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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Danu We cool.
@DanielSank We hot
tfw under two covers because freezing
@Danu Nah, bro.
Hey @Danu, come to a KITP conference :D
does UCSB have fusion interests
@DanielSank Are there any new ones online? Last time I looked I didn't manage to find anything I could justify requesting funding for :\
@DanielSank "bro" always has this jock connotation in my mind. Is it different in CA?
It's different in the US...
@0celo7 No, I picked that up in Boston, in fact.
@Danu sigh
US\everywhere you've been
Maybe "jock" is not quite accurate. In fact, the people I hung out with identified an entire subculture of "bro's"
@Danu We use it ironically.
@0celo7 You can keep your Kentucky
@DanielSank Ah, good.
There are lots of "bros" in southern California.
@Danu wow, you're really trying to burn me today :O
I don't want that thing either
@0celo7 I can't hear you over the crunchy chicken I'm dreaming off right now :3
Although they make good whiskey
@0celo7 *bourbon
@Danu I prefer Popeyes tbh
@Danu they make both
@0celo7 That's what they think ;)
bourbon is corn whiskey made in kentucky
I'm pretty sure I can find some rye whiskey made in Kentucky
but that's an acquired taste anyway
@Danu Although, I use it enough that I'm no longer certain of the irony.
I don't consider rye whisky to really be whisky :P
@DanielSank You better watch out bro
@Danu good one
just change the definition
@Danu What, are you some kind of whisky snob?
@DanielSank Ya
why do you sound surprised?
@DanielSank so the fusion is a no?
Malt whisky is really the only acceptable kind :D
Jul 20 at 14:22, by Danu
You're one of the stuck up ones ;)
No problem admitting I'm snobbish about whisky :)
@0celo7 Fusion?
Also that was very out-of-context :P
@DanielSank nuclear fusion interests
does UCSB have a fusion group
@0celo7 Uh, I have no idea.
Fusion groups are quite rare (for now)
Main site question idea: What is the current state of fusion efficiency? (or a variation of this)
I have a story
about this!
so we all have to take this class that is an overview of the various applications of nuclear science/physics
and the prof that taught this last year was Dr. Chvala
so when he asked who wants to do fusion
and people raised their hands
he said: "there's more cables going into the reactor facility than going out!"
apparently he's quite bitter that his reactor designs are not getting the funding that the fusion guys get
not a funny story, but there you go
his work is in molten salt reactors
which...I know nothing about
Do they even exist? ;)
other than no one has built one because no one knows how make it safe enough to pass an inspection
there's no regulations for building them
so no one is allowed to build them
seems legit
protip by a grad student: "just go tell Chvala that molten salt is cool and you'll get a research position"
@Danu I have no clue about numbers, but it's not good
and the designs are not viable long-term
too much neutron erosion and just stuff melting
I best go to bed now
night brah
before my brain turns into a molten salt reactor
bye broski
@Danu but you could be a grad student here
Chvala would love to experiment on your skull
@Danu ok that hurts
@0celo7 I'll be more gentle next time :-)
I saw
the first time was not meant in that way
but I could see how it could
so I deleted it
@ACuriousMind Did you now? ;-)
and then made another comment
@0celo7 Right :)
and then deleted that
but ACM saw it
why is ACM not asleep anyway
Perhaps I am.
his Steam is not on...I thought he was in bed
I guess it is only 2:30
Giving you his steam account was the greatest mistake he ever made :P
but he could just unfriend me
or hide his online status
@obe problem set
I just realized
Realized what?
did my roommate go home? He look his laptop
and his bag is gone
so did you figure out how to do 1)?
Depressed remember?
I didn't do anything.
did you ask the guy
Didn't see him.
did you not have class?
Only 2 times a week.
He's a really cool guy.
so ask him
if he's cool, he'll enlighten us
I will.
so are you working on it now
did you ever do the relativity one
@0celo7 up up down down left right left right B A
@ACuriousMind Suppose I have a linear map $f:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}^2$. I want to determine if $\operatorname{im}f$ is a point, a line, or the plane. I know I can just do three test points and if I get the plane, I'm golden. But what if I just happen get three colinear points? What's the elegant way of doing this?
@0celo7 Well, if you chose your three test points right, that tells you the image is a line.
Is it possible to get colinear points but the image not be a line?
Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
@0celo7 Only if you chose wrong test points. If the original testpoints weren't collinear but their images are collinear, the image is a line.
So is that the easiest way of doing it?
actually you'd only need two points
because the zero vector is in the image automatically
so like (1,0) and (0,1), right?
@0celo7 Yep.
so is that how you would do it?
or is there a nicer way of doing this
/some general statement that I can appreciate
@0celo7 If you know nothing else about $f$, that's the easiest, yes.
nothing else?
I have the explicit form
If you have given it as a matrix, you can just check if the two columns are multiples of each other
I feel like he said that in the lecture
why does that matter again?
well we have not covered that in class
Another way to say it:
but fuck it, the TA is a PhD student
he knows what that's about
The i-th column of a matrix is the image of the i-th standard basis vector.
I knew that
Why do I have such a hard time typing 'column'?!
no clue
why do I have such a hard time remembering linear algebra
@ACuriousMind Of course he gets to do that; everyone has the right to earn profound irrelevance.
@AlfredCentauri He's not irrelevant when a significant portion of the chat revolves around him.
@0celo7 It's not necessarily the case that one gets what one's earned.
1 hour later…
@HDE226868 I listen to Peter, Paul and Mary in between simulations. Who knew I had such a connection to an X-ray telescope?
Anybody available to talk QM?
My, oh my! But we get some entitled little brats on the site at times.
@ChrisWhite I've got several of their songs on my sing-a-long mix.
@TanMath Finding the post that makes me write things like that is up to you.
I come here to vert after carefully deleting all the snark from the comments I wrote.
Sometimes that means just not posting the comment...
@dmckee The steel dude?
2 hours later…
Apologies that I have made too many typos when I ask this question yesterday... It should all be fixed now
@David Z @ChrisWhite @ACuriousMind
Consider a double slit experiment set up where at the double slit there is a detector 1 and 2 at each slit, and ahead instead of a phosphor screen there is an array of detectors (that play the same role as the phosphor screen). The hamiltonian of the setup is described by:
$$\hat{H}_{doubleslitsetup}=T_{e-}(\dot{\mathbf{r}})+V_{routing tube}(\mathbf{r})$$
@ACuriousMind Bethesda released the minimum specs for Fallout 4...GTX 550 Ti. I think I can run it! (Recommended is GTX 780.)
correction (I hate these edit timeouts!) @0celo7 is missing in the above question
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind I strongly disagree with the sentiment of that message.
The point of sites like this is to be user driven. I think that means that we accept new users. In fact, I think we expect and need a flux of new users.
The notion that the status quo shall not change is not helpful.
Implying that new users should not offer opinions on how the status quo should shange is also not useful.
Obviously, new users should take some time to learn about the community and offer criticism thoughtfully, politely, and through appropriate channels.
Anyway, at what point did my criticisms of the site turn from "barging" in to useful feedback? I don't know. I think nobody knows, so we shouldn't pretend it's so simple defined.
I have no CTC and GR questions at the moment, but I do have a quantum question above which I then ask the quantum guys about it.

Just need to wait for them to get on
Meanwhile however there's a space propulsion related thought (that might sound star treky) inspired from a dream I have last night
Google for "Spacetime turbulence" cannot find anything sensible in the context of GR, thus I suspect I have a wrong intuition on how spacetime works under warp drive conditions
which means back to the GR books to read more
Hm, alcuberries
So tasty
catch up fast or ull miss :P
So what is your quantum question @Secret
see the maths above Daniel sank's post, it concerns modifying the double slit experiment and wonder what happen if a wavefucntion collapsed electron get send to the slits to be deffracted again, will it still be able to give an inteference pattern?
if there's a detector at each slit there is no diffraction
if sent to another series of slits you get it again
so you mean if I initially have an electron (whose state is a superpositon of position states) fired at the slits with the slit detectors on, then the state will be collapsed and I get no interference pattern.

And this will hold true even if afterwards the measured electron get routed by the electric fields in the tube back to the firing tube again to fire at the same slits (not another series of slits) but with the slit detectors now off?
The detector at the slit experiment is a well known one
No I mean something like this (more like an augmented version of the detector slits double slit experiment)
and what I am wondering is that whether that electron being routed back to fire at the slits for a second time (but this time all slit detectors are off) will be able to give an interference pattern

Because (If I have not made a conceptual mistake with the Hamiltonian when I do the maths above) then since in the first run the electron's state is being collapsed by the measurement of the slit detector, it should not be able to be diffracted again even if we route it back to be fired at the slits for the second time (since wavefunction collapse is known to be irreversible, thus after the mea
If I extend this reasoning further, then in the environment there are many possible scenarios which a similar thing can happen, so in the end we might expect all particles should have been measured already and thus no longer able to display quantum effects (because their wavefunctions will eventually be collapsed, and collapse is irreversible). But we know form our experiments that the quantum effects are still there, so this suggest I have a wrong reasoning but I am not sure what went wrong
@DanielSank The point was that, in this case, a single user is ranting against the entire (active) chat community---this is a similar situation as that recent meta question, where you reacted similarly to a comment of mine:
I don't think your messages take into account the context of the things you react to well enough. In particular, you're preaching to the choir! I don't think ACM (or me) fail to realize how valuable change can be, as exemplified by the way you yourself have made some changes to this site.
We're just taking a stand against "angry shouting", as opposed to constructive proposals for change.
TL;DR: I don't think the sentiment you're against is actually the sentiment expressed in that message.
Although, taken out of context, I can see how you'd think that it is.
@Secret Make sure you become a moderator: We get to edit all messages at any time ;)
Anyways @DanielSank you probably already knew all of this.
@Danu I don't know if I can be one, my physics still suck too much to help people (which is why I keep asking questions and doing exercise)
@Secret Not on Physics maybe
@Danu may I ask you if foreign students can survive in German with a part time job?
@Shing What do you mean by survive? I need about ~800 euros per month to live. You can definitely go lower than that, probably to around 600 at least, if you manage to get a place with low rent etc.
@Danu Where do you get the money? Do you take a loan, or work part-time or during the summers? Or is education typically funded by parents or scholarships?
@alarge Meh, I'd rather not discuss that stuff.
@Danu I didn't mean to ask about your finances specifially, but how the system in Germany typically works like.
@alarge It's a mix. I think a lot of people are supported, at least in part, by parents. However, I also know people who are on very generous scholarships, and also a few who work part-time.
However, the program I'm in is rather demanding so I don't think many earn about, say, 500 euros per month.
@Danu How easy is it to control the amount of courses? Can you just do a 80% workload and graduate a couple of months later? How rigid is the system?
@alarge Very flexible. I'm taking a full extra year.
There are only 2 mandatory courses in the program I'm in.
Ok, that's good.
4 hours later…
@Danu thanks for answering, I mean not starve to death :P is it easy for master students to get a (theoretical) research assistance position for around 700 euros ?
@Danu The thing about Hubble expansion, where recession velocity is proportional to distance, is that it's Galilean invariant: If $v = Hr$, then $v - v_0 = Hr - Hr_0 = H (r-r_0)$ for all $v$ and any new reference point $0$.
@Shing I don't think that anyone I know has such a position.
@ChrisWhite But does Hubble expansion exist in a fixed box?
My whole point was that it does not
I'm not sure about it, mind you, but it seemed intuitive and I thought it was right.
I think Hubble expansion requires expanding space, no?
@ChrisWhite In any case, I don't agree what with you say here, of course.
well hubble expansion is expanding space
so... I have clarified my quantum question above
if you have such a giant question perhaps it is best to ask SE directly
@Danu I see. So studying master degree in Germany is pretty much self-funding, unlike studying a PhD degree. Am I right?
@Slereah Well I have to make sure it won't get downvoted again, else I will be in trouble
I already have 3 bad questions after I hit that warning banner
so I have to be more careful
ok I'll prepare that question on the main site tmr...
but if that cause me to get question banned, then it's over for me...
why would you get banned
you have 649 rep points
Oh wait, 199
But I saw that warning banner that to be more careful when asking questions
and (as acuriousmind knows more about the details) I have 3 consecutive downvoted questions

After the banner is up, I have another question that got downvoted hence SE system determine it as poorly received)

I don't know how many more chance I have before the system question banned me due to too many "poorly received" question
and to make things more hairy, two of the downvoted questions were deleted by the system, thus no chance to fix them
@Shing Pretty much.
You only have to take care of living costs, though, since university is practically free here.
thank god for european socialism
It is always weird seeing the Americans with $50.000 degrees
@Secret Well I mean, looking at your last q, if you keep the question short and precise (ie don't just rant about something confusing) and show your ideas/work succinctly things would work a lot better.
Yeah, @Secret, in order to have well-received questions it's crucial that they're not walls of confused text. I know how hard that is for you, but it matters...
I'll try my best...
@ChrisWhite Thanks for the suggested edit---I really didn't know it made such a difference.
thanks Danu. probably I shall apply for some scholarship then.
@Danu Yes, I understand the context, and I understand that my reaction ignored that context. This was intentional. The message itself expressed a sentiment with which I disagree.
Other messages carrying a similar sentiment show up elsewhere on the site.
Thought I should provide some counterpoint.
Holy crap, @JamalS! I haven't see you around in a while.
I don't think that it does express that sentiment because of the context.
It's nice to see you returning more regularly, Jamal
@Danu Different points of view, I suppose.
Consequently, I think it's unfair to attack the message for something it doesn't actually represent.
If you're looking to just take a stance against hostile behavior, then you can do that without referring to any post in particular.
@Danu Obviously context is important. Any US citizen aware of our gun law politics knows this.
That was a stupid joke, sorry.
@Danu No no, please understand, not everyone reading messages like that follow the chat the way you and I do.
This issue of whether or not written statements need to make sense out of context has come up before.
@Secret It appears that the q-ban now decays over time. And that the time-scale for that is not long if you only cross the line a little.
Not that I have a citation for that, but I think I have good evidence.
Hopefully that will put your mind a little at ease.
Just saw Jeb.
@Danu That whole message could be reworded to say "if you think there's a problem with behaviors here, take some time to understand why they are that way, and then voice concerns/criticism via a well reasoned meta post with some links to examples."
@DanielSank And that exactly loses the point of the message; It's the responsibility of readers to be well-informed of the context of statements.
That's what we really want. It draws a line against unhelpful ranting, expresses the importance of understanding how current practices got to where they are, and gives the user a good means to express their problem.
Whenever we see an outrageous quote by a politician that turns out to mean something different when viewed from context we tend to call out the journalist
Instead, the chat message literally says "don't try to change a pre-existing community".
@Secret Now, concerning you question above, the collapsed state is an eigenstate of the detection, not necessarily of free-propagation and more or less certainly not of the "bend the path around so it can go through again" mechanism.
@Danu Now I'm confused.
So when it comes around again, it's no longer in a pure state of one slit or the other.
@DanielSank The point was, in this context, to counter some aggressive behavior from another user.
The stern tone was called for (in my view).
@Danu Perhaps the tone was, but the content of the message says something I think is objectively incorrect.
I don't think there's really more to say here. We disagree about this point.
Fine :-)
Arms racing with strength of tone doesn't help anything, by the way.
@DanielSank More to say after all? ;)
I just want to say I'm relaxing to the dulcet tones of another Danu/DanielSank debate.
@ChrisWhite :3
D^3. Danu Daniel Debate.
Plot twist: I'm actually called Daniel
Much better than the Bullet Cluster debacle I'm hiding here to avoid.
@ChrisWhite Haha, happy to help you relax any time.
Long lost twins
Plot twist: Daniel Sank is actually called Danu.
Allow me to clarify: Everybody calls me Danu in all settings except official ones; my passport has Daniël on it (that's the Dutch spelling, and yes the pronunciation is different from the English one).
How is e umlaut pronounced
@Danu Wow.
When's your birthday? I'm a Capricorn.
@0celo7 It's to emphasize that the e is pronounced separately from the i.
So it's pronounced like the feminine version in English?
@0celo7 Not quite.
@0celo7 Lol, no not at all
That dipthong is a bit more drawn out for @Danu, I think.
The emphasis is still on the first syllable
I can record it; gimme a second.
@Danu Well yes, but a more general topic.
@0celo7 Wat?
Vocaroo is the easiest way to record something and put it online instantly.
@Danu Will listen when I get home.
Not a great recording
but it'll do, I guess.
It's reeaaaaaaaly soft.
Not that soft on my sound system, but I can redo it
I should clarify something @Danu. Any user calling the chat room a "disgrace" is obviously way out of line. Name calling is unhelpful and makes people not want to listen to concerns.
The part of ACM's response I don't like is saying that you can't barge into "other people's communities" and tell them how to behave.
It's not "other people's" community, is it?
Are we, or are we not, continuing this debate?
@Danu I was trying to clarify myself and indicate that we almost surely agree on all points.
@Danu Yeah. Sounds like how a lot of Europeans pronounce my name.
@Danu What do you think?
Is there more ground to cover?
@DanielSank I'm still unsure how to pronounce Danu when I'm introducing myself to Americans; Do I go full-US or do I try to preserve the original sound?
@Danu Preserve it.
@DanielSank So then it's more like "Dah-nu"
The way US and Canadians will naturally pronounce the first "a" will make your blood turn sour.
the US version would be "Dennu" (phonetically)
I know, it hurts.
It's always fun to try and see how people spell it :D
@DanielSank Sure, we agree on most points; I still think the message is perfectly acceptable.
So it's like how I would say Daniel in German.
It's close
Most of the time it'll be indistinguishable, I guess
tfw Einstein still looks for me in my room ;_;
@DanielSank Anyways, I think that even the "other people's" was justified within the given context; It had been made more than clear that there was no intent on the part of the other user to constructively participate in chat (on this particular day).
@Danu So did you ever use MyCopy?
I just got Arnold through MyCopy.
@0celo7 Not yet, but I intend to.
I will get Lee's book, I think.
Finally a GTM book. Probably the first of many.
@Danu I see. My context for that message included a post on the meta which also said something like "don't come to an established community and expect to change it". This troubled me, because if y'all had said that to me at the beginning I probably would have left. The fact that people we're willing to discuss things made me happy to duke it out.
As we are doing now
@DanielSank By the context I am here only assuming the conversation that had taken place that day.
I think it'd be unreasonable to expect any random reader to be aware of the earlier discussion on meta.
So I don't think that can be used to support the points you're making if you're still arguing from the perspective of an "innocent bystander".
@Danu I'm not saying ACM "should" be aware of all written posts on this site when crafting statements.
I mean only to say that an over-generalized statement, one whose literal meaning extends far beyond the situation at hand, is usually not a great idea.
It's unclear what you mean by "not a great idea" here. So far, the only justification for your reaction that you've given is that a hypothetical innocent bystander could misconstrue the message. Correct?
@Danu That is not my intent.
I already explained why I thought we should be careful about the sort of statements made by ACM in my original response post.
ACM's post could give the wrong impression about some notion of ownership of the site and its policies.
@DanielSank An I replied with an attempt to invalidate those comments by pointing out the importance of context.
Your reply to that was simply that a bystander wouldn't know it.
@Danu That wasn't what I was trying to get at. Let me try again.
Context is obviously important. We all agree on that.
However, I still think it is important to avoid overgeneralized statements.
Do you agree that it's the reader's responsibility to be aware of the context?
Context varies from reader to reader.
At least the direct, obvious context.
Such as the conversation directly preceding the statement.
@Danu Yes, as I was when I read the message.
Perhaps the issue is this:
@DanielSank I'm cancer
Fitting, for a Dutch person
@DanielSank I know that you were aware of the context---however, now you have not provided any argument as to why this message by ACM was potentially "not a great idea"
One reader (you?) may read the message and its context and think "Ok, this is obviously just a reaction to JD's behavior and nothing deep is meant here. ACM only means to correct JD in some way and the statement has no meaning outside the immediate context".
@DanielSank The explicit usage of the word "you" in ACM's message does certainly suggest that interpretation.
Another reader (me) may read the message and its context and thing "Ok, this is meant as a response to JD's behavior. Fine. Also, ACM seems to think that users shouldn't expect to change anything on an established site. I disagree."
@Danu It's hard to say. "You" is used as a word for "generic person" in English.
Also, why would I expect ACM to think only JD should have this expectation?
@DanielSank Because JD displayed some very unusual behavior just before.
@Danu I get that.
Let me provide an illustrative example.
I see a person walk down the street and sneeze.
It's correct to interpret it as: Anyone who behaves this way should "put on the shoe"
I say "Hey you, no sneezing on the street!"
Er, sorry, I say "Hey, you are not allowed to sneeze on the street!"
Not a good example because sneezing is something that's commonly done and completely acceptable in society.
Wouldn't you naturally assume I don't think anyone should sneeze in the street?
Try "letting your dog take a poop on the street" instead.
@Danu So is debating site policy.
@DanielSank That's definitely not what was going on.
The problem was with JD's approach and tone.
The problem completely drowned the message
@Danu Yes, it did.
So the analogy is way off.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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