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@Sofia Done
@ACuriousMind What's wrong is that he's intuiting parallel transport wrong
If what looks curved is a "straight" geodesic, then one should expect that parallel transporting that spin arrow won't do what the diagram makes it do
That makes sense.
That is, he's keeping the projection onto the spatial tangent the same, rather than the spacetime tangent
@0celo7 That sounds less like "GR for mathematicians" and more like "GR for people who want to hate GR"
@ACuriousMind Many thanks. Now, just for rescuing me from my ignorance, can you tell me why was it expectable that the object spin?
@ACuriousMind "Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Physics"
@Sofia The user is using the intuitive statement that everything follows "straight lines" in GR. If something is following a straight line, it will always point in the same direction compared to its velocity. If the object didn't "turn", it would look "backwards" after making the curve around earth, and hence not follow a straight line
As ChrisWhite says, this is wrong because the "velocity" you have to think about in GR is the four-velocity, not the spatial velocity.
@Sofia The straight lines in GR are straight lines in 4 dimensions, not 3.
@ACuriousMind and @0celo7 thank you both!
I have two lab reports to do.
@ACuriousMind and @0celo7 Aaaaaa! So, what you both say it that in the vicinity of the Earth the space-time is not so terribly curved! It's that what you say?
But they don't have to be typed!! :: dances ::
Time to procrastinate! (Procrastinate = learn QFT/CFT)
@Sofia It's not so terribly curved that you can't mostly get away with pretending it is not curved at all
But for precision calculations like GPS or something you need to take the curvature into account
@Sofia @ACuriousMind in the lowest order approximation we say that time is curved around the Earth.
The next highest is a spatial curvature.
@0celo7 I lost you both.
I'll explain. Have to type.
@Sofia Let's say "not so terribly curved" is a good description. The earth is far from being a black hole, fortunately
The action of Newtonian gravity is $$S=\int dt(\tfrac{1}{2}mv^2-m-m\phi)$$
For small $v$ and $\phi$ we have $$S=-m\int dt(1-\tfrac{1}{2}v^2+\phi)\sim -m\int dt\sqrt{1-v^2+2\phi}=-m\int \sqrt{(1+2\phi)dt^2-dx^2}$$
@ACuriousMind GPS? It's an apparatus that my family uses for finding the best way on the roads. What does that have to do with gravity?
The last term is just the length of a curve in a curved time metric
@0celo7 slowly please!
@ACuriousMind Slick, eh?
@0celo7 yes! And?
@Sofia And what? That's the fastest motivation I know of that shows curved space-time is reasonable.
@Sofia The GPS satellites you use for the navigation need to take into account that time is slowed when you are deeper in a gravitational well. That is one of the best things to tell people when they ask you why they should believe in GR - they find their way with it every day!
@ACuriousMind Whaaat? Do you want to tell me that the GPS uses General Relativity?
@Sofia Yes. Yes, it does!
What's interesting is that while that question is wrong in spins flipping 180 degrees in parabolic orbits, there is probably some precession
@ChrisWhite I forget...is spin Fermi-transported?
@0celo7 is Fermi-transport another word for parallel transport?
Naw. I'll look up the definition.
@ACuriousMind Ooooo! The people that program the GPSs have to know GR?
@ChrisWhite While looking up the definition I rediscovered that it is Fermi-transported.
@Sofia I think they just need one or two formulae, so they don't need training in GR, but they use its formulae, yes.
@Sofia GPS uses very carefully calibrated timers to locate things. GR screws with those timers.
@ACuriousMind many, many thanks. I am very impressed. I didn't know all these things.
@ACuriousMind I wonder if they have to account for the slight rotation and oblateness of the Earth. @ChrisWhite do you know?
@0celo7 and many thanks to you too.
@Sofia: From Wikipedia: "In 1956, the German-American physicist Friedwardt Winterberg proposed a test of GR - detecting time slowing in a strong gravitational field using accurate atomic clocks placed in orbit inside satellites. Calculations using GR determined that the clocks on the GPS satellites would be seen by Earth's observers to run 38 microseconds faster per day, and this was corrected for in the design of GPS"
GPS is really my favourite everyday example for why classical physics is not enough
@ACuriousMind I never told you that I like cats too.
Along with the fact that the sun burns, that is :)
@ACuriousMind Can you come up with another reason for why GR is useful?
@0celo7 The Newtonian potential is certainly measurably affected by oblateness, so yes. Frame dragging, on the other hand, has proven very difficult to detect even with dedicated instruments.
But the sun burns whether or not we spent money on nonclassical research.
@0celo7 Useful? Not so much. The classic perihelion shifts or whatever they're called are nice examples, but not very useful.
@ACuriousMind And Sputnik wasn't launched until 1957!
@ACuriousMind Hmmm! What you say! Very impressing. But, is it indeed GR what is used, or SR (special relativity)? Isn't the latter enough?
@Sofia there is both gravitational and velocity time dilation.
@Sofia No, SR is only for electromagnetism+moving things. As soon as you have gravity in any sense, you have GR
The GR effect might be larger?
@ChrisWhite Do modern high-precision GPS systems use high-order post-Newtonian calculations then?
@ACuriousMind and @0celo7 A lot of thanks to you both. I'll have a look at that page in Wikipedia.
@Sofia You can always learn GR you know :D
@0celo7 Yeah, I wasn't saying that's an example for the practicality of non-classical physics, I meant that's one glaring example of non-classical physics literally staring you in the eye everyday
@ACuriousMind Dude, nucleosynthesis.
Life is not classically possible.
If you only spend money on useful things, I don't wanna talk to you anyway, I think ;)
@0celo7 I have no idea. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if they don't just have some heuristic correction algorithm (something that minimizes squares of residuals, say).
@ChrisWhite They just adjust parameters until they know they have the correct position of a fixed, known, target?
@0celo7 Something vaguely like that. I'm not saying that's how it's done, but I could believe it.
If you were already doing something like that anyway, say to fix all sorts of poorly-quantified other uncertainties the real world throws at you, you might be able to get away with correcting for GR at the same time.
@ACuriousMind What in the world does the special conformal transformation do?
Inversion, translation and inversion...
@0celo7 It, uh, does something like translation and then doing an inversion on a circle. It's difficult to visualize
The best "explanation" I've found is that it is a transformation that does nothing to spherical waves.
But I don't think anybody has a good intuition for it, I guess that's why it's special ;)
@ACuriousMind So the conformal group on the plane is the Lorentz group of spacetime?
@0celo7 What?
Where did that come from?
The conformal group in $d$ dimensions is isomorphic to $SO(d+1,1)$
So in two dimensions it's isomorphic to $SO(3,1)$
Am I wrong?
@0celo7 Yes :D
Pls explain
The conformal group in 2D is not $\mathrm{SO}$ at all
Two dimensions are special, and they are where CFT really shines
In two dimensions, the conformal group is infinite-dimensional
Ah, this is the $d\ge 3$ chapter!
Oh, I see that sneaky (d-2) factor!
@0celo7 I have no reason to learn GR. I would be happy if I could learn what is the wave-function, and how works the collapse.
@Sofia Magic. (And projection operators.)
::Channeling @Jimdalf:: Magnets
@0celo7 What you say!!!
@0celo7 I'll make a communication to Stockholm about your discovery.
Do I get an acceptance speech? I have to thank @ACuriousMind for teaching me clopen sets.
@ACuriousMind This book (Di Francesco) is superb. I was a fool for looking at string theory before reading this.
@0celo7 See? Jamal and I told you CFT is awesome :)
Not saying that yet, just this is better than trying to reconstruct CFT from nothing
@ACuriousMind So does the Ward identity relate classical field relations to symmetry operators acting on fields?
@0celo7 It basically tells you what the handwavy "Classical laws are implemented as operator laws" really means in the case of symmetries, yes
@ACuriousMind Why does the energy-momentum tensor have scaling dimension 2?
Something about it being a density? What's up with that?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the question is of a too low level in physics. — Sofia 22 mins ago
@Sofia: You really need to stop using that as an excuse
It is not a valid close reason
@0celo7 Just look at how $T^{\mu\nu}$ transforms under general diffeomorphisms, and observe that the conformal transformations, especially scaling, are just special cases of them
The Help Page says (emphasis mine) Physics Stack Exchange is for active researchers, academics and students of physics and astronomy. We welcome questions of all levels, but please stick to the following topics:
@ACuriousMind Oh yeah. So does $T_{\mu\nu}$ have -2 scaling dimension?
@Sofia Didn't you chew some of us out today (possibly yesterday) for not answering a novice question?
@KyleKanos How can it be *not a valid reason"? Questions showing that a poster has no idea of physics shouldn't be closed?
@0celo7 Mh, probably. I've never seen CFT with indices, you don't need them in 2D, really.
@Sofia No, that is not a valid close reason. That's a reason for downvoting (if it shows no effort)
@Sofia It's not valid because all questions are welcome (so long as it conforms to the policies set forth). And it is totally okay for the poster to not know physics
We're here to try answering their queries
@KyleKanos all questions within set rules
^ That too
@KyleKanos It seems to me contradictory with other things that you or the moderators told me.
There is no such thing as "too low level"
It is a bit inconsistent though that "insufficent effort" has been used as a close reason.
I disagree with insufficient effort closures
@KyleKanos Me, too, but I've seen John Rennie and others successfully close a question with that
I know.
@KyleKanos how a question that asks how to transform Joules in ergs (or something similar) may remain? I was always told that questions have to be useful for the public of this site.
@KyleKanos the public of this site is not of such a deplorable low level.
@Sofia The questions and answer here shall be useful for a generic public - not necessarily for the people who frequent this site
If one of the goals of the site is to establish a database of questions and answers, it doesn't make sense to me to close for "insufficient effort".
I seem to recall some SE blog post stating that, eventually, most of a site's traffic should come from search engine rather than SE members
Oddly, the bare poles on my "Insufficient Effort" Meta.Physics post show that not closing is more of a consensus.
@0celo7 Yeah, to me neither. That's what downvotes are for.
+13/-6 for leave open, +7/-3 for VTC
@KyleKanos you please tell me how can I not close a question that revolts me
Easy, click out of the page.
@Sofia By downvoting it and then ignoring it
@KyleKanos why do you mock me?
@ACuriousMind What's your personal view on "homework-like" questions?
I'm not trying to mock you. You asked a serious question and I gave a serious answer
That a question revolts you should be irrelevant to its closure
@KyleKanos the answer wasn't serious. I stupid question is much more severe fault than a hard question/home exercise that the user didn't know how to handle. There has to be a reason and consistency in the rules here.
@0celo7 I close them. Solving/answering a homework problem is not really useful for anyone but someone stuck at precisely the same point. Sometimes I feel a little bad about it when the asker has really put in a lot of effort typing up all equations in LaTeX and such, but mostly they're lazily typed or even copypasted/photographed, and I don't feel sorry for those at all.
@ACuriousMind That's your feeling on the matter, without regarding SE's rules?
That's what you would do if you were king?
@KyleKanos I saw homeworks that needed indeed some trick that I couldn't expect from novices. But the questions were closed. And how to transform from units to units is acceptable? Where is the logic?
@0celo7 Yes. Answering homework questions would turn this into a very different place. One look at math.SE tells me that I would keep it the way it is here.
OMFG 2-hour delay tomorrow
I haven't been to school in a week!
Really, I felt worse about closing homework questions before I tried to look at math.SE
@ACuriousMind I want it so I can ask homework questions.
@Sofia You can just click out of the page. There is nothing forcing you to stay there and close it.
It's a serious answer
You can't answer my GR/ST questions :(
I see your point regarding Math.SE though. I've seen the same analysis problems from Rudin 100 times.
@KyleKanos where is the logic? Don't you see that these two rules clash? You didn't answer me.
Provide links, I cannot say with that
@0celo7 The main point is that for every HW question I'd like to answer there'd be a hundred I'd like to kill with fire, I think
@KyleKanos leaving something unbearable like how to transform units is O.K. and a difficult and tricky home-work should be closed. How so?
I imagine one asked it in the right way and the other didn't
Someone who's stuck on a HW problem (regardless of level and/or "tricks" needed) should not be asking here
@ACuriousMind Perhaps HW questions are allowed with 1500+ Rep? For instance, I don't think my HW questions (chat questions are not HW questions) are worthy of fire killing, but they have been in the past.
@KyleKanos I don't solve home-works, I give some indications, but to close an interesting home-work and leave stupid and infantilic questions?
@Sofia You could close a simple unit-conversion question with the homework close reason, I think. Just not with the reason you gave of "too low a level"
Someone who doesn't understand the difference between Unit A and Unit B can ask here
@Sofia I disagree with the notion that homework problems are interesting.
And I also disagree with the notion that the remainder are stupid or infantilic
People have difficulties with lots of things
Units is one of them. Vectors another.
@KyleKanos In Straumann I tried to solve a problem dealing with nongeodesic orbits in Schwarzschild spacetime. Is that uninteresting? (It was closed for homework reasons.)
And again, downvote questions you think are stupid (after considering if you couldn't have asked the same question some time in the past)
@0celo7 If it's phrased as, "How do I solve this?" then yes
@KyleKanos If you disagree that home-works may be interesting, I will have the pleasure to show you, when I meet something that indeed I like.
@0celo7 That's...not how it works, unfortunately. The janitorial priviledges are one thing, but to grant the right to ask certain questions by rep absolutely smashes the idea of "anyone can ask and answer here", which I think is one of the most important promises here
@0celo7 Bravo!!!!
@ACuriousMind @KyleKanos You both closed this. Can you please tell me exactly why?
Q: Non-geodesic circular orbit?

0celo7From N. Straumann, General Relativity Exercise 4.9: Calculate the radial acceleration for a non-geodesic circular orbit in the Schwarzschild spacetime. Show that this becomes positive for $r>3GM$. This counter-intuitive result has led to lots of discussions. This is one of those problems wh...

I never did figure it out, BTW.
@KyleKanos there are many elegant home exercises, really pleasant and interesting.
@ACuriousMind I agree.
Random other question: is it kosher to use editing privileges to fix a single typo?
@0celo7 you speak by my heart!
@0celo7 It says in the close reason: it's a homework-like question in which you are asking us to help solve a problem. That's not the kind of site we are
But I'm asking about a specific concept!
@0celo7 You're just asking how to solve a problem. There's no "conceptual question". I realize that the nature of advanced calculations is such that it can be that there is no conceptual issue, but that's just how it is. And, again, answering that would help almost no one but you and people working on the exact same exercise.
@KyleKanos and @ACuriousMind you have to leave it to our judgement, we that try to show the users smart solutions, new ways to approach the things.
@0celo7 What's the concept? (really, I don't see it)
@ACuriousMind It had nothing to do with the calculation. I didn't know how to approach the problem. That's a conceptual issue in my mind.
@Sofia Interesting to you. I don't find them interesting. I find conceptual questions interesting.
@ACuriousMind How to calculate a nongeodesic orbit.
I'm not even sure what that means. (nongeodesic orbit)
@KyleKanos Who told you that a home-work cannot be conceptual? Who told you that it cannot teach other people new things?
@0celo7 Aha! So, the conceptual question would not be "How do I solve this problem?", but "What is a non-geodesic orbit, why is it interesting, and what is its acceleration?"
The latter question, without a reference to the specific problem, would likely not have been closed
@Sofia I am using homework as defined for this site.
@ACuriousMind I really want this question answered. Can I delete this one, write a new one and have you look over it?
It is slightly different than "A problem out of a textbook." (textbooks often have conceptual problems)
@0celo7 Sure. You could even just edit it, the reopen queue works, although people like to complain it does not. (Posting in chat about it increases the speed of potential reopening, though :P)
@KyleKanos can you indicate where I can find the definition?
@ACuriousMind Nah, I'll scrap it.
Q: How do I ask homework questions on Physics Stack Exchange?

David ZWhat is the policy on asking homework questions on Physics Stack Exchange? What kinds of questions are considered homework questions? Are homework questions allowed? What should I include in a homework question? Why don't you provide a complete answer to homework questions?

So I can't even mention that it was a HW problem that motivated this?
@KyleKanos That summary reads in my mind: "Self-studiers: sorry, but you're screwed."
@0celo7 You can, but solving it can't be the main point. It might be okay to ask, "I got this as my answer, but I don't know what it means."
@0celo7 Sure you can mention that, no problem at all, if you think it adds to the post. Some people have an itchy finger on the close button when they see a pasted excercise, though.
@0celo7 The self-study aspect has been brought up a few times.
But, generally, a good way to distinguish a HW from a non-HW question is - if I remove the specific excercise, is there a question left?
That lead Qmechanic editing this post (at least I think it did):
Q: My question was closed on Phys.SE. Can you recommend me another internet site where my question might be on-topic?

sigoldberg1My question was closed1 on Phys.SE. Can you recommend me another internet site where my question might be on-topic? Here we keep a list of other internet sites that might help students2 of physics. One site per answer. To keep the list at a reasonable size, please only include sites which fulfil...

/r/Physics is just as bad as here.
And their TEX is horrible, but that's beside the point.
I've had nice interactions on Physics Forum
But that was nearly a decade ago
I've seen blatantly false answers.
And without the up/downvote system, there's no way to tell (unless you know the correct answer ofc)
@0celo7 I think someone tried something like that once
@ACuriousMind Title: What is a nongeodesic orbit?
@0celo7 But do you really want that site just to get your questions answered? Think of how horrible the frontpage would look. Parabolas, electric circuits, finding the time something takes to fall. Over, and over, and over
What I really want are freaking solution manuals.
@ACuriousMind At least twice, actually
Dilaton (of all people) started one. And recently Peter Horvath
GradPhysHW.SE then.
Not sure if there's been other attempts by others
@KyleKanos Dialtion sounds like an elf :)
@0celo7 PhysicsOverflow? They don't seem to mind doing HW (if it's grad+)
@ACuriousMind Fixed
How fuzzy is the grad line?
@KyleKanos Awwwww. I liked it better the way it was
Is "Graduate texts in physics" a good indicator?
@ACuriousMind Well it's forever entrenched in your post
@0celo7 I honestly don't know. I don't normally venture over there
Meh. It's not the same. sniff
@ACuriousMind Should I tag with HW or just let the tag master sort it out?
@KyleKanos O.K. I saw the definition and the instructions. But may I ask not to hurry to close a home exercise that I'd recommend as useful, i.e. worth of the effort to rephrase and retain it in our site?
@Sofia I'll have to dig it up, but I'm pretty sure StackExchange policy is to put the close votes in and not wait
@0celo7 Mhhh. Well, perhaps read the tag description and decide for yourself. I'm not sure what I would tag that with
Q: How soon should I "vote to close"?

FlimzySince it's currently impossible to delete a "vote to close",* when I see a poorly asked question, should I immediately vote to close, or should I comment, and give the OP a chance to improve his question? Waiting increases the chance that I'll forget, and never vote to close, potentially leading...

Q: How soon should I "vote to close"?

FlimzySince it's currently impossible to delete a "vote to close",* when I see a poorly asked question, should I immediately vote to close, or should I comment, and give the OP a chance to improve his question? Waiting increases the chance that I'll forget, and never vote to close, potentially leading...

My cat is going to get himself killed. Sleeping on stairs is a horrible idea.
Curse you @ACuriousMind!
@0celo7 Cats are surprisingly robust. Stepping on them is rather going to get the human wounded than anything else ;)
@KyleKanos No! No! No! When I recommend a home-work to be retained, I take it under my responsibility to try to rephrase it, I don't leave it and come back after a week.
At least, the only one who got bleeding scratches from stepping on our cat was me :P
@Sofia Since there's no guarantee the question will not be closeworthy after your edit, voting to close regardless of that is still the thing to do. Reopening can happen.
@Sofia I'm kinda opposed to the idea of modifying questions to make it on topic. I think making suggestions in the comments and let the OP decide if they want it reopened
@ACuriousMind and @KyleKanos cursing a skeleton has any physical effect?
@Sofia Yes, it makes it stronger
I bathe in the unholiness!
@KyleKanos Oh, they want, yes.
@ACuriousMind What about going to sleep? It has to be 3 o'clock in your country.
@ACuriousMind Little Einstein reading about his field equations.
user image
@0celo7 Ahhh! What a pleasant photo!!! I like it!!!
@0celo7 Cute :)
Meh, I wish I could have a cat, but the place where I live is not really suited for pets.
@ACuriousMind He's too squishy!
@0celo7 Ahhhh! How pleasant!
I can't have a cat as a freshman, sadly. He has to stay here for my first year of college.
@Sofia It's 3am. And I'm wide awake. The first day I have to rise early will be horrible indeed, but it is not in sight
@ACuriousMind where do you live that you say that you can't keep a cat?
@Sofia It's too small, and on the third floor, right under the roof. I couldn't let the cat out, and my flatmate probably would also object.
Really the only thing I dislike about living here, the flat is nice otherwise
@ACuriousMind Aaaaa, don't you live with the family? You took a room in Heidelberg with another student? Ohhh! And does your family care to bring you food?
@Sofia Hah, my family lives about three hours away, I have to make my own food
They do send cake sometimes, though, and of course I visit in the holidays
I'm not sure if my parents or I are more surprised that I've survived this long without major problems :D
@ACuriousMind But, in that flat, you do have your own room, don't you?
@Sofia Yes, kitchen and bathroom are shared, but we each got our own room
@ACuriousMind which major problems? You don't have time to prepare smth. to eat and stay hungry?
@ACuriousMind it is expensive to take a flat for students in Heidelberg?
@KyleKanos before I work on a new question, do you know how to answer my old one?
What the heck is a nongeodesic circular orbit?
@Sofia Major problems rather like "I forget the oven and burn down the house", but no worries, no one seriously expected me to fail at living
There's a joke about that...
@Sofia Yes, it's quite expensive to find a place in the city itself. Most students either live in student housing (which actually also are nice flats, mostly!) or in one of the smaller "suburbs" scattered around the city.
I think only Munich is more expensive for students than Heidelberg in Germany
@ACuriousMind Well, lovely skeleton and vampire, I wish you good night and pleasant dreams. Don't stay so late, you would damage your biological clock. When the semester begins you may have problems. I go to sleep, it is terribly late for me.
@ACuriousMind Please tell me what a nongeodesic orbit is :/
@Sofia Sleep well, then.
@0celo7 I have no idea except that it's probably not a geodesic ;P
@ACuriousMind The "hint" says to use the tools developed in sect. 4.6.
But that section is about gyroscopes in geodesic orbits
So idk about that
That sounds not very helpful indeed
@0celo7 Nope, GR isn't my thing.
@ACuriousMind Does an orthonormal tetrad obey the geodesic equation?
@0celo7 I know nothing about tetrads, really.
@KyleKanos Cosmologists/Astrophysicists don't know GR?
@ACuriousMind I'm curious. Can you write the Schwarzschild metric from memory?
I am not a cosmologist
I am an astrophysicist, but GR isn't my field
Supernova remnants are
I've taken a GR course, but my instructor was not very good at instructing
@0celo7 Uhh...not reliably. Something with $\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-(r/r_s)^2}}$, right? :D
@ACuriousMind $$-\left(1-\frac{r_S}{r}\right)dt^2+\left(1-\frac{r_S}{r}\right)^{-1}dr^2+r^2d{\‌​Omega}^2$$
I'm not good at memorizing any formulas, though. I tend to look them up when I need them
Argh, close :P
Now I get what you mean by "absolutely no GR" :D
Did that omega come out right on your end?
any idea why?
It shows a red \O followed by a mega^2
@0celo7 No, looks alright to me in the code
Looks like you have an extra space or character there. Try deleting \O and do it again
$$-\left(1-\frac{r_S}{r}\right)\mathrm{d} t^2+\left(1-\frac{r_S}{r}\right)^{-1}\mathrm{d} r^2+r^2\mathrm{d} {\Omega}^2$$
Testing: $\Omega^2$ ${\Omega}^2$ $\mathrm{d}{\Omega}^2$ $\mathrm{d}\Omega^2$
what the hell
lol, the Jim thread is gaining traction. 29 answers so far.
A: A Jim for all seasons

Rob JeffriesSweep all before you JimJimjeree and next month it could be... JimJimjeroo

@KyleKanos I have no idea what that one references
Can I post this?
If I further ask for a hint on how to calculate this, will it be a closeable HW question?
A: Laws of physics in curved space-time

crank123The laws of physics are constant across the whole universe. The equations will be untouched. The speed of light will be the same. Time will not be the same. As you approach the speed of light time slows down. It will continue However, outside observer will see that time has elapsed in its lifetim...

that's wrong, right?
Some of it is right, it just does not seem relevant
@0celo7 I would not vote to close it. It looks fairly conceptual to me
@KyleKanos Okay, now I know what it is, but I can't hear it because I'm in Germany :D
@0celo7 It's fine, I think
@KyleKanos @ACuriousMind I would like to write: 3. If the equation in 1. is correct, then why does this behave differently than the geodesic case? I don't see how a term on the other side could change the behavior of the orbit this much.
Does that sound like I'm asking for a calculation?
@ACuriousMind Is everyone in Germany deaf?
@KyleKanos Heh. (I don't know if you know, but we have an agency called GEMA that's rather irritating when it comes to copyrighted music)
Even on Youtube?
@KyleKanos Especially on YouTube.
@0celo7 A bit, but just because you want to see what's the difference, so that's also fine. Go ahead, post it
that sucks
When I lived in Germany, YouTube sucked.
@KyleKanos Yeah, even there
Can Tor block it?
@KyleKanos Yes, proxies/anonymizers help
Sucks. But at least you now know the reference
If not the actual song
There was an addon for some browsers that automatically used a proxy for the few seconds it takes to overcome the GEMA check, but they found a way to recognize it and actually forced Youtube to block it
Many musicians don't even want the GEMA to do this, but some weird laws require them to grant GEMA that authority if they want to copyright their music at all.
@ACuriousMind My lab...the momentum INCREASED
:: crais ::
@ACuriousMind Is momentum conserved during inelastic collisions?
So how the hell did it increase
Hah! "Your lab"?
@NeuroFuzzy What?
@ACuriousMind What the fuck. I magic'd momentum.
@0celo7 "My lab...the momentum INCREASED". Whatevs.
@NeuroFuzzy In my lab on linear momentum, the momentum somehow increased after an inelastic collision.
@0celo7 Well that's a problem! and your lab is in this universe, right?
@NeuroFuzzy Yes. My classmates are simply saying it's error because the collision is not perfectly inelastic. That doesn't explain an increase in momentum.
@0celo7 well a few things come to mind if you want any ideas.
@NeuroFuzzy I'm open, yeah
@0celo7 So I'm guessing you're using those standard sonic distance sensors, and two carts, maybe w/o velcro or magnets on them to make them stick together when they collide? If they bounce off of each other at all and you measure the velocity of the leading one, the leading one can have a higher velocity. The assumption that both carts have the same velocity would then cause the momentum to be miscalculated (ie, you'd calculate $2 v (m_1+m_2)$ when you really want $v_1 m_1+v_2 m_2$)
The sensor was placed a bit back though
they weren't bouncing when the velocity after impact was measured, @NeuroFuzzy
they were firmly stuck together? @0celo7
I'd imagine so. 20% increase in momentum, man.
That's just crazy. @NeuroFuzzy
@NeuroFuzzy My elastic collision lab has 0.14% error.
The inelastic one 20% in the wrong direction
what is the meaning of s^2 in the newton definition?
@JoeStavitsky What Newton definition?
1 N = 1 kg⋅m/s2
@0celo7 I dunno! Sounds like bouncing to me!
@JoeStavitsky Seconds squared.
right, but what does that mean for static objects? Or is it there just to cancel something later?
@NeuroFuzzy So for "account for your error" I'm gonna put 1. micro black hole 2. bouncing
@KyleKanos Do you have any insight?
@0celo7 Into what?
@KyleKanos I did a lab where we crashed a moving cart into a stationary cart to model an inelastic collision.
Somehow the momentum after collision was greater than that of the impacting cart.
I'd say some math was probably done wrong
@JoeStavitsky units have more generality than that. Think of it as "the acceleration that would be observed in a 1kg object, should the force be applied to that object."
@JoeStavitsky What is a static object?
@KyleKanos Holy crap. I'm going to kill Sara. I think she switched the carts.
@NeuroFuzzy o ok that makes sense
@0celo7 you can't now. Everyone in the chat room will know who did it.
@0celo7 My students always managed to mess up the cart order, despite my telling them which order it should be
I get <2% error if I switch the widths of the tabs on the carts.
@KyleKanos The problem is that my classmates who weren't in my group also report increased momenta
Well tell them that they were wrong?
@NeuroFuzzy So? No one here would testify against me.
And the logs can be wiped.
It's a justified crime.
@KyleKanos Your students sound like typical teenagers.
Most of them were around 20, so close enough
@KyleKanos 20-year olds doing cart labs?
It's college physics
I know, but isn't that freshman stuff?
For physics majors, yes. For not physics majors, no
@KyleKanos Teaching non-STEM physics must be rough.
Well I only run the labs. But they're not that bad
@0celo7 It is a different experience. They are harder to motivate with "we're laying the foundation" arguments, because they don't plan on erecting the building.
@dmckee That's the way I feel about most electives besides Economics.
I gave my cat a glue stick to play with. He loses it in the most creative of places. I just retrieved it from a pant leg of a pair laying on the floor in another room.

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