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@ACuriousMind Is $\phi_P$ under (27) the physical modulus field? How is it defined?
@0celo7 This is what happens what you use different notation from your sources. It's $\phi_0$.
@ACuriousMind :D
@ACuriousMind You willing to prove $\mathrm{e}^{k|y|}$ is Schwartz or nah?
@FenderLesPaul btw hi I haven't seen you around here before
Are you new to SE?
@0celo7 Nah, not now
Not ever, probably :D
But I'd be so grateful
Also, there should be a "-", without it, it definitely isn't Schwartz
I was thinking about that
@ACuriousMind How do you even begin to show it?
@0celo7 Well, you can forget about the derivative (it just gives constants), and just have to show that $x^n\exp(-\lvert x \rvert)$ is bounded for all $n$.Since it is standard lore that exponentials decay faster than anypolynomial, the proof should not be hard to construct
@ACuriousMind hey! wow been a really long while since I was last here, how are you? Done with the semester?
Is...is...is that you, @Phonon?
haha! yep :D
(see what I did there with the echo?)
@Phonon Nah, not yet, exam tomorrow, and the day thereafter
ye was beautiful :p
Why did you abandon us, @Phonon?
oh :( I was really caught with few things at the same time, now bit better, and I m planning to visit more often
You betta!
Also, my chess greatly improved ^^
@0celo7 I want to say he's just suppressing the matrix because it is trace-free so one component of the separation vector completely determines the other component...but then I'm not sure where the squaring of the trig functions comes from since there's no need to rotate anything if he's already in the TT-gauge coordinates
@FenderLesPaul So it's in the "who knows what he really did" category?
the $l_0$ and part of the $\sin\varepsilon$ and $\cos\varphi$ etc. should come from the fact that the initial separation vector is something like $2 l_0(\sin\varepsilon \cos\varphi, \sin\varepsilon \sin\varphi$
@ACuriousMind oh boy, good luck man! feel rdy?
I'm using equation 5.76 in that case
@0celo7 yeah it's just a guess on my part
Btw that symbol is \vartheta
@Danu always great to hear that :D, can't wait to play with you again, let me know when you get some time! you still on chess.com?
@Phonon For functional analysis on Wednesday, pretty much. For algebraic geometry tomorrow...not so much :D
@Phonon Yeah, of course
idk why I kept thinking it was varepsilon
idk that's just one of those things I guess
I could try emailing him
is he still alive?
The book is 2013
I assume he hasn't croaked
@ACuriousMind algebraic geometry... really hope it goes well tomorrow!
I remember seeing the first edition was from like the early 70s or something
@Phonon: How about you? Done?
@Phonon Well, thanks!
@FenderLesPaul well Weinberg has been around for the better part of the last century and all of this one
But he feeds off the souls of people who can't understand chapter 2 of his Volume 1 so that's a lot of extra life
Maybe Straumann does the same with his book
@ACuriousMind ye, few days ago, waiting for the results now, but all went well (most probably :D), and found a position to work for my supervisor full time this summer, so kinda held up with that for now
@FenderLesPaul lol
Was that really bad? I can't remember
@Danu so far so good in Berlin? study-wise
@Phonon Berlin?!?!?!?!
@ACuriousMind :DD isn't he studying there? haha
@0celo7 it's an amazing chapter but he just says super profound statements in passing like they're casual conversation starters and we're left trying to figure out what's going on
@0celo7 oh my bad :(
@Phonon Well...you barely hit the right country with that one :D
@FenderLesPaul Like what? It's been a while since I read his first QFT book
@ACuriousMind hahaha
@Danu I stand corrected Danu: how are things in Munich?
@ACuriousMind oh btw, whatever happened to that summer school we talked about? still planning to go?
@Phonon It turned out that the date collided with something else I had planned and forgotten about. I'll not be there.
@0celo7 I'll dig some instances up once I get home
My planning skills are horrible.
this tidal acceleration thing is killing me
there has to be a way of deriving it
@ACuriousMind haha I just read your starred comment "Not every girl loves men", I'm always surprised that there are still few that do :)
@ACuriousMind haha it reminded me of this bit of Louis ck
@FenderLesPaul I was thinking maybe we have to like project the matrix onto one of the arms of the detector
@Phonon have you seen his bit on the difference between men and women?
But that sounds retarded.
@FenderLesPaul sure, he's great ;D, always like his choice of topics
@0celo7 it's possible but I thought the only projection involved was orthogonal to the direction of the wave propagation which in this case just means kill the z-component of the separation vector?
@Phonon yeah, his bit on getting a handjob from his wife made me almost pass out from laughter
dude's brilliant
@FenderLesPaul Yes, but I'm looking for all possible solutions here
@Phonon Hehehe
But then why only $l_0$ and not its square...
@FenderLesPaul hahahah oh ye I remember :DD
Yup, dimensional analysis requires $l_0$
@0celo7 actually you may be right in that he's projecting the $n$ that he defined earlier onto the arms of the dtector
So project, then take the trace maybe?
No clue how to actually do that
(the project bit, I think I can do the trace)
because he defines $\xi$ as the relative separation between the two masses which only makes sense if it's along the spring; $n$ on the other hand has components both along and normal to the spring
but what would taking the trace correspond to?
@FenderLesPaul magic
heck if I know, for real
his picture is actually confusing me because in the picture it looks like $\xi$ is a small deviation of each point of the detector in some direction perpendicular to $z$ based on his weird wavy thing he draws around the detector
but that isn't the relative separation between the two masses
Damn Swiss-German-Nord
@FenderLesPaul is the wavy thing not the spring
oh is that the spring? I thought the line between the masses was
abstract art was never my thing
so you have a rod of length $2l_0+$some other stuff
and the balls slide along the other stuff
the other stuff-ball distance is $\xi$, maybe $2\xi$
something like that
I've had this question for about 5 months now
then yeah we would have to project onto the rod which would be a rotation by $\vartheta$ in the $y-z$ plane and a rotation by $\varphi$ in the $x-y$ plane
with appropriate signs to make it clockwise
then a trace?
maybe it's magnitude of the result?
wait no
magnitude of a matrix?
he has a minus sign
of the vector
based off of eq. 5.74
I see
brb in 10 mins I'm going to walk home
I have work to do now
I'd love you if you continued to think about this
maybe the scenery on the way will help
@obe AP
What do you mean?
AP scores
You got all 1's? Cool.
you got all 1's...that sucks
should have studied
@obe u reading carroll?
@gonenc I'm reading starcraft II builds.
@obe :::eye rolling:
@gonenc Diamond league, then GR.
@obe why is it so important? :)
I'm taking a break from reading for a bit.
I wasn't always reading about physics or math, though I did read and learn about a lot of other things during the last year which I am now breaking from temporarily.
@gonenc I bet you wouldn't roll your eyes at Skyrim, would you
@obe that is said but I bet the book you are reading is also fun
btw how far are you in Carrol @gonenc
@0celo7 Skyrim requires low mechanics.
@0celo7 skyrim is so goddamn overrated. I've played it finished the quest lines and just got bored
@gonenc Though I read some of carroll at 1am everyday for about 30 minutes before I sleep.
Almost ch3. ;<
@0celo7 5th chapter, though I didn't do the exercises in 4th chapter
@gonenc I have over 400 hours and I'm not bored
@0celo7 what the hell do you do?
Guys play scII, it's difficult.
New ver. is out now.
@obe if you want sth difficult go play dark souls :D
@gonenc get better at grinding
@gonenc I'll show you my solution to 4.5 (a)
@0celo7 it is imo just boring
Do you guys like airplanes?
@gonenc 4.5 (a) has an easy solution using forms
@0celo7 I haven't read the appendices so I have no idea what he is talking about
you should probably read those then
@0celo7 planning to read them after I've finished the book.
it's not so much fun to break the flow and read appendices
@obe aero is literally trash
I'll begin when I find a pdf.
Do you like stealing
@0celo7 well here what?
The author is dead, has died 30 years ago.
@0celo7 I do if it costs >100$
though I check in a library first if they have it
@gonenc well here's my solution: $v\wedge dv=hdf\wedge d(hdf)=hdf\wedge dh\wedge df=0$
forms are cool :D
@0celo7 I surprisingly understood that! I'm happy now :D
dammit I'm so behind.
though I have only a vague idea how that relates to the question but hey I did understand it
$[ \cdot ] \to \wedge$
I know this^
$\nabla_\mu \to d$
I know ^this too and off with indices
what does $v\wedge dv$ mean?
It's just $v$, a derivative and and another $v$ all antisymmetrized togehter
that's just $v_{[\sigma}\nabla_\mu v_{\nu]}$
@0celo7 how the f*ck do you type in $\LaTeX$ that fast?
then chug on and remember $df\wedge df=0$, which is the last step above
@gonenc no clue
My work PC doesn't have chatjax, no clue if my stuff renders :D
@0celo7 I was trying to type that :D
@0celo7 it does
fuck I have work to do
@0celo7 I gotta sleep see you morrow
@gonenc It's only 1am.
@obe I have driving lesson at 9am morrow :/
@obe besides how do you know what time is it in the wrong time zone?
Where do you live?
I've have to be slaughtered at 9am, so I'll go to bed, too. Cya!
@ACuriousMind slaughtered?
@obe how do you know my time zone? answer the question! :D
Location on profile > The Internet
@obe sh*t! my profile gave me away again :D
not that I'm mad :D
anyhow g2g
@gonenc europoors drive so late
also 9 wtf
@gonenc not all the time. sometimes you need some hodge star fun times
@obe Are you even done with Shankar
@OSE hi is that Phd? what particular angle? how far along are you? do you have more info somewhere online?
@vzn he's in his second trimester
holy crap I went home and faceplanted on my bed
and just woke up
@gonenc Use it for everything. After a while it'll seem normal and your soul will be lost to the world of men.

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