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hi all. looking for volunteers for a challenging, cutting-edge physics open science project but with aspects for all experience levels.
13 hours later…
@Danu hasn't it been around for nearly a week now ? that chatroom
@vzn That room could use a room description, all I can determine from reading it is that it is about something related to determinism and QM...
hi ACM. ok. thats basically it right there. its based on a question by TK cited at the very beginning of the chat. & other brief intro there etc.
D. lol^2
ACM see you quote popper in your profile & specialize in , cool. several refs to popper already in the other room :)
@vzn Sounds like a contradiction
@Danu You mean challenging and physics? ;)
Or cutting edge and all experience levels?
^I'm quite certain he meant that
If I use 4 times as many processors for my simulations, it be 4 times faster, right?
@KyleKanos You're the coder here :P
But I think only if the code is really awesomely parallelized
@KyleKanos Somethingsomething parallel somethingsomething series
the answer is no
Scaling laws, unfortunately, aren't really linear
For my code, the slope of run time vs number of processors is around -0.75
Also, I've come to realize that I made a pretty sizable mistake in one of my test cases :(
@KyleKanos What should the algorithm, in principle, achieve? I've found that many slow-downs are not even caused by the maths, but inefficient handling of memory.
Ideal case on ideal HPC should be a -1.0 slope
On another cluster, the code gets closer to -0.85
Just the cluster I'm currently using has it around -0.75
Most of the slow down, at least as far as I've observed & been told, is due to communication between processors
That's why people want the MPI + OpenMP parallelization. MPI to communicate between HPC nodes and OpenMP to distribute the work on a shared node
Depends. For HPC applications will well developed code it is quite often true.
But you might often be waiting for memory, too. That's often more difficult to measure.
But yes, certainly adding cores will always bring the scalability down a bit.
Most HPCs I deal with have at least 2 GB/proc on each node.
If you're waiting for node-to-node communications you'll quickly notice whether they are infiniband or whatever connected.
And, for my code, the amount of temporary allocated memory per node is between 5 and 200 MB
Right, but you're dealing with kilobytes when we're talking about fast memory access, the CPU caches. It's easy to screw them over by noncontiguous memory access patterns, say, or false sharing.
But these scalability issues (if present) you should already notice on a local core
It's Fortran man, memory management is hella awesome
I doubt Fortran transcends the problems inherent in parallel memory management. I think that even with Fortran you can easily accidentally write programs that are susceptible to false sharing, say. That said, I'm not a Fortran expert; The last time I even gave a serious look at a Fortran code must be over 5 years ago.
And with memory layouts, and I'm no expert but I've attended conferences, I often see Hilbert curves and such to maximize locality. I don't think that these come for free in Fortran (I suppose that in principle a supersmart compiler might see these, but I doubt compilers that intelligent do or will exist).
What do you mean by Hilbert curves "not coming free in Fortran"?
That you still have to lay out the memory by hand, that's all.
AFAIK, the Hilbert ordering is for setting up the domain of each processor and isn't for laying out any memory
At least in the context of computational fluid dynamics
Also, with Fortran, when you send non-contiguous arrays (e.g., call foo(f(:,a,:), ret)), it will make a temporary copy that is contiguous. Obviously the size of the array can become an issue with timing.
Right, but isn't the point of it to reduce the communication, i.e. transfer of memory, between processors? Anyway, my point with memory in general was more related to how things work out at the low level, inside CPU caches: That for example things should be contiguously read and that cachelines should not be invalidated between threads (in false sharing, for example).
But how is the contiguous array generated, though? You'll be hopping all over the memory. With slices, though, it should be said that the compiler (and the hardware) should probably be able to see the access pattern.
You'll have to ask Intel or GCC people how they implement the temporary copying, I'm not familiar with the details
Like in C++, linked lists are theoretically more efficient for a lot of things than contiguous read/writes. And they are, when the size goes to infinity, of course, but in practice because the reads from RAM are so slow, you should basically always only use contiguous memory rather than chase pointers to heap.
I think false sharing occurs primarily with OpenMP and common blocks in Fortran. In any MPI program I've written or messed with, I've never seen it.
I could be wrong, though
Right, you would need multiple threads, so with OpenMP for example you can get it.
My code doesn't use OpenMP (yet, it's being sorta developed, they're kinda taking their time with it)
It's pure MPI at this point. Only information that's shared between processors is the flux between processor boundaries
Do you use GPUs in your field (CUDA an such)?
There are some people who are doing that though
In case you're interested, Coursera.org is running a course on CUDA right now.
I suppose other MOOC sites have courses as well.
An interesting, yet fairly open-ended question over on Academia:
Q: Are there people who have done so much work before PhD that they get a PhD automatically?

MaramThis question addresses why it's a bad idea to try to do a lot of independent work before PhD in the hope of finishing PhD quickly. Nevertheless, are there famous examples of people who have done so much work before PhD that they get a PhD pretty much automatically (say, 1-2 years or less)?

@KyleKanos In my experience that number is not really important. What matters is the size of L1 data cache, which is usually 32-64 KB per core. If you're operating on data that's not that close together in memory, you'll suffer cache misses that will kill performance.
This is why I predict most HPC codes will grind to a halt on the next generation of clusters, since Intel's new model is "screw cache, just add more flops"
Yeah, I'm not too familiar with that context of memory management. I am really superficially aware of the stack vs heap memory (stack being faster, but smaller). Are there correlations to stack & L# caches?
@KyleKanos Jeff Atwood wrote up a nice analogy: blog.codinghorror.com/the-infinite-space-between-words
my limited understanding is that stack and heap are abstractions that don't really apply on the hardware level anymore
memory is memory, what varies is what copies of the relevant parts are close to the CPU at any time
L# is hardware managed. Basically. You can help the hardware by using access patterns (and I think you can do prefetches with intrinsics, but that's beyond my expertise)
btw I haven't checked Jeff's numbers -- they seem reasonable but could be off by a factor of a few for some machines
The bottom line is that you fetch memory from upper caches or main memory in cache lines: You'll get what ever # of KB. If you only read one of the values out of this, that's wasteful.
Also, if you read in cachelines in some order, the hardware will be able to start prefetching them
@ChrisWhite These numbers are close to what I've seen too. What is more important, though, is maybe that the gap is increasing. 30 years ago it didn't matter, now it does: In the future even more so.
Lots of gamedevs have moved to "data oriented design", which is basically just to say that in some cases object oriented programming is not good, especially if you read in the whole object, read one boolean to check if it has been computed, and move to the next object, for example.
I think Ogre is a game-engine that got several times faster due to DOD principles.
That said, HPC applications have always been quite careful not to waste resources. It helps that OOP was never really big in those circles because few took formal programming classes (more than the intro ones, at least).
@KyleKanos for a real-world demonstration of the power of cache, the Athena->Athena++ rewrite focused on nothing else in terms of performance, and the new code is uniformly ~4-6 times faster at everything.
AstroBEAR 3.0 got some speed up compared to 2.0 version due to reordering the sweep algorithm
They must have had an idiot write the original version of the sweep because it kept the first index, i, constant and the looped over j and k (the variable is q(i,j,k,:))
I imagine that the author came from a C background and thought he was doing it right
It also doesn't make sense because what happens when you are doing 2D only? It doesn't make sense to loop over j,k while keeping i constant. You should keep k constant and loop over i,j
Yeah, index ordering can reverse between languages, but one can usually count on i being the inner loop
@ChrisWhite I would've said the exact opposite as the languages that I most use, C++ and Python, are row major.
@alarge Maybe that's just our in-house style. We only use row-major languages too, but we nest loops as for k: for j: for i, accessing array elements array(k,j,i)
Indices can either appear alphabetically in the code, or they can be associated with the first/second/third dimensions alphabetically, but alas one can't really have both.
^similarly, I would do for k: for j: for i: array(i,j,k) in Fortran
Because Fortran does it the right way and orders it via columns ;)
@ChrisWhite That makes sense, I suppose.
WTF...Clemson's in-house cluster (Palmetto) says it'll take 20+ hours to compute my simulation (1500^2 grid + 1 AMR, 8 primitive variables + 2 tracers) while the same exact simulation on TACC's Stampede will finish in 64 minutes
On both
Oh, and I forgot the most important bit
10 nodes with 8 processors on Palmetto and 8 nodes with 16 processors on Stampede
So 320 at 20 hrs versus 128 at 1 hour
Unless I'm reading the TACC user guide wrong and I'm actually requesting 128 nodes...
They're example batch script says #SBATCH -n 32 # total number of mpi tasks requested, which seems to mean that my using -n 128 is 128 total cores
And a little later The job acquires enough nodes to execute total_tasks tasks (launching 16 tasks/node).
are you setting --cpus-per-task?
I don't think you need to
Stampede has only 16 processors per node
And my output file says Running MHD simulation on 128 cores
does it say 320 cores for Palmetto?
It could be stampede configured slurm to default --cpus-per-task to 16, but Palmetto doesn't?
oh well, so much for my theory
Palmetto only has 8 or 12 cores per node
And you can't mix the different counts without messing around with the qsub script
I was going to look at how our cluster is configured, but it seems my workstation has been deactivated in preparation for moving buildings, so I can't log in to campus.
I know that Palmetto is a giant hunk of trash these days (and it's sadly only 6 years old)
But I didn't think it was that bad
@KyleKanos Around that age I'm told clusters cost more in electricity (per year?) than it costs to replace them with something equivalent.
Not that anyone ever replaces it with something equivalent.
They started migrating towards GPGPU to artificially inflate their ranking for whatever reason.
From what I'm told, no one is using the nVidia cards they've invested in
everyone talks about grade inflation and authorship inflation, but more attention needs to be given to HPC performance inflation
Only because millions of dollars are being poured into these clusters
I think GPU based solutions usually use less electricity
I think there is a Green 500 ranking or something like that where they measure FLOPS/Watt or something (of supercomputers)
@KyleKanos So if you run just on 1 node per cluster (if they have queues for that), will you still get the drastic difference? Just to make sure it has nothing to do with node interconnects. Also, I am confused about how you came up with the numbers 320 vs 128 (rather than, say 320 vs 1024).
@alarge I could do one node runs. I originally was doing both at 128 processors, but change the Palmetto one to 10 nodes (instead of 16)
But then I changed it this morning to have it run faster than 56 hours by jumping to 40 nodes instead of the 10
40*8 = 320
@MarkMitchison according to Plenio's paper, wouldn't $\hbar \omega$ be equivalent to $\epsilon$ ?
@TAbraham yes
@MarkMitchison and $\sigma^+_i\sigma^-_i$ = number operator?
@Danu yes. but so did QM and other new theories to early founders :)
Q: Why were my recent postings removed?

HeavisideThere was nothing in them that could have reasonably been considered offensive; furthermore, there was no notification about their removal.

re GPUs, looking for scientific refs on them & their utilization (eg in supercomputers) eg wrt this question etc
Q: What is the state of the art research in analysing algorithms on GPU architectures?

ksm001I have found many papers on sequential algorithms that have been implemented and tested on GPU architectures. Each of these papers usually as a result contains the amount of speedup that was achieved when using a specific GPU. However I could not find a lot of papers on theoretically analysing a...

@MarkMitchison u there?
@TAbraham How does $\sigma^+_i\sigma^-_i$ act on the states for site $i$?
@MarkMitchison in the plenio paper, the sigma operators were defined as raising and lowering operators, and a raising operator * lowering operator = number operator.. Correct?
@TAbraham Yes, that's right.
@MarkMitchison how would I use fourier to find energy eigenstates?
@TAbraham Why do you think you need Fourier theory?
In general finding the eigenstates is hard. It will depend on the geometry of the problem.
I suggest you start with just two sites.
@MarkMitchison to translate to momentum basis.. makes it easie..doesn't it?
Momentum doesn't even usually make sense for such a system, unless you have periodic boundary conditions.
In the case of a linear chain with periodic boundary conditions, you can use the (discrete) momentum basis
But first you have to transform into a fermion representation using the Jordan-Wigner transformation.
So solve it for two sites first.
@MarkMitchison what about translation operator?
@MarkMitchison what that?
The translation operator in a finite system is gross. Or maybe it doesn't exist. Either way it is not useful.
Think about it. The entire universe consists of a bunch of sites in a network. What does "translation" mean in this context?
OK, hang on
It's probably not that bad
It will be an operator that takes functions $f_i \to f_{i+1}$
but when you reach the end of the network, you must have $f_N\to 0$
To be honest I have never thought about it that much. It isn't that useful for solving the problem unless you have periodic boundary conditions.
That is because there is no translation symmetry in a finite network
So the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are not eigenstates of the translation operator anyway.
But yes, you are right that one can always define a "momentum", it just isn't useful for diagonalising the Hamiltonian
The form of the momentum operator will look something like $\sigma^+_{i+1}\sigma^-_i$ in a 1D spin chain.

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