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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Pretty cool, thanks for the PSA
@ChrisWhite Do they even lift?
I bet they do something equivalent.
We could do the following experiment on Earth: left weights for an hour a day, but for the other 23 hours have your arms float weightlessly in water, not even supporting themselves. Who thinks this is a way to build muscle?
@ChrisWhite Lift big fucking weights then.
Here's another PSA: if you sign a physical petition, write your name clearly and include your complete address. Sincerely, interns.
@0celo7 Should I do that for petitions such as Repealing the Bill of Rights, Supporting Illiteracy, Banning the American Flag, or even Banning Water
@KyleKanos Of course.
Duly noted
Hello guys.
is the site down or is it just me?
oh back up again
The site does seem to be rather sluggish right now
@GeorgeSmyridis Engineers are closer aligned to the needs of industry and as such I would probably rate their career prospects better. As a physicist you may end up taking whatever job you can get as there is very little physics-y jobs in the industry, but with an engineering degree in a given field, it should not be too hard to get employed in that field if that's what you enjoy.
@Floris Concerning physics.stackexchange.com/a/98401/520. That overstatement seems to be from my original post, and you are certainly right about it.
That said, I believe I wrote the original version answer in a fit of pique about the pure number of people who were asking stupid questions about trivially small effects while not paying any attention to much larger issues. and otherwise paying no attention to issues of scale and I just wanted to get a basic answer in place and take no credit or responsibility for it. It was never meant to be authoritative.
It's current condition is down to that pedantic annoyance user12whateverthehellhisstringofdigitsis. I did not approve of and do not care for his edits and take no responsibility for the answer. Sorry.
Feel free to correct it in any way you see fit.
Can I roll it back to the original?
Right now it reads as nonsense
As an aside, I'd say feel free to roll back the holyier-than-thou overriding of the originally casual language that I used.
@ChrisWhite Fine by me.
@ChrisWhite To be fair, find a post by user12######## that does make sense
For some reason I just spent a few minutes taking up that challenge. Now my head hurts.
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