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What's the deal with really old questions/answers going into the low quality queue?
And, why are my choices limited to "looks good", "edit", or "delete"? What if it doesn't look good but I don't have edits for it and it's just plain wrong or unclear so it isn't justified to delete it?
At least on First Posts I can up/downvote but LQ I can't.
At least that one I can recommend deleting since it makes no effort to answer the question...
@tpg2114 someone flagged it as VLQ (NAA also works)
@tpg2114 "Looks Good" = "Don't delete"
I open in a new tab and whack it with a DV
I guess it's not like our queue is flooded with things all the time, but the questions/answers that pop up are odd sometimes
like somebody is going through questions > 1 year old looking for something to do
There have been a bunch of NAA flags recently, from the same user, not all of them correct
This particular flag was from a different one though
Only 270 more too I can VtC! Come on easy questions...
I guess 275 so I have some freedom to downvote without losing my voting rights...
Kinda sad my time in the chat room spikes on Saturday
@tpg2114 Mine too
I also apparently don't sleep
I definitely don't sleep -- which is why I'm here now
4 hours later…
WTF is this technical-sounding rambling that's gotten so much attention???
@ChrisWhite it is quite an essay...
"But this is not the reality. The QCD vacuum that we inhabit is filled with a sea of non-trivial bundles and the whole quantum structure of the laws of nature are bundle-theoretic at its very heart."
Those links all go to the same site, which if not quite crackpot has certainly ventured far into the deep end
meanwhile I am struggling a bit
can I get your view on something?
@UV-D if it's quick - i can only stay a minute
is there anything wrong with this answer physics.stackexchange.com/questions/47832/…
@ChrisWhite Could you please flag that post or ping DZ about it? I'm a tad busy.
There are ten theorems, all called "Cauchy's <something>" that I need to remember
#$&@ Cauchy
@ManishEarth Meh I think it's mathematical stuff that's nonsense when applied to physics, but string theorists salivate over this sort of thing, so i guess we have to throw them a bone every now and again
@ChrisWhite ah
aight, np
hadn't had a look at the answer
@UV-D looks right to me - i recall reading something about that stuff once (but of course I can't vouch for the validity of the actual numbers used)
good, I know it is just partial answer to address the comment in the question that the weighing factors being fake (when they are not)
I was clipped by a car today... could have sworn it bounced
@UV-D that seems to address basically the whole question I think?
I mean, presumably all one does is multiply the spectrum of light reaching the ground with the weighting function you showed?
potentially, mind you I was just focusing on that part of the answer... a positive unintended consequence perhaps
though I guess I have no idea why the UV index can change so dramatically day-to-day
is the optical depth of the ozone layer really that chaotic?
it is also due to the aerosol optical depth
that is a major source of uncertainty (the basis of my PhD and 4 papers)
mmm - I can see that changing pretty easily, especially in cities that are only periodically cleared out by wind
in Tokyo on a still day, the aerosol optical depth approached 0.7-0.8, far worse elsewhere
smoke haze can apparently drp the uVI by a point or two
political banter can also send the UVI down a few notches
I once did a brief experiment where I measured UVI - the location was right on the Tropic of Capricorn in the local summer.
the values I was getting between 11am and 2pm were almost consistent at an extreme 17-18, except when smoke haze was noted - quite heavy, and dropped the UVI to 13-14
ok, after browsing for enough (too much) time I've decided to put ncatlab on my personal list of crackpot sites
maybe they know something about (an infinitesimal branch of) pure math, but they show one of the classic signs of physics crackpottery: desperately trying to convince the world that they can explain all of nature with their grand unified theory of everything, without showing any sign that they have studied physics along the way
@ChrisWhite Hm. Do they qualify as crackpot under the site guidelines?
Doesn't look like it. I'll have a closer look though.
But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV
@ManishEarth no, it's just lots of math with no content
@ManishEarth sigh
We're not calling him a crackpot, we're just wondering if his work is mainstream
Well, the more I hear from string theorists, the more I want to call them all crackpots
(yes I just said that - sue me)
> Mainstream physics is physics which has been accepted by a significant portion of the physics community. In the case of modern physics, if a theory has not been published in a reputable journal, it is not considered mainstream.
By that definition I think it's OK for the site
the way they all back each other and take offense if you question anything of theirs - quite unscientific
The distinction between some parts of TP and P is similar to P and Chem. The certainty at which people "accept" things is different
For example, monopoles. Experimentalists say they don't exist, but TPists are conviced they do because they pop out of mathematically beautiful equations.
Both sides have a point.
what's really intriguing is the user who asked that question - for the past several months all they've done is ask basic EM questions like you'd expect from a freshman in college, and now "I've seem the notion of bundles, fiber bundles, connections on bundles and so on being used in many different places on Physics" - just where at that level does one see bundles?
guess it's a mathematician learning physics?
@ManishEarth I'm a theorist at heart, but I tear apart theories I think are wrong - you should see me discussing astro-ph papers :P
Actually I'd prefer not to discuss people in chat too much, given that I just wrote this answer
Q: How the Lorentz transformation affects the metric tensor?

user215721After performing a Lorentz transformation, the orthogonal coordinates will become askew, as in the following figure: and in such coordinate system, according to this Wikipedia article, the metric will have off-diagonal non-zero elements: $$g_{ij}=\mathbf{e}_i.\mathbf{e}_j$$ which is not that ...

Could do with a more intuitive/fundamental answer, explaining the difference between a transformation and a change of metric.
Up for grabs (I'll see if I can write one, but got to study Cauchy first)
@ManishEarth Hmm... Okay, I'm the wrongdoer..!!! Arrest me :P
I had a thought
The barycenter of our solar system lies somewhere near the photosphere and varies accordingly with the motion of Jupiter (Ehm... other planets too)
@Everyone -- for a graph of the movement of the solar system center-of-mass, see: timingsolution.com/TS/Study/cmJohannes Sep 10 at 19:53
So, there's a chance for Earth to face the Sun
I mean, "directly" when the center-of-mass is behind it...
It means that the sun gets closer to us, about a distance equal to its radii -- Right??
(any effects on this?)
1 hour later…
Q: How to offer bounty to a person who answers my question?

Shreesha EinstienI have a question and i want to offer bounty, how do I do it. And what exactly is bounty?Is it giving away your reputation to somebody

Hey Chris White, I am not sure yet if I understand what troubles you. If anyone points out a mistake in what I say, I'll readily admit it and will fix it. Concerning the explicit sentence about the instanton sea vacuum that you cite: I gave the citation, this is neither my personal idea nor that of "string theorists". This is instead a basic fact in standard QCD.
2 hours later…
@UrsSchreiber I think the troubling thing is that he finds a similarity with other non mainstream stuff, and you're linking to the same site (which is also linked to in your profile). Though @ChrisWhite knows better than me on what's so troubling about it.
The answer seems OK to me, however note that an answer that has multiple links to the same site is the first indicator of something non mainstream. It does not in any way imply non mainstreamness, just that most of the NM answer's I've come across are like that
@ChrisWhite: REALLY? nCatLab is crackpot? Urs Schreiber is a crackpot? What's wrong with you?! It's an extremely intuitive and interesting answer, and to criticise it baselessly can be nothing but bad faith. By the way, it does not mention strings at aell, and it obviously isn't nm. And, @ManishEarth, what do you mean by "But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV"? Do you mean to say that string theory is crackpot?
+1 to Urs Schreiber's answer, by the way.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS He said it could be
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Not saying that ST is crackpot
@ManishEarth REALLY?
> WT* is this technical-sounding rambling that's gotten so much attention???
however, what is accepted by the ST community is not always accepted by other communities, giving the perception of crackpot
> But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS scroll down.
That is NOT the def. of crackpot.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS not saying it is crackpot. You're putting words into my mouth
@ManishEarth How many times do I need to quote that message?
56 secs ago, by DImension10 Abhimanyu PS
> But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Are you even listening to me?
"Probably mainstream under the string theory POV" does not imply "crackpot elsewhere"
@ManishEarth Yes. I know you're referring to:
1 min ago, by ManishEarth
however, what is accepted by the ST community is not always accepted by other communities, giving the perception of crackpot
It looks crackpot at first glance
1 min ago, by DImension10 Abhimanyu PS
That is NOT the def. of crackpot.
Perception is not being
I've replied to that already^.
Huh? That's not even related.
You said "perception", but
I'm saying that it's easy for something in ST to seem crackpot to a non STist.
that doesn;'t mean that one may say that it is. as
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS That's why Chris said "personal list of crackpot sites"
CW had said:
6 hours ago, by Chris White
WTF is this technical-sounding rambling that's gotten so much attention???
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Yes, out of initial indignance. Read down
And by the way, when I called obvious crackpottery "crackpot", it's considered as rude; whereas when CW sais it, it's all right, and a personal preference ? .
Knowing that Urs is a longtime contributer, I doubt that it's anything close to crackpot/NM
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Did he?
@ManishEarth Yet your meassage:
searching, one sec.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS: I don't see anything wrong in Chris White's phrase...
It's just meant for fun :)
Don't take it seriously :D
5 hours ago, by ManishEarth
We're not calling him a crackpot, we're just wondering if his work is mainstream
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS wondering
5 mins ago, by DImension10 Abhimanyu PS
56 secs ago, by DImension10 Abhimanyu PS
> But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV
When it's a matter of site policy, we do have to make sure
Which means that it's a legitimate thing to discuss
the point is that "wondering" is just a
polite way of saying that "we're sure and we'll now act on it".
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS: sigh (Can't you discuss something instead of throwing the transcripts) -_-
@CrazyBuddy Because it's pointless. I don't need to repeat everything I've said (Which is ignored, blatantly.)
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS You had a very very abrasive way of going about and commenting "crackpot, crackpot" on posts. These comments have no purpose. They don't add anything constructive to the discussion. While Chris started off a bit indignant, he was discussing the mainstreamness of the answer, something which is necessary.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Well, if you want to put words into my mouth feel free. But I'll just not continue the discussion.
@ManishEarth Urs Schreiber's answer is perfectly fine, not crackpot.
@ManishEarth I need to quote again:
1 min ago, by DImension10 Abhimanyu PS
polite way of saying that "we're sure and we'll now act on it".
polite way
of saying.
That's what you think
Pretty obvious, anywhay.
I did not intend to mean that
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS: Meh.... Boring -_-
We were wondering
Does not mean we were sure
If we were sure, that ans would have been deleted by the policy.
Think about it
Wondering = "Let's look into this further"
In the context that you posted (6th time I'm posting : (...)
5 hours ago, by ManishEarth
But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS I explained that
It's pretty obvious that
from the previous two
9 mins ago, by ManishEarth
"Probably mainstream under the string theory POV" does not imply "crackpot elsewhere"
Look at the context in which you had posted the "5 hours ago" message.
"Doesn't look like it"?
That was at first glance
Does your "9 minutes ago" message still make sense?
@ManishEarth Yup, "Doesn't look like it", then "BUT yeah,...".
what's your point here?
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS I explained that already.
Except that that explanation makes no sense. Note the capitalised "BUT", in my message. By the way, I'm bored of posting the same transcript repeatedly, so I'm just posting the timestamps.,
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS I basically meant that at first glance, it didn't look mainstream to me, but it probably is obviously mainsteam to an STist
I'm agreeing with your initial point there; I'm saying that while it may look crackpot to both me and Chris, it is considered legitimate by STists.
@ManishEarth That makes no logical sense. You said "It seems fine, BUT,..."
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS I said "It seems crackpot, BUT it's probably OK"
@ManishEarth You just, inverted the entire message.
Oh oops
5 hours ago, by ManishEarth
@ChrisWhite Hm. Do they qualify as crackpot under the site guidelines?
5 hours ago, by ManishEarth
Doesn't look like it. I'll have a closer look though.
5 hours ago, by ManishEarth
But yeah, probably mainstream under the string theory POV
Exactly, It was "It seems fine, but...".
But yeah is what I used
Not just but
I use "but yeah" a lot
"I'll have a closer look, but yeah, I think that it won't be crackpot to STists"
@ManishEarth Take, for e.g., "Well, it's blue, so it can't be a book. But yeah, it's probably a book.". Which means that you finally agree that it's a book. Now replace book with crackpot.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS "Well, it looks blue, but I'll have to check. But yeah, probably blue"
Sorry if I was unclear
But that's what I meant
Oh, no, stop inverting the message : ( ...
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Look, that's what I meant. Sorry if I misspoke
And but yeah is used like that. At least, that's how I use it. Often
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS: I'll tell precisely (if you still don't get it). Chris White comes in, sees the answer, notices a lot of links pointing to the same "homemade" site, brings it in chat as he suspects (for a few seconds) whether it might be personal-productivity... Are we clear?
As a moderator, I won't make a judgement about a post without enough info. I might guess what the verdict will be, and that's what I did.
Furthermore due to the "POV' word. But if you refuse to have meant it that way, nothing can be done.
What's your point, anyway?
@CrazyBuddy No, makes no sense. nCatLab is well-known, even adamant wikipedia admins acknowledge it to be a reliable source.
Aside from "Urs' answer is legitimate physics" (which I fully take into consideration)
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS It seemed homemade to him. Seemed homemade to me too at first glance.
On further checks it was OK.
@ManishEarth That. the. the. post. was. not. crack. pot. And. that. all. the. messages. by. you/. and. cw. were. meaning.less.
But I've seen way too much of similar-looking sites on other non mainstream answers (Really NM, not possibly NM). So I was wary, and thought it merited some checking.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Sure. Not crackpot. Taken into consideration
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS What if I'm ignorant about you people? If I don't know motls.blogspot, then I'd definitely say it as crackpot (iff the whole essay-ish post points to the same location)..!!!
Not meaningless, though. We thought it could be crackpot. Which means that we need to do some checking. That's all.
To be true, I don't know about the site anyway :D
No offense to my dear Lubos motl (just an example though)
Maybe the following information helps: Part of the motivation behind the nLab site is that there are many important developments in mathematical physics these days which are rooted in recent progress in homotopy theory but for which practicing physicists will have a hard time tracking down the relevant entry points or of which practicing physicist will have a hard time even becoming aware of (as maybe this dicussion here shows).
(Well I do have to fear whether you people would complain in his blog -- the exact opposite phrase of what I've said here...)
Notice that the nLab is widely cited on Matheoverflow (the mathematics SE discussion group with, if I may say this, a good bit higher average quality than the current Physics.SE site, notably Mathoverflow has lots of active bigshot mathematicians participating); it is referred to as a standard cite to turn to before asking questions (see here: web.archive.org/web/20130606040144/http://mathoverflow.net/…).
@UrsSchreiber Yeah, I came to know that after some digging :)
I understand that some string theoretic considerations can get on people's nerve's from time to time (even though I think it shouldn't) but in the case at hand where the discussion is about basic concepts of 20th centure physics -- the role of fiber bundles in physics, to wit,
which was born together with differential geometry as the language for gravity and gauge theory at the beginning of the last century -- I think every physicist with some basic education should have an easy time confirming that my message reviewed the broadly accepted state of the art, pointers to modern reviews including.
@UrsSchreiber: I'm clear... Thanks for popping up BTW ;-)
In fact the content of my message was to a large extent duplicated in the second reply that appeared in this thread. Now that my message had links to more information for each technical keyword appeared, while the other message is hardly to be used against it, is it? I think the whole Physics.SE site would benefit from people providing more details on the actual definition and usage of technical terms.
There is so much confusion in physics with people handling terms, specifically in field theory, which they only associate a vague understanding with. We can all improve on that, if only we show a minimum tolerance for mathematical language. Because, like it or not, that is the language is which physics is formulated.
And by the way, @ManishEarth, as you refuse to admit to have called the answer crackpot, I'll try to assume that that;'s true ., but by the way, you need to see the other nCatLab posts too, and you'll see how great (and mainstream) it is! .
@UrsSchreiber Which is fine. The issue is that when a site you've never heard of is linked to, one gets suspicious
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS Yes, I did
Like I said, I thought it could be crackpot, but now I'm pretty sure it isn't
From the continuous starring, I can blindly say that it's Dimension doing the naughty work...
@ManishEarth And yet, one could be suspicious ? .
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS: Can you please stop that? Because, users can see the posts (they aren't invisible) O_O
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS You seem to forget the time axis here
I was suspicious. Not anymore
@CrazyBuddy Welll, I am the one starring, but I'm not doing it blindly, unlike what you say.
Oh wait
During that discussion I was busy and had not checked everything. That's why I told Chris to flag, so someone could check on it later
you doidn't say that.
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS you're starring everything. Don't do that
6 hours ago, by ManishEarth
@ChrisWhite Could you please flag that post or ping DZ about it? I'm a tad busy.
@ManishEarth: And, don't forget to remove those... :P
No, I've already removed some of my stars to prevent that.
@UrsSchreiber All in all, I apologize that this discussion had to happen at all. Hope you don't feel slighted by it. (As for ChrisWhite's rationale, I'll let him reply)
Hm, it's hard to transmit a message here, with these tiny paragraphs allowed. The message which I had tried to post above but which got truncated can be found here
If anyone would like to further discuss with me, we need to find some other venue than this here.
@UrsSchreiber: And, don't take anything seriously. It's just a rough, chaotic discussion which happens often... :P
where people often have misunderstandings ;-)
@UrsSchreiber Thank you for writing that. It really puts an end to all the allegations that certain people have put.
@UrsSchreiber ah, thanks
@DImension10AbhimanyuPS: BTW, please, you should calm down. It's not like we don't like specific people here. (Don't ever have a thought like that)
We're friendly. Whenever you come and quarrel, we're there. Whenever you argue about something, we're still there.
But still, you're not satisfied with us. You always misunderstand some minor point (or maybe a joke), and burn the whole issue into flames...
(This is for @Dilaton too..!!!)
Found a question tweeting and figured out it's a duplicate..!!! -_-
Q: Why are so many different types of objects white, yet appear gray when they are wet?

JuanThere are many things with different textures that appear white – salt, beer foam, paper, shaving cream, snow, talcum powder, white paint ... The most common answer is all of the frequencies must be reflected in order for us to perceive white – I already know this. There must be more underlining ...

looks mergeable. What say?
Yep ;-)
The answer is quite good :D
@ManishEarth Maybe, the answers from there can be brought here (because I think this question has a very good way-of-asking) :D
@CrazyBuddy hm
nah, the old one is suffiiently well worded
ah, okay...
@Manishearth, could you please update your graph again? I think we've had a long enough 'burn-in' that the graphs will really mean something, and we can decide if we need to do anything. — Scott Morrison 9 hours ago
Hmm, better get working on that
Hah... This is why you shouldn't go around plotting graphs..!!! :P
(unless you're going to a business meeting)
You'd have to update them periodically
Is it just that we aero people have a much higher priority...
user image
2 hours later…
Anyone barely noticed this...
7 hours ago, by Crazy Buddy
I had a thought
@ManishEarth: Seems like SO celebrating its 5th birthday...
> Today, we want to hear your stories about how someone on Stack Exchange helped you.
Looks like I can spam my experience there ;-)
1 hour later…
Folks here might enjoy this
(not yet opened, just saw thumb)
Yesterday, the cycling speed record was broken: world record 133.78 kph.
Tell @tpg2114 :)
Those HPV's are awesome
The Sikorski challenge was recently completed too... it's crazy what people can do with cyclists :)
@tpg2114 I noticed a small hole in the front (on the tip). Any idea what its purpose is?
@aufkag Most likely ventilation so the guy inside doesn't fry
2 hours later…
What's up guys. I have a question which I consider to be quite cool but probably too soft to ask on the main site, so I thought I could better ask it in chat"
What do you consider to be the most amazing example of the 'broadness' of a certain physical law/formula/etc? In order words, which 2 very distinct scientific phenomena that can be described by the same law/formula/etc blows your mind the most?
It's tough for me to phrase it in english, I'm sorry. I hope you guys understand what I mean.
I found a better way to phrase it: What are the 2 most distinct/seemingly unrelated phenomena that can be described by the same physical law/equation/etc?
@CrazyBuddy Well done, great post!
1 hour later…
cough user above trying to be constructive, anyone wanna help? I dont know enough about the ways of Phys.Ex to offer useful insight, and its good to see users trying to make sure they have good questions

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