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Let's use unicode characters for physics
I want a snowman function
too hard to draw on the blackboard for us less artistic physicists
3 circles? Maybe you can draw that, Michaelangelo
@ACuriousMind on page 69, why must Wt satisfy the properties it does?
Wait I'm retarded
It's a Lorentz transformation smh
@Slereah yes, that would be fine
I can't even draw a pretty psi
the worst symbol I had to learn was lower case xi
Took me a while to draw it correctly
I can do that
xi is not that difficult, if you're taught it correctly and not "draw some squiggly line, no one can tell anyway"
Can anyone here draw psi well
If yes please post a picture and then a tutorial
@0celo7 wait for a sec
My psi's okay
some symbols I disagree with
nu is too close to v, do not use it!
@Slereah I just make nu more wiggly than v :D
@0celo7: What about this^?
@ACuriousMind no
I can draw psi pretty well, see: $\psi$
It's OK but not great
Also, holy crap:
Q: Grant fraud, should I bust my PhD advisor?

ranting PhD studentFor obvious reasons I will try to maintain some anonymity here. So I defended my thesis. Which was funded through a government grant. In order to obtain this type of grant, a professor needs to cooperate with several other research organizations and privately-owned industries. Then it is requir...

@all: The nu properly has a small hook at it's left side - elongating that hook is what evolved the nu into the Latin n, I think
@0celo7 ^looks a bit too big but it's the best I can do with this laptop cam :)
My psi's tend to look like a U with a vertical line through the middle; Psi tends to look the same but with horizontal bars on the vertical line.
I suppose I don't really care for calligraphy
One of my goal was to one day use a heart as a math symbol
Then a few years ago I found a math paper with that!
@Slereah took notice of it :D
@Slereah shoot too late I guess...
@Slereah Lol, not even your gimmicky paper ideas are original :P
Shit is hard man
@gonenc Too short on the right, imo
I wanted to see if exact solutions of the quadratic KG violated energy conditions
But then I found a paper saying that no potential of KG can violate them!
@0celo7 What's missing/wrong?
shakes fist
@ACuriousMind I usually like it that way, it fits better with my slant handwriting :)
@ACuriousMind it looks exactly like mine
And I don't like mine
My current idea is to maybe check out what the energy conditions look like for thermal states of interacting fields
Because interacting fields tend to have the most horrendous violations
@0celo7 Haha...I maintain it is the correct shape. though ;)
@0celo7 I think you guys over do it. yours really look like the latex one but latex one is drawn with a proper calligraphy pen (at least some point in time) and it doesn't have the same effect with a usual pen :D
Hello darkness my old friend
@gonenc: How did the thing with your visum go, by the way?
@ACuriousMind I was at the embassy today. I'll get my visa in ca. a week
the guys in heidelberg refused (not literally but by not returning my emails) to send it by email
but luckily and astonishingly the post came in 14 days :D
after the day I had my zulassung in my hands they send only the first page of it by email #insert angry face#
but I'm good to go :)
Ah, well, that's the main thing :)
@ACuriousMind I don't get it why heidelberg people are so old-fashioned. münchen doesn't do this crap they don't even bother to send the original and do it by email only
whatever at least I had it in time :D
It'd be awkward to go to the embassy without the acceptance letter
@gonenc Well, the university's motto is "Future. Since 1386.". I guess we haven't changed our conception of "modern communication" since then, either :D
@ACuriousMind you hit the jackpot :D
I gotta find a place to stay now... studentenwerk hasn't said anything yet :/
and the fact that only 15% has a wohnheim creeps me out to be fair
@gonenc Well, not everyone wants to live in a wohnheim. Many people seek flats with friends they found here after a few semesters
@ACuriousMind true but I gotta meet someone first and I think wohnheim is the best place to do that
at least in my dormitory in highschool I made pretty good friends
But yeah, the places are limited
@gonenc True that
@ACuriousMind and I don't know about this WG thing too much either
I mean what if you don't like the people that you are WG-ing
^that was such a bad denglisch :D
@gonenc Then...you're fucked :D
That's why most WGs don't rent out a room before meeting you at least once
@ACuriousMind but what about all the WG websites?
and if I have to go to germany to meet the people then I might as well seek my own place, I guess
a friend of mine published a paper recently about a modified gravity theory that reproduces observations and accelerated expansion without the need for a cosmological constant
but WG-friendship would also be like a wohnheim-friendship imo
yes, that's where gravity is calculated from 2 separate rank-2 tensors rather than just the metric
@ACuriousMind fuck I thought "Future since 1386" was a joke... I didn't think it was real :D
they use $g$ and $\bar f$
@gonenc They usually invite you to meet them first, I think
@gonenc lol
@ACuriousMind the motto is like nonsense
what does f correspond to?
we are looking forward from backwards kinda thing :D
@Slereah the modification to gravity
@gonenc It's meant to mean "We've been progressive since always", I think
But like, what is the product of two vectors
I think it's impressive work because they have taken dark energy out of the picture and still reproduced the necessary observations
@ACuriousMind is it Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg or just Uni Heidelberg??
@Slereah what?
@gonenc Most people will say the latter, but formally it's the former
Well the metric gives an inner product for tensors
But what does the second metric do
is it just a second definition of an inner product?
they interpreted it as being the metric for a dark gravitational sector spacetime
whatever that means
@ACuriousMind who is that guy if it is a guy's name (Ruprecht Karl)?
@gonenc He was the lord of this region back when the university was founded, I think
@Jimself "Come to the dark side. We have another metric." is one of the lamer slogans I've heard.
@ACuriousMind huhu a rich guys university you say :D
@ACuriousMind Man, the dark side has everything
@Slereah the metric does more than give an inner product for tensors. It describes the geometric foliation of spacetime and how it normally couples to mass/gravity. I think $f$ allows them to add mass to the graviton too
come to the dark side, we have massive gravitons
also do they have new predictions from it?
haven't gotten that far
but if not, it still removes the fine-tuning aspect of a cosmological constant
Possibly old & seen before, but pretty awesome
@KyleKanos holy shit I've never seen it before
@ACuriousMind I do this thing where I try to translate rap I'm listening to into German and make it fit into the original structure...it never works
It sounds so silly in German
rap just sounds silly period
@0celo7 Almost all translated lyrics regardless of genre sound silly in German, imo
@0celo7 I kid!
@FenderLesPaul I love gangster rap because it's so hilariously stupid
When an album has censored words in every other title, you know it's gonna be awesome
Having something like Money, Clothes, Hoes in the background while doing homework is the best.
I actually like listening to ambient music when doing work
like LoTR soundtrack
or Oblivion soundtrack
or Nick Drake
Blunt Blowin is great index manipulation music.
that sounds interesting...
@FenderLesPaul good point
Why do smiley emoticons always look creepy
@ACuriousMind :)
@FenderLesPaul they didn't until now :D
They don't look creepy at all to me :)
@FenderLesPaul Okay, that one does look creepy
@ACuriousMind that one shouldn't be used anyhow :D
@ACuriousMind :(
@FenderLesPaul what is that anyway?
@obe -_-
@gonenc I'm not sure actually
I think it's meant to show flustering
or blushing
@FenderLesPaul isn't blushing :$ ?
@gonenc oh, could be I have no idea
@gonenc Huh?
my emoticon knowledge is lacking unfortunately
@obe nah I meant :3
@obe how far are you with carroll?
@gonenc Still same old.
I'm trying to learn QM fast!!!
@obe me too I am too busy watching modern family :D
You already won.
Ch 5 ends relativity for the part that matters at least.
The rest is extra.
@obe I think so too. At least I try to make myself believe that it is so :D
Did you understand all of it and do the exercises/proofs?
Q: Has any physicist answered a question citing his own work on PhysicsSE?

Jonathan ToddImagine if when reading a question about a theory or paper by Michio Kaku, you scrolled down to see an answer "When I wrote this theory, [...]". I always thought it'd be neat to see something like that here - has it happened? More specifically, has any question, citing a specific theory or wor...

@obe not all exercises but I understand almost all of it.
Start answering general relativity tagged questions already then...
Killing vector and diff forms stuff is a bit shady though
@obe if there were any unanswered for my level
I am reluctant to answer something that I am new :)
The next race is on who can get 50 general relativity tagged questions answered.
Ends 1 year from now, though it shouldn't take that long.
@obe I bet that I'll forget about this bet :D
Now for the other one... what should I do for you?
Ew why are you using Carroll?
Because we're beginners.
or gonenc is an intermediate now.
what other book is there?
There are infinitely better begginer books on GR lol
Hartle or Schutz
those are low level though.
No the aren't
they explain the physics really well
they don't go into the formalism but that isn't important
Carroll basically explains no physics
can you go h or s -----> wald?
and doesn't do the math justice
so what's the point?
Sure that's what I did
I did Schutz then Wald
for the reference about make myself believe: 54.33 min
what wrong with my answer? Not only people rebuke things I did not say, but also it is required to be deleted. I have spend quite a hard effort typing it, especially my english is lousy, it took quite some of my time to proof reading. If I made serious mistakes, please let me know.
Q: Why is the speed of light limited to (only) 299.792.458 m/s?

Franklin StumpThe speed of light (in a vacuum) is limited to 299.792.458 m/s. This sounds very fast, and it is on a global scale. But if you look at the Universe on a larger scale than it sounds quite slow, For instance it takes light from one and of the Milky way 100.000 years to get to the other end. So some...

@FenderLesPaul I really think Carroll was a good read. After having watched the theoretical min
Carroll felt really good
I can assure you it's a waste of your time
My favorite song begins with I started selling dope back in 1986
Danu and 0celo7 recommended Carroll.
I have no idea why
the exercises are way too easy
and the text doesn't discuss anything substantial at all
@FenderLesPaul they don't feel that way when you first learn GR
@gonenc no I disagree
@0celo7 @Danu What are your thoughts on what he says?
there are some exercises in Hartle that I can still say are hard
but Carroll's exercises are all just basic computations
you won't really know any deep concepts after reading that book
That's the point, trivial exercises are the best way to learn the concepts.
@FenderLesPaul that just means that Hartle is too hard to begin learning GR with
@ACuriousMind Am I the only one who distinguishes nu from v according to the concavity of the left stroke?
@gonenc no it just means Hartle is a good book
Kleppner and Kolenkow has harder than average exercises but it's still one of the best introductory mechanics books available
@ChrisWhite most certainly not count me too
hard is good
@FenderLesPaul too hard aint too good though
You should have a really good understanding of the conceptual aspects of GR
@obe As do I. I still hold it as the the book to learn GR from, and I say this as someone getting a PhD in the subject.
before trying to learn the more formal aspects
@FenderLesPaul I don't know about you but formalism helps me understand better I don't like books that are too wordy
I didn't say anything about being wordy
@Shing it lacks grammatical coherency, it doesn't say much beyond "that's not a question we ask", it has partially incorrect statements, it seems to have included speculation. In general, it isn't an overwhelmingly great answer. Check spelling and grammar first. A mediocre answer won't get downvoted, but a mediocre answer with poor grammar and spelling will get downvoted significantly
btw I've just looked at schutz and my first imperssion is that he uses too less maths
disclaimer: I haven't read the book and don't know how awesome it is if it really is awesome
I mean it's up to you in the end but all I can say is the most important part of learning a subject is having really good exercises
and Carroll has no good exercises
they're waaaay too easy
I don't like doing exercises.
@obe then why are you learning physics?
@gonenc However Schutz is excellent for amateur relativists like me to get a handle on the ideas involved.
You can't learn physics without doing exercises
that's ridiculous I'm sorry
@FenderLesPaul some of the exercises are too computational I admit that and I don't do them but I mean some of them are good too
True though, I'd rather think about the concepts or do the derivations myself to understand it.
I don't like exercises though.
@ChrisWhite Nah, that's how it is in print, but I rarely see people writing that concavity in handwriting
@JohnRennie that may be true, as I've said I haven't read it so it'd be inappropriate for me to judge it
@gonenc at the end of the day it's whatever you feel you like best, you're the one learning
but to me exercises are very important
@ACuriousMind really? how do you distinguish $\nu$ from $n$
which is why I prefer Hartle and Schutz
read carroll ---> exercises in hartle.
If I had tried to use Carroll when I took the GR sequence here
I would've undoubtedly failed the class
@gonenc The hook on the right of the $\nu$ does not touch the baseline
@ACuriousMind Computer Modern, annoyingly, puts the same concavity on both.
@FenderLesPaul I'll probably read them but imo it feels better to know the formalism first but I guess it is a preference like anything else
@obe I don't think I could do a good amount of the exercises in Hartle after reading just Carroll
@Jimself if "things are faster than light" then I get imaginary number for the Lorentz transformation, since an imaginary number for time or position doesn't make physics sense, is that not counted as a prediction?
@gonenc indeed it's a preference thing
@ACuriousMind that should've been a $v$ and you know it :D
again, whatever makes you happy
@Shing no, that was programmed into relativity because it was a prior observation. It was not a "prediction"
@FenderLesPaul This is making me feel really weird.
I didn't finish carroll yet so I can switch now.
@obe I'm not saying to switch
I'm just saying you should also check out the other books
Though I don't feel like it's the right choice.
@gonenc FWIW, I read Schutz on my own the summer before I took GR (which used Carroll, MTW, and Wald). I think it's good for that purpose -- a warmup book.
@gonenc We sorta used Schutz for our GR course. I hated it precisely because it is not very mathematical, and does not enable you to do actual GR
What's this "event" thing that just popped up o.o
@FenderLesPaul Chat session!
@FenderLesPaul I'm also looking at wald's book and poisson lecture notes.
Is general relativity by Talyor and Wheeler good?
@ACuriousMind ah
@obe Poisson's notes are great, I really like them!
His book, which are based off the notes, is totally worth getting
I saw him before.
@ACuriousMind I've heard bitter criticism of Schutz on the grounds that he does nothing rigorously and uses all sorts of special case arguments to calculate things.
@ACuriousMind like a true physicist :D :P
@obe Oh right you're in Canada
I can see the point of this argument, but I still found it an accessible way into GR starting from little or no knowledge of differential geometry.
@obe he's kind of a celebrity in our GR group haha
@ChrisWhite that I'd believe :)
@JohnRennie that and he spends time on the down to Earth physics
which is always nice
@JohnRennie Yeah, it depends very much on the purpose you read it for.
@FenderLesPaul Down to Earth physics? I don't remember anything I'd describe that way in his book.
@FenderLesPaul for you maybe
@0celo7 fight me
@JohnRennie compared to Wald anyways :p
@FenderLesPaul AFAIK you're a skinny Indian kid, I can take you
@JohnRennie Some of those arguments are actually rigorous though (just unsatisfying to the types coming from QFT who have an algebra fetish). For example, he liberally derives manifestly covariant formulas in nice coordinates, and then we know the formula for arbitrary coordinates.
honestly anything is down to Earth for me if it involves actual numbers
@0celo7 that's probably true :(
I can't fight

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