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@KyleKanos Are you active? I believe you said to use a computer program like something from here -> quickfield.com ?
* to solve my force equations
That does look to be an electromagnetic FEM program
So, is something like that what you suggested?
Seems that way, yes.
Okay, thanks.
Comsol and Elmer were what I really had in mind
But if you've found sometihng else you'd rather work with, go for it
I have no preferences, as long as I can get a free version
Elmer is FOSS, as far as I recollect
5 hours later…
They are very noncommittal about BICEP - or at least, one has to read between the lines
Also, well over 200 authors worked for years on this paper, and it's replete with typos - you would think one extraneous person in the author list would feel morally obliged to at least read the paper they're getting credit for
@ChrisWhite nopenopenope
1 hour later…
The dread of being all alone in a city where you don't know anything or anyone
3 hours later…
@Danu It'll pass - and it's part of the adventure ;)
@ACuriousMind Currently adventurously listening to music in my room
I'm living with this older guy (~50) and he's gone most of the time
so I'm all alone in this pretty big house (for a student)
Okay, that may not be the optimal setup...when do classes start for you?
October first
crash course functional analysis lol
for 2 days
then oct 6th regular classes start
Functional analysis in two days?...ooof :D
6 hours a day
plus I'll already have read the first 7 chapters of Reed & Simon
which covers all that I need
I think... unless I don't manage to actually read that ((only near the end of Ch. 4 atm)
Dafuq? That's the most ridiculous edit war I've ever seen. (I flagged for mods and will not do anything else now)
@ACuriousMind so wtf was happening there?
So... you were rollbacking the edits someone made to their own question?
@Danu I haven't the faintest clue...the OP seems to be of the opinion that they may radically change their own questions (and both of them, too)
Look at their edit - that's not revising the question, that's asking another
I'm pretty sure that's...not encouraged(especially as the questions have comments/answers pertaining to the old version)
well... I don't know... flagging seems reasonable
Also, good job apple... updating my iPhone made it die and now I have to do a full restore, losing everything on there
Uh...very good. I hope you've backed it up?
Totally unrelated: Sometimes, other SEs just seem...deranged: Whose underwear is this?
I think I did... just 20 minutes ago luckily
LMAO, Aquaman
I don't even browse other SE's
except math
but there, I last for about 2 minutes of downvoting and flagging before I give up
It was in the hot questions...and, come on, there's no way I'm not clicking on a question with that title :D
@Danu I don't really browse other SEs, either - except for Role-playing Games, sometimes. Some of the GM advice there is really good.
@ACuriousMind You're into DnD right?
@Danu Sort of - I don't play D&D much, rather its German counterpart DSA and some more freeform systems based off FATE (and I apologize for that being likely nonsense to you ;) )
My experience with D&D is mostly playing the computer games using the system
Ah, there are video games of it too?
Tons :D
lol, okay
The most well known might be the Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate series
oh well, I try not to spend time playing games
oh, that's from DnD?!
@Danu I'd say I try that, too, but I frequently fail (and I don't regret it :P )
I've managed - I just made sure to buy a crappy PC and get rid of my TV ;D
Haha...well, my gaming PC is one of the few things I really spend money on, so I don't try that hard to keep away from gaming.
Hahaha, yeah that sounds like a rather half-hearted attempt ;)
I've slowly been trying to switch to hobbies that I can still see as 'productive' even when I use them to procrastinate
Chess being the best example
I like to confront people with the notion that I can spend my spare time as uselessly as I want to ;)
:D of course! For me it's just a personal issue
I spent so much time on these things already (easily more than 5000 hours in about 2-3 years during my teenage years) that by now I just feel mehh when I spend a lot of time on it
@Danu I know others with that kind of "burnout" as well...it seems not so uncommon
^^ Of course, it makes perfect sense
The day I will no longer find joy in playing useless games will be the day I'll call myself a "grown-up"
And I'll probably look with the same sentimentality at my computer as at the toys of my childhood
Hmm, I never had much sentimental feelings about these things
@Danu Oh, I have. I'm not sentimental much otherwise, but when I look, for example, at the warrior figures (from lego and others) I used to play with for hours, epic stories playing out in my head, I wish I could, for some time, go back to that wealth of imagination. Nowadays, they're just plastic figures to me, but back then, they were much more.
@ACuriousMind Very cute ;)
1 hour later…
I noticed some approved edits http://physics.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/56088 , the edits dont seem to make the question clear, such as "
I had a left over a coffee cup this morning, " actually made the grammar worse. Am I missing something or do people randomly accept edits ?
I'm not entirely sure what the edit restrictions are. I know that I am never able to deny an edit. Perhaps I am missing the button, but I don't believe I have the option to say"no".
@user1938107 People do randomly approve edits, the "robo-reviewer" problem is well-known and unsolved. Also, there seem to be wildly differing ideas about what constitutes a too minor edit (though that reject option is now gone)
I fixed the edits
@user1938107 Sadly, there are people who don't really read reviews and just approve them
I once had to re-edit my post because the guy doing the editing made a typo while changing my title.
@CoilKid It's called "Reject" in the Suggested Edit queue, but I believe reviewing that starts at >1k
So I can't
Slightly annoying when the editor makes typos in the editees post.
@ACuriousMind Haha, I did the same exact thing. I saw it was SciFi-Fantasy, so I knew it had to be clean
2 hours later…
@user1938107 Certainly the latter, regrettably. I try to be slightly critical, but as long as the post is improved somehow I tend to approve. That said, I feel it was a bad decision by the SE-higher-ups to get rid of Too minor
@user1938107 ..and I'm sorry that I slipped up in this case (I was one of the approvers of that edit), I remember seeing the few adjustments he made in the middle of hte post and thinking '...meh, but okay'. Clearly I was wrong ;)
@Danu Supposedly the system denies too minor edits itself, and apparently, if you are editing more than 15 or something characters, we should not deny that edit as too minor (which is a reason the invalid edit and custom options have seen a bit more use by me in the last days)
oh screw that :P I saw one today that only changed don't to do not and shouldn't to should not etc
Also lol what in the heck is that newest question about?!
The mathematical relation between quantum tunnelling and gravitational energy is a mystery to me too, I must say.
I was very tempted to write a snarky reply
And what the hell am I supposed to do with an edit that claims to add a missing term from an equation in a book I don't have? I guess that's what Skip was made for...
@ACuriousMind Check Google Books first, if it's not available certainly use skip
tell me the book
I probably have it
or access to it
@Danu Haha...I'm not that bent on gathering reviewing stats
But as it was Peskin and Schröder, you probably indeed have it
Talking about stats, I'm more worried some horrible chain of events will prevent me from completing the Fanatic badge tomorrow
I don't think it's there
already at 250 straight days here
I've got the book, but my 4.27 is different
@Danu I didn't miss a single day since registering :P (tiny voice...that's a good thing, right?)
@KyleKanos Hm...then how did that user think it was there, even writing cf. 4.27 in the comment?
Maybe it's a different version?
Possible, I've no idea how different they are with P&S
doesnt invariance under edition shifts fall under the symmetry group of QFT?
@Danu I think many wish it would, but it has not rigorously been proven.
@ACuriousMind ...and that's why I'm going to study mathematical physics
Haha...a worthy goal indeed
There is probably a heuristic argument due to Witten based on the title-text correspondence
@Danu I think it says a lot about me that I found that funny :D
@ACuriousMind In a good way!
My stat mech teacher who works on ST had another nice one
'Witten's work is the first experimental proof of Bose-Einstein condensation in the context of academic referencing'
That comes on the list of jokes likely to generate blank stares from 99% of humankind, I think :D
I chuckled, nonetheless
I never get to tell anyone these...
@ACuriousMind: Just checked a classmates copy
It is there
I was looking at their lecture notes that led to the book
@KyleKanos That makes sense, and I'm somehow relieved there's not someone going around adding random symbols to equations.
Haha, that would be interesting
Worse if it's a 2k+ rep users whose edits go straight away
@KyleKanos I fear that might have given John Rennie or Lubos Motl an April 1st idea...
The title of the latest question, Complex Quantum Wave, makes me fear for its content...
It's not that bad
It's a private theory
Non-mainstream, VTC
I think it's just a restatement of known things
I'm trying to find that great question (with great answers): Why do we need complex numbers
Lubos' answer is relevant here
so I was trying to find that to close as duplicate
Upon actually reviewing it, it is not a private theory
...so, now is the time I discover that there is no 5 min grace period for close votes.
@ACuriousMind Yeah, those things are permanent
At least until a week after the last one w/o a close occuring
I mean, I don't have at least a minute to decide "I want to close this thing, but not for the reason I first chose"?
Oh. I'd state it in the comments
regrettably not
you can flag
That way future reviewers can vote accordingly
I did this recently
I think I'll just pass on this one, I'm still not sure what my exact close reason would be - somehow, that just seems like an unholy-but-not-quite combination of no question detected and check my work.
Does Lubos disapprove of dark matter?
Or is it just the particular ~TeV-massed ones?
I don't think he's anti DM
That's what's confusing me about his blog post because it seems sorta anti-DM-ish
I see now
He's saying, "For you non-DM-believing few, try explaining this N facts we've observed that are readily explained by DM"
Oh by the way people, very strange question (perhaps), but I've been dying to know: Who is the mysterious Italian theoretician that promised to cut off one of his balls if LHC did not find any SUSY?
@Danu I thought that was just a joke
He must've said it in jest
but who was it?!
I wonder if the guy had the testicular fortitude to do it
well he doesn't have to quite yet
@Danu Yes he does
Is it all 100% over at LHC?
I didn't know that haha
It's not 100%
But it's a nail away from the coffin
not quite yet ;D
As I understand it, the superpartner masses are just too heavy to solve any of the problems that SUSY was supposed to solve
I really want SUSY to be true aesthetically/philosophically
I guess I'm indifferent enough about it that I don't care
I don't actually know the theory though
but I bet it's beautiful
I'm soooo close to 10k
Sorry to interrupt, but does anyone have any keywords to look for when talking about photons? (To distinguish between real and virtual ones?)
An answer of mine has 2 downvotes because the OP was talking abut virtual photons.
@CoilKid On our site? You can take a look at the Search Tips page:
the search function of SE isn't that great
Well, I was just looking at "new"
and this one on photons comes up.
the right way to do it is to use site:physics.stackexchange.com in googling
But it looked like it was about real photons
Seriously, I still can't what he's talking about. How would the search help?
*still can't tell
@CoilKid What question is it?
A: How do charged particles interact?

CoilKidBy trading photons? I'm not sure if I missed something everybody else knows, but an electron(-) stays near a proton(+) because opposites attract. Unless you meant, the photon emitted by an electron moving into a lower energy shell, interacting with the electrons of another atom. To answer some ...

@KyleKanos Just 4 days of hitting the rep cap ;)
Sorry, linked my answer not the question
Q: How do charged particles interact?

ksariashYou'll have to forgive me if this question is too wrapped up in "classical" thinking. I've read that electrons and protons interact by trading photons, but this only raises more questions. What determines the energy and direction of the emitted photon? How often can a particle emit a photon? How...

Was it rude of me to start off like that?
With my answer?
@ACuriousMind Yeah, pretty much
I hit 154 yesterday and 90 today
@CoilKid It is not your fault, but anyone familiar with the popularisation of the concept of (EM) interaction in QFTs can tell that the OP is confused about the (often carelessly thrown about) statement Charged particles interact by exchanging (virtual) photons
Ah, right. Okay. Well, I guess its my fault I thought he was talking about non-virtual particles
4 hours later…
@Danu Can you elaborate a bit moreon that?
@hwlau the joke is that he attracts immensely many citations
oh, so it is a joke?
just like the particles in a B-E condensate all occupy the ground state
I don't get it
Witten never researched B-E condensates, as far as I know ;)
ic :)
Witten is an immensely famous researcher
he is famous to the point of people citing him just because it's Witten
so he attracts citations, like the particles in a B-E condensate all tend to fall into the ground state
So he is not experimental physicist ;)
@Danu The citation count should follow exactly the BEC statistics. Someone might have proved it
@hwlau You really haven't heard of him?!
Edward Witten (/ˈwɪtən/; born August 26, 1951) is an American theoretical physicist and professor of mathematical physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Witten is a researcher in string theory, quantum gravity, supersymmetric quantum field theories, and other areas of mathematical physics. In addition to his contributions to physics, Witten's work has significantly impacted pure mathematics. In 1990 he became the first and so far only physicist to be awarded a Fields Medal by the International Mathematical Union. In 2004, Time magazine stated that Witten was widely...
so many >2k citation papers
over 100k citations
@Danu I should know his name from some papers. But yes, I don't know who he is/his background. Nor I didn't hear my college talk about him.
I guess the worlds of experimental and theoretical physicists are really not the same in all respects...
I am not experimentalist
but I agree with your statement
Trying to answer GR questions is stressful, mostly because I know that by the time I've written an answer, at least 3 other answers will have been posted and I'll have nothing worth adding.

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