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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

I got a question for anybody who may be in the know...
I'm currently doing a joint major in Computer Science and Pure Math with the goal of doing a masters in either math or CS with a focus on cryptography; I'm also considering (though not at the moment due to my already insane workload) of minoring, or adding another major in Physics for the purpose of studying Quantum Computing (wrt quantum cryptography)...
...and you want to know where to score some crack, eh?
Would a minor be sufficient since it's only an extention of my studies in CS and Math, or would a major be recommended? Also, if a minor is sufficient, what would be the general topics (aside from mandatory courses) that I should look into?
It sounds like you want to master quantum mechanics. Once you have the basics you can push as hard as you want or need in that direction.
So, take the lower division sequence and math methods if offered and QM.
Why bother with anything else if physics is not your first love and you are overloaded already?
I'm only thinking of going into physics due to its relationship to quantum computing... Definitely not my main career choice. But I suppose with that said, a minor would be more than sufficient, since I'd only be doing this mostly out of interest and as an added bonus to my current academic path. What would the prerequisites be to learning about the subject?
So Quantum Mechanics is really the thing I want to look into? I missed your message until jus tnow
Thanks. I'll ask my school about that and see what's needed to get to that point sometime in the future
2 hours later…
@agent154 for the actual experimental design of quantum computing devices, you'd need to study up to intro quantum mechanics and then some specialized condensed matter/AMO material after that (probably offered as elective classes).
But for some areas of quantum algorithms, you could probably get by with barely any physics. A lot of it is just linear algebra.
Still, learning up to intro QM will definitely be helpful if you want to get into quantum computing.
And it's kind of necessary for quantum cryptography, which is really more of a (quantum) hardware key exchange protocol than an actual algorithm.
@agent154 You're in luck - the physics behind quantum computing is specific enough you shouldn't have to minor in physics to get it
in a lot of ways, it's the nicest part of quantum mechanics - the vector spaces tend to be finite dimensional, there's no ad hoc "let's throw away this infinity", etc.
Well, I'm doing fairly well in my Linear Algebra courses, so it's good to know that I'll make use of that
But I must be going now.. I'll stay in the channel so I can catch any delayed messages. Thanks for the input.
@ManishEarth mornin
Good morning everyone :)
@Shog9 is there a StackExchange for that, too? o.O
@CrazyBuddy so did you tweet your thoughts about space exploration the other day?
@Shog9 LOL I should have known
@ChrisWhite Nah... I'm not even at home..!!! (let alone twitter) I just shared it :/
My vacation starts only from today :)
And I'm trying to synchronize myself with SE (didn't participate much for the last two days)
Two days -- I started out from home at 7:30, reached back only at night 8:30 (12 hrs in colg. alone) :/
@ChrisWhite that's probably the only physics topic where that works
@ManishEarth why was that site not around when I traveled to Asia???
Oh... Did you???
@CrazyBuddy after graduating college - it's kind of a western tradition to take an extended travel-somewhere-remote-and-interesting vacation during/after college
it's very popular in Europe, somewhat popular in the US as far as I can tell
Well, where did you go? (India? :P)
just east Asia that time - where Japan and China really confused me with their toilet practices
Hah... :D
@Shog9: I'm still wondering how you guys write so well? Would that power come to me, my blog will be a blockbuster hit (and I can become a rep. generator here) :D
I find it hilarious that I can get the same exact bottle of Coke anywhere on the planet, and I can converse in English in any town I ever find myself, but this globalized world still has such different toilet practices
Maybe I should start reading posts of specific user profiles in MSO too...
@ChrisWhite But the bottle of Coke isn't the same, it does taste different. It's close, but different.
So are the toilets. You kinda know what to do cause it's close. But you're just not quite sure it's the same
@tpg2114 taste different? o_O
@tpg2114: And, congrats on your long-awaited 3k :P
hmm, as someone who doesn't like carbonated drinks, I guess I haven't sampled them enough, but it does make sense they'd be somewhat different
@tpg2114 Yes indeed congrats - may I retire from close-voting now? :P
@ChrisWhite No, cause then there would only be 3 close votes instead of 4 :P
@CrazyBuddy And thank you, I've been keeping my queue clear ;)
Finished your 20 threshold? :O
(well, you should've seen 50 or 60 posts in the queue... No??)
It was only like 13
@tpg2114 ooh, yay, better flag more things with my sock :P
At least, that's what happened to me... (I had 52 posts or something at the start)
@ManishEarth: Emilio asked for 3k+ active reviewers in that meta post... Right?
Instead of writing query and all, shall we put a post indicating who & who...??
(well, we know most of the active fellas)
From here? Yes, that would work, though a more grainy bit of data would be nicer
@ManishEarth I mean, (for now) we can write out a temporary post :D
(Not much useful... Eh??)
temporary you mean. temporal means time
@ChrisWhite any plans on posting on any of those recent physicsmeta posts?
I was hoping you may have some tips to improve Phy.SE experience
(and possibly some ideas to improve net phy.se experience on the other thread)
yeah yeah - when i get around to it :P
still learning all sorts of fascinating things about toilets
The age-old question... do I go to sleep now and try to get up in time to write up my homework assignment in the morning, or do I write it now and sleep in...
@ChrisWhite hahaha
@tpg2114 either way it won't be completed
Historically I tend to wake up at the same time regardless of when I go to sleep... and it isn't early
@ChrisWhite Astro grad learning about toilets... -- Nice -_-
@tpg2114 life of a grad student. I have to wake up early. Though, like I mentioned before, my vacation sleep schedule is very twisted.
@tpg2114 As a Phys.SE (and 3k+) user, you shouldn't have the habit of sleeping -- watch out for homeworks & trolls... :)
@CrazyBuddy Trust me, I don't. I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night
That's great :)
It's been a rough week for a lot of reasons... life snowballed quickly.
I'm drawing free-body diagrams with Tikz
Shoot me now
@tpg2114 That's how I learned basic Tikz.
Tried using xfig, then decided to use tikz because it's good to know
MS Paint
@ChrisWhite Same here :P
We all go with the simple universe :)
for serious stuff, I dunno why asymptote is so under-appreciated
Q: What are the relative strengths of TikZ and Asymptote?

MarienplatzI want to compare TikZ and Asymptote for their abilities in 2D & 3D functional plot and other general purpose, simple drawings. What are the strong aspects of TikZ over Asymptote?

@ChrisWhite Silly rabbit, TikZ is for kids!
I've used feynmf before.
Love and hate.
Love it because they are so beautiful. Hate the whole process and the way if just stops working for no reason within mortal ken.
chemfig is nice. But I've only played with it
@dmckee that's LaTeX for you
@ManishEarth That's LaTeX for everybody
Hmmm... All I have to do now is gather the names of stuff I dunno :D
Mostly I know what is up when other parts of LaTeX stop working. Feynmf baffels me everytime.
@tpg2114 haha
that's what I meant :P
@CrazyBuddy If you have time, you can play around and find your favorite:
Q: What software programs are used to draw physics diagrams, and what are their relative merits?

Mark EichenlaubPeople undoubtedly use a variety of programs to draw diagrams for physics, but I am not familiar with many of them. I usually hand-draw things in GIMP. GIMP is powerful in some regards, but it's time consuming to do things like draw circles or arrows because I make them from more primitive tool...

@CrazyBuddy heh; I don't think I'm a particularly good writer, although there are certainly good writers working at SE. Most of what I post is stuff I've written a dozen different ways in a hundred different posts over the years, so it becomes just a matter of trying to pull in what's relevant.
@ChrisWhite best part of moving to the southwest was being able to get Mexican Coke any time I want it.
@ChrisWhite What the?? You dare point me with a 25k+ viewed Phys.SE post..!!! (thinking that I haven't seen it yet??) :P
@CrazyBuddy Learn LaTeX! Submit all your assignments in TeX and get zeroes because the professors don't like printed assignments! Never touch Word again. etc etc
OK, never yet gotten a zero for submitting a printed assignment, but I know where not to submit one
@ManishEarth Duh... I can hopefully bet you that none in my colg. actually know "what's latex" -_-
@ManishEarth Get zeros? Really? I turn in all my assignments written in TeX cause the graders love it
@CrazyBuddy It's a college. They better.
No deciphering handwriting, trying to follow arrows when I made a mistake and want to skip sections...
@tpg2114 Some departments/professors are very paranoid about copying
That's why this homework takes forever to "finish." I did it on paper in a few hours, now I have to spend the same amount of time translating it
@Shog9 Now, all I have to do is rob these stuff from your profile :D
I agree with @tpg2114 - graders loved my tex'd homework, and I loved grading it that way
Last sem we had 26 different papers for each quiz/midsem/endsem in our math courses. All labelled differently (in one they labelled them alphabetically with the names of various mathematicians&physicists)
The elec department is especially paranoid, because the elec students this year copy a lot and their department is the one that gives out the most assignments. So...they like handwritten stuff
@ChrisWhite thought so too
@tpg2114 If/when I do it on scratch paper I do it in such an unorganized manner that no grader would ever see what's going on
This is 12 handwritten pages, all math, for 2 problems
@tpg2114 All math? I would do it in Mathematica and copy as TeX :>
I'm very happy to be using the extended Hamilton's principle so I don't need to deal with figuring out free-body diagrams and boundary conditions anymore
@ManishEarth I'm no good even in Mathematica :/
@ManishEarth That would take me a lot longer actually...
Maybe I should be creative next time, and fool my professors with MathGen :P
@tpg2114 Ah. I'm pretty good with the MMA shortcuts and functions so normal algebra is easy to do and subsequently TeXify. Ditto for manipulating DEs. But you probably have some advanced math.
@ManishEarth Not all that advanced, it's just solving an ODE. But it's deriving the ODE that takes up paper
Vibrations in a beam with various things attached to the ends of it
@tpg2114 Ah. But that's just algebra and substitution, no?
That's the beauty of engineering... the math really isn't all that complicated
Pretty much -- lots of integration by parts, algebra
Trig identities
@tpg2114 You don't speak about engineering to us..!!!! :P
Is there a way to see a "correct" vote rate on reopen/close/recommend deletion votes?
@tpg2114 Nope. If review ever comes to SEDE then yes
Well, you could use your votes tab, filter to close votes, and then look at the titles
But the votes tab is private to you
Yeah, I was looking through the reviews by hand on each question
And seeing how others voted relative to me
It's interesting that my votes run opposite the same people on the limited samples so far
For both reopen and close
with some AJAX+jQuery you probably could gather all that data quickly
@tpg2114 that might indicate that there are some policies we aren't clear about. Possibly.
Not when you factor in the amount of time it would take me to learn AJAX and jQuery
I actually oppose @ChrisWhite more than I expected. I guess we can't be friends.
@tpg2114 heh. jQuery does ajax for you, and it's not that hard. I'll try and whip up something
I know neither, I've never come across either of them actually
It may be good to sit and discuss controversial (with opposing votes) closes from time to time
@tpg2114 Know javascript?
@ManishEarth Pick me..!! Teach me..!!! :P
But if you need a SQL statement to compute the vorticity from a 3D flowfield, I've got that
@tpg2114 countering my every move, I see :P
CREATE TABLE voriticty
AS SELECT a.i, a.j, a.k
, ((d.f3-e.f3)/(d.y-e.y)-(f.f2-g.f2)/(f.z-g.z)) AS vort_x
, ((f.f1-g.f1)/(f.z-g.z)-(b.f3-c.f3)/(b.x-c.x)) AS vort_y
, ((b.f2-c.f2)/(b.x-c.x)-(d.f1-e.f1)/(d.y-e.y)) AS vort_z
FROM scratch AS a JOIN scratch AS b ON a.i=b.i-1 AND a.j=b.j AND a.k=b.k
JOIN scratch AS c ON a.i=b.i+1 AND a.j=b.j AND a.k=b.k
JOIN scratch AS d ON a.i=b.i AND a.j=b.j-1 AND a.k=b.k
JOIN scratch AS e ON a.i=b.i AND a.j=b.j+1 AND a.k=b.k
JOIN scratch AS f ON a.i=b.i AND a.j=b.j AND a.k=b.k-1
In case anybody was curious how it's done
@ChrisWhite I have some pretty big shoes to fill when it comes to obstructing your quest to destroy theoretical physics
@tpg2114 aaah my eyes
LAWL indeed
@ManishEarth We had access to an IBM massively parallel database system and loaded up a simulation with terabytes of data. I think we had 100 TB of data in the tables
Something like 500 million cells
And I was able to compute the vorticity at each cell in 30 seconds with that statement
@tpg2114 nice
it's a good thing I'm only here another few years - too much time spent next to the Institute for Advanced Study makes you troll/interrogate anyone speaking about anything scientific
@tpg2114 that's cool and yet terrible
We probably could have gotten it to go way faster, but the huge database clusters are designed for mission-critical things like banking where it has a crazy amount of redundancy built in so it has all sorts of consistency checks we don't need
We don't care if our vorticity calculation gets interrupted... but they care if a bank loses a transaction
btw, were you the one using air force computing clusters?
DoD I think
Yeah, I have access to AFRL machines
AFRL, ONR, NAVO, ERDC are all HPC centers under the DoD :)
There's some more, but those are the ones I have access to. Oh, and ARL
@tpg2114 Why not modify some of the open source SQL.cluster computing variants and remove the useless bits?
Or is that me not realizing how hard that would be? :P
@ManishEarth Because we were working with IBM directly on their clusters. We talked about decommissioning one of our clusters and putting MySQL on it
But we (meaning I) lost interest in working on that project and convinced my boss it is ridiculous
@tpg2114 cool - maybe one day i'll get my code on a nice cluster
i talked to someone today who recently did a nice PIC simulation on Blue Waters
@ChrisWhite Have you had to get security clearance for anything?
@tpg2114 I tried - and failed - to get through the red tape at JPL
ah, I see
@ChrisWhite Failed? Maybe we really can't be friends ;)
All of the HPC machines at the DoD require the lowest level of clearance, the "Person of Trust" level.
All the unclassified machines I should say
got to go, class. Nice chatting with you guys!
see ya
@ManishEarth C'ya later ;-)
@tpg2114 well, I once interned at a power company - they almost didn't hire me because of my background check - turns out someone with the same name and birthdate as me is a known juvenile felon in South Carolina
@ChrisWhite You actually could get on Copper without security clearances, that's part of the Open Research System (ORS)
Hmm.... This vacation, I'm gonna dig into every single programming language (being a C/C++ old timer) in order to slap you all..!!!
I think you just send them your planned usage and request hours. They'll require documentation/reports on your results
To show you're not just mining bitcoins
@CrazyBuddy At 18 or 19 years old, you're hardly an old timer at anything...
Unless you wanted to bust out your knowledge of Fortran IV or Algol 56 or something
Sadly, both of which I've had to read and translate before...
I'm not sure which is worse - translating 1960's era code, or translating 1960's era Soviet journals
Just jump straight to being awesome and learn BrainF**k
Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. The language consists of only eight simple commands and an instruction pointer. It is a Turing tarpit, designed to challenge and amuse programmers, and was not made to be suitable for practical use. It was created in 1993 by Urban Müller. Language design Urban Müller created brainfuck in 1993 with the intention of designing a language which could be implemented with the smallest possible compiler, inspired by the 1024-byte compiler for the FALSE programming language. Several brainfuck compilers have been m...
@tpg2114 My brain is complex... Trust me, I can do that...!!!
nah - this is the 21st century - code in 2D arrays
Befunge is a stack-based, reflective, esoteric programming language. It differs from conventional languages in that programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid. "Arrow" instructions direct the control flow to the left, right, up or down, and loops are constructed by sending the control flow in a cycle. It has been described as "a cross between Forth and Lemmings." History The language was originally created by Chris Pressey in 1993 as an attempt to devise a language which is as hard to compile as possible — note that the p command allows for self-modifying code. Nevertheles...
@tpg2114 Hmm... I've seen an answer on that (worth some rep.) in SO ...
A: Programming challenge: can you code a hello world program as a Palindrome?

David ZIn a language that shall not be named: ++++++++++> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...

You can be cool like @DavidZ
Exactly... @DavidZ's answer..!!!
@ChrisWhite Do you speak Russian well enough to translate?
@tpg2114 I can only sound it out, praying for science words to be cognates
@ChrisWhite I'd much rather paint my programs in MSPaint with you:
@ChrisWhite I took Russian for a year in undergrad
Let me tell you... My background check took a long time. 3 months in Europe with a week in Morocco; detained at airports 3 different times (not arrested of course, but I did piss off TSA/customs); studied Russian; lived with foreign nationals (North Korean roommate)
Those tend to be red flags that they like to look into a bit more
@tpg2114 Nice..!!!
Hello, NSA - I was just talking about kittens. Cute, fluffy kittens.
@CrazyBuddy Given the current environment and capabilities of governments, that's probably not something one should joke about...
obligatory xkcd: xkcd.com/1269
is xkcd auto-previewed in chat?
@ChrisWhite Yep...
Based on my Google Scholar search history, I may have a dedicated agent
I was going to post that on the MSO thread at the end of my answer
@tpg2114 Go on... MSO is totally for fun..!!! :D
I haven't done any of my homework writeup
I'm just gonna go to bed
Talk to you guys later I'm sure
@tpg2114 I know... Where are you gonna go? In fact, you're the one who's gonna teach me FORTRAN :P
C'ya later ;-)
Q: Why don't we just ban homework altogether?

NathanielThis site gets a lot of low-quality homework questions. Since I ignored the homework tag a few months ago, my experience of the site has been much more pleasant. The current homework policy is nice, but the questions that actually obey it are few. I think this is because if you've put the effort...

Heh... Just to confirm what @Robert said: the MO mods are awesome people who dearly love their community and are fiercely protective of it. Since upgrading MO to the SE 2.0 platform, I've had the opportunity to more closely observe how they handle cranks and malcontents on their site... The Physics mods are kittens by comparison. — ShogDYIN' 12 hours ago
Kittens..!!! :P
@tpg2114: And, I totally forgot to congratulate you... NICE ANSWER..!!! ;-)
Q: i cant answer now any question on physics.stackexchange?

anupamshould i try to raise my reputation .But how? Can i remove this ban by deleting my all posts questions etc or make a new account.

Doesn't it show on his profile if he's been banned?
@ManishEarth I think I've figured out how you're being smart :P
@PranavHosangadi It's an answer block. A very rare, automatic beast
You need to be exceptionally bad at writing answers to get that
Looking at his profile (I can see deleted posts), he would have gotten the question block too had it been enabled for our site.
@tpg2114 no Malbolge!
@tpg2114 Now that I know that you know SQL, write some queries for me! :P
This Brainfuck language seems like a really awesome way to waste time :P
Seriously though. A query showing the percentage of HW that gets reopened after edits (and the %ge od HW that gets OP edited if possible) would be great. The PostHistory table lists all the events like closing and reopening and editing.
@PranavHosangadi haha it is. Try writing a program that prints itself in BF
Even better, make it a palindrome. i've managed the former, though didn't get far with the latter
@Shog9 Oh, yes, absolutely. High-level questions and answers are obviously crappy off-topic for a "Basic Physics" Stack Exchange. How could I be so stupid as to forget that? And of course, criticism is totally inappropriate in a toiletarian monarchy which will never want to be a free academic community (an example of a free academic community is Maths Overflow). How could I be as stupid as to not realise that? Indeed, popular-level, and low-level questions are what fuel your SEO.
After all, it's a for-profit, care-only-for-profit company, and I shouldn't be forgetting this.
Why would you ever be interested in making a free academic community? In fact, I used to misspell stackexchange.com as stackexchange.org.
hmmm sigh..
SE makes like zero money off sites like Physics. (also, i think they're currently in VC mode). The only money they would make off this site is indirect in the sense that people would come here and discover the other technical sites, which is pretty rare imo for a site like this.
High could I flag this question?
Q: How light causes increase in temperature.

Muhammad UmerHigher the temperature the higher the kinetic energy atoms has. However, i learned that light interacts with electron. So how interaction with electrons translate into increase kinetic energy (movements) of atoms. btw, what does happen when light hits protons and neutrons.

@jinawee You don't need to ask if you should flag a question :P Just flag away, usually. If the flag gets declined, that will indicate that you shouldn't.
@ManishEarth I mean that it low effort question, but there isn't that option. Is homework similar, even if it is not homework?
@ManishEarth Damn... you're fast :)
@jinawee ah
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS SE strongly emphasizes question quality and avoiding low-level question on any new beta site they start. The part where SE (and large parts of the community) strongly disagree with you is allowing insults and hostility on the site, and that is independent of the level and quality of the questions on the site
@jinawee custom flag usually works. Also, here's a trick very few know:
@jinawee When you flag as off topic (not for migration), the exact sub reason is not really recorded (well, it is, but not visible to eve moderators). So if you think a question is off topic but aren't sure why, just flag it as any off topic subreason like homework and it will work.
@ManishEarth Thanks
@ManishEarth why does the subreason exist then? Just to make sure you don't go flagging questions willy nilly because it's so easy?
@PranavHosangadi Well, it does exist for closing, btw. Just not for flagging
Because the subreasons teach new flaggers
@PranavHosangadi The subreasons are pretty specific, they give a better outline of what is and isn't allowed. A new user may have a fuzzy idea of this, but can be more sure about flagging if he knows what is off topic and what isn't.
I did propose a change to it though
Q: Better flagging as off topic

Manishearth Related: No custom off topic message when flagging on SO I recently noticed something: The off topic subreason chosen by flaggers doesn't make any difference at all. Specifically, the subreason chosen is not shown to close voters. Besides, as the "other" reason is unavailable, a lot of case...

Yes, I understand.
1 hour later…
In other news, I asked a question. Part-popsci, part srs bsns.
nice question!
@UV-D no complimenting this is srs bsns
nice txt speak
A: As a user of Physics.SE, how do I make my own experience smoother and more enjoyable?

SklivvzLevel up your communication ninja powers Make sure your questions, answers and comments are clear, understandable by the audience and on-topic. Use proper English. Be reasonably polite in tone (as you would be with a professor you like). Never fight with other people, or discuss their intention...

@ManishEarth ^^^
nice @Sklivvz!
@UV-D Read the post, it says no hissing and spitting
it does not! you had me going there
@ManishEarth ... lol
@Sklivvz Nice "bunching-up" Sklivvz... ;-)
Thanks. I am somewhat suspicious that it will not help the people it should help, but...
@Sklivvz at least you've tried
@Sklivvz Nah, it's fine. It's simple. It says almost everything it should.
Good work :)
Seems like you're back into our meta :P
hi @CrazyBuddy
Aaargh... :D
@UV-D Hey ;-)
Q: is it duplicate how?

anupamthis question isn't duplicate anymore. why people criticise beginners?What is the length of a photon?

@Sklivvz I'll happily confirm that in 1 hour.
Actually, no.
Because it will involve me posting something somewhere other than my own posts.
um... what?
by the way, to clarify, I am referring to the physics meta
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Btw, you may be interested in looking at tea.mathoverflow.net/discussion/1512/…. I saw some of your recent TRF posts, and no, MO is strict towards both cranks and rude users, no matter how smart.
Also, we don't consider anyone who doesn't like the model as cranks. The model has changed a lot due to input and experiences, if SE didn't like disagreement then that would never have happened. We have never called any of you people cranks, and don't intend to do so. Your input is useful. Just that the same input presented over and over again ... isn't.
... I find that quite hypocritical coming from someone who regularly labels some users here as trolls. We don't call you cranks. Don't insult the time they've spent here by calling them trolls.
@ManishEarth I am quite shocked at the replies on tea.MO, but I don't think they've applied such things in practivce. At least I've seen strong criticism there.
@ManishEarth Well, the comments there that I have linked to definitely indicated that SE does.
@ManishEarth Well, trolls spend a lot of time, too.
on trolling.
@Hissatron : Right, it's that Movember month again.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS sigh it's not that they've spent time, it's that they've spent a lot of time here with good intentions.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Criticism is one thing, an abrasive attitude is another. I've seen the former, not the latter, on MO. I did spend a lot of time on the site to help them fit into their SE 2.0 shoes, and it seemed a pleasant place.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS What the comments on MSO indicate is that SE is tired of users beating the same old dead horse.
@Qmechanic hahaha I didn't even realize that
Wait... I didn't know that we had a Hissatron...!!! (How did I go blind?) :/
@CrazyBuddy it was here only for an hour
I brought it in because aufkag mentioned that Kit was using something similar
@ManishEarth I don't want to reply to any of that. I've replied to that enough times everywhere.
@ManishEarth ah...
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Actually, he must tell that to you ;-)
So have I. Let's drop it
Huh? How do I have 3 rep now?
Oh, my suspension ended.
Wait, what?
I only had like three rep?
Huh, oh, tag wiki.
What, 30 July 2013?
Wow, congrats @WetSavannaAnimalakaRodVance, I didn't know you had > 5000 rep.
Wait, how does the edit deface the tag wiki?.
Wait, so I'll be stuck at 3 rep for ever, right?
But I didn't get stuck last time?
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Nope. That's a bug, reported
Oh, wait, I got stuck for a few minutes last time too at 1 rep.
What about the links in my profile? Why did they take so long to appear?
oh. ok.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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