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does anyone have any experience with theoretical physics vs philosophy of physics? What would be the main difference between the two disciplines (to say Msc or DPhil level? :)
Theoretical physics makes predictions :p
Philosophy of science is more about methodology and existence
Quantum mechanics is theoretical physics, quantum interpretation is more philosophy
The interpretation tells you what "really" happens
Basically parsing QM so that our thick monkey brain can understand it
ah i see! haha indeed
Is one or the other more highly recommended or employable at the end?
Well, the main one is Copenhagen
Mostly because it's the simplest one in the end
@AngusTheMan Uh, they are not alike at all. Philosophy of physics is either about epistemology, i.e. How/What can we know?, or about the ontology underlying physics, i.e. the "reality" causing the world to behave in the prescribed fashion (this requires an epistemological position that thinks such a reality exists)
Theoretical physics is about, well, conceiving of and solving theoretical models.
They will also talk about hours on end about time and space
Eternalism, presentism, block time
All that
Philosophy of physics isn't useless, either, it's a nice reflexion tool to come up with theories and it's also a nice pedagogical tool to learn about existing ones
But be careful to not confuse the theory with its interpretation
interesting, I have been thinking of switching my career pathway and wanted to get into something along these lines. But am going to start by doing another MSc rather than commit to the Dphil straight off ... do you know if a philosopher would be employable in a theoretical physics job?
The theory in the end should tell you what you can expect to measure
It doesn't say anything about if all the math objects you use in between are real
Not unless you also have a degree in physics, no
@AngusTheMan No, a philosopher of physics is generally completely unfit to do a theoretician's job.
Which is one of the reason why few physicists take those philosophers seriously
@ACuriousMind Why would that be?
(of course that notion about a physical theory is itself a philosophical notion)
They discuss modern theoretical results without actually having the training to understand them.
I see
I suppose the prerequisite mathematics is non-standard for a philosopher?
Yeah it is a bit embarrassing when someone with no training in physics tries to pontificate about its deep philosophy
Not the math you need for physics, anyway
I suppose some philosophy degree will go into logic
@AngusTheMan Exactly. Philosophers rarely have any training in formal mathematics, except maybe basic formal logic.
What would be the difference between an applied mathematics phd or a theoretical physics one?
because I have read into a lot of courses here in the UK
and applied maths seems quite a lot like physics!
@AngusTheMan Well, that depends entirely on what you want to apply the mathematics to and what kind of theoretical physics you do
fair enough :)
The two can be anything from very similar to completely different
Rovelli does some decent science philosophy in his book
Physicists that go into philosophy tend to be a bit like
They want to tell the universe how it is
It's easy to get into "My theory is right because of philosophy"
hmm well I have a lot to think about! I have been looking at a philosophy of physics dphil at Oxford here in the UK, but I am really confused with what direction that would take me. On the other hand I have contacted a chap at Durham who is offering an applied maths taught Msc. Do you think it would be easier to go to theoretical phys (ultimate end point) from the maths or philosophy?
There's no getting around math to do physics
@Slereah Yeah, the old physicist stage of life is particularly bad with philosphy
I see.
Philosophy of science is interesting but you have to keep in mind that they are things that cannot be proven, in the end
None of them are more valid than the others
Some of them just feel more reasonable
@AngusTheMan Definitely math. We don't need more theorists who don't know the math they're talking about :P
haha cheers for the advice guys!
C. Broad's book called philosophies that cannot be proven wrong but feels unreasonable silly theories
"By a silly theory I mean one which may be held at the time when one is talking or writing professionally, but which only an inmate of a lunatic asylum would think of carrying in daily life."
You see from outside the "know" we see all you guys as pretty much the same. So it is interesting that there is actually this wide disparage between the disciplines!
Well here is the secret of doing theoretical physics then
One third of the time is doing bibliography
One third is doing math
One third I slack a bit on the internet
Also when you do a math thing and you're not sure how to proceed, take a sheet of paper, write the beginning of the math until you get stuck, look at it very hard, take another sheet and start again
you see the life of a chemist is 50% lab, and 50% writing about said lab. ;)
unless your a material scientist then you can goof around on STMs and microscopes all day
Unless your me that is ... in which case your department gives you all the coding for softwares and programs to do, because chemists can't code :(
sorry I'll stop complaining now!
@Slereah Since when are you doing theoretical physics again? :P
I did it back when I was still a physics student :(
But those days are gone
I didn't include the "Translate things in French because my thesis advisor was a russian" part because I felt it was not universal
anyone mind solving $$(x^2-2x)y''+4(x-1)y'+2y=\mathrm{e}^{2x}$$
oh, looks like Wolfram decided to figure it out
@ACuriousMind thanks, I know you were already hard at work <3
@0celo7 You do realize that my first attempt would've been typing it into Wolfram? :D
That is the correct procedure
1) Wolfram Alpha
2) Mathematica
3) Eq. World
4) Actually do it by hand
5) Hawking Ellis theorem
@Slereah How many times have you succeded at 4) if 1)-3) failed?
Not quite sure
Not a lot
If 4) fails then it's time to look for papers and books
One thing I try to do sometimes is the opposite
I find a cool looking PDE and I try to make it fit to a physics problem
who wants to do $$\int\frac{4x^2-4x+2}{2x^2+1}\mathrm{d}x$$
@ACuriousMind ?
I can look up my book of integrals if you want?
btw how do you even do that
@0celo7 Looks like partial fractions.
what are the denominators
Or whatever that method is called in English
you can do decomposition of rational functions, no?
partial fractions is a thing
I forget how, though
yes, but what real rational functions make $2x^2+1$
That was like first year of university
@0celo7 Well, find the roots of the denominator
Well who cares if it's imaginary
Just do it and integrate it
If you do it properly the imaginary part should vanish
Wolfram has an easier method
jeez you ppl are complicated
no wonder you can't solve quantum things
Well why even ask if Wolfram can do it
You may as well ask us to show you naked ladies instead of asking google
@0celo7 Do polynomial division to get rid of hte $x^2$ term in the denominator, then find the integral of "linear function"/"quadratic function", which is a bit ugly, but can be done.
@ACuriousMind pretty much
Aren't the integrals of quadratic functions pretty much all hyperbolic functions
I forget
I am old :(
@Slereah No, integrating constant/quadratic function gives an arctan, for example
Ah yes
took one line
I might have been thinking of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+x^2}}$
Or somesuch
yaaaaaaay I figured out how to do it
take THAT calc 1 prof!!!
calc 1?
@Slereah Ah yes, depending on the sign that gives normal trig or hyperbolic function
that's calc 2
@0celo7 idr the class name
calc 1 $\pm 1.00015$
Basically all integrals are a mix of logs, trigs and hyperbolics
and bessels and hermites and jacobis
also sometimes Bessel functions
and gammas and polynomials and legendres
some elliptic and more
Thermodynamics is kicking my butt but I got a 72/72 on my quantum midterm :D (avg 43)
Does anyone here have not positive opinions about the landau and lifshitz books?
too short
b/c I spent a few hours mixed up on definitions on their statistical physics book...
I've heard bad things about Landau
Basically that they try to cover too many topics and they are not always too specialized in them
Although I like their QM book, anyway
well, that integral was wrong anyway
@NeuroFuzzy Some things are discussed in L&L better than almost anywhere else. That said, I would not use those to first learn the subjects. I think it would be difficult to understand what really matters reading the books for the first time, also because they are in many ways outdates and more modern material gets to the point better (from a pedagogical view in particular).
oh for the sake of pete
I give up
this is too hard
now THAT looks like partial fractions
no, it's u sub
oh you're right
it's not right either ;_;
I'm so bad at math
oh no, it's totally partial fractions
yeah, it is
what the hell now
@0celo7 Do you want me to get
AS can't help me
oooh, I don't have that book
jesus I've been stuck on simple calculus for half an hour
random logs now
wait a moment
nope, still wrong
I give up!
"Forms containing the quadratic trinomial $a+bx+cx^2$ and powers of x"
wait how did I screw that up so badly
I'm going to do thermodynamics
fuck it, I'm gonna cheat
The integral of $\int\frac{dx}{x(a+bx+cx^2}$ is
this is ridiculous
$\frac{1}{2a} \ln(\frac{x^2}{a+bx + cx^2}) - \frac{b}{2a} \int \frac{dx}{a+bx+cx^2}$
So in your case $\frac{1}{2} \ln(\frac{x^2}{1+ 2x^2})$
I think
ok this book has an error somewhere
$$\int\frac{\log(2x^2+1) dx}{x^2}$$
what the shit
Integrate by part?
still gives the wrong answer :(
also you might wanna change the variable
y = x^2
Hm wait
Maybe not
dude that integral is worthless
the problem can't be solved, I'm convinced of this.
It's just a rational function dude
that integral is wrong!
it doesn't help solve the ODE
I think
@0celo7 Less posting your wrong attempts to chat, more trying new things. You'll never learn how to come up with tricks and proofs yourself if you give up that easily :P
there aren't that many tricks to integrating
@ACuriousMind on my third page!
Integrating by part, change of variables, decompose the rational functions
I've been asked by people about every problem except for this one!!
And I can't figure it out!!
Also keep in mind logs and all the trigs and hyps?
dude the integral is not the issue
then what is
I can't figure out the right integral to use
Did you try using
The right one
holy balls I'm literally wrong all of these problems
what the hell
@ACuriousMind I've been working for the past hour, I have NO CLUE what I'm doing wrong
Ha, well, that happens. If you find no error after retracing all the steps, let it rest for a while and then start from scratch.
like I find one error
then there are more!
what is this!
That might be you either being paranoid and seeing errors where there are none, or you sucking at this :P
The worst errors you will ever do are sign errors and factors of 2 missing
those take forever to find
Factor of $\pi$ are also annoying
I do suck
thanks for finally saying it
turns out 8-2=6
never knew that
Does it
Maybe I should look up THE BOOK
Did you divide that 6 by 2
no I got a 12 after integrating a thing
then I divided by 4
wait a moment
am I stupid
this is the question we must all ask today
I...I did it
Can I get a Clay Prize for this achievement?
You can get some clay. That has to suffice
are you offering?
Here is your award
I deserve that.
I wish you people were meaner
Aug 27 at 21:50, by 0celo7
you people are all so mean
Oct 3 at 18:15, by 0celo7
why is this chat so mean
The big error I had: turns out 2 times 1 isn't 4. I'm shocked and appalled by this turn of events.
But in my case both are going down.
@Slereah 0celo7 has zero years in grad school :P
well it's not gonna get better then!
@ACuriousMind Yes, passive aggressive meanness like that is what I need

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