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@ChrisWhite Lol, that guy should come to Munich ;)
We've got an entire group working on Schrödinger operators here, I think
@ChrisWhite Well it is impossible, duh?
@KyleKanos impossibly easy :-D
@yuggib For particular problems, sure.
@ACuriousMind I don't either (both things)
@KyleKanos for any self-adjoint $H$ the solution of $i\partial_t \psi=H\psi$ is trivial...at least for a mathematician
@ChrisWhite Einstein
@yuggib Show me the analytic solution to a three particle system in three dimensions then.
@KyleKanos $\psi=42$
@KyleKanos I said for a mathematician... :-D
Well that's for anyone really. Once you have more than one particle, you start requiring approximations
$\psi(t) =e^{-itH}\psi_0$ is perfectly nice for me
@yuggib The mathematician just writes a useless exponential, right? :D
(e.g., perturbation theory)
Ah, you already wrote it
@ACuriousMind ;-)
it always depends what you want to do with it
Yeah, it's not always useless, I was being flippant ;)
can the Schroedinger equation even make money on the free market
Q: Relation between Black-Scholes equation and quantum mechanics

LudoI am interested in the link between the Black & Scholes equation and quantum mechanics. I start from the Black & Scholes PDE $$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial t} = -\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 S^2 \frac{\partial^2C}{\partial S^2} -rS\frac{\partial C}{\partial S}+rC $$ with the boundary condition $$C(T,S(T))...

how the fuck did you find that
You are truly a wizard
See also my question on the topic lol
Q: Relationship between the Black-Scholes model and path integrals

DanuThis question was inspired by some interesting comments by Rod Vance on this answer: Minkowski spacetime: Is there a signature (+,+,+,+)? Could you (Rod), or someone else, expand on these comments and give a brief summary of the connection between the famous model developed by Black, Scholes and...

What is a "GOOGLE"
I don't think you know how to spell swimming goggles...
Google Goggles?
What are goggle goggles?
@Danu You should update that question, the other is not unanswered anymore :P
Once again, you fail at spelling.
Also, I am sad that Black, Scholes and Merton were not aided by someone with the initial D.
Oh Jamal...whatever happened to him?
He's taking a bit of a break but he'll be back AFAIK
This chat is too rowdy for him
Yeah yeah
I tried to fix it but PSE is dumb
@Danu I've seen his avatar in the close queues, but no answers or chat :(
@0celo7 C'mon, the BDSM model of financial markets would be one of the best acronyms ever :D
@ACuriousMind done
Black, Danu, Scholes and Merton
After living in Germany for 7 years, my archetypal image of Germany is the BDSM club from Alias.
@ACuriousMind You just brought that back.
I think this guy is looking for evidence to not user antiperspirants: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/195235/…
> Does it resist?
@ACuriousMind It's a Rorschach test.
What do you think it resists?
@0celo7 ...wat.
@0celo7 Arrest? Aluminium is something of a free spirit, I think.
@ACuriousMind haha
@ACuriousMind What?
@ACuriousMind Curiously, I've never been to a German BDSM club.
What is BDSM?
@0celo7 Surprisingly
BDSM is a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, roleplaying, bondage, and other interpersonal dynamics. Given the wide range of practices, some of which may be engaged in by people who do not consider themselves as practicing BDSM, inclusion in the BDSM community or subculture is usually dependent on self-identification and shared experience. Interest in BDSM can range from one-time experimentation to a lifestyle. The term BDSM is first dated from 1969. The term BDSM was formed by joining the term B&D (bondage and discipline) with S&M (sadomasochism, or sadism and masochism...
@FenderLesPaul Shirley, you can't be serious?
Oh wow...
A: Are we all moving at c?`

John Duffield Is it true to say that all matter in the universe is travelling with velocity c through spacetime? Actually, no. Because there is no motion through spacetime. Spacetime models motion through space over time, but because it includes the time dimension, it's totally static. And whilst this mo...

@0celo7 Shirley's serious brah
Can someone please translate...I'm confused by that answer.
@0celo7 I'm shocked by this turn of events.
> Because there is no motion through spacetime.
@KyleKanos: why you refuse to understand i am asking if its normal to see an continuous rising in total energy of the system i posted the implementation not to point me the error just in case anyone is curious enough to see the exact procedure please stop spamming. — ribben 1 min ago
I'm spamming apparently :/
@Danu Protons ARE antimatter!
@Danu Seriously. He says some trippy stuff.
What's his deal with Kruskal coordinates? He has a vendetta against them.
@KyleKanos Then stop it! Simple solution!
@FenderLesPaul Link?
@ACuriousMind As am I. I really missed out on some great fun, didn't I?
@FenderLesPaul Is he wrong?
@0celo7 Perhaps.
@0celo7 I don't even know what his objection is..." In order to cross the event horizon at r=2M, the infalling body allegedly goes to the end of time and back∗" what?
@FenderLesPaul Yeah, since Schwarzschild coordinates have problems at the horizon I'd expect...problems.
and "Also note where the Wikipedia Kruskal-Szekeres article says this: "Note GM is the gravitational constant multiplied by the Schwarzschild mass parameter, and this article is using units where c = 1". That just doesn't square with what Einstein said: "As a simple geometric consideration shows, the curvature of light rays occurs only in spaces where the speed of light is spatially variable"."
he's confusing the locally measured speed of light with its coordinate speed and claiming Kruskal coordinates are bad as a result...and that geometric units don't work
@FenderLesPaul What is he even talking about there?
@ACuriousMind "Why is there a Dirac equation here" was my first thought!
@0celo7 He's saying you can't use units where $c = 1$ because the coordinate speed of light varies in space but $c=1$ is about the locally measured speed of light so he's confusing the two and he does that a lot from what I've read
@FenderLesPaul I see.
He is generally confused
@Danu Maybe he's enlightened.
What's that quote about all great men being ridiculed or something like that
That's the exact quote
Oooh, my fall tuition schedule is in!
Let's see
"All great men are ridiculed or something like that"-Napoleon, probably
Do you have to pay out of state tuition?
@FenderLesPaul No
That was a very large part in my decision for UT.
@0celo7 cool beans
Cool, I have to pay 3k now, everything else is covered by my federal loan and scholarships.
I'll have no trouble at all paying for school, it's great.
You won't be broke like me when I enter grad school
That's where the problems start
@FenderLesPaul I'm doing a 5 year program at UT for a BS/MS.
Student loans are actually cheaper than pretty much all other forms of loans
All loans are :\
I'm only taking one loan, the fed unsub loan.
@0celo7 MS in Nuclean Eng. and then industry I presume?
@FenderLesPaul Yes. PhD is definitely on the schedule.
@Danu There is little way to avoid a loan in modern life.
Have you signed up for fall classes already?
@FenderLesPaul Yes
@KyleKanos Europe, Europe, oh how I love you
@KyleKanos *in America
How do you buy a car/house in Europe without a loan?
@Danu hey :D, exam tomorrow or got time for few games?
Can you seriously buy a house in Europe without a loan?
@0celo7 No need for cars lol
A car?
@Danu The fuck
Nobody my age has a car here
or at least <10%
@0celo7 Does UT have strict gen-ed requirements?
I have a car...I'm 17
because you don't need them
we got good public transport
and bikes
and small distances
@KyleKanos Most people don't own houses
@Phonon Let's go for it!
@FenderLesPaul Yes, but the nuke dept is like "gimme all dem APs"
@ACuriousMind how did the exam turn out today?
@0celo7 oh cool
@Danu sweet, gonna login, send the challenge, whatever timecontrol you choose
I have to take English because I was too lazy to do AP English and Philosophy, then I'm done.
I already have 33 credit hours, and they haven't put in this year's AP scores.
I think I'll technically be a junior.
I still have to take one history and one literature class :(
Did you do a lot of APs?
@ACuriousMind This doesn't even compute.
I did but Cornell doesn't let you use APs to skip gen-ed requirements if you're in Arts and Sciences
which sucks so much dick
Lol @ Ivy League
@ACuriousMind 63% of those in the EU own their home. Last I checked, <50% was not to be considered "most" ;)
UTK has the advantage that the nuke dept is top tier but the overall school is not that great, so you can abuse the system
So I suffered through APUSH for nothing; hulk smaaash
They even took my BC 5 for full credit for honors calc 1,2
I'll be in honors diff eqs and linear algebra my first semester
So in that respect I did get lucky because the head of the undergrad physics dept. is very lenient with skipping math and physics classes
Okay @KyleKanos for a house maybe, but that's typically ~10 years later than study loans
he let me skip a lot of the intro QM sequence in place of QFT etc. which saved me a lot of pain
i.e. saving a lot of money
My intro physics is also intro engineering, no way to skip it
@Danu Well you said that all loans were :/
@0celo7 is that like engineering version of intro physics or intro to nuclear engineering?
I understand the position that loans suck being in debt sucks
@KyleKanos They are
@FenderLesPaul Engineering physics, i.e. group projects out the ass
Ah ok
Dude I honestly can't imagine you in an engineering class
Bored to tears
Because I've met engineers and no way in hell do they compare to someone who is doing Hawking and Ellis before entering college
You're going to be bored as hell
Who isn't bored in first year classes
This be Ocelot in 5 months:
Shit I already got that down in high school
@FenderLesPaul Easy competition then
And it's not like if I decide I absolutely hate engineering, there's no way I can switch to something else
Unless your other 1st year courses are what you need with regards to the new major, it definitely will put you back a year
There's always comparative literature
Art history
Best major, though: packaging science
Those guys are some of the funniest idiots I've ever had the chance to meet
Dude art history is what it's all about
My tour guide when I was down there was a...
a uh
"supply chain manager" major
@0celo7 ...wat
I wonder what their problem sets are like haha
I met a guy who was thinking about switching from business analytics and mathematics double major to
My wife (out with kids) told me to put the chicken (dinner) in the oven at 350 degrees F at 3:00. I just sent her a text message saying Just put the chicken in at 300 at 3:50, just like you said
turf management
@0celo7 Dude, BA/BI guys can make some pretty good money
@KyleKanos turf management
But you have to pair it with CS
Apparently UTK has the #1 turf management program in the world.
Football is very important
No clue how remotely true that is.
@KyleKanos At UTK or in general?
Both, I assume.
@KyleKanos *in America :D
@ACuriousMind I left the ambiguity there for the Eurotrashians who don't like the proper term "soccer."
What the heck is turf management?
@FenderLesPaul Yeah but the professors there do research at the nearby Oak Ridge labs and they send people to CERN. Lots of opportunities.
I know two guys at ORNL
@0celo7 professors where?
@FenderLesPaul UTK physics and nuke
I talked to one guy who developed NASA's cosmic radiation shielding
The dept. head has 3 or 4 degrees from Ohio State.
Very nice guy
We started talking about QM textbooks :D
A: Does one square centimenter of the sun core really radiate this amount of energy?

Abdalla Jaberthe sun's core is cold , six months ago it was published in the american journal of physics and applications , hard to believe but it makes sense , and it explains all about gravity and other knowledge related to the sun and planets . http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo.aspx?j...

That sounds pretty chill
The sun's core is cold
The title of dude's paper? The Ball of Lightning Structure and Creation
When does your semester start?
@0celo7 Supply chain management is obviously important for businesses, but they have some nice maths problems too (queueing in complex networks etc)
Leave it to @alarge to rek me like always
I'll just go home
Oh wait
I still have to work
the curse of the intern: can't go home, can't do any work
@KyleKanos Niiice :D
@alarge I guarantee this guy was not the kind of person to be doing nice math problems
@ACuriousMind Silly you! You're doing bad science. I think John is right. /s
@Danu Sadly, she just brushed it off and asked me to turn the green beans on. ::sigh::
Holy crap Donald Trump is doing decent in the polls
@0celo7 You're doing bad trolling :P
@Danu So I bought this book Interest Rates and Coupon Bonds in Quantum Finance (got it cheap, used, never read beyond the first two chapters), and it is basically nothing but path integrals if that floats your boat. This physics.nus.edu.sg/~phybeb/LMM_PRE_09.pdf is basically almost word-for-word one of the chapters (same author).
@FenderLesPaul I thought the McCain comments rekt him
@KyleKanos She knows all your tricks
@0celo7 The trump machine cannot be rekt!
@FenderLesPaul Yeah, hopefully the coming debate will be enough of a trainwreck for him that he'll start falling off
@kyleKanos it's too bad Colbert isn't around to cover this haha
I'd love to see him win.
Trolling would be a national past time.
Not that I'm a troll, of course.
@ACuriousMind That was sarcasm, not trolling.
@0celo7 Duude if he won I'd be so happy; he'd take all the money spent on war and pump it into Miss America Beauty Pageant
I don't think I could handle a Trump presidency
Have dinosaurs enter the pageant
@KyleKanos Who are your faves?
@0celo7 Like in most of business, the technical problems are not the most important ones, so that's not surprising. I'm quite sure anyone who does supply chain management has to have taken a course in operations management, though (which have at least some math)
@FenderLesPaul Miss America Tank and War Plane pageant
@0celo7 I'd be down to see that
@alarge You'd have to meet this guy to realize he's not the kind of guy who does math...at all
@0celo7 I honestly don't have any one particular favorite. I do like the younger guys (Cruz, Rubio, Walker), I don't really like Bush or Trump. Rand Paul is a bit more sane when compared to his father, but still has some cookiness too.
They're all pretty crazy
I guess we know which party you're registered under.
That goes for both of you?
That's not much of a secret though...
I know
I'm stickin' to the Bernie Sanders bandwaggon
He's the grandpa I've always wanted but never had
Anybody know of any plugins for chrome(ium) that would allow me to go mouse-free like in the good old Opera times? I tried some but they were no good. Prefer emacs keybindings.
@alarge Seriously?
emacs is life
You CS majors
<-- did not major in CS
@alarge For Firefox, there's vimperator. (::ducks::)
I would go Conkeror bur it seems dead.
@KyleKanos sure you did
Shots fired
CS and astrology
Don't be hating on astrology now
Physics major + Mathematics minor at BS, Physics MS, Physics PhD
You can compute the horoscope of a supernova
It's the most legit science in existence
@FenderLesPaul All else is stamp collecting
@KyleKanos It's true!
Well vim would still be preferable over mouse. Does vimperator work well? Might try evil mode in emacs to go with it.
It's a beautiful science too
No need for regulators or perturbation theory
@alarge Mh...I cannot say that with certainty because I only use it as "support" for the mouse
Time to check The Reference Frame
Well that was random. Nearly 2 years after I posted an answer to a Mathematics post did I just now get the check mark
A: getting all product of two 3-digit numbers

Kyle KanosSo you've started Project Euler? Since you are asked for the largest palindrome from two 3-digit numbers, then why not start two loops and cycle downwards: for i in range(999,100,-1): for j in range(999,100,-1): product = i*j Then you just have to reverse it & compare the product w...

CS major confirmed
string theory – yes, I mean the theory that stinky brainless chimps yell to be disconnected from experiments.
...why do you even read that?
...to learn about string theory?
Go read BBS instead, it has 100% less insults :P
Lüst is at LMU
I'll ask my friend, who is doing his thesis with Lüst, to ask Lüst about it :P
I put BBS on hold because of that Lie algebra thing
@0celo7 sigh
Although now I do know the answer
@Danu his string theory book is so dense, it's crazy
Half the book is calculating amplitudes and doing CFT
Fox news the pun masters foxnews.com/opinion/2015/07/21/…
Shit, Duffield is on a roll today!
I think you should read Blumenhagen's book on CFT first
@Danu I have read sections.
A: Does anti-matter increase or decrease in entropy over time?

John Duffield Antimatter is matter going backwards through time. No it isn't. Whilst that idea might appear to have some pedigree, (see retrocausality on Wikipedia), it's bunk I'm afraid. Antimatter is like matter, but it has the opposite chirality. Google on positron chirality. Whilst one can mathematic...

Blumenhagen is going to be teaching it to me next semester, probably :D :D :D
Blumenhagen is great
And it's not as heavy as DiFrancesco so you don't need to break your back carrying it around
I don't actually own any physical copies of textbooks
here at LMU we can get all springer books for free digitally anyways
Alright, time to continue Wald
Saw Blumenhagen written twice, misread as Bugenhagen both times.
Boy does that take me back
to when I was a young'un
Until you have 4 kids and PhD you're a young'un
CS PhD preferable
@0celo7 He's wrong. The chiral parts of massive spinors do not decouple, and the (anti-)particle solution would thus not stay purely right- or left-handed even if they were initially. (cf. e.g. Weigand, "Chirality and Weyl spinors")
@0celo7 maybe I made really bad decisions during my HS days and ended up with 4 kids :p
and I support them on my minimum wage salary
@ACuriousMind I vaguely remember knowing that
I might be mixing up chirality and helicity
@0celo7 Massive things must always come in both helicities because it's kind of the projection of spin onto momentum, and massive particles can always be overtaken, flipping the helicity
@Danu Ok, I knew that
I'm confused why ACM writes about chirality and helicity in what seems to be the same thought.
Also @ACuriousMind since a connection 1-form of a metric connection of a complex bundle must be $\mathfrak{su}$-valued (I know that for the real case it's $\mathfrak{so}$ and am making this generalization by myself so correct me if I'm wrong), does that force us physicists to only consider $SU(N)$ as gauge groups? :D
Or is there at least some connection to us always using those groups?
@0celo7 Because they agree in the massless case, and people often mean "helicity", i.e. the relation between spin and momentum when they say "chirality", which is really just about the behaviour under application of $\Gamma$.
Chirality is meaningful in every case, helicity is not. Either way, no massive thing has definite helicity, and (anti-)matter is not distinguished by chirality.
I see that the comment could be a bit clearer, but I don't feel like engaging this guy with a tractate on Weyl spinors.
@ACuriousMind Ok
@ACuriousMind Ok!
@ACuriousMind Ok.
@Danu Hm...I tend to think we use $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ because...there essentially aren't many other compact Lie groups :D
(add semi-simple or simple in there)
@ACuriousMind I want this little fact to have something to do with it
But maybe it's just unrelated
for one, I only know this for vector bundles, not principal ones
@FenderLesPaul Lol @ theorem 12.2.1...I smell a proof by purty picture and faith in Hawking
@Danu I really don't know, but I tend to think it is unrelated
But you never know ;)

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