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I think the Higgs does not exist because it cannot be described by high school mathematics, nor do fields because they involve multivariable functions, which are too complex...
The world is a quadratic polynomial basically
I guess it really depends on his definition of "high school mathematics"
@dmckee I do think a lot of my peers are too "weak" in terms of non-physics skills for sure. It's one of the few reasons I don't regret doing a liberal arts and sciences-inspired degree (which is a really new thing where I'm from)
I'm always saddened when I try to strike up general conversations with grad students, only to find they don't have much of an education outside their major.
Imagine being called a babbler by Copernicus lol
I picked up Freud's Civilization and it's Discontents, and 33 studies in psychology today, so I try to get outside of math and physics as much as possible cool smiley face
@ChrisWhite This. Thankfully, we have a couple of majors right now who do have significant interests outside of the building. It's refreshing.
omg, in Duff's quote he says "every few days I receive an email … promoting their own theories of everything" then later in the article the guy encourages all the readers to e-mail John Baez, now Duff knows why he gets his e-mails, The illogical logic of e-mailing these dudes is right there in black and white basically...
@dmckee I really wish the faculty cared a bit more at my university
Anyways, I think it's time for me to leave the kitchen and retreat to my good ol' bed
It's been over a month since I slept in it! :D
Time for a good night's rest :)
It's been nice to talk to you @dmckee! Hope you have time to hang around some more
Legend has it that there used to be a class at CalTech that involved attending social functions with the professors and interacting with members of the public on topics other than science and engineering.
I'd sorely like to introduce it here, but so far I've settled for urging the students to attend the function of that kind put on by the campus activity board.
I got a response, omg science20.com/alpha_meme/…
@bolbteppa Apparently he has a PhD.
I know, shocking, I cannot believe someone who has studied general relativity could respond telling me to learn how to read...
@bolbteppa I want to comment, is an email neccesary to do so?
I'm not sure I want to put a real one.
I need a throwaway email.
I could have entered anything tbh, I'm sure a fake one will work
"you are actually a good example for somebody who is so afraid and under tension while reading anything that could be just potentially scratching at your held beliefs" his call for me to stick with high school level mathematics really had my belief in the calculus of variations under tension :(
@bolbteppa "You say that all "advanced insights" can be understood using high school mathematics. This makes me wonder three things: 1) Please define "high school mathematics", 2) please define "advanced insights" and 3) please define "understand". "
Can you even write Einstein's field equations with high school mathematics, even after Harvard's Math 55 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math_55 I don't think one would be able to
@bolbteppa No, linear algebra is not high school.
The notion of tensors requires an understanding of linear algebra.
I think Apostol's 2 volume calculus books are the most advanced "high school" thing you could grant someone trying to generalize about many high schools, and they wont get you there...
@bolbteppa Let's come up with some insights we think are advanced but use more than high school mathematics
I'm writing a comment about that sentence
I have principle of least action
Newton's laws, I mean that involves second order ode's already
Singularity theorems of GR
@bolbteppa That's too borderline.
A good high school physics teacher will teach that.
Yeah, how about Maxwell's equations?
I'll just call that "Maxwellian electromagnetism"
Although, AP Physics C E&M covers them
Schroedinger equation
Noether's theorem
Action for the bosonic string
What a fermion is
What a spinor is
Or just spin-statistics theorem
Path integral
Fuck, even spin itself
@0celo7 We had matricies and their multiplication and determinants on a monkey-see basis, and more interestingly Gaussian elimination. But it was applied to systems of algebraic equations. Nothing actually important is done with it, though it make cross-products easier when they show up...
@dmckee Yes, high school in the 60s (kidding) was more intensive than today
There is a French linear algebra high school book by Dieudonne that defines determinants in terms of homotheties in multilinear forms, but that's an outlier
@bolbteppa Well I could write a differential geometry book for high schoolers, doesn't make it a high school topic
@bolbteppa Principle of least action
Singularity theorems of GR
Schroedinger equation
Spin-statistics theorem
Noether's theorem
Kallen-Lehmann representation
Penrose process
Wigner's classification
Eightfold way
Black hole thermodynamics
"this was partially my motivation, to write an article that people can point to in order to defend against dismissal by math fetishists" he'll accuse you of being 'one of them' with that list lol
I don't want really vague things like "gauge theory" or "inflation"
I mean, "math fetishist", unbelievable
It's like saying "English fetishist"
Gauge theory is a good one though
0celo7 I did not even recognize you.
must be the new image.
I'll add
Beta decay
Higgs mechanism
Mercury perihelion shift
Birkhoff's theorem
what is this list about?
@bolbteppa Done.
@bolbteppa Shit, I can't edit?
why are you making a list?
it won't get anywhere, unless you want to write out every topic in physics.
@abt Did you read my comment?
AP differential topology and geometry is a concept I've never considered before lol
@abt I've decided to make my avatar the last really good album I listened to a bunch.
@bolbteppa no, such a thing cannot happen
as far as I know, high school kids are too dumb.
@0celo7 yes I read your comment, though I don't know why this is even a topic of discussion.
there is a limit to how much can be taught in high school, because you must consider that in order to teach advanced topics, you need better teachers.
@abt I think you need to read the blog post to understand our frustration.
i probably should.
@abt the guy in that article is claiming we don't need anything more than high school mathematics to come up with the next paradigm shift
Also science is like religion
let me read it first.
I think if I respond again he'll remove my response, I want to keep Copernicus' quote there at all costs
all i can say is that people these days are really misinterpreting that quote by einstein "if you can't explain it simply enough... "
I'm bored I think I will make a response on the site.
10 crackpot points for every overanalysis of an article on crackpots
@Danu That conference already happened.
What's wrong with being a math fetishist?!
@DavidZ Oh. Makes sense.
"not even wrong"
I am swimming in overanalysis points right now
That copernicus quote!!!
It's such a takedown of his whole article lol
@abt Please realize there is a difference between a lack of intelligence and a lack of motivation/interest.
@0celo7 are you saying otherwise then?
@abt I know people who are likely more intelligent than I am, but they have no interest in high physics and mathematics.
of course there is exceptional talent, and lots of it, though it is outnumbered by the rest.
in this context I am referring to exactly those topics.
@abt So you'd call Harvard lawyers "dumb" because they don't know what a metric tensor is? C'mon.
no, you are misinterpreting my comments. this isn't a discussion about intelligence.
What does that mean besides, well, dumb?
I agree.
bad word choice.
"I’ve had the chance in the world of mathematics that bid me welcome, to meet quite a number of people, both among my “elders” and among young people in my general age group who were more brilliant, much more ‘gifted’ than I was. I admired the facility with which they picked up, as if at play, new ideas, juggling them as if familiar with them from the cradle–while for myself I felt clumsy, even oafish, wandering painfully up an arduous track, like a dumb ox faced with an amorphous mountain of things I had to learn (so I was assured) things I felt incapable of understanding the essentials or
4 hours later…
My take on QM : If you can explain quantization without resorting to probability, then that would be ultimate!
@bolbteppa It's something about Grothendieck that makes even his bragging majestic and profound
3 hours later…
@Danu No, you didn't tell us thus far ;)
@ACuriousMind Well, now ya know
I used to do it once or twice a week, but now that I moved to Germany I left my partner behind in Amsterdam and honestly don't wanna go through the ordeal of finding a new one :\
@Danu Is it that hard to find someone to dance with? :P
Have you tried ballroom dancing?
It's very rigid, heh.
@Danu As you can probably tell, no, I've not tried ballroom dancing :D
In particular, I've found it impossible to dance at a reasonable level with someone who hasn't gone to the same dancing classes/school as me :P
The moves one typically makes are on the order of 20 counts in length, so very complicated stuff.
"But if you think deeply you will come to know that probability does not even exist . It is just we put probability when we do know the reason or physics laws." - user14239 knows it all
@Danu I think they are missing a not in that sentence
Because what's written there makes even less sense than what I first thought was written there
True, true
Nice answer on the wave equation thing
Relating it to some kind of isotropy feels kind of deep to me :P
I'm always happy when someone asks for intuition and I actually have one :D
I have also been reading about centers of quadrics in Vinberg's book, and he develops the entire theory purely based on this kind of stuff
and ends up classifying all quadric curves and surfaces
I've had so many algebra courses and I've never encountered the term quadric. I think we're gonna do that this semester
@ACuriousMind So ahead of you right now
I really recommend Vinberg's book: It's in Russian style i.e. lots of physics and geometry!
And it's also not too hard
Ah, that sounds like "classical" algebraic geometry^^
@KyleKanos Examples are very easily found on math.se
I'm living in the world of sheaves and spectra, I don't even know what these surfaces you speak of are ;)
@ACuriousMind Sure it is. It's with actual pictures, so a lot of $n=2,3$ stuff
but you really should, even if just for the sake of physics
I mean... light cones, de Sitter space embedded in Minkowski etc
All just applications of this
Yeeees, I am vaguely aware of that.
I honestly didn't get all of it yet but I may go back to it again later
For now, I think it's just important to have read everything semi-superficially at least once so I know what people are talking about when I encounter it in lectures
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind Do you know H. Dieter Zeh?
@abt I have no idea who that is
Heinz-Dieter Zeh (usually referred to as H. Dieter Zeh) (born 8 May 1932 in Braunschweig, Germany) is a professor emeritus of the University of Heidelberg and theoretical physicist. He is one of the developers of the many-minds interpretation of quantum mechanics and the discoverer of decoherence, first described in his seminal 1970 paper. == Bibliography == The Problem Of Conscious Observation In Quantum Mechanical Description (June, 2000). The Physical Basis of the Direction of Time, 2001, ISBN 3-540-42081-9 Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory, 2003, ISBN 3-540...
He probably retired before I started here - I've not heard of him.
1 hour later…
Q: Bug Fix: the tabs in the Physics forum appear cluttered

Akshat TripathiI am not sure whether it's a bug or not. But if you hover over the menu below banner labelled 'Physics', the background changes to light blue, however, that background comes behind the written texts on the page. This kind of makes the design look a bit untidy. Shouldn't the rest of the page be l...

@Jimnosperm - Edited. Thanks :)
On a sidetrack - Who on earth upvoted this?
Are the deleted bunch back, to eventually cost us more user removed points?
@TheDarkSide There have always been people upvoting crap.
@ACuriousMind - You are obviously not bothered with my second sentence! Last time it got you a +30! (which is of course infinitesimal relative to 20k!)
@TheDarkSide Certain users have expressed that they prefer to upvote any and all first posts in order to outweigh downvotes on new users
@TheDarkSide Ha, so I should fear the return of the sock puppets even more because they threaten me with soul-crushing downvotes!
@Jimnosperm - Oh. Compensatory upvotes!
@TheDarkSide Yes. We expressed how much that is frowned upon, but in the end, it is their vote to use as they wish
@ACuriousMind - that's my point indeed. +30 in 20k won't matter, but -40 in all of 1695 is soul crushing.
@Jimnosperm Indeed.
Uh, @Qmechanic, are you sure duplicate was the right choice here?
@ACuriousMind I agree with you. There's no way that's a duplicate of anything. It's just... Wow
He must have taken Einstein's "Imagination is more important than knowledge" a little too seriously
@ACuriousMind : Yeah, you are right, it's not a dup. It more like non-mainstream or unclear what you are asking. It was meant to be a helpful pointer to the next post that OP should read if he wants to understand mainstream physics, in this case: Spec. Rel.
Please show what you have tried so far, and we will gladly help you out. — Steeven 56 secs ago
...we will?
That might have been the royal "we"
Is this too off-topic? To me it's a grey zone. I could answer it, but I want to check and see if it'd be feeding the bears to do so
@Jimnosperm I'd say it's off-topic.
Okay then
@0celo7 any resources for those topics, particularly qed?
@abt I read some sections in Srednicki for various topics, really liked it.
I tried learning QFT from Zee and Weinberg and as @ACuriousMind can attest to, this left some holes.
i.e. don't start with those.
about that... what should i start with?
the one you mentioned just now?
@abt How about you read Shankar first.
in process
You'll need another book after Shankar before thinking about QFT.
like sakurai?
@abt Something for special relativity, although another QM book wouldn't hurt.
@abt Like I said, Zee is very good for an introduction to SR.
zee is not enough?
For what?
Zee is enough for SR, yes.
I'm not sure if one book is good enough for QM though.
whatever i won't study it solely by books, i'll just read everything i can find.
I learned QM with Shankar, so that's why I recommend it. I haven't read the parts of Sakurai that would distinguish it pedagogically from Shankar.
wait then what did you read after shankar?
Probably Zee's QFT.
Which I don't recommend.
are you saying that you would have been better off today had you not done that
@0celo7 Aw, c'mon, wasn't there some fun handwaving you learned from Zee? (or am I remembering that totally wrong)
ok fair enough
@ACuriousMind That was in his gravity book.
@ACuriousMind But yes, somehow he showed that if you want to measure a planck length, you need a measuring device denser than a black hole or violate special relativity.
also one more thing, about the mathematics texts, should i read them completely in parallel to physics or just learn what i need from various sources?
i.e. should i read a full text on pde's? etc
@abt You don't need to know much about PDEs at all.
can you give me a list of general topics that i must know beyond what i already have?
I thought pde's were very important, enough to study them alone.
@ACuriousMind How much do you need to know about PDEs?
@0celo7 I, uh, know the solutions to the most popular ones. That's it
@abt See?
No need reading a full text on the subject, and certainly don't read a PDE text for mathematicians.
No good questions right now.
Time is rep, and I'm losing time.
most universities are having exams right now i think.
perhaps that is why
^ Someone upvoted it.....
Phys Wars Episode 6: Return of the Sockpuppets
Okay, that's not even misguidedly upvoting new users to cushion them, that's just trolling with votes.
Makes you wonder who other than sockpuppets would have upvoted it
I'll tackle another question trying to decipher Dirac's book.
This thing lacks any semblance of coherence.
It's always fun to remember that it wastes more of your time to create this than our time to remove it. — Jimnosperm 8 mins ago
Sadly, I'm not even sure that's true
Took me 2 seconds to flag it. I'm pretty sure it took him more time to sign up and write it down
Or do you mean it may not be fun to remember that?
If so, then you could be right
@0celo7 what book are you reading?
@StanShunpike "Reading" is the wrong word. More like translating.
sadly blah almost has as much rep as me. heh
I'm looking up random unanswered questions in my quest for 3000.
@ACuriousMind it now has 2 upvotes
wait then that means he has more rep than me now.
The post will be deleted and that rep will be lost to him, no worries about that. But I'm surprised that we have such organization of trolls all of a sudden
::scratches head:: No wonder this question is unanswered.
This is gibberish.
How can something be one number and multiple numbers at once?
@Jimnosperm There's definitely something weird going on.
the electromagnetism one?
@0celo7 What?
@ACuriousMind I'm trying to read a section in Dirac's book to answer a question on here.
The terminology is archaic as heck.
Ah...yeah, I always get confused by excepts from Dirac's book. I think the "language barrier" is amazingly high there.
do you mean his qm book?
@abt Yes, never read it.
This is really simply linear algebra, but I have no idea what he's trying to convey.
At a first glance, I think he's trying to justify multiplying an inner product by a c-number.
@Jimnosperm: The blah question has an unusual number of deleted gibberish in it. It's weird. (And I protected it now)
@Qmechanic I flagged it as LQ, but now I wish I'd used a mod flag. This answer is showing some organized trolling. I really don't know what you might do about it, but ensuring mod awareness feels like the right thing to do
@ACuriousMind Good call
@Jimnosperm : OK, eliminated.
r.i.p. blah
@ACuriousMind Hah, I just had a lightbulb go on, but I wasn't actually enlightened.
@0celo7 How'd that happen? Did you power it with dark energy by accident? :D
@abt Technically the user profile still exists, but at least now you don't have to worry that someone had higher rep than you simply by writing "blah" 6 times
What does "unregistered" in the user profile mean, btw?
@ACuriousMind My inner crackpot says that since E=m, dark energy = dark matter.
@0celo7 I'm quite sure I've already seen that reasoning around here. Beautiful.
@ACuriousMind Not sure. You need an email address to get the default profile pic. Perhaps no email confirmation?
@ACuriousMind I want to say "none" because $S^7$ isn't a group, right?
Q: What does it mean when someone's an Unregistered User?

Erik BI looked at someone's profile and it said Unregistered User. What does that mean?

@ACuriousMind Just saw that comment.
@0celo7 lol
Great minds thinik alike ;)
Yeah I thinik all the time :D
@Jimnosperm And, uh, why do we allow such users?
It seems to just make trolling easier
@ACuriousMind Dat comment speed
@0celo7 I just commented :P
@ACuriousMind Frankly I'm still confused about how a new user could sign up as such. But in terms of making trolling easier, remember that they can answer as anonymous, so even being an unregistered user is more work than necessary for trolls
@ACuriousMind I was looking for something not along the lines of "why should it"
But perhaps there is no such answer.
@0celo7 I guess you could say "non-zero angular momentum in a certain direction breaks full spherical symmetry (in terms of the orbital having to look the same in all directions)"
lol, OP responds to "Why should they?" with "Why not"
I thought my orbit example was clever. Apparently not.
@0celo7: You could always go edit some tag wikis to get the remaining 105 rep. Only 53 tags to do ;)
Q: "Post as guest" is a bad user experience and encourages low quality contributions. Get rid of it

Michael HamptonSince its inception Stack Exchange has tried to make it as easy as possible to ask a question, most of the time. This was done by implementing the concept of an "unregistered" user, identified only by a cookie, who otherwise does not have to log in to a Stack Exchange site. The unregistered user...

Or half that if you edit both wiki and excerpt.
@ACuriousMind Now I'm engrossed in this Dirac BS.
@ACuriousMind Huh?
@0celo7 You get +2 for each approved edit, and wiki and excerpt count a seperate edits.
Oh the thing on the tag?
@Jimnosperm Heh
Gud 1
...why don't people ever read the homework policy when I link it, but instead start complaining that "it's not real homework"...
@ACuriousMind Complaining is easier, feels better, and allows them to be in the right from their point of view. Humans tend to abandon what is rational when presented with even one of those three things. Give them a chance to have all three and your average human will do and believe just about anything to get it
@ACuriousMind Under what circumstances should I consider editing tags?
Like can I fix spelling and grammar (and \mathrm ;D)
@0celo7 Well, whenever you think you can imporve it (even if it's just spelling/grammar
Also consider adding "Use this tag for..." if there's no such guidance yet in the excerpt.
Before I start rep whoring, I have a technical question for you.
uh, technical difficulties
I don't understand the part "this shows"
@0celo7 What does $()^\#$ mean here? If it's the musical isomorphism, what is the metric?
@ACuriousMind $\sharp :\mathfrak{g}\rightarrow \mathrm{Vert}_uP$
This lemma is used to derive the general form of the gauge trafo.
@0celo7 I'm unfamiliar with this level of detail :P I don't see what's happening there
@ACuriousMind b-but
You're my only hope!
@ACuriousMind Who on Phys.SE would know?
@0celo7 Thinking a bit about that statement, it seems to me to be nothing else than $\mathrm{d}t_{ij}(X)$ at $\sigma_i(p)$ is $\mathrm{d}t_{ij}(X)$ at $\sigma_j(p)t_{ij}^{-1}$. I'm not sure why there's a proof for that :P
@ACuriousMind Where does $\sharp$ come from?
I understand the equation just fine.
If you didn't figure it out, here $\mathrm{d}t_{ij}$ is the tangent map, not the exterior derivative.
@0celo7 Because the mathematician who wrote this wanted to remind us that we have to embed the $\mathrm{d}t_{ij}$ into the tangent space of the bundle, because, naturally, it lives in the tangent space of the Lie group (since the transition function is Lie group, not bundle-valied),
(I know it is the pushforward/differential)
@ACuriousMind Mm, that seems a tad hand-wavey.
Heh, well, I am a physicist, after all :P
By inspection, it seems we must have $$\sigma_j(p)t_{ij}(p)^{-1}\left.\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}t_{ij}(t)\right|_‌​{ 0 }=(t_{ij}^{-1}\mathrm{d}t_{ij}(X))^\sharp$$
Is there some way to explicitly show this?
@ACuriousMind Sorry, there are too many $\mathrm{d}$s floating around for my liking.
Well, how did you define $()^\# : \mathfrak{g} \to T_s P$?
Let $f:P\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function and $u\in P$. Then $$A^\sharp f(u)=\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}f(u\exp(tA))|_0$$ where $A\in T_{\pi(u)}M$.
@0celo7 Well, then $(t^{-1}\mathrm{d}t(X))^\# f(\sigma(p) = f(\sigma(p)t(p)^{-1} \mathrm{d}_t t(t))\rvert_{t=0}$ by definition, isn't it?
Oh, wait, the exp is missing, Grmpf
Nevertheless, I think the equality holds by definition, it's just difficult to trace it back through all this cluttered notation :P
@ACuriousMind How would you do it in un-cluttered notation?
I know no uncluttered notation, this is why I hate DiffGeo proofs :D
Actually that should be $A\in \mathfrak{g}$ above.
@ACuriousMind Are you one of the people who review tag edits?
@0celo7 They show up in the suggested edit queue, yes
@ACuriousMind You approved my masterpiece, right?
I...think I just did
I'm not going to edit 53 tags btw.
That one had been bothering me for a while.
Just covered a bunch of representation theory stuff. Schur's lemmas, converting representations to unitary representations, and orthogonality of irreps. How do you guys do this?! It's neat but I feel unenlightened and I couldn't prove those things from scratch! Not sure if I could even apply them...
My plan is just to read an armful of different books presentations of the theorems and the corresponding practice problems.
@NeuroFuzzy The representation stuff I mostly look up when I need it. I'd horribly fail if you demanded a closed book exam of that from me.
Oh really? That's a bit comforting to hear.
@ACuriousMind 100 to go :D -- 6 mins left D:
@0celo7 Why 6 mins left? What's happening in 6 mins?
Ah, yes
It will go unawarded, I guess :(
There's actually a 24 hours period after this in which I could still manually award it to answers posted by the deadline, but currently I'm not gonna do that.
@ACuriousMind Should I hit up Gerard again?
@0celo7 If he didn't answer the first time, I guess he won't respond the second time, either.
Idle musing: There is a suspicious amount of bounties by Community active right now.
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