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I barely did it.
Let me work through it more first.
post results
(dumb hs work I had to do)
@0celo7 yeah at like 9:30?
@DanielSank So today I joined the Important People™ weekly astrophysics lunch. At one point the open discussion veered toward cosmology, and how measurements of curvature may improve in the next few years. One Important Person™ then pointed out that such measurements can distinguish between inflation models, so I asked pointedly what measurements would people accept that argue against inflation.
I don't think I'll be joining their ranks of Importance any time soon.
@0celo7 Nothing. It was the title that caused the reaction.
@ChrisWhite I think I'm missing part of the story. What was their response to your pointed question?
@DanielSank you referenced my lie Algebra comment
@0celo7 It was a misclick.
@DanielSank Reading between the lines, something like "does this kid doubt inflation?"
@ChrisWhite Heh. Yay scientific method.
I didn't get to go into it more, but I really wanted to after hearing that measurements confirming the flatness of the universe would further prove inflation, and that measurements confirming the non-flatness of the universe would prove other models of inflation.
@ChrisWhite I'd encourage you to politely not back down.
If a theory is not falsifiable we're all in trouble.
@DanielSank btw I'll be visiting UCSB in about a month (not sure on the exact dates yet). Maybe I'll bump into you.
@ChrisWhite Dude! Forget "bumping into" me, let's get beers or whatever!
KITP conference?
More informal meetings, with the subtext of "plz hire me"
@ChrisWhite Haha, nice.
In that case you had better give me a call.
Ok I will :)
I mean, I don't want to impose on you, but if you'd like to see my lab, go for dinner, go to the beach, or anything else, I really hope you'll contact me.
I know all the best places to eat.
@ChrisWhite I'll hire you
@ChrisWhite what profs are you meeting?
@DanielSank Mostly Omer Blaes and whoever he's working with.
@ChrisWhite Haha, nice. He taught my grad quantum course. Have you met him?
I never look at people's profiles unless they've been misbehaving so I miss all kind of stuff.
@DanielSank Never in person, but I've met several of his former students.
I did my undergraduate work at You Can Study Buzzed.
Worked in Phil Lubin's lab for a while.
How are things in sunny Golleta county?
@dmckee How was that?
@dmckee Awesome!
It's sooooooo nice outside.
I assume you're whethering the drought a little better than the rest of the state.
@dmckee It hasn't affected us at all.
@DanielSank It was hard. I thought I was smart while I was in High School.
@dmckee Gosh, it seems like half the undergrad student body goes through his lab.
UCSB disabused me of that notion.
@dmckee Heheh, that's probably a good thing in the end.
Then I thought I was pretty smart. Grad school fixed that.
At the time Phil was letting undergrads who could program just kinda hang about if they wanted to sit up nights and work on RAAP.
So I did.
We got lucky one week and imaged a MACHO lensing event in the 18th magnitude.
@dmckee I have no idea what that means :P
If some cold Jupiter wander in front of a star in a globular cluster and you can see the star's brightness grow then dim again over 3-10 days.
On account of gravitational lensing.
Ah. Cool!
It's how the MACHO density was established and they were ruled out as a significant contributer to the Missing Mass Problem (as it was called then).
Anyway most of the happen down around magnitude 20-26.
And we couldn't get the scope to track long enough to get much below 19th magnitude.
Good times.
You astro folks and your weird-@$$ intensity scales.
That was my one foray into astro. I'm in particle now. Well, actually, I'm mostly in Intro Physics for Non-majors now.
I guess magnitude made sense when you were just classifying the naked-eye stars into six or seven brightness categories.
^ Learning that is what finally made magnitude make some small amount of sense to me.
"These are the first brightest stars, these are the second tier of bright stars, these are the third tier, ..."
turns out for faint point sources the human eye's intensity resolution discretizes something like 2.5 log_10(I)
And then people quantified it and we have the back-asswards logarithmic scale to deal with until the end of time.
@ChrisWhite Yeah, but the fact that we haven't switched to something with dimensions of photons/time, i.e. power, boggles the mind of the modern scientist.
I can only imagine how bad it must be on Stack Overflow.
A: Can we raise the bar for reputation for late answers to enter the review queue?

Jon Ericson TL;DR: As of today (September 29, 2015) the maximum reputation for having an author's late answer enqueued has been raised from 10 to 50. As for further increase to 100: Queue growth Review queues lose effectiveness if posts aren't regularly (and accurately) cleared. A queue such as close ...

@ChrisWhite Yeah, I had seen that.
At least they're old late answers (I think) -- it's not like we're getting 400 a week.
Oh hey, I only have 8 progress on this badge...
I've gotten a bunch from 2011.
1 hour later…
@obe problem set?
Dude I'm so screwed.
I think I'll get an extension.
Lose 5% (who cares I'm not getting a credit).
why are you screwed
AP english expects 3 essays of 1500 words this week.
Do you need help with the problem set
I do.
Join the ts server
1 hour later…
@obe Once you get writing you'd be surprised how fast 1500 words passes. Making them well considered words with literary merit (if that is desired) is harder.
3 hours later…
Why does the late answer queue have 355 items in it? This seems wrong.
@DavidZ I really don't think this question should be classified as engineering.
4 hours later…
So does anyone know how to prove that the action of a scalar field is always positive definite

PS I have a preference on answering questions that allows me to describe it with a diagram
and I only answer a question if I am so confident that I would not screw it up, because I am a perfectionist
this is why I ask questions more than answering question in the SE network, because it is rare for me to be really sure about something due to my tendency to overthink
nice answer!
Example of overthinking:
Given that $\lambda(x)$ specify the linear charge density along the x axis, can $\lambda$ be a piecemeal function such that it describe a broken line system like this?
i wrote an answer as well, much simpler topic though...lol
Well it's just a function
It can be discontinuous
not too sure of my answer, the question is pretty brief...
More overthinking examples:
and the list goes on and on...
naively speaking, assuming x,y,z are continuous functions, the above expression describes a point charge moving in 3D space and its charge density will vary in a predictable way with x
rigorously speaking, I suspect I might have broken a property of dirac delta distribution in my above decription, but since I have not formally learnt distributions in a mathematical context, I am not sure what I have violated
The reason I felt I have broke something is that if what I said above is valid then

$\rho(t)=f(\mathbf{r(t)})\delta(\mathbf{r(t)})$ would be enough to describe a moving point charge in space (ignoring Lienard Wiechard potentials), but this expression looks weird to me...
@Slereah What do you mean? I don't think e.g. a $\phi^3$ action is always positive.
Sorry typo: $\rho(t)=f(\mathbf{r(t)})\delta(\mathbf{\mathbf{x}-r(t)})$
@ACuriousMind - cool nickname!
Good morning
good evening
good afternoon
good night
It's morning....
No, it's 2pm :P
no, it's 10pm
and $\rho(t)=\lambda(x(t))\delta(y(t))\delta(z(t))$ is actually describing a weird process:

A charge distribution that describe a point charge which blink out of existence whenever y and z not 0, otherwise its magnitude varies in a predictable way in the x direction
Get your shit together man
i will, in 10 hours time
I might do a continuity equation check on that later to see if it obeys it
Is your health back to 100% @0celo7?
Just fixed a weird grammatic typo on my answer... got to stop wrting answers when tired
@ACuriousMind Well let's say for a free scalar field, anyway
@skillpatrol 90%
Apparently it's a Thing for path integrals
The action must be positive for the integral to converge
Some residual coughing and mucus
@Slereah Well, there are only squares in that action - how could it not be positive?
@ACuriousMind : Well because it is $\ddot\phi^2 - \Delta \phi$
@0celo7 that is never fun
Also since the integration happens on every fields and not just on shell ones, I can't use the solution to show it I suspect
Or did I misunderstand the nature of that requirement
Do you have a reference for the "action has to be positive" requirement?
It is mentionned in passing in "Euclidian gravity"
The only requirement containing positivity I can remember right now is "reflection positivity", which is something different
Because apparently one of the big problem of QG in path integrals is that the action has to be always positive
And he goes on to say that scalar fields have a positive action
spinor fields are negative, unless they anticommute
and so on
(and the gravitational action can be arbitrarily negative)
hmmmm silicon optical properties... why am I reading about this at 10:30pm?
Because lasers?
@Slereah: Might it be that the Euclidean action has to be positive?
Well yes
that is the crux of the thing
But then there is no minus, the action is just $\phi\Delta\phi$, right?
Oh right
I am dum
Plz put a dunce cap on my head
::folds dunce cap::
@0celo7 yes, yes indeed
You know, one thing I wonder is
How did people do interferometry before lasers
how did they spell it
In class you always see that it's a monochromatic coherent wave etc in the assumption
But Michelson Morley was just a lamp
How does that influence the results
What is interferometry again
lasers and mirrors and shit
Interference between EM waves forming patterns
@Slereah Didn't they have things like sodium vapor lamps which also are pretty monochromatic?
Very informative
Monochromatic but what about the phase, tho
ACM has some experimental knowledge
probably it has to be quite intense to show any weak interference pattern that is present as a white lamp is not completely incoherent, right?
Ah, the coherence
Dunno about the coherence.
< knows nothing about lasers
You could ask that on the main site if it isn't explained in the Wiki articles
Wow I really know nothing
The reason I have this thought is because I recall our teacher told us that Young first done his double slit experiment with white light only
and I suppose a similar principle applies
I thought you could do double slit with sunlight
but then how
It's hard, but possible. I forgot the coherence factor of sunlight on average however...
Like what is the exact derivation of interference for thermal radiation
Q: Is it possible to produce coherent light with a thermal source?

HolgerFiedlerCoherent light means monochromatic light and alle waves have the same phase difference. This is given for laser, where the resonator is a potential box and the outgoing waves have the same phase difference. What is about a thermal source like a bulb? The emitting surface is not smooth, the involv...

Thank goodness for SE
I saw a YouTube vid that did it with sunlight
Q: Is coherent light required for interference in Young's double slit experiment?

AnimatedPhysicsIn this Veritasium video, a home experiment is presented which appears to produce a very good double-slit interference pattern with normal sunlight. The experiment is an empty cardboard box with a visor and a placeholder for a microscope slide with two slits on one side. This is arranged with th...

"I say "more or less" to emphasize the fact that it is never 100% coherent, (even from a laser), and it is never 0% coherent (even from a lightbulb or sunlight)"
Isn't it possible to create total EM noise?
@Slereah interesting concept
you lot have issues
@StanShunpike Just looked at the hardstyle charts for the first time in multiple months. Found this awesome thing.
Great summer album!
Urgh, I'm gonna spend money again :/
Oh lord Phuture Noize released an album too
@ACuriousMind Does German Law block Beatport too?
If I managed to stably levitate a stationary rigid object using only a bunch of simple room temperature ferromagnets, would it be news? I mean, nobody seems to have done that yet, right?
@0celo7 You mean on YouTube? Probably
@ACuriousMind no I mean the site I just linked
@0celo7 No, it seems to work
why is German Law so uptight about blocking the internet?
@skillpatrol It's not about "blocking the internet", the reason are the messy copyright/IP laws regarding music and its performance. You are also not allowed to publicly (as in: intended for customers to hear it) play a recording of music without paying a fee.
I see.
So YouTube has to block video containing copyrighted music unless they want to get sued (since they don't pay that fee, among other things)
Makes sense.
It doesn't make sense because there are legit music channels that are blocked in Germany.
Many people want a reform of these laws, and especially want to get rid of the authority (the GEMA) overseeing the collection of the fees and their distribution to the creators, but it is a slow process
Legit as in endorsed by the artists and the publishing company.
I don't like piracy at all, but GEMA is ridiculous.
Blocking VEVO? Seriously?
@0celo7 Yeah, see, the obligation to enforce copyright and collect the fees is automatically granted to the GEMA in many cases - the artists can not opt out of this process.
@ACuriousMind I know.
(Not saying this is the way it should be, but it is the way it is)
I lived in Germany too :P
Pissed me off to high heaven when I was denied music
Not even a German :O
@0celo7 I don't think I was more than vaguely aware of the existence of GEMA in middle school :P
@ACuriousMind I had it explained to me because a video from some microwave channel was blocked.
It had music in the background.
The person who made the video emailed everyone who complained.
@DanielSank in its earlier form, I think it was. Now, maybe. That one I wouldn't be surprised to see reopened by the community.
Hi @DavidZ
Damn... Phuture Propaganda is not as good as Music Rules the Noize.
Not worth $10.
@obe problem set?
Anyone care to comment on physics.stackexchange.com/a/28430/8563
As far as I'm concerned it could use a couple of downvotes
Came up on the Late Answers queue
@0celo7 you listen to stuff like that?
@skillpatrol yes
"stuff like that"
-.- what does that mean
do you like bob marley?
@Pies watch the Kahn academy videos on vector calc
@Pies also watch his videos on linear algebra
@skillpatrol he must not be that good if you won't tell me who he is
@0celo7 excuuuuse me????
you're excused
he is the father of that gendre
which is?
@EmilioPisanty I'm having trouble deciding whether it is an answer because I can't really parse what the question is asking.
I like reggae when it's mixd with other genres
but I'm not a big fan of the pure stuff
techno mixes well imo
that's not techno...
learn your EDM genres
it's subground
reggae + techno + house = ?
reggae + subground = that
subground is like hardstyle but different
it's a style that came out of the experimental tents at Q-base
started by ACTI and Kutski I think
Audiofreq makes it now too
I call all that xtc music ;-)
the drug
Damn, I have to get some music
2015 was a good year for hardstyle
I'm hearing a lot of experimental stuff in these tracks
I think -- maybe the scene is just changing
I don't spend time on /r/hardstyle any more
so I'm kinda out of touch
Subground is a mix of various music genres which consists of a sub bass on beat mixing influences from multiple electronic dance genres such has techno, hardstyle and hardtrance, characterized by a tempo around 130-135 beats per minute, just like electro tracks
I'm probably going to buy a 100 track compilation
Then make that my GTA playlist
best way to listen to music tbh
High energy stuff!!!
subground is not high energy...
you need some Angerfist in your life
170bpm headbanging = crazy
@ACuriousMind : I guess now I must find out
can't recall the melody off the top of my head
I just know that's a really good track
But positive if anticommutin'
I do not look forward to it because I don't know SO(4) spinors :p
It also doesn't explain the commuting case
Calm down dude
I will not calm
you keep asking this question
Spin(4) is SU(2)xSU(2) apparently
I knew that
Because saying"Grassman numbers" isn't really the proof of $S_E[\psi] < 0$
of course it is...
"For fermions, the mapping between Minkowski space and euclidean space is, however, not without problems"
Oh great
fucking problems
Do not be a Duffield @0celo7
what does that mean
You know what it means
JD is a well-respected bona-fide mainstream physicist
I could only hope to be him
Well if you continue YOU WILL BE
::injects Evidence:: Feels good man
"While the two fundamental spinor representations $2_{L,R} $ of the Lorentz group in four dimensions are complex, the fundamental spinors $2_{1}2_2$ are (pseudo)-real for the orthogonal group SO (4)."
The hell does pseudo real mean
he knows
Uh...not sure about the pseudo
Apparently complex conjugation maps each representation into itself
mb that
That's what I'd have called "real"
yeah it is weird

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