd $U$ of $p$ containing $q,r$ and this is all happening inside of $B(\rho,p)$. Then there should be a geodesic connecting $q,r$ and thus the geodesic ball around $q$ and $r$ should have a "similar" radius to $\rho$.
So we make these nbds in which all points have a "similar" geodesic ball radius.
And by compactness we can cover $M$ with a finite number of these.
So we just pick the smallest radius.
wad u trying to prove @0celo7
1+1=2 on manifolds
@Huy You wanna help?
I can give you definitions.
no one wants to help me
well at every point there exists a nbhd with polars and it's compact so you're done?
@Huy that's what I thought
@ACuriousMind didn't like that
I don't know why
@ACuriousMind why
2 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
@0celo7 That does not show the statement you want to prove. You did not show that $B(p,\rho_0)$ is a normal neighbourhood for every $p$.
The statement does not only say you can cover the manifold with polars of constant radius, but that that radius gives a polar at every point
that's true
you can get a nbhd for every single point
and since it's compact you can get finitely many nbhds
and then get a minimal radius
but this doesn't mean that this minimal radius now works for every point
just for those which were associated to the nbhds in the first place
doesn't mean that minimal radius works for all different points in the same nbhd
why do you need such a global radius in the first place, @0celo7?
I don't recall such a corollary
so I'm wondering what it'd be good for
@0celo7: ok we proved the statement from your cor 1.4.4 differently I guess
I'm not 100% sure but almost that we only used normal coordinates
and not polars
Polars aren't used.
so why cor 1.4.3
I think 1.4.3 works for polars and non-polars.
well yeah but I don't need any of it in the first place
Q: Cooking frozen peas

Peter4075I'm cooking frozen peas in my kitchen. Experiment 1 - I take a quantity of frozen peas, put them into a (room temperature) saucepan, add a quantity (at least enough to cover the peas) of boiling water from the kettle and place the saucepan on the gas hob. Experiment 2 - I then repeat the process,...

the most delicious experiment
Also he doesn't thaw his peas before boiling them
what happens if you get an infinite while loop on a punch card machine
I think it only reads the cards once
and store the program in the RAM
So the same thing as a regular program
ok but how do you know
it just chugs?
@Huy stahp helping MSE ppl and help me
I'm a small child, I need more help
@0celo7: I'm trying to fix something with my remote plex server
it's stuttering and it's driving me crazy
can't even watch matrix
so help me and clear your mind
@0celo7 IIRC you can prove that with Captain Picard
Captain Picard and the Lindy Hop
god damn you made me lol in the library
The geodesic equation is a first order ODE so locally you have a unique solution
But how do you justify that there is some $\rho_0$ for which that is always true
That is the "locally" part?
$\forall p \exists \rho \nrightarrow \exists \rho \forall p$
I have a book about mathematical counterexample
They provide one for that in the first chapter
I forget what it is
It's actually the very first one!
They use $x\leq y$
$\forall x \exists y .x < y \nrightarrow \exists y \forall x. x < y$
but that's true
let $y=x+1$
The first means that "for all x there's a y such that x < y"
wow @0celo7
I'm done talking with you troll
All x have a number bigger than them
The second means "there's a y such that for all x, x < y"
It means that there's a y bigger than all other numbers
which is not the case in $\mathbb{N}$
@Huy what?
It is a fun book to find weird math things
@Slereah oh, derp
so now we understand why my compactness thing is an issue
You're not compact, you're dense
@ACuriousMind you're supposed to be on my side
Wo ist the German love
@0celo7 Since when? Also, I just love silly math puns
@ACuriousMind @Huy Now, given the thing with the $\rho$s, do you guys see how the corollary follows?
So what he wants is: There is some open $U$ containing $p$ such that for all $q\in U$ $B(q,\rho )$ is a convex neighborhood, where $\rho$ is the radius of the geodesic ball of $p$.
@ACuriousMind puns are great!

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