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@Danu Ah. Well, there could be something hidden there, but given that quantization works "the wrong way", anyway, I don't think anything deep is hidden in the "symbols of classical observables" -> "quantum observables" maps.
(I would not be surprised if I had to retract that statement someday)
Anyone know how to compute tunneling rates in a bistable potential with damping?
@DanielSank Yaaaaawn... Huh, what?!
I think there's some kind of simple way of doing this with path integrals. A nice pedagogical resource would be much appreciated. I'm particularly interested in getting an answer, whether numerically or otherwise. I don't really need to understand what I'm doing ;-)
@ACuriousMind I didn't know there was anything you hide from besides @0celo7 's questions about GR
What's a bistable potential
and what does damping mean in this context
@ACuriousMind I think my above comment shows you should retract it already, but ok
@StanShunpike I had a really technical question about connections that he was afraid of earlier.
@Danu One with two local minima.
@Danu I'm not entirely sure how you want me to answer this.
One point of view is that the system is coupled to an infinitely dense set of harmonic oscillators (Caldeira Leggett model). The results of this is that the system experiences decay from higher energy levels to lower energy levels.
Okay, I don't know or care enough about that to have any form of an answer :P
@0celo7 Not surprised. He doesn't seem to jump for joy at GR questions the way he does others. Although, he usually knows enough to answer mine. That's not saying much though :D
@Danu Why the yawn?
@Danu As beautiful as geometric quantization is, it's still the wrong way for being "fundamental", in my view. Not every quantum system is a quantization.
@DanielSank It's 2 AM
@ACuriousMind Ha! Thought you could hide, eh?
Good thing Sofia isn't here @Danu She'd spend the next 10 minutes trying to explain to you what a bed time is...
@ACuriousMind Meh, I'm not sure you can prove this?
@Danu Fermions.
@ACuriousMind Grrrrr.
@0celo7 LOL
@ACuriousMind But we can still take a classical limit
I thought that was you meant, apparently not
@DanielSank Damn, you caught me. Well, I frankly admit that I've no clue how to do what you want to do :)
@0celo7 Not really.
@ACuriousMind Dang.
@ACuriousMind So what do you mean by this?
@Danu Quantization is a map "classical systems"->"quantum system". I don't think it is fundamental because it is not surjective, since fermionic systems, for example, have "empty"/non-physical classical limits.
Only if every quantum system arose as a quantization of a classical one you could convince me that these operator prescriptions really mean something
@ACuriousMind Fermionic systems have non-physical classical limits? Do you mean something technical here?
@ACuriousMind I agree with this, FWIW.
Fermionic statistics go to Boltzmann statistics, agreed?
Ah, you're talking about the other direction
Undirected carping:
In that case, I must ask... Why do you not say bosons?
"What is the intuition behind [X]" is too damn easy to say when you mean "I'm to lazy to really think about [X] and want you to try explaining it again."
@dmckee Agreed. However, it is also sometimes the most important question
and I postulate that there is some magic field associated with the first time people hear about relativity that causes them to believe that no one else has ever noticed how weird it is.
@dmckee :D :D :D
Probably QM too.
@Danu Oh yes. The intuition question is important when asked by someone with the right preparation. That's what makes it immune to angry responses and makes it sooooo safe for the lazy.
@Danu I say fermions because the only time fermionic (super-Poisson bracket) relations show up in classical mechanics is when you are trying to make gauge theories nice. No "natural" classical phase space coordinate will ever be fermionic
@ACuriousMind @Danu: I once heard that geomertic quantization is somewhat similar to the way you get spin out of angular-momentum algebra. One takes the universal covering space subject to that algebra.
geometric quantisation is somewhat similar to taking the covering space of the symplectic structure
but dont ask me mroe
Okay, that sounds interesting
I'm really surprised you dislike it, ACM
@Danu I don't...dislike it. I just don't think any quantization procedure is more than a crutch for us who we cannot stop wishing the world is classical.
well. my world is classical. haven't notice any other since now. just some books telling me different ^^
@Marcel Never seen the double-slit?
I did, and explained it with EM-dynamics ;)
@Danu Yeah. The proper treatment of gauge theories is weird. I've learned a lot about classical gauge theories reading Quantization of gauge systems. Not what I imagined, but it was definitely interesting.
@Marcel Never seen Stern-Gerlach, then^^
@Marcel Electrodynamics... how exactly? Let's take the single-photon-at-a-time version.
EM-dynamics != photons
just some intensity pattern that causes reaction
chaotic on low intenstiy
I mean, the one that is usually explained with QM because there's only one photon at a time
but still the propability is like the density pattern
I think that Danu's point is that you can actually do low-intensity measurements when you can see single photons hitting the detector in slow succession.
You can't explain these dots showing up with EM.
You also can't explain the photoelectric effect, for that matter
Let's do, say, one photon per minute.
you can explain that by small (chaotic but deterministc) intensity fluctuations in EM-dynamics
a very small intensity will cause a material system to react on single points since that material system consits of discrete atoms
@Marcel Ah, next problem, stability of electron orbits :P
got me there ;) but I'm a bomian. my orbits are stable too ;)
@Marcel Okay, but this means that you adhere to a theory that experimentally exactly copies the standard QM.
I think this is very strange when looking at your earlier supposed classical explanation
photon != elcetron
matter waves != EM-waves
Haha okay
Have fun with that :) I give up
next point in line would be photo-electric effect
ever tryed to just put a harmonic oszillator and see what the maximum velocity depends on (linearly)
And now for something competely different: @Marcel: What's that knubbly thing in your profie picture?
right, frequency
PSA: I think everybody gave up on interrogating you
There are too many deformed spheres around^^
yeah, don't take me seriously btw
I just got that ugly thing from wikipedia
In geometry, Boy's surface is an immersion of the real projective plane in 3-dimensional space found by Werner Boy in 1901 (he discovered it on assignment from David Hilbert to prove that the projective plane could not be immersed in 3-space). Unlike the Roman surface and the cross-cap, it has no singularities (i.e., pinch-points), but it does self-intersect. Boy's surface is discussed (and illustrated) in Jean-Pierre Petit's Le Topologicon. Boy's surface was first parametrized explicitly by Bernard Morin in 1978. See below for another parametrization, discovered by Rob Kusner and Robert Bryant...
I think it's related to sphere eversion thing, a.k.a. my previous profile pic
That looks like a really messed up pacifier or ear.
I think I'll change my pic sometime soon again. I'll keep the obscure RPG character theme, though.
You should do the meatbag guy!
the robot man
whatever his name is
@StanShunpike Yes, I was thinking of HK-47 :D
@ACuriousMind Care to offer some advice? I'm not sure about this fusion he's talking about.
well guys, gotta sleep
A guy about to win 20k: twitch.tv/pokerstaples
@0celo7 He seems to be under the impression that a fast-moving stone will cause the air to fuse with it. I've no idea whether that happens or not, but I think not.
@Marcel n8
@ACuriousMind If it does, surely the effect will be negligible, right?
@Danu It's been quite long since I last played a good game of poker :(
@ACuriousMind You mind commenting somewhere and expressing your doubt on the fusion?
@0celo7 How should I know? I'd say it is, but I've got no idea, really.
@Sean A few more points and we won't have to approve your edits :D
@ACuriousMind He just won the tourney
@ACuriousMind What's the time constraint on accepting answers?
@0celo7 You can accept an hour after posting, I think, but I'm not sure
@Danu ::tips hat::
@ACuriousMind I've been watching this guy for quite a long time. Pretty epic. This is the second time he wins this tournament (each time 19.x k) in a month.
@ACuriousMind This is his source for the fusion: what-if.xkcd.com/20
@DanielSank: I won.
@ACuriousMind Should I delete my answer?
@ACuriousMind 41 to go.
@0celo7 Uh...if you think it is wrong, yes. I've no idea what's correct here.
@ACuriousMind Those links seem a little far-fetched.
I'll leave it unless I get downvoted.
@0celo7 thinking about it deeply, huh
@Jimmy360 You really think fusion will happen on the surface of the stone?
bad sources, I know, but xkcd has always seemed to use legitimate science
Even if it does, which I'm not sure if it will or will not, the effect should be negligible.
and in what-if.xkcd.com/1 it hapened on a baseball
@Jimmy360 I'm skeptical at Mr. xkcd throwing around "fusion" without any sources or proof.
@Jimmy360 If you get a better answer, I'll remove mine.
Even if it is negligible, I calculation or good estimation on the added output caused by it would be appreciated
@0celo7 He did link a paper for the meteor one (I haven't checked it)
@ACuriousMind I see a simulator, not a paper.
Regardless, my answer is probably a decent start.
@0celo7 I meant this link, but as I said, I really don't know anything here.
@0celo7 your answer is excellent, but I want the answer to account for the fusion
@Jimmy360 Huh, I have to read that paper!
awww, I hate it when you have to pay
wait, you have
Thank you kind stranger who is repping me like crazy.
@ACuriousMind I'm #12 in rep gained this year!
I beat Jim and Chris today.
@0celo7 I see the gamification has got you :D
1 more!!!
That's so sad.
ill get ya
there you go
@Jimmy360 Noice!!
because your answer is good
@0celo7 Cute ;)
@ACuriousMind Now how do I ban fools??
@0celo7 lol
We can't do that
I'm scared. I might need to take that back.
We have to rage at the (seemingly) ineffectual power of closing a question 20%
THAT's what I worked for???
...I...have to overtake Lubos.
@0celo7 Well, you can always hope to be elected moderator :P
@0celo7 Then John is still ahead of you
@ACuriousMind Pretty good for a 17 year old, no?
@0celo7 Certainly, you'd have had no fun with 17-years-old me
@ACuriousMind you did not read a lot back then?
@Jimmy360 Wait, it doesn't fuse after all??
John Rennie's rep is just ridiculous.
Every answer gets points.
@abt I have always read a lot, but fiction. Everyone of the 17-years-olds here surpasses what I knew of physics back then by far
@ACuriousMind Still, how do I VTC someone's hopes and dreams?
@ACuriousMind How many of us are there?
Regular users, that is.
I know of myself, Jamal, abt, HDE...
@0celo7 There should be a new close link between edit and flag.
@0celo7 Visceral Toxicosis of Catfish?
@abt Viscous Tenacious Catfish
@ACuriousMind You now have a gun, point it.
@0celo7 I don't know of any others off the top of my head
I know someone.
user: GRrocks
@0celo7 at very high speeds 99.9% and up, it doesn't fuse
@Jimmy360 It says that in the article? (Haven't read it yet)
@0celo7 I don't tell others what to VTC unless I'm out of votes.
@ACuriousMind I have all this power now, I can't just not use it.
close my question
its so bad it's humiliating
@0celo7 Then visit the close vote queue!
@ACuriousMind where the heck is that??
it says that in a lesser source what-if.xkcd.com/20
@ACuriousMind So how many of these things do I have?
@ACuriousMind wow no need to show us your rep
Click the review button next to help
We all know you have a BBC e-peen :P
And you have 24 close votes per UTC day
@ACuriousMind do we generally VTC on questions that should be migrated?
wait so you cannot delete questions?
@abt No that's 20,000?
you can only close them
too bad
vote to close
@abt 15k rep can vote to delete after 1+ days for a closed question with no upvoted answers
@0celo7 If you think they don't belong here, yes. But if you merely think they'd be better somewhere else, then no.
there have been too many "could dark matter/energy be" questions lately
You can directly vote for something to be migrated to math.SE, but all other things you just VTC with a custom reason.
Well this is...underwhelming.
@ACuriousMind You and the others got me all fired up for a VTC fest.
@0celo7 Huh? That was really never my intention
@0celo7 I'm scared now. You seem to want anarchy.
Yeah, not a VTC-fest.
@Jimmy360 Crap, I forgot to subtract off the rest mass.
But doing work to keeping the site clean of HW-type questions
That explains why my numbers are funky.
But you need to use these votes, because we have not enough regular reviewers, in my opinion.
@0celo7 and you put c instead of c^2
@Jimmy360 Lol, crap.
indefinite suspension...
@KyleKanos This. Most other off-topic types are not that much of a problem, but even the most obvious HW-like questions take quite long to be closed.
when does the "year" cycle reset for rep?
@ACuriousMind I wish the golden ban-hammer worked for not-dupes
I'd totally get it just to slam shut all the HW q's
@abt huh?
@KyleKanos Then we would still only have John to bash the GR questions, because Lubos doesn't do voting.
@abt Aptly, at 01.01.YEAR
@0celo7 you started answering at the best time.
@Jimmy360 Fixed it.
@0celo7 I might have to take that upvote back if you don't correct your mistakes...
That was really bad.
bringing you below 3000
@Jimmy360 I'll get it back.
@0celo7 I was bluffing anyway. My upvote is locked.
It's fixed now, at least I hope.
they should implement titles.
Well I'm off for tonight.
Btw, I still encourage people to bring good (especially experimental) questions to my attention so I can bounty them.
@abt i.e. "Padawan" for high schoolers?
@0celo7 perhaps?
@ACuriousMind I've got a neat string theory question here that might be of interest.
@ACuriousMind A bounty would get my question so many answers... but unfortunately my question isn't bounty worthy.
It's about strings.
wait 0celo7 you should try to get as much rep as possible before you turn 18 yrs.
@0celo7 Heh, I'm not gonna bounty that again for at least ~1month
@ACuriousMind We need Danu to interrogate Gerard.
It seems everyone either doesn't know what 't Hooft means or has very weird and handwavy ideas about it.
@KyleKanos Congradulations, Dr. Kanos.
(or considers it so trivial that it's not worth answering)
If I attain at this rate, when I'm 18 I will have 336000 rep
@ACuriousMind Einstein the cat has finally worked up the courage to kill and eat spiders...I now have a ninja exterminator that doubles as a vibrator.
of course, the rate probably will not stay constant
@DanielSank Thank you
@Jimmy360 Wow, you're 13?
@0celo7 Heh, my cat also loved to hunt spiders. Unfortunately, he also smashed everything in his path when hunting them (or insects) :D
Many of my mother's vases have cracks as testament to that fact
@0celo7 yep
@KyleKanos Shouldn't you be celebrating instead of internetting?
Oh, you passed your defense, @KyleKanos? Congratulations!
@ACuriousMind Einstein licked up the ants during the Great Ant Crusade of 2015
@DanielSank I did celebrate by going out to eat w/ the wife
I can't imagine that being pleasant.
But I also did (typographical) corrections suggested by one committee member
@ACuriousMind Thank you
@KyleKanos Congrats, now you can use the "because I said so" defense on the internet.
@0celo7 Wait...I could not do that before?
XD Do it on one of my questions
@0celo7 Ah, my cat loooved to chew on plastic :D I can't imagine that being pleasant, either, but you had to pay attention to not leaving any plastic thing lying around that was small enough to be swallowed by a cat.
@ACuriousMind Straumann has bite marks.
I long for the day I live in a place where I can have a cat again
My cat also bullies my dog. The dog is submissive to the cat so we have to lock him away when feeding the dog.
I just have a fish.
I feed him 3 times a day, and he can do tricks.
@0celo7 Einstein seems to be a real boss :P
My kids found a frog in the backyard, so now we have Fred the Frog
@KyleKanos That's cute :) How old do frogs get?
@ACuriousMind What area of physics do you research in particularly?
@0celo7 You named your cat Einstein? That is awesome. "Hey, my dog's name is Rex." "My dog's name is Einstein."
@abt I'm not really a researcher yet, but my primary interests are gauge theories and non-perturbative QFT.
@ACuriousMind No idea. I know nothing about them
@KyleKanos if they like frogs, then take them near a pond on a rainy day later in the spring, and if you stand above the elevation of the pond, you will see thousands of frogs escaping out.
it's creepy, i saw it by accident once.
I participated in carrying toads across roads when I was really young, it was somehow really fun :D
To save them or to mess with them?
@Jimmy360 To save them. Their "toad migration" often leads them across dangerous roads here in our densely settled region, so there are volunteers who carry the toads safely across these death traps
@ACuriousMind yes exactly I was mentioning that event.
@Jimmy360 what country are you from?
@abt USA
are you going to try out for the ipho?
how much do you know btw?
for some reason 0celo7 does not do olympiads.
We also got to "catch" tadpoles a few weeks after (just gather them in a net underwater, look at them, and them let them go free again). There really was a significant satisfaction to see the offspring of those you rescued grow up^^
Just a quick question: Is the energy of say a planet orbiting a sun equal to the Kinetic Energy (1/2 m v^2) + Rotational energy (1/2 I omega^2), or is it just the rotational energy? (disregarding the planets rotation about its own axis, just the axis of the sun)
Q: Stone vs. Atomic Bomb

Jimmy360What would do more damage, a B53, a 9 megaton uranium bomb, or a medium sized stone (2 kg) stone throw at 90% the speed of light. One thing that I know that will have to be considered is that fact that at high speeds the air doesn't move out of the way and undergoes fusion with the stone. If the ...

does anyone else want to try answering
@JoshuaLin Define "the energy of a planet".
@ACuriousMind I guess the amount of work it takes to get it into that state
Q: Stone vs. Atomic Bomb

Jimmy360What would do more damage, a B53, a 9 megaton uranium bomb, or a medium sized stone (2 kg) stone throw at 90% the speed of light. One thing that I know that will have to be considered is that fact that at high speeds the air doesn't move out of the way and undergoes fusion with the stone. If the ...

come on guys
1 hour later…
changed my username. initials are too boring.
interesting shape
What about Simplex
For anyone who cares about brains, if you can get access, read Towards A Network Theory of Cognition by McIntosh. Its a short article but I found it amazingly summarized with evidence how complex cognition is on a neural level.
particularly icosahedron is a platonic solid, though the reason i am interested in it dates back many years to when i was little.
how little
5 I think.
"When I was 5, I was fansnicated by platonic solids." - Wow, we were nerds from birth.
heh although I think it was more of an aesthetic interest than a mathematical one, I thought it looked pretty cool.
If anyone wants to take a look, he is a question that I asked. It doesn't seem like it should be right, but I cannot find anything wrong with the argument. physics.stackexchange.com/questions/175019/…
it doesn't seem to be correct.
I agree, but I cannot fin what is wrong in my reasoning.
I think the sum converges to $ \pi^2 / 6 $, the limit approaches to 0.
Limit of what?
of coulombs equation as r approaches infinity.
i don't think you should be summing it.
so would I multiply
no you would just take the limit
$\lim_{r\to\infty} k(Q_1 Q_2)/r^2 = 0$
you should put that has an answer
I decided not to answer any questions on this site until I finish QFT and GR, probably by late fall.
I don't know.
limits are great
I want all of my answers to be for hard questions, that is why.
some would say I'm obsessed
5 + 5 is approx. the summation 1/n^1.1062
who needs 10
you are obsessed with limits?
wow that is weird.
I'm half joking
or am I...
another is dark matter question
study these then? sorry I'm not sure what level you are at, but you should know those limit laws.
Yes! These laws satisfy my limit cravings.
Your age is also your reputation.
I only recently turned 17, anyhow I started studying by myself very late.
I feel so young around all you 17+ guys.
There are only a few 17 year old users here, we feel young too compared to the others.
By the way, any high school students here like myself interested in the IPhO?
The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) is an annual physics competition for high school students. It is one of the International Science Olympiads. The first IPhO was held in Warsaw, Poland in 1967. Each national delegation is made up of at most five student competitors plus two leaders, selected on a national level. Observers may also accompany a national team. The students compete as individuals, and must sit for intensive theoretical and laboratory examinations. For their efforts the students can be awarded gold, silver, or bronze medals or an honourable mention. The theoretical examination...
can you start as a freshman
It's very elementary compared to what goes on here, though it is still hard in terms of solving the problems (to get a gold medal).
where could one find sample problems?
My mind has been BTFO
because of that neurophysics stuff?
If it's that great then I will have to find it
A bit. I have known for a while that brains prices using multiple regions at once. But the article I had to read for class...basically did a cognitive task involving using words. And the person had to either respond with mouse click, speak, or think.
And the mechanism they replied with influenced the actual processsing of the words themselves too.
And the authors point was that...we cannot think of brain regions as just having one function. But that everything is always context dependent ans there is much more....distributed activity than you would think.
Its a lot more....probabilistic...but key learning goes on that is measurable by looking at anatomic growth between regions and changes to firing pattern rates.
He did a much better job providing a convincing argument than I am giving. But I just never heard it summarized so neatly before.
"research suggests that memories may not be localized in specific regions of brains"
Cool, I'll check it out. Bohm has a bunch of theories about the mind.
too many could dark matter be questions lately
Q: Is dark matter spacetime with mass?

mpc755Dark matter is now understood to fill what would otherwise be considered to be empty space. 'Cosmologists at Penn Weigh Cosmic Filaments and Voids' http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/cosmologists-penn-weigh-cosmic-filaments-and-voids "Dark matter ... permeate[s] all the way to the center of the...

Ico, technically, you don't have enough rep to talk here.
@Jimmy360 what kind of physics are u into?
@Icosahedron I'm going Apho in a couple weeks (apho.phy.ntnu.edu.tw) not sure if I
ll make ipho though
Which country?
ah, good luck.
Apho you get to send 8 people, only top 5 make it through to ipho though lol thanks
@StanShunpike Hard question... there is very little in physics that bores me, but particularly quantum and particle physics are the most interesting to me.
I cannot participate in Apho because I live in Canada.
@StanShunpike are you in university?
I sort of lost interest in IPhO after meeting 0celo7.
how did he make you lose interest
Rather learn a lot more than to practice for hours on repetitive elementary concepts to get a gold in IPhO.
Oh no
they are making a chemistry Se
Though I can still try it next year, I'm in year 11 still.
this is good for chemistry questions, but many people will take questions like this other there, not knowing that physics SE will be better for it
Q: Why some material is waterproof while breathable?

buzhidaoI am an outdoor lover. Sometimes I am addicted to the jackets made of high-tech materials. There are some materials waterproof while breathable, I wonder how this is possible. They(Liquid water and gas water) are water molecures anyway. Is it possible mainly because for liquid water we must cons...

I think that I should stop and appreciate this chat's name for a bit.
@Icosahedron yeah, just started. First year. Econ major.
But I love physics probably more than anything else (except music :D)
I'm an avid composer. Im working on song 66 right now. I started a couple years ago
@Jimmy360 true, that's like asking one to pick which child you love the most. Hard to do.
5 hours later…
Q: Is there really "no registration required"?

NameWhen I am not logged in, I see this on the front page: Sounds good. But when I hit the "ask a question" button, I see this: Isn't that a contradiction? Maybe people find it dubious if there's no registration required yet they have to sign up in order to use the service.

@0celo7 you wanted to know what "Russian style" meant right? Here's a nice example from the section on projective geometry in my algebra book:
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