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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@ACuriousMind what's a city I can go to to show you the ash canyons?
@0celo7 Ald'ruhn or Maar Gan should work.
Vivec + 2 of Maar Gan
am I the only one in the world who thinks imgur is trash for uploading pics?
so sloooooow
For some reason Afterburner is halving the fps compared to the in-game counter
Maybe taking screenshots messes it up somehow?
Scale from 1 to heresy?
That...actually looks fine, almost as I remember it (I tend to remember games in higher graphical quality than they were)
Vampire schedule?
I'll uninstall the mods for comparison!
brb gotta take and upload those again!
@0celo7 End of term incoming, schedules get irregular again
It's so...ugly
@0celo7 Well...I know how unmodded Morrowind looks ;)
@ACuriousMind I tend to remember games in higher graphical quality than they were
refreshing your memory
Vivec looks better.
@KyleKanos Objective evaluation?
@ACuriousMind Is that "fog" there to hide the fact that the game is from 2002?
@0celo7 Graphics cards back then wouldn't have been able to render much more objects at once than you see there - the fog hiddes those that would have been too much.
@ACuriousMind There's a box here for "balmora trees"
It's apparently very straining on the GPU
It's turned off. Are balmora trees in vanilla?
Uh...yeah, there should be some trees in Balmora. They look like the usual Morrowind trees, though
shrugs These are probably just higher res textures for them then
Given my background, abstrusegoose.com/156 is the funniest abstruse goose. Though I admit the competition is fierce.
@0celo7 Yeah, well he followed the advice in The Producers and never, ever went massively, brilliantly bankrupt with his own money.
I never understood how anyone took him seriously after the second time round that carnival ride. Much less the third.
Trump would be the richest president by far
Kennedy was the "richest" although he only had control over his family's trust, not the estate
I think Washington was officially the richest
@Danu You should ask on the main site. I just worked through the equations myself to see if I could understand what's going on, but I haven't gotten anywhere.
@ChrisWhite Impressed I killed that cliff racer?
@dmckee Heh. Do ex-biologists make better particle physicists? Or do they approach the particle zoo in the wrong way?
@Danu Of course it's interesting that for $Q < \sqrt{3}/2 \times M$, $C < 0$. Negative heat capacities are sort of weird, but actually self-gravitating systems tend to have them (e.g. stars and globular clusters). So maybe C going positive is the weird thing. Once a black hole is charged enough, it's emitted radiation per unit area increases as the area grows?
@ACuriousMind It's tricky to do capture, tag and re-capture on nucleons.
Some small ass tags...
@0celo7 Find your way inland and I'll be more impressed.
@dmckee You're not saying it's impossible, though?
@ACuriousMind It's about as hard as placing the little-purple-jigglyaton in its proper place in the standard model, I think.
Ah. Achievable within the next five years, then.
Just two or three more papers in Phys. Rev. Bio. and I'll be ready to announce my comprehensive amphibian model.
Does biophysics have a journal?
@0celo7 Looks nice
@0celo7 A few of them, in fact: scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?category=1304
@KyleKanos :D
What's the tl;dr on biophysics?
Seriously guys: wtf did TeX.SE do with their font!?
Q: How to get a title at the top of a cover letter?

mynameisJEFFI am using the newlfm package to create a cover letter. And I am trying to replace the logo at the top of this cover letter with a title. Now I know how to remove the logo, but I have no idea how to add a title above the black line at the top ? Plus, I cannot find any latex code that created tho...

@0celo7 It's, uh physics? With some biology? :D
makes sense
@ACuriousMind Some would argue the other way around
The entropy of RNA packing in viruses and the efficiency of phange locomotion and so on. Cool stuff.
@KyleKanos Well...I know 1 physicist doing biophysics and 0 biologists doing biophysics. Thus I conclude by anecdotal data that it's physics + bio and not the other way around ;)
@Danu Thinking more on this, the divergent behavior of C comes from $\partial\kappa/\partial M$ passing through 0. So the question boils down to "Why does surface gravity as a function of mass have an extremum?"
@KyleKanos I don't see anything unusual
wrong one
It's like that on all of them. :/
Wrong one?
I clicked the wrong link?
@KyleKanos Problem is on your end, I see the same font as @0celo7
Well that sucks
Firefox says it's allowing the site to choose the fonts :(
There's your problem.
@ACuriousMind I've run into a smidge of a problem in responding to your comment to my meta answer.
If you've got an accepted but incorrect answer, you ought to comment to the questioner about unaccepting it
if they do, then you can go back and either edit or delete (depending on existing other answers)
But what happens if OP doesn't respond in some timely fashion? Should you then just assume that they're gone for good (i.e., one-and-done users) and edit for future users? Or should you then post a new answer?
@KyleKanos Exactly what my follow-up comment would have been had you just written "comment to the asker".
This is tough :/
Still, the whole issue seems to stem from pentane's misunderstanding of the Edit How-To
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is more appropriate for our sister sister site smokeanotherdoobie.stackexchange.comAlfred Centauri 9 mins ago
I just wanted to save that one because it was too funny
Aha...apparently a font I just downloaded made serif fonts on FF get screwy. I removed them & now it's all okay
@0celo7 That's what I'd classify the stuff that I used to work on as (statistical physics of soft matter stuff with biological applications; mostly simulations), but the field is quite diverse as biology too tends to be.
General science/physics/chemical physics/physical chemistry journals also publish a lot of the stuff, just pick up any issue of PRL, say, and you'll probably have something there here's an example of the most recent issue; one of the 4 or 5 papers this week in PRL that are related to soft/biological matter.
Is biophysics a theoretical discipline in itself or is it more on the applied physics side of things?
@0celo7 Yes
@0celo7 I'm not sure what the question means.
does biophysics research affect my life any
@0celo7 It can. The guy I know is working towards personalized medicines
@0celo7 Does physics research? Or most academic research in general? Nobel prizes have been given for what could be classified as biological physics e.g. Hodgkin-Huxley, but I'm not sure if that's really a good metric to go by.
@alarge Does physics research? Or most academic research in general? No, I don't see what that has to do with this
I'm just wondering about the real-life applications of this specific field
@0celo7 I thought you were maybe trying to explain what the earlier question meant, and distinguish between discipline in itself and applied side.
@0celo7 The applications are obvious.
@0celo7 As for direct applications, it's not really what academics do, so that's always a difficult question. As an example: Almost all of biology works through proteins, and for their function the shape they fold into is super important. Suppose we had a model that could give the shape given the sequence (this is a Nobel prize for sure; they already gave out prizes 2 years ago for the current models, too, though).
That'd be cool, and I'm sure super useful for designing drugs and whatnot, but there'd still be the engineering side of things of actually figuring out how to build those sequences and to come up with ways where the shape can really be leveraged.
Which is to say that figuring out how something works is separate from applying this knowledge. The unpredictability when it comes to applications is an integral part of fundamental research and the reason it is the government that funds it rather than private companies.
5 hours later…
@ChrisWhite Thanks for your response. I'll post it as a question soon.
@ChrisWhite The equations are messy. It involves solving a cubic polynomial
@ChrisWhite Negative heat capacities are fine by me: The book I read on QFT in curved spacetimes gives negative heat capacity as the generic behavior of black holes (Schwarzschild, in any case, has negative $C$).
@ChrisWhite Hmm, really? I think I'm keeping $M$ fixed when plotting the thing that diverges...
@Danu I think $C = \kappa (\partial A/\partial M)_Q (\partial \kappa/\partial M)_Q^{-1}$?
@Danu Well, I failed at finding $\kappa$ at first, but Wald gives the answer :)
Regarding the pentaquark LHCb paper: science20.com/a_quantum_diaries_survivor/…
Any thoughts?
2 hours later…
@ChrisWhite I've got $C$ as a function of only $M$ and $q$, factoring out the $M$-dependence gives me something that only depends on $q$
@ChrisWhite I'm writing up the question right now
@ChrisWhite which Wald book btw?
Black hole thermo, I assume?
Also, I'm making a tag for black hole thermodynamics
would that necessarily be endothermic :P
Q: How does one correctly interpret the heat capacity of a charged black hole?

DanuConsider the Reissner-Nordström metric $$ds^2=-f(r)dt^2+f^{-1}dr^2-r^2d\Omega^2\hspace{2cm} f(r)=1-\frac{2M}{r}+\frac{M^2q^2}{r^2}$$ where I defined the charge-to-mass ratio $q:=Q/M$, which satisfies $|q|\leq 1$ to avoid naked singularities. As is well known, there are two horizons (or only a si...

@ChrisWhite @Jimself and all others who may (or may not) be interested, please contribute! ;D
My endothermic comment was an attempted joke @Danu I didn't mean to make fun of your new tag :)
@skillpatrol Oh, I didn't notice it :P
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind Would a question "how long can a particle survive inside the horizon of a black hole without hitting the singularity" 1. be a good PSE question 2. be a duplicate?
1. I have no idea. 2. I don't think so.
@0celo7 I've not seen a dupe of that, and I think that it's a good question the way you phrased it.
@ACuriousMind It's an exercise in Wald, which I solved yesterday with the help of my Frenchman ally.
What answer did you get?
@skillpatrol $\pi GM/c^3$, measured in the frame of the particle.
(i.e. proper time)
The answer was given by the author.
1 hour later…
> A groom had to return home without his bride from a marriage hall in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur Dehat district after he failed to solve a simple mathematical problem.

The bride-to-be got suspicious of the groom's educational qualification. Her cousins asked the groom to solve simple mathematical question, what is 15+6. The groom failed to give the correct answer and the girl refused to marry him on Wednesday.
@skillpatrol lol Where did you get that from ?
The EL&U room
Sigh.. It almost seems to me that I have penchant for downvotes these days.. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/260794/…
Q: How long can a particle survive inside of the horizon of a black hole?

0celo7By examining the causal structure of a Schwarzschild black hole, one can see that a particle in region II is unable to escape to $r=\infty$. Such diagrams do not show, however, how long a particle can survive inside of region II without hitting the singularity. Can a particle survive indefinit...

It's interesting to me because it highlights just how subjective our rules about on-topicness really are.
@DanielSank a lot of cryptography experts who know very little about physics could also answer that, I think
@Gaurav Well to be fair, it probably doesn't need to be asked on Mother Meta; Physics Meta should be sufficient to cover that
I actually think the question is off topic
I've voted it off-topic
It's not really about physics
@KyleKanos My bad, I didn't go through meta.se's guidelines first. I thought just because it's relevant for more than one SE site, it's on-topic for meta.
@Gaurav I honestly do not recall any other "I'm a lawyer looking for assistance" type questions appearing, other than that one you linked to
@Gaurav It's pretty safe if you just always ask on our meta first. If it should be taken to Meta Stack Exchange, people will let you know.
:D @KyleKanos But does that de-value the discussion in any way ?
@DavidZ Understood. TY
@Gaurav Well you claim that there was an influx of such questions, which I don't believe to be true
@0celo7 Did you ask a question to answer it?
@JohnRennie The abstract of that paper you linked indicates rockets can be used to extend the lifetime of the particle. This is contrary to my analysis? Am I wrong or am I misreading the abstract? (My Q&A is based off of an exercise in Wald.)
@obe Yes, I think it's an interesting question and the answer should be on PSE.
@0celo7 Hmm is this going to become a new trend?
@KyleKanos Honestly, would you read the rest of the question if I started with "A month ago, we had a question..." ?
@obe If I complete an interesting conceptual exercise and I can't find it on here, perhaps.
Cool, though I asked that in general.
@KyleKanos That being said, if ever such type of questions were to occur in greater frequency in the future, would the discussion be less relevant now than then ?
@Gaurav Yes. But I would have commented "Well a statistic of one ....."
@Gaurav The close votes will take care of it. I don't think it's necessary to do anything more
And it's not like people will not post their question even if the rules explicitly forbid it
@KyleKanos I feel it's better we actually do this discussion on the meta. Wait a sec.. posting the question
Q: How do we deal with people utilising Physics for interests other than that specified in the site definition?

GauravA month or so ago, we had a question stemming from legal interests. The question mostly follows the site's guidelines, and it doesn't seem promotional in content. But certain characteristics of the questions make it seem of an interest not those of "active researchers, academics and students of p...

@Gaurav - How did you get a snapshot of a deleted question if you are < 10k?
@KyleKanos If you feel like so, you might expand your comment into an answer.
@TheDarkSide <-- from this guy
I originally posted it in the Mother Meta post Gaurav made
@KyleKanos That arrow points towards me!
@KyleKanos OK.
No, it points through you to me :D
@KyleKanos That way, we could argue it goes through you too, and if the left and right are topologically identified as the same, it goes on to innisfree (comment star), and back to me and you, and ...
OK I am a nerd!
A: Could quantum computers break any code?

cpastThe answers so far have focused on public-key encryption, in which someone publishes a public key which can be used to encrypt messages to them, and which is not secret. Quantum computers are known to be efficient at breaking several of the problems most commonly used as the basis of public-key c...

This is precisely why that question is off-topic
There's nothing in there about physics, it's all crypto stuff
@KyleKanos I need an astrologist's help. I was playing around with some numbers and calculated the time it takes for a particle to be sucked in by Sagittarius A, then divided this number into its radius. The result is greater than the speed of light. Should I chalk that up to shitty data for its radius?
Wouldn't that really be just shitty data for it's mass?
For the sun I get 149,000c.
oh I need to use the schwarzschild radius for the sun
I see what I dun
@0celo7 I just need to see your zodiac sign for that. Cut the physics crap.
The slowest speed you will get sucked into a solar mass black hole at is 1.5 times the speed of light in diamond.
The mass cancels out in the naive calculation!
$2c/\pi$ is the slowest you will get sucked into any black hole at
How can you change your identicon?
That randomly generated abstract shape that SE uses.
Mine is always the same, even if I change it to and fro.
You need some min rep
I need @StanShunpike magic powers.
It also takes a couple hours for the site to update.
To update what exactly?
the avatar shown in chat
No it doesn't.
It's instant, though you need to sync your profile with the main site.
it's not instant
Then you need to click your user profile, and switch your parent user to another site, and back to physics again.
It will be an instant change, try it.
It only appears instantaneous to the user. The other people will not see it for awhile :)
You would have to test that though.
Someone try it now.
...I found this, I'll try it.
Others people's testimony is my evidence
It holds true for a username change too.
I have changed both many many times.
Did it change?
16 mins ago, by skill patrol
It also takes a couple hours for the site to update.
Let me check on my laptop.
Please do.
It changed dude...
What changed?
I changed the color and contrast, you probably didn't notice it since it's minimal.
My profile changed instantly.
@skillpatrol Uh, you a dudette ?
@0celo7 Theory has been confirmed.
I don't see a difference
It's minimal.
still some Chinese cartoon
It's digimon.
Fine, I'll change it to an entirely different image.
Look, refresh your page F5.
still some chinese cartoon
I keep thinking of decent questions as I lay down to sleep and always manage to forget them by the time I wake up :/
@KyleKanos Welcome to the club.
@Jimself: By what technicality did "Jimself" win?
Interesting article.
in English Language & Usage, 51 mins ago, by skill patrol
Welcome to the club pal ;-)
Strange coincidence :-/
Though it changed, my theory have been proven.
Uh, what does this guy's reply mean at all ? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/260795/…
@Gaurav I'm not sure, but I'm not sure what your comment was getting at either. Seems pointless to continue, if you ask me.
1 hour later…
Nobody got any answers to muh question? :\
@Danu Well, I'm not sure your "physical reason" exists. Is there a "physical" reason why other phase transitions happen at the points where they happen?
@ACuriousMind Ehh, yeah?
@Danu example pls
Most of all, I want to know why one happens at all
Also, why is $C(|q|)'$ strictly negative everywhere (q.1)?
For instance
@ACuriousMind Consider a fox chasing a rabbit in a circular arena. The fox starts in the middle. The rabbit's tactic is to always run towards the edge of the arena and then just run in circles along the edge. The fox is "straighforward", and always runs exactly towards the rabbit
There is a phase transition here when $v_{fox}=v_{rabbit}$
and it's quite obvious to me why it's there, and not somewhere else
Of course, this is super simplistic :P
mfw walked all over goddamn DC collecting signatures from lawmakers and no one bothered to tell me about the typo in the last person's name until I got there
@0celo7 Why do you work for the US government? Are you infiltrating physics.SE and spreading propaganda? :P
@Danu propaganda is illegal
@0celo7 So are many other things the US government does
Says who?
@Danu It's fine, I see what you're looking for
@ACuriousMind What mostly bothers me is that I see no reason for a phase transition at all
@Danu you have been banned from DC
Forget about the exact value: Why would it even happen?
The literature I've read on it seems to say "lol idk"
@Danu deus vult
If propaganda were illegal we'd have no commercials
@skillpatrol propaganda by the government
not sure how much of a tautology that is
Government = big business
back to "let's explore the bowels of DC"
Have fun pal
I missed one "e"
Cost me an hour of my life
@ACuriousMind what I also find very surprising is how fast one arrives at the "boundaries of knowledge" in this area: I was able to compute this stuff in like 2-3 days and arrived at some result that still is up for interpretation, it appears
Would you ever like to meet hawking?
Not really, no
I wouldn't mind it either
@Danu Would Hawking like to meet Danu?
@Danu Silly idea (and I'm to lazy to do the math): Look at $f(r_+)$ - perhaps it flips from $<1$ to $>1$ at that point or something like that?
@ACuriousMind $f$ being what?
Oh, no it doesn't
@Danu Your $f(r)$ in the metric
I think
But let's see
evaluate at $q^2=3/4$ gives
dang boyyyyy
lemme check that before I get too happy
Huh, wait...
That was a silly idea, isn't $r_+$ by definition the place where $f(r_+) = 0$?
we're retarded
exactly that
I just realized :P
Cry everytime
I'd rather meet Roger Penrose. Did you know he failed a grade in elementary school? The teacher said he was too slow to finish exams. So his teacher in the next grade gave him and the rest of the class as much time as they wanted on exams and he got 97%! True story, as told by him.
I still feel that something else (rather obvious) should be either flipping its sign or change from $<1$ to $>1$ there.
Do you have the Ricci scalar of that thing at hand? :D
@ACuriousMind Nope
But it should be easy to find
also @ACuriousMind just FYI there are papers about this exact thing ($C$ diverging) and it doesn't seem like an "easy" thing
@Danu Saw that. Do they state anything interesting about this except, well, stating that it happens?
Naive non-BH non-GR guy I am, I'd imagine finding the order parameter for the transition or something like that would be the first thing to do
@ACuriousMind ...what symmetry do you propose is being broken? :P
12262 is complaining (again) that posts are edited/editable
@KyleKanos Link?
@Danu Good point.
@Kyle Kanos: "You need to edit the question to make it less unclear than it currently is." -- Thank you for notifying me that the wording and/or the status of my question has (again) been changed without my doing. (I had not been notified of the prior changes; but I suppose there's no point complaining about that to someone who resorts to weasel words like "clarity of the question" ...) Now, since I feel compelled to edit my question, for better or worse, I'll just incorporate some of the comments above; thereby also correcting a formula I had stated incorrectly above. — user12262 15 mins ago
I don't recall ever using the phrase clarity of the question
Nor would I consider it weasel-ish to use those words
@KyleKanos Right, those are racoon words.
That guy is an excellent troll
He's one of those "educated trolls" that Jimself recently warned us of
@Danu 12262 is my favourite one, I think
"weasel words" seems uncharacteristically...emotional, though.
Perhaps all trolls have a certain "street" education :)
"Hate" is uncharacteristically...Emotional :P
@skillpatrol I'm a very emotional person, didn't you notice? :P
@ACuriousMind hate them too
Yes and no :D
@Danu: BTW, are you looking at the RS-BH out of idle interest, or is it something for your studies?
@ACuriousMind downvoted that nonsense
@santiago We-ell, it's not nonsense. I just don't think it's a question that's bounty-worthy (but of course users are free to bounty whatever they want).
each to their own - downvote stands :)
I guess I'm kinda curious why OP didn't try doing the minimization
@KyleKanos ask 'em
@ACuriousMind It came up through an exam question, but goes beyond it
well, you all have a great day!
Hi @Danu: Minor comment concerning this retagging. Here is my position: Normally qft tags should be saved for actual qft questions. OP is only asking about a non-quantum (=classical) setting. Also, if you wonder about the diff geom tag, it was introduced because of the vielbein tensor structure.
@Qmechanic Okay, fair enough. I think that I agree that it's good practice to reserve "qft" for actual QFT. I'll keep it in mind!
Also it seems that the new tag is already covered by a combination of a tag plus a tag, and therefore unnecessary.
@Qmechanic I don't like that much
I think black hole thermo is sufficiently different from "black hole"+"thermo"
Do you feel strongly about it?
@Danu : Do you? Meaning: Do you want to be the custodian of the black hole thermo dyn tag? In that case: Go ahead.
@Qmechanic I don't mind applying it to any question that I think it would fit to, no :)
@Danu : OK.
@ACuriousMind I tried answering it, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
How about "thermodynamics of black holes"? @Danu
I tried showing the EL equations in the tetrad formalism just equal $\nabla^\mu\nabla_\mu\phi$.
I get this one term I can't fit anywhere.
@skillpatrol Not standard terminology, and also too long to be a tag.
@ACuriousMind : Inserted a standard notice. Should I recall the bounty, so it can receive close votes?
Who came up with this "standard" terminology?
Hawking, probably.
He did derive the first result in the field, IIRC.
Not Penrose?
Hawking temperature was the first result.
I'm 80% sure.
Unless Beckenstein entropy...
Hi! I'm studying a usual linear accelerator for electrons and I'm trying to get the force that corresponds to the power radiated ($P=m\tau \ddot{x}^2$). I've tried calculating the associated work which gives me $W=m\tau\int_0^T\ddot{x}^2\mathrm{d}t=\int_0^T\vec{F_r}\cdot\vec{\dot{x}}\mathrm‌​{d}t$, how do I continue ?
I thought maybe some integration by part would yield $\dot{x}$ but that square is most troublesome
@0celo7 See, the question would be much nicer if it asked about what to do with that term, instead of showing no effort at all.
@ACuriousMind True
Random downvote on my black hole question...
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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