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I wouldn't know
The bracket thing is something I recall being discussed on History of Science and Mathematics
How does one make links like that in chat?
Q: Why is American and French notation different for open intervals (x, y) vs. ]x, y[?

Franck DernoncourtThe Americans and the French use a different notation for open intervals: The Americans use (x, y) while the French use ]x, y[. How did this notational divergence appear?

this only works for 'standard links' though
e.g. [chat], [faq], [math.se]
but for all other links: [name](url)
The Srednicki solution manual is the greatest gift I've ever gotten.
What is this little brown book thing?
nonsense, disregard it
@SabreTooth Holy crapola. Hope all is well with everyone Down Under.
Another shiny new gold badge for LQ reviews, yay!
@Jimdalf: Dammit, people seem to like bad conifer puns
such as?
ah the name
I see
Nobody liked Jimbeard? Yarr?
I think Jim the Enchanter is rightly upvoted as your best self-entry there
If that gets picked, I'm going to have to update the profile pic to be that
and if it makes you feel better, I upvoted ACuriousJim but not Jimnosperm
Conifer puns are not my cup of tea
what if it's a tie? How do I decide?
Flip a coin and see which side it landed on only by its sound
Well there won't be a tie
@KyleKanos There's still 3 weeks to go. You never know
okay, maybe you know. But we never know
Start being more psychic
@JimdalftheGrey Do we simply not know, or not know that he knows? Or not know that he knows that we don't know that...?
we know not
Apparently Sean Bean doesn't die the most
You ought to normalize that to the number of movies made.
I didn't make it
But that's probably a better idea
> So is Sean Bean a walking spoiler alert? For that we could compare deaths per film to standardize among the actors. If we do that, Sean Bean is still at the top of the list with 0.32 deaths/film, tied with Bela Lugosi, and followed closely by Mickey Rourke and John Hurt with 0.31 deaths/film. Vincent Price and Cary Tagawa are next with 0.28 deaths/film, and it decreases from there. (For the curious: South Park‘s Kenny barely beats Bean with 0.38 deaths/episode.)
Apparently the numbers were crunched, but data not displayed
scratch what I said about hrut
@Neuneck What? Hurt's still acting
Does the fact that Sean Bean will eventually die mean that we are all actually just living in a movie?
@KyleKanos Indeed, I mostly know him from Alien and there he looked older than he was
@JimdalftheGrey "All the world's a stage..."
So not a movie?
Not a movie
Damn you, Shakespeare, for not having movies invented in your time
He had movies then
He doesn't die in Jupiter Ascending.
But they were live-action
But were they talkies?
Of course
People couldn't read back then
It all makes sense now
Noooooo! The "because God" post was deleted before I could post my snarky comment
Jim is sad now
That one was kinda sad
Okay, I have to post my comment to that post here if I can't do it there
For those interested, this is post in question
my response:
I have a few comments. 1) I can hold air in my hand. 2) Ever seen a picture of Earth from space or looked up in the daytime? You can see the atmosphere, ergo, air isn't invisible. 3)I think "decades" is a bit of an understatement for the age of the universe. 4) want to know why a new universe isn't created that destroys us without the need to say "because God"? Read up on the physics explanation, or ask that as a question here.
5) I don't try to create my own Earth because that's hard. It took 4.6 billion years to form Earth as it is now, I just don't have the time.
Well only 10K'ers can see that link
sucks to be anyone else
Anyone else confused by this:
Q: Are we really sure that the Universe is accelerating into the expansion?

Nayan TelrandheThe magnitude-redshift plots of Type Ia supernova told us that the rate of expansion of Universe is accelerating. From that we concluded that the Universe's expansion is accelerating. Thus we assigned Dark Energy as a reason behind the observed acceleration . But its only valid if matter is accel...

Accelerating into the expansion?
matter is accelerating into the expansion?
I suspect a language barrier issue
Makes as much sense as anything else. The Universe is expanding into....what? nothing? How can you expand into nothing? What is nothing? Ugh...
If we discover a supernova that was much bigger than any other we'd seen before, would we call it a superdupernova? I hope so.
A hypernova (pl. hypernovae or hypernovas) is a type of star explosion with an energy substantially higher than that of standard supernovae. An alternative term for most hypernovae is "superluminous supernovae" (SLSNe). Such explosions are believed to be the origin of long-duration gamma-ray bursts. Just like supernovae in general, hypernovae are produced by several different types of stellar explosion: some well modelled and observed in recent years, some still tentatively suggested for observed hypernovae, and some entirely theoretical. Numerous hypernovae have been observed corresponding to...
Stupid name......grrr.
a supercalifragilisticexpialanova?
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with that SED?
What, uh, are we looking at?
A broad-band spectrum of my supernova remnant
and why should there be something wrong with it?
The peaks
The one on the left is from Synchrotron emissions and should be similar in size (typically slightly larger) than the peak on the right (due to neutral pion decay)
Not sure why the code is doing that, but that's the whole "work-in-progress" aspect of a PhD
Well now that you pointed out the problem, I can see the problem
Can I just point out that not once since I changed my name has anyone mentioned they have a test or a defense or something coming up
I only have one line and no one is giving me the opportunity to say it
I have a defense coming up soonish
You shall not pass!
it was necessary
I knew it was coming
I know
took the fun out of it
It was that or "Fly you fools" and that one didn't make sense
unless it was a defense of a grad degree in flight dynamics
Hmm, that could work. But that's not me
Jimdalf, your love of the halflings' leaf has clouded your mind.
Tell me, when did Jiminion abandon reason for madness?
@Jiminion lol
Is that actually in the books/movies?
well, it doesn't say Jimdalf, but yes
Didn't think weed would've been a relevant topic at the time
but why not
it's tobacco
It says leaf
tobacco is a leaf
Not weed
Nobody - especially not at that time - ever thought nicotine 'clouds one's judgement'
I'm not sure that cigarettes had nicotine in them back then
Or is it part of the chemical structure?
I think nicotine is part of tobacco
And they thought it relaxed you and eased the mind. Meaning you weren't going to be as focused and could make more errors in judgement
Not being a smoker leads me to being rather unknowledgeable on the subject.
that or the quote merely is saying he's letting his personal affinity for that product bias his views on what should be done about something related to the halflings
Is it even certain that the "halfling's leaf" corresponds to an actual real-world drug?
No, it's just tobacco that the hobbits grow
Perhaps middle-earth tobacco has more weed-like qualities?
@ACuriousMind Oh come on :P
@JimdalftheGrey I'm not sure about the context. Is it about some decision involving Hobbits?
@KyleKanos Heh, non-smoker and non-European, I guess. Over here in Europe almost anyone knows all the 'basic stuff' about smoking
That's when Saruman is complaining to Gandalf that he should've realized that the One Ring was held by the hobbits
Hm, okay, I guess that's an angle too
In the books, it was called pipeweed.
well, that settles it.
@Danu If I remember correctly, I think it was. That or it's when Gandalf is talking about how he didn't see that the ring Bilbo kept was the one ring and someone says that to him
@JimdalftheGrey Ever since I travelled to an Antarctic Mountain range that hid some unspeakable horrors.
wasn't the specific brand called Old Toby? A tobacco grown in the south farthing?
(that I abandoned reason for madness, also some depression about the minion thing)
@Danu "A custome lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the Lungs, ..." -- James I, 1604
yup, that describes tobacco
Hello, Can anyone tell me that how the pressure vessels are heated?
what pressure vessels?
Weed is NOT bad for the lungs, oddly.
@JimdalftheGrey pressure vessels which hold things/chemicals at high presssure
@Jiminion yes it is. who told you it isn't? Lots of studies say that it is
@Jiminion Really?
@JimdalftheGrey Please check this question that I posted chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/26361/…
> Marijuana smoke is also an irritant to the lungs, and frequent marijuana smokers can
have many of the same respiratory problems experienced by people who smoke
tobacco. These include coughing and phlegm production on most days, wheezing,
bronchitis, and greater risk of lung infection, although most of these may go away
after stopping smoking marijuana. Frequent marijuana smokers also have more
healthcare visits both overall and for respiratory conditions compared to nonsmokers.
While research has not shown a clear increase in risk for lung cancer among marijuana
@georgemik anything can heat them. Internal element, fire, torch, the Sun, etc
My ass it's not bad for the lungs....
In fact it's worse
@ChrisWhite Meh, I'm not convinced that this reflects the opinion of the masses, especially not given the well-known ignorance about bad health effects even in the mid-20th century
consider how weed is smoked compared to tobacco
@Jiminion smoking weed is bad for the lungs
weed you inhale deeply and hold in in the lungs, tobacco you breathe shallow and exhale it quickly
@JimdalftheGrey So is it like, heating them over direct flame? (considering the flame coming out via gas stove)
Using a vaporizer may very well prevent negative effects
since it's pretty much breathing air
but for this you need hash
or can one vaporize weed?
Possibly, actually
@Danu You can (or so I've heard...)
@JimdalftheGrey In Amsterdam, the common 'wisdom' is: 1 joint ~ 5 cigarets
@georgemik if you want. Not knowing the exact setup, we can't tell you how to heat it. You can heat a pressure vessel however you think works best
@Danu Not it's not -> no nicotine. It has tar, which is gunky, but not cancerous. It one smokes weed AND tobacco, it is much worse than tobacco alone.
@ACuriousMind Aight
@Jiminion Lol, literally burning a plant and inhaling it is pretty much always bad
It is very naive to think smoking weed is not bad for the lungs, imo
@Jiminion that's like saying a gunshot and a car crash is more lethal than a car crash alone. Obviously, but that's not the point
Our lungs are not good for inhaling smoke of any kind, really
@JimdalftheGrey I know that we can heat it, but I would like to know that how is it heated? Are there some special techniques to heat it? or any special equipment? or seomthing like this?
@georgemik not enough information to give you a useful answer
@JimdalftheGrey what information do you want? (the full setup?)
Nicotine is a carcinogen. Weed doesn't have it, so it doesn't cause lung cancer. Probably can cause other lung problems though.....
Look how long Gandalf lived!!
I'm pretty sure inhaling smoke is always carciogenic
@Jiminion Nicotine is not a carcinogen
> Tomar, Rajpal C.; Beaumont and Hsieh (August 2009) (PDF), Evidence on the carcinogenicity of marijuana smoke, Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency, retrieved 24 January 2013 from oehha.ca.gov/prop65/hazard_ident/pdf_zip/FinalMJsmokeHID.pdf
@georgemik The folks at chemistry.SE will help you better. I'm not sure what information to ask, because anything is potentially useful
There are many different carcinogens in most kinds of smoke, though
Lol, can't believe we've ended up in THIS age-old discussion
And not having one carcinogen wouldn't mean that it doesn't have a different one.
@JimdalftheGrey I'm sorta new here, is "chemistry.SE" the name of the chat room?
We're like the youtube comment section by now.
@georgemik No, it's a different SE site with its own chat and main site
@georgemik The question you linked me to was asked on chemistry.SE
@Danu I always wanted to be a youtube commenter.
ah! thanks for the help ;)
@ACuriousMind Did you really?
we aren't racist and homophobic enough to be YouTube comments
That must be one of the saddest ambitions
@Danu Nah, about as much as I want to poke out my own eye with a rusty knife
At least that takes courage
Heh, good point
well, it at least takes a rusty knife
And an eye
Fortunately, I have two of those
Youtube commenters probably need eyes
No rusty knife, though...
@Danu nah, youtube in braille
@ACuriousMind maybe to make intimidating internet pictures
@JimdalftheGrey A braille computer?
Oh, I meant I haven't got a rusty knife
How do I even
@ACuriousMind Close enough
Magnets, how do they work?!
it's an acronym
I've got knifes that can't cut anything anymore, though
Magical Arcane Gadgets Normally Explained Through Science
Oh god it's great
Here is the actual line
"Fucking magnets, how do they work?! And I don't wanna talk to a scientist, y'all be lying, and getting me pissed."
scientists are the most notorious liars
So would it even be possible for someone to give an explanation for how magnets work that's both believable (even if not correct) and wouldn't make the other person think they're a scientist?
Did you see the video of Feynman trying to explain it? I think the youtube comment section is filled with some funny debates :D
A: Atomic structure and corresponding superpartner behavior

Philip Benjamin[see Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne arxiv.org/abs/1402.4119 Accepted by Physical Review Letters, Dec 2014] If the "sterile neutrino particle"[likewise axion also] turns out to have an atomic structure, then it will be a new era not only for particle physics & astronomy, but also in da...

There are some people saying he's being an asshole and intellectually elitist
I'm no expert on supersymmetry and superpartners, but isn't dark matter not relevant here?
I'm pretty sure DM would be a superpartner candidate
@JimdalftheGrey That doesn't answer the question at all. I think some speculate that dark matter consists of superpartners, though.
Dark-matter biophysics
In particle physics, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the generic name given to the lightest of the additional hypothetical particles found in supersymmetric models. In models with R-parity conservation, the LSP is stable. There is extensive observational evidence for an additional component of the matter density in the Universe that goes under the name dark matter. The LSP of supersymmetric models is a dark matter candidate and is a Weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) . == Constraints on LSP from cosmology == The LSP is unlikely to be a charged wino, charged higgsino, slepton...
all of my wat
Bio dark matter chemistry?
and theology
Which has implications in science, psychology, & religion?
Seems awfully World Building-esque and might have a decent story to it
someone here was saying a few weeks back how they hate the superpartner naming system where you add an s to the start of the word. I have to say I am starting to agree
But it does make for some amazingly bad (good) puns
Someone was asking me what the superpartner on an electron was. I didn't know at first, but I slepton it.
@Danu He's kinda like Ash from Army of Darkness "You primitive screwheads can understand....."
How can it be that a document compiles in TeXworks, but not in TeXmaker?!
(Both times using LuaLaTeX)
This should not be possible
@ACuriousMind Library path differences?
@KyleKanos I...am not sure. TeXmaker gives no error message, but I can shortly see a "XXX failed for some reason" where XXX is some command, not always the same. (I've seen ar() and deChar() and ToWideChar() for XXX till now)
oddly enough, other documents compile in both
So I don't think it is a library path difference or something like that
It has to be something specific to this document, but I have no idea why and little patience to comment out every line till I find the culprit
IDK then
More importantly, why would you use TeXworks?
And why would you use TeXmaker and not its continuation TeXstudio?
Why not Kile??
@Danu Because it comes with the MikTeX distribution and I already had the suspicion that the failure of TeXmaker to compile was something weird, so I tested it with TeXworks...and it worked :P
@KyleKanos Because it doesn't look like I can do anything with it that I can't do with TeXstudio, yet want to do?
@ACuriousMind You should give TeXstudio a shot though :)
@Danu No one told me about TeXstudio :P
Well you were advertising some other latex front-ends, I advertised the one I use
@ACuriousMind It's basically TeXmaker except more slick
@Danu I think I'll install it and see if it too gets these weird errors
If yes, then Kile is next :P
I hate fighting with TeX
I usually go to the TeX - LaTeX chat
Always got help there quickly and it always worked so far
@Danu Okay, TeXStudio has the same problem :P
It at least displays the error message longer than a femtosecond, though
Oooh, more slick than Texmaker?
Hey, @ACuriousMind, is "disdain for money" a good thing? Shouldn't people who produce value also get to consume more? (Real question, not trolling)
Also, isn't it good if I feel that I can spend time writing a pedagogical book (and not doing another work) because I will receive funds to buy food?
Whoever placed this minus can explain what is wrong in my question? The fact that I ask? If I would have known where is the mistake I wouldn't have asked. All the questions should be marked with minuses because they come from lack of knowledge, or from some mistake. So, people shouldn't ask?
@DanielSank Yes to both questions. People who produce value should be rewarded, but it is morally better to produce value because it is valuable, not because you want to be paid, in my opinion.
@ACuriousMind So the 'A' in ACuriousMind does not stand for Ayn, methinks.
@Sofia Which question? I'll counter it. I'm sort of an upvote whore, sort of.
@Jiminion Yes, you have successfully deduced that I am not an objectivist.
@ACuriousMind Communist confirmed. I knew it.
@ACuriousMind Good!
@Jiminion I don't understand the word "whore". Can you explain it? In simple words please.
@Sofia Prostitute.
@0celo7 You sure your name is not McCarthy?
@0celo7 Idiot :P
My mother's maiden name is McCarthy
@KyleKanos True American confirmed. I knew it.
@Sofia In English, the term "<thing> whore" has come to mean "someone who values <thing> a lot"

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