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So imagine beings in Flatland. They can formulate higher-dimensional math. One day, they do an experiment with a lattice of electrons. The results are unexpected, and can only be explained by the electrons having a magnetic moment (as only appears in 3D theories). That would be weird.
It would blow their little flat minds.
Is there an analogous experiment for 3D -> 4D?
Can we test the hypothesis "The universe is 4D, but physical motion has been restricted to a 3D substrate"?
@ChrisWhite 3 instead of 2 possible polarizations for light, 2 instead of 1 independent spin number, I think.
Also, no chiraility for fermions because 4+1 dimensions don't have Weyl spinors.
@ACuriousMind lol
@ChrisWhite silly man, the universe is 11D
Anybody know about natural units? the concept of natural units is confusing me..
what's confusing about them
@0celo7 like when you are using an equation, u set $\hbar , c, k = 1$ but when doing conversions , you use the SI equivalents?
I'm confused by your question
please rephrase
@0celo7 so when you are using an equation, u set $\hbar , c, k = 1$.. correct?
@0celo7 but when doing conversions , you use the SI equivalents?
@0celo7 like for two different units...
are you trying to go from natural to SI?
@0celo7 no, all three, SI to natural, natural to natural, and natural to SI..
what is natural to natural
Why would you need to go "natural to natural"? That sounds like the definition of an identity transformation.
@0celo7 converting for example cm^-1 to s^-1 in natural units...
cm is not a thing in natural units...nor is s
@0celo7 well, I guess it is cm^-1 hc/k
Well, you do have one unit left in natural units - which one commonly chooses to be eV, but you can choose any one unit to measure everything it.
@DanielSank did you get time to answer my collapse operator question?
@TanMath Unfortunately, no.
@ACuriousMind ah.. so I guess that one unit in this case is cm^-1..
@0celo7 so for this, I use SI equivalents?
@TanMath Basically you take the square root of the transition rate and put it in front of the operator. I would like to write up a derivation of this fact, but it may be a while or never :-)
@DanielSank in front of what operator?
@TanMath You don't by any chance have "Exploring the Quantum" by S. Haroche, do you?
u mean like $\sqrt \gamma * C$?
@DanielSank no, why?
@TanMath What's $C$?
@DanielSank idk...
@TanMath That book explains this all really clearly.
@TanMath one second...
@DanielSank oh.. I'll look into it...
@ACuriousMind The next problem is to examine the spin of a massless particle assuming the invariance group is $\mathrm{O}(2,1)$.
@DanielSank is this the operator you are talking about? the one we put the sqrt in front of?
@all what do I need to bring to college
@TanMath can you link your question again please?
Q: How to determine the collapse operator for a Lindblad equation

TanMathGiven a Hamiltonian $H$, how can I relate the collapse operator for the Lindblad equation to a given environmental effect? Also, how can I relate the constant $\gamma$ in front of the sum of the collapse operators to the full Hamiltonian? For reference, the lindblad equation is: $$\dot \rho = -...

@0celo7 Ah, now that could be potentially more interesting, although it probably will still not be quantized because the universal cover is still not a double cover
@TanMath, suppose we have a two level system.
The lowering operator is $a$.
@ACuriousMind wait, why does the double cover mean quantization?
is that the topological constraint?
In this case, the Lindblad operator associated to energy decay process is $L = \sqrt{\gamma} \, \hat{a}$, where $\gamma$ is the decay rate.
because of the $4\pi$ rotation business?
@DanielSank I actually need to get going... You can continue to write this out.. I will come back and look at it.. Thanks! also thanks @0celo7 and @ACuriousMind !
@0celo7 Ah, it doesn't mean that directly, but the infinite cover means we get a lot more reps than usual.
It's a heuristic statement, I admit, but that's why I said "probably"
now to find the little group...
uh, no clue what it is
we Lorentz boost to $k=(1,1,0)$
then what is the most general $W$ such that $Wk=k$?
Give me an hour or so to shower and go shopping, then I'll take a closer look at this.
I need to pack!
I have no clue what to pack!
@0celo7 Everything you need for a hotel, plus sheets and towels. And your favorite note-taking equipment. Plus your fake ID, drugs to use/distribute, and music posters to mask your deep-seated ennui.
I need to get food!
@ChrisWhite Tellin' it like it is.
ennui? googling
speaking from experience there?
I don't even have any posters.
@0celo7 Then you fail college.
@DanielSank that's not good
@0celo7 your love of learning and understanding
that got killed by HE
what is "HE?"
@0celo7 seriously though, take your basic home needs and typical school supplies. You have to take care of yourself somewhat more than at home so once you get there go out and buy laundry detergent etc.
@0celo7 are your goals primarily academic or social?
@DanielSank academic
@DanielSank I'm going on a Costco run when I get there for all that stuff
@DanielSank Ha! I remember the very first weekend of college joining a group of other freshmen on a brave expedition to buy laundry detergent for the first time in any of our lives.
are you going to join a frat?
@0celo7 Are you sharing a room?
probably not, there are no good academic frats at my school
@DanielSank yes
@0celo7 Ok, honestly, bring ear plugs.
Hopefully you'll never need them.
@DanielSank Why would you not always bring ear plugs
I have a supply in my suitcase
@DanielSank my roommate will
@0celo7 Why's that?
@DanielSank snoring
@0celo7 Ha, I pity your room mate.
we Ungers have been champion snorers for 4 generations
@0celo7 ::applauds::
Before going off to college, all my older relatives made sure to share all their worst roommate nightmare stories, I guess in order to lower my expectations.
@ChrisWhite Is this more difficult in America than walking into a store and buying it? Are there special laundry detergent stores whose location is passed only through oral tradition?
@ACuriousMind Not that you know of.
@ChrisWhite my siblings are lifelong friends with their roommates, and my parents' roommates were so bland they can't remember their names
@0celo7 The problem is that room mates can ruin your life.
@ACuriousMind if you don't have a Costco card you have to Sam Fisher or Altair your way in
Emphasis on "can".
I talked to mine, he seems cool
@0celo7 Being loud, messy, emotional wrecks, etc.
he loves Skyrim FWIW
But mostly by having different expectations than you about how to exist in a shared space.
@0celo7 I'm still friends with all my roommates. Then again, everyone at Caltech is already more similar than two random people on the street, we were sorted into houses based on personality, and we got to meet all the other freshman before choosing roommates, so this isn't surprising.
Our freshman year room mates were chosen for us.
This worked ok, but there were some issues.
I got in a lottery with someone else in honors
I have a cousin whose roommate secretly filled his (my cousin's) pants with feces before being committed to a mental institution.
@ChrisWhite gross
I believe you mean o_O
@DanielSank like?
@DanielSank Oo
@0celo7 Ehhhh, one of my freshman year room mates just didn't like us.
I just have on person
There were four of us in a suite. One of them just didn't get along.
I'm in the new dorm, first one to ever live in it
@0celo7 NICE!
I was in a pretty old crappy building :)
we have a Subway (sandwich shop) in the lobby
a water fountain
key card locks on the doors
@0celo7 Oh no.
oh no?
I'm calling it now, guys. Within two years @0celo7 will be unable to look at, smell, or even think about Subway without needing to run to the nearest rest room to boot.
Food in the lobby? Add to the list a scale so you can see the weight gain the first year ;)
@ChrisWhite I lost 10lbs my freshman year.
My mother is a wonderful cook. The college food was not bad but I lost weight.
apparently people tend to lose weight because the campus is built on the side of a mountain
@0celo7 Ha, nice.
@0celo7 lol
If I had lost weight, I'd probably be dead, I'm stick-thin as it is.
luckily my lit class got moved closer to the stadium and now I don't have a run a mile uphill both ways in 15 minutes
@0celo7 Both ways in 15 minutes? Explain.
how can you run uphill both ways?
@skillpatrol ...unless you grew up in the old days.
Back "then" they had two way hills.
@DanielSank you have to run a line integral
the college is a multi-valued complex function you see
you go on a new branch every time and it's always uphill
Your college was built by M.C.Escher?
no MC Hammer
Hammer Time!
gotta go say bye to friends and family
@0celo7 Yes!
I wish I gained weight my first year
or any year for that matter :p
I think being in good shape is more important.
that's too much work
I just don't want to be skinny :p
but at this rate my only hope is to wait until my metabolism slows down at the age of 30
@ACuriousMind so you really are a skeleton
fat people have more health issues
@FenderLesPaul just eat more...
@0celo7 it doesn't work I've tried
it's just genetic I think; my brother has the same problem
Yeah right
I could eat a shit ton of meat every day and not gain any weight
You can get bacon grease
in fact that's what I do
bacon is like my best friend
10,000 calorie diet
ok I don't wanna die lol
I would go to the gym if I wasn't lazy
I paid $90 for a semester membership and went literally once
right there is your problem
You could have bought some video games with that money
@0celo7 I know :(
exercise will slow down your metabolism
I regret not using that money on useful things
could've bought more bacon
but like...exercise is so much work
I need stronger motivation
bacon is work too, you gotta buy it, bring it home, cook it, eat it, poop it
right now I have no driving motivation to work out
girls go ther
once your health fails you, you will change
@Jon all enjoyable things
that could take decades
@skillpatrol idk what a girl is
By the time you wanna change, it will be too late
decades of bad habits
@jon but by then I will have lived a long and bacon filled life
@skillpatrol but in all seriousness I would need a legitimate motivation
health would be one but it's so hard to use health as motivation when that's not an immediate problem
That is why I mentioned that you would only do something about it once it becomes a problem, trying to speed up the conversation
Your motivation should be, to not wait
do it just enough to stay in shape
Alright time to speed up the health deterioration process
eat a pack a bacon a day
thus forcing me to work out
honestly when I get home from work I just wanna play guitar, watch random shit on youtube, eat cereal, and then knock out
add whiskey and smokes
hmm that would work
although smoking would ruin my singing
Get Intervention to do a segment on you
maybe I can go on "America's Biggest Loser" or whatever it's called
but it would be a plot twist cuz im really skinny, not really fat
i contemplated faking an addiction to get on intervention
My name is Jon, and I'm a full blown alcoholic.
Then just go on a tear while they film me for a week.
"I'm addicted to Bacon"
"Sir, why is bacon capitalized?"
"Bacon is God"
crazy eyes
@Jon whiskey is great
You don't have to tell me
@0celo7 don't forget to bring Weinberg G&C
you're going to need it to prepare joints
@FenderLesPaul I thought Wald had really good paper for that
But Wald has other uses too
cat scratching toy
makeshift pillow
@0celo7 Yes, I'm a vampire skeleton.
@ACuriousMind holy shit I need to see that for myself
I'm returning to the fatherland this Christmas
I need a name for my game
anyone clever here?
pick me
I'm making a physics puzzle game
elevator pitch -- Red/Orange are evil -- Green/Blue are good
interuniversal teichmuller twistor mechanics
on principal braid bundles
It would need to be a little more simple, going for a all audience
I'll take the royalty check in Subway gift cards
what's the objective?
do mechanics in a very complicated way
ask ACM in a few years, I just gave him the title of his PhD thesis
@0celo7 Teichmüller twistor mechanics you say? Hmmm....
objective is to get rid of all red and orange pieces on the screen
While retaining all the green
There is a older preview build up here jgallant.com/Preview/Preview.html
the tutorial isn't in that but you can get a general idea of the gameplay
how is this related to physics?
physics game
8 mins ago, by Jon
I'm making a physics puzzle game
if you could make that link clear, you could use it as a name
Yeah, that is exactly what I had been trying to think of.
Do they allow game naming questions on Stack Exchange?
haha, I really don't think so
we should try to promote a new SE site specifically for that
area 51?
Game Naming.SE
or ask on meta at Arcade.SE
Block Potential
sounds good :-)
Drop Point?
that is pretty good
damn i'm pretty impressed how this stackexchange is creeping with grad students instead of cranks.
Are $\{\text{grad students}\}$ and $\{\text{cranks}\}$ disjoint?
not always. knew a grad student trying to explain chakras with quantum mechanics.
@0celo7 I have to start worrying about that as well, but luckily I have an obsessive mom that's compiling a list for me... All your toiletries, office equipment (laptop, printer, paper, pens, etc), bedding, and all essential documentation (birth certificate, passport, etc). Oh, and of course your fake ID as Chris mentioned.
I'm also going to take a mini-bar sized fridge to put in my room, as I won't be able to have a kitchen to myself.
hello @DanielSank
quantum [insert word here] makes [insert word here] infinitely more legit
@Jon reminds me... have you ever heard of a game called "crazy machines"? luv it, really fun, teaches a lot of physics, sophisticated physics simulation engine, etc :D
@mathdummy & how about explaining QM with solitons instead? :D
@TanMath Hi.
@vzn is it still downloadable?
if I click on the buying option it says page not available
Guys, I just did a calculation to answer this question, but I don't understand the result.
@FenderLesPaul hmmm, afaik its typically in app stores, they say its released on android... have it on iphone & ps3, but bought it awhile back... highly recommend it... very good for kids too...
Why does the error get bigger when computing a derivative from points closer together in time?
@vzn cool thanks! If it's on iPhone I can get it on that.
@JamalS (wondering) did you mention in here how that worked out or where you picked?
@mathdummy agreed, now if only a few would hang out in Computer Science or Theoretical Computer Science occasionally too :D

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