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@KyleKanos :)
@0celo7 I noticed that your answers don't really get many upvotes, even the ones that are very well written. Why do you think it is like that?
@Icosahedron Beats me.
@0celo7 Either way you're not buying the books.
@0celo7 That's the curse of technical answers. Hawking's "The amount of sold books halves with every formula" applies well to answers here, in my observation.
Though this is supposed to be a technical site.
@Icosahedron I think the same :) In reality, most technical questions don't accrue many views (and consequently, many votes) because only a tiny fraction of the population is interested in them.
@ACuriousMind: that German.SE post made my day :D
What happened to TheoreticalPhysics.SE, and what is the dispute with PhysicsOverflow?
@Marcel I immediately thought "Someone must've misheard geil" when reading the title. Nevertheless, the comments there are really funny^^
My answers aren't even technical.
All qualify as what I'd call technical, and they're 4 out of five I clicked: P
Well I can cherry pick too.
Also physics.stackexchange.com/questions/174982/… got a lot of upvotes for me.
I...really don't want to be belittling, but...six upvotes is not "a lot" :P
It's "decent", or something like that
@ACuriousMind for me
"Not bad for a high school student.. bla bla" etc
@Icosahedron ?
Also, you mostly answer GR and related stuff, which generally is "technical" in the sense that most people neither understand nor care what the question is about
@Icosahedron Poe's law.
I have no clue what that was supposed to mean.
Loosely related to the topic: meta.physics.stackexchange.com/q/6549/50583
I'd really like to see more people post answers to that
If only so that more people have to battle with getting Chris' script to work :P
@0celo7 My uncharitable reading is that it was meant to imply that I look down on you because you're a high school student :P (which I don't)
@ACuriousMind I took it to mean he thinks I'm fishing for compliments or something like that.
But I'm not sure if he's being sarcastic or what.
Do I really have to explain it
I've seen you say similar things before, not that it's bad or anything.
That comment was supposed to be sarcastic.
I said that when I hit 3k rep.
You were being sarcastic too.
Of course it's not bad, it's outstanding
(It was not a ridicule if that is what you thought)
Assume that no one can tell sarcasm on the internet.
::recalibrates sarcasmometer::
Don't bother.
There's a theorem which says that your calibration is wrong.
@0celo7 :(
@ACuriousMind The proof involves spin structures :P
@0celo7 Ah, because of the different spins that can be put on words? :D
Didn't even think of that
I think there's a "no-go theorem" out there on that topic
usually that's a good bet ^^
@0celo7 I've got a deal with some fellow students where we pay a few cents for each such math/physics pun. We'll use all the money to eat/drink very well someday.
We'll feast like gods :D
@0celo7 You did not complete a study in electrodynamics?
@Icosahedron Nope.
I'm not entirely finished with Griffiths book, and I was thinking of starting Jackson to complete my knowledge before I do GR.
Are you saying that I shouldn't?
I'm not sure what good it will do.
You've finished griffiths level at least though?
Where are you at?
I know Maxwell's equations.
What else is there?
All those stuff.
Boring stuff.
@Icosahedron This.
Jackson is regarded as a very difficult textbook.
@0celo7: solving poisson's equations with boundary constrains
The problems I heard, the text itself is pretty accessible.
(I mean the first parts)
I have little interest in using a lot of precious time reading electrodynamics.
@Icosahedron "to complete my knowledge"... heh
I know the general concepts, specific results are not used frequently at all.
I mean I want to be well rounded.
I'd say some basic calculations of solutions in EM-dynamics is quite usefull
at least if you get in touch with green's functions etc. for the first time
@Icosahedron no need to explain - at the ripe old age of (almost) 55, I hope to never complete my knowledge.
@Icosahedron How far are you in Shankar?
Fair enough, I don't think it's possible to.
I didn't mean it that way.
@0celo7 Not very far.
I'm reading about topology from munkres book.
(I'm taking a course at uni now)
The worst thing that could happen to a scientist would be if there was nothing left to learn.
@Icosahedron I know... thus the 'heh'. I can't imagine a greater hell than having completed one's knowledge. I hope to never stop learning something new.
@ACuriousMind I once asked a wise older philosopher who claimed his was the search for the ultimate truth "are you certain you want to discover it?"
@AlfredCentauri And what did he answer?
@ACuriousMind I believe his answer was "hmmm..."
@Icosahedron Nah, just Great A'Tuin swimming through space
@AlfredCentauri You would not want to know the truth even at death?
I think that is reasonable. Though I may be wrong.
What is truth? What is love?
(Finally a chance to post that again :D)
ding ding ding dong
@0celo7 I don't want to be be lost in this. I will have to quicken the pace.
@Icosahedron Lost in what?
@Marcel Can't decide on the numbers of dings? :D
(Perhaps better than not being able to decide on the number of dongs...)
@Marcel looking at the edit history is funny.
it's the groove
@0celo7 Lost in the topics that I'm studying.
@AlfredCentauri At least an honest answer
[] dong
that edit block :/
This bar is beautifully weird tonight :)
$\lim_{n \to []} ding = dong$
Your ding doesn't depend on n.
@ACuriousMind YouTube truth? Very well: You can run but you can't hide: youtube.com/watch?v=FZfVaL_faEQ
@ACuriousMind well I tried.
$\lim_{ding \to \inf} ding = [] dong$
@Icosahedron inf?
what's the []?
also use \text or \mathrm
@AlfredCentauri From long before my time, but nice
@0celo7 Ahhh, let the typography nerd flow through you ;)
@ACuriousMind I fantasize about sitting down and copying whole books just because they use some stupid notation or don't \mathrm.
@0celo7 I...can't say I don't do the same.
@ACuriousMind Just think how beautiful The Quantum Theory of Fields could be...
All three in one...nice modern TeX font...\mathrm...actually use $S$ for the action...
Springer doesn't seem to agree.
:D ^this
@0celo7 is there a Rosetta stone for that one? I find it baffling.
@AlfredCentauri It doesn't help that he writes the dependence of every object on every variable.
The notation is very cluttered.
@0celo7 OK, good, so I'm not the only one that finds it distracting.
@AlfredCentauri Have you looked at his book Cosmology? (Not to be confused with G&C.)
There are equations which span 6 lines.
@0celo7 I haven't. Does it have similar flaws? Oh... I see your edit now. Dang.
@Icosahedron Do you mean, by truth, understanding Weinberg's notation?
@AlfredCentauri I haven't read weinberg yet. Though in spivak's calculus on manifolds book (1971) in some proofs he has staircase equations.
Weinberg has notation?
@0celo7 Nitpick: It's the Computer Modern font, not the "TeX font" :P
This is what comes to mind when I hear "Weinberg"
I can haz notation?
How would you suggest that he formats it?
actually he should use more spaces between symbols, this would make it .... longer
Eq. (H.37) in Cosmology. (Yes, I have the print version too.)
@0celo7 where do you buy all of your books?
@0celo7 All these indices...arrrgh
@Icosahedron Amazon.
@ACuriousMind Haha
buy ... books?
@0celo7 isn't there some way to just wrap all that into some nice component free bold faced thingy and call it a day?
@ACuriousMind Check out Sect. 8.3 in Straumann. Derivation of the Kerr metric. It's a masterful combination of indices and coordinate free. He never uses indices unless he has to.
Then we have Wald...who managed to make a coordinate free notation with indices.
How does Straumann's new book compare to his old one?
I only have the new one.
I can't find it online
It's the only GR book I can't find.
@0celo7 $*$ instead of $\star$...nggggh :D
@ACuriousMind YES. $*$, $d$ and \var capital Greek letters are my biggest complaints about that book.
@ACuriousMind How do you define the Ricci tensor without referring to coordinates at all?
(Wald's notation is cheating.)
maybe something similar to the gauss-curvature on a surface: product of eigenvalues of the weingarten map
@Marcel I mean as the contraction of the Riemann tensor.
What is meant by protected for "me too!" "thanks" responses?
well this coordinate representation just is a way to express it
you can define the contraction of tensors without coordinates
How do you write that in index free notation?
@0celo7 Let the linear map $R(X,Y) : T_p M \to T_p M$ be the Riemann tensor that has eaten two vectors. Then, $\mathrm{Ric}(X,Y) := \mathrm{Tr}(R(X,Y))$.
somthing like a trace
yeah @ACuriousMind
@ACuriousMind Are you contracting the right indices there?
$$R(X,Y)\rightarrow R^i{}_{jkl}X^kY^l$$
You need to contract the $i$ and $k$ indices.
Also don't you need to introduce a basis to do contraction?
(The result is basis-independent of course.)
trace is acutally a coordinate independent thing
you can define it by determinat-functions
I know that it is independent, but how is it calculated without using coordinates?
let $\Delta(x_1,...,x_n)$ be a determinat functions (anti-symmetric and multi-linear)
let $\tau$ be a map from the vector space to itself
(a endomorphism)
$\sum_i^n \Delta(x_1, ... , \tau(x_i), ..., x_n) = trace(\tau) \Delta(x_1, ... x_n)$
for any set of linear independant vectors $x_i$
You needed a set of vectors, i.e. a basis!
actually any set will do
but let me think
Yes, any set that can form a basis :P
@ACuriousMind I need your wisdom.
no, sry. think i messed this up
this will hold for any set of $x_i$
think of $\Delta(x_1, ...,x_n)$ of a function
and of $\Delta(x_1, ... , \tau(x_i), ..., x_n)$
as another function
Well any set that isn't parallel can be a basis.
trace is the constant that relates those two
independant of basis or whatever
And if two are parallel, then it vanishes by antisymmetry.
I never said it was basis dependent.
I just don't think it is possible to do without having a basis at some point during the calculation.
still they are proportional by the trace
trace is this unique proportionaly constant of those two maps
@0celo7 Trace is (up to multiplicative constant) uniquely defined to be a map on endomorphisms that is: 1. additive for the product of matrices 2. linear for scalar multiplication 3. invariant under cyclic permuation
Additive for the product of matrices?
the point is that on a vector space there are only determinat-functions that are proportional to each other
@0celo7 damn, additive for the sum of matrices
I.e. $\mathrm{Tr}(A+B) = \mathrm{Tr}(A)+\mathrm{Tr}(B)$
Well that one I know :P
this proportionalty can be used to define coordinate independent constants for a map
like the trace and the actual determinat
@ACuriousMind Ok, time for the weekly "clear up some more confusions" time
i gotta go sleep
Suppose we have a 2-dimensional manifold. Let's keep this simple.
Take a 2-form $\alpha$ and a 1-form $\beta$. Then $\alpha\wedge \beta=0$.
Suppose, however, we have the interior product $\iota_X$.
@ACuriousMind For instance, $\iota_X\alpha\wedge\beta\ne0$, right?
So can we exploit the antiderivation property of $\iota_X$ to move the interior product onto $\beta$?
@0celo7 Yes, $\iota_X\alpha \wedge \beta = \alpha \wedge \iota_X\beta$
modulo a sign, possibly :P
Yes, maybe I'm having a brain melt, but I don't see how that works out in coordinates :P
The minus was correct.
The $(-1)^p$ in the antiderivation is positive, but that term gets moved over, so it's a minus.
@0celo7 I...see what you mean
One moment
I believe I'm ready for the barrage of downvotes now.
@KyleKanos i'd upvote it if I could
@santiago Well as long as you've got 10 or 15 rep on the site, you can
@KyleKanos i have 11, let me try
nah, it says i need 15
excellent post though!
@0celo7 This is the ugliest thing I've ever done, but it works out, if you use the Levi-Civita properties in 2D cleverly enough.
I don't recommend doing that, though. My calculation is a horrible mess.
@KyleKanos You are completely right. +1
Well, sun's coming up, time to sleep...
@ACuriousMind what have you done?!
@ACuriousMind Hmm, I need some help. On the right we have $\alpha\wedge\iota_X \beta$. By definition, $\iota_X\beta=\beta_i X^i$. Thus $$(\iota_X\alpha)\wedge\beta=-\beta_i X^i\alpha$$
Apply this to the vectors $Y,Z$. Then $$(\iota_X\alpha)(Y)\beta(Z)-(\iota_X\alpha)(Z)\beta(Y)=-\beta_iX^i\alpha(Y,Z)$$ To me, this is obviously wrong. What am I doing wrong?
Anyone played Far Cry 4?
Just played it and it was pretty awesome. The animal fighting is pretty realistic. They must have done research. Its pretty crazy.
@StanShunpike interesting! I was going to buy it, I was a fan of far cry instincts back when I was in, like, middle school, and I'm a HUGE fan of the third one. But when I found out in the fourth one that you couldn't just walk to the top of the real mountains I was really disappointed...
@NeuroFuzzy its pretty awesome, despite that. But now you make me wanna go look at the other ones
I've never played it before. Are there animals in the other ones?
I still have a 360 but my brother upgraded to a One
@StanShunpike Yes! Well, 12 year old me rates far cry instincts very highly :p youtube.com/watch?v=u6t557jZz0U
@DavidZ yes I meant rho for matlab... and now I need to know what gamma, kappa, and sigma is for matlab too.
I don't know if Matlab has any special meaning for them
well I tried writing the words out just like in latex but uh my graph became weird. I'm supposed to replicate some graphs for my project
@NeuroFuzzy nice! Well, I'm convinced. I just bought a packaged deal. Fry Cry 3, Far Cry 2 and one other one all for $25
6 hours later…
@0celo7 Why would it be obviously wrong?
@ACuriousMind I obviously can't do it :P
Do I need one of those fancy identities?
No idea. I'm asking why it's "obviously wrong", I haven't checked it explicitly (since it would be correct by the antiderivative property of the interior product, I have no reason to believe it is false).
What approach did you take?
I don't see how I can switch Y and Z in the first term and Z and Y in the second term.
You should replace some summations over indices with $\delta$s, replaces these with $\epsilon$s, and then combine these differently to get other kinds of $\delta$s.
If you choose the right way, it should come out, if you choose a wrong term, you just get back what you started from, it's maddening
And not enlightening at all
Oh well, time to get some volunteer hours
@0celo7 What are "volunteer hours", exactly?
I mean, I gather that these are hours where you volunteer for something, but "getting" them implies you can do something with them.
2 hours later…
Hi peepz
Hey Danu
My brother was visiting for a few days so I haven't been on
@Danu I was wondering if you'd gone Phonon's way and disappeared ;)
Plus, the semester hasn't even started yet
also, I'll be having 8 AM classes errrryday. FML
Oh, that sucks.
Earliest here is 9am, and I'll be having nothing on Friday :)
are there really that good lectures that one would visited at 8/9 am? I think you are almost always better of with a book on selfstudy @Danu @ACuriousMind
@Marcel I'm not sure if I wanna follow any physics advice by you ;)
I might end up all classical and stuff
Anyways, I'm definitely gonna be attending all classes.
as long there is no logic contradiction that leads you to classical stuff
i don't see the problem to that ;)
@Marcel Yes, there are such good lectures.
I definitely have to switch universtiy I guess ^^
LMU is pretty nice, at least as far as learning stuff goes. Hate the (lack of) organization
lectures always feel like a compressed version of things i can read up in books with more detail
and if I have to read them up in the book anyway to get the full concept
what's the deal with lectures anyway?
Most lecturers don't follow books here.
So you'll never see the same stuff in a book---or at least not in a single one.
And I almost never study "on the side". Attending lectures is enough for me to get it (as well as doing the problem sets of course)
So, for me it's actually where I learn the subject lol
hm. I agree with problem sets in math-lectures. but physics problem sets are 80% about: "can you push that whole letters around on 2 pages such that you don't make a mistake?"
@Danu do you know Prof. Dürr?
No, I don't. I think someone asked it before. Wasn't he one of these quantum foundation guys?
yeah. Prof. Dürr is working at the institute of mathematical foundations of physics
(he's doing bohmian mechanics :-p )
@ACuriousMind Hey, that was my "obligatory link"
@Marcel That's probably why I haven't heard of him. I have no interest in that stuff.
Has anyone else had an issue like this:
What exactly is the problem?
It's happened twice, then never again.
@Danu The active tab is not in order.
I don't get it
Okay. It doesn't look like that for me.
I never use the active tab though :P
@Marcel I think it's a great way to be forgotten ;)
@Danu I just went to physics.stackexchange.com. Clicking through the tabs fixed it.
Ah well, seems it's just my computer.
@Danu: which way?
@Danu Get a new one :P
You already took all the other ones, too!
@ACuriousMind How is it that the sun's coming up at 3:45 AM? o_0
@Danu That was, uh 5:45 here, you know?
Lots of good stuff at APS.
PSA: if you think a question is off topic and should be migrated to another site, please make sure to work the words "off topic" into your custom flag reason. (Standard off-topic close flags are also okay even if the question would fit on another site.)
What's the policy on copying diagrams from papers of the arXiv (with citation)? I did it in my answer because the diagram is helpful but time-consuming to reproduce
I can see why a lot of the homework questions are irritating
@DavidZ Uh...doesn't the custom close reason contain off-topic by default?
@ACuriousMind nope
I'm talking about when you cast a custom flag for moderator attention
(I mean, not just you specifically, just anyone who does this)
Ah, I thought you were talking about the off-topic custom close reason
nvm, then
@ACuriousMind I guess it's the time-stamps messing up.
@innisfree I recently saw a paper that straight-up copied 3-4 figures from a different one without citation, lol
@Danu The timestamps are UTC, and we are two hours different from UTC
No messing up involved
Not all the stamps though. The ones I'm looking at right now agree with my clocks.
That's why it confused me
Ah, those in the transcript are UTC
Those in ordinary chat are "real time"
Yeah, I know now ;)
I think it should be possible to change it, but maybe not useful :P
3 hours later…
@ACuriousMind I am thinking of reading a math text alongside GR, would you recommend smooth manifolds by lee or riemannian geometry by do carmo? (or other?)
@Icosahedron Have you forgotten that I've read almost no books? ;)
Then where do you get all of your knowledge from?
I'm having Deja-vu, but: From lectures, mainly.
@acurious lectures and lecture notes on the web? or at a university?
@innisfree At a university (Heidelberg, to be precise)
they must have advanced courses - did you take courses from the math department on mathematical physics etc?
I did take a lot of math courses, but there isn't one on mathematical physics. Most of my lecturers in theoretical physics had a very mathematical inclination, though.
is heidelberg considered the best university in germany?
In physics (and some other fields) along with Munich, yes
Though, for those with a more practical inclination, Aachen is a good choice, too
interesting that it varies by field - in some countries, particular universities are considered the best, period.
No, that's definitely not the case here. Though there is a formal title of being an "university of excellence" (which about a dozen unis carry, I think, but don't quote me on that), you might well find that, for some subjects, a university which is generally considered poor is outstanding there.
E.g. Heidelberg lacks most kinds of engineering degrees, and its sociology, economics and similar things are not considered the best, but for law, medicine, or physics, it is definitely among the best.
have differences between east and west german universities survived?
No idea, really, but I don't feel as if there are many differences. The only thing I can think of is that you should go to the East if you want to study Russian ;)
thanks for the info
2 hours later…
Has anyone else noticed a lot of really poor posts today? I've flagged about 6 separate items.
^ Apologies to the mods for all the work, but the point of flagging is to make it easier for you guys, right?
I don't think today is any worse than usual
@ACuriousMind I need to log volunteer hours for the leadership seminar I'm attending.
Got 4 today, was pretty interesting.
(A hell of a lot more interesting than teaching super seniors geometry.)
@0celo7 Here you must have at least 40 to go to university.
@Icosahedron What's the time frame on that?
4 years.
I need 36 this year, got 18 last year.
Hey, I could go to college in Canadia!
A lot of students are held back because of it.
I have 0.
Maybe you should get some then.
(Still 1.5 years to get them)
I will wait until 1.49 years.
That's a dangerous mindset.
I have close to 300 unclaimed hours from the professor I assisted/am assisting.
I will claim them on the last day.

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