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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

Have a look at English chat. KitSox has some cool thing going on.
Ooh, Kit is nice
@aufkag Oh, I have a chatbot myself
I am watching.
so am I....
!!hiss cupcakes
Always watching you...
@ManishEarth cupcakes..hiss...spit
@ManishEarth help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, hiss (page 0/0)
have fun
@Hissatron coffee
@ManishEarth "undefined"
!!coffee dmckee
@ManishEarth "ReferenceError: dmckee is not defined"
@dmckee "undefined"
that's coffeescript
@aufkag Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
Ah ha. I was hoping for an espresso delivery.
!!mustache dmckee
@aufkag This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
@UV-D ..hiss...spit
aaah it's been a while
I look pretty good with a stache.
@aufkag See /help weather for usage info
@dmckee I thought they were nose hairs
@UV-D Lol. Actually I'm thinking of asking for one of those little trimmer domahickies for Christmass...
@dmckee have one of them... very versatile, a little TOO versatile
!!cookie aufkag
@ManishEarth Hands @aufkaga cookie
!!/cookie aufkag
@ManishEarth Hands @aufkag a cookie
wait no
it's really hard to keep a straight face sitting in the back of this lecture room with you people up to your shenanigans
!!cookie ChrisWhite
@ChrisWhite: Here's a cookie for you!
there, fixed
!!hiss one-direction
@UV-D one-direction..hiss...spit
@ChrisWhite hahaha. Happened to me a couple of times. There I was, analysing plots, and suddenly I burst out laughing
made my day
@MadScientist Ah, thanks.
Huh, I hit the rep-cap on MSO
Never hit that on any site before
@aufkag I'm not responsible for any damage to your sanity if you follow that link
@MadScientist I started to read it earlier today and just couldn't take it
@MadScientist No worries. Anyway I hear great things happen at rep 3000. What?
@tpg2114 Well, I should ask you.
@aufkag You get to close stuff, that is the last really useful privilege you get (unless you become a mod)
Vote to open/close
Basically the only need to cast flags and have others decide things for you is if it's something that mods need to deal with directly
Otherwise you get to cast your own votes
3k is pretty much the most important rep milestone
At 10,000 you get access to some of the moderator tools without being a mod, but that's a long way away and not super useful
@MadScientist Well, I'm excited already.
Assuming I'll make it. :)
@tpg2114 inline retagging!
@tpg2114 Those are not actually the mod tools, the original naming is rather confusing there. The 10k tools have nothing to do with the actual mod tools
That's the most useful 10k privilege.
Though /tools has some interesting goodies as well.
but 3k>10k, yeah
@MadScientist Oh, hey! I'm talked about there! Now I've really made it
@tpg2114 Something about worshipping you. Right?
Yeah, and being a politician
I guess that's better than being called sock-puppet account right?
I don't think I'm explicitly named, but I don't think I'd get a very nice name considering I have actually suspended Ron myself once
It is now clear that you have not understood the implicit meaning of my question. I would like someone to upvote me just once, preferably a politician, because (s)he'll know the favour will be collectable some day.
Yes, I know, it's difficult to find something to upvote. :)
you seem to like the off-topic :P
@ManishEarth That's where I excel. In some some sort of way. :)
A: What is happening in this video of a hamster running?

aufkagNote that the hamster is initially stationary. I find it physiologically and neurologically doubtful that the hamster could and would accelerate and launch itself like that. I propose that the physics solution is: The hamster was running backwards. Note that hamsters are quite good at running ...

tokamaks may one day supply the world's power, and i've just spent the last 45 minutes not understanding anything that's been said about them
some about helical magnetic walls and electron acceleration - and also the speaker uses the same beamer template I prefer
@ChrisWhite Donut-shaped thingies with plasma rotating inside, and that's the end of my knowledge ;-)
@ManishEarth You may not have noticed this, but I'm your cleaner of sorts. I actually deal with the stuff that's on the fringes of on-topic.
@aufkag I have noticed this :)
@ChrisWhite which?
@tpg2114 I've just gotten to the part of that thread where they call me a "sick user," an "obnoxiously idiotic troll," and an "obnoxious non-physics troll." :)
@ManishEarth Darmstadt, with a lily/seahorse color scheme
wow, now that I say it, that's kind of an odd mix of intense, Germanic name with light and fluffy colors
@ColinMcFaul I think I got off easy
I am curious what facts I was dishonest about though
@ChrisWhite hahaha
@ColinMcFaul I think you got off easy. :)
@ChrisWhite We hacked our own together
I don't know what it was based off of though, but we made it GT official colors
@aufkag HA! thanks.
@tpg2114 you have decent colors - both my universities have thought there are three colors in the world - orange, white, and more orange
@tpg2114 The ones Rick Trebino (optics, FROG, gatech) uses are very garish.
Oh, I'm in an "invader"
@ColinMcFaul Be careful how far you dig into it. Sometimes it's better to not know what they say -- you can never be accused of seeking revenge for comments if you never know they were made
So, which is better: Elementary or Sherlock?
I actually have spent a lot of time politicking and learned many lessons along the way :)
ok - now my thesis adviser is talking about something i need to know - time to pay attention
@aufkag Haven't seen Elementary, but Sherlock is rather good
@ChrisWhite where the nearest bathroom is?
@ChrisWhite Is it your graduation date?
Cause all else is irrelevant
@MadScientist 3 episodes a year is somewhat meagre, isn't it?
It's three movie-length episodes
@tpg2114 That's a good point. I'm just laughing at it. I don't really take them seriously, and will probably forget about it by tomorrow.
@ColinMcFaul So long as you maintain a sense of humor about it, that's good enough
@MadScientist Must say I'm looking forward to the next three. Early next year I think. But in the meantime I'll enjoy Elementary as well. (Just saw one where P=NP was proven.)
I should have paid more attention to my undergrad structural analysis and aeroelasticity courses
I wouldn't struggle so much now in the grad school versions of them... and it actually is interesting this time around
@MadScientist Just watched S02E03 and I must say, I like Elementary better.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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