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are A and B functions of p?
If so, then no; it has infinitely many possible solutions?! if they are constant, then it is not well-defined to begin with, I am afraid
Honestly, I don't know what to say about that
Assume that I have this particular solution to K.G equation: $\phi(\vec x,t)=Ae^{-ipx}+Be^{+ipx}$ where p and x are in four vector notation.
Now for the general one I have:


Now I want to find the values of A and B, so I try to normalize the expression:

$\int \Phi(x^\mu)*\Phi(x)d^3x=1$

When substituting Phi* and Phi* I used p and p', so the integral will have d^3p'd^3pd^3x.

Assuming everything I wrong is correct. How would you proceed? My aim here is to get the $\frac{1}{2E}$ term
So this is where I stand
I don't have MathJax atm, so it is not possible for me to decipher that, sorry. Perhaps someone else can help
I think is best to make a thread for this, cuz I am not going nowhere for hours now
but I told you today already that the $E$ term is due to the mass-shell condition
you want a Lorentz invariant measure
That I understand
But as you can see
my calculations initiate from the wave function solution
and I want to reach the fourier decomposition in QM, not QFT
which means instead of the ladder operators, you have complex numbers a and a*
I don't get what you want. But yes, you can solve the classical KG equation
and write down the general solution
but why do you want to normalize?
trick to explain but I will try
In what I wrote above, you did notice how I expressed the general solution
oh wait you don't have MathJax
I will post a pic
This is how I start
with a very general expression of the decomposition
It's really just a choice of normalization. The expansion always holds, it's just about absorbing that term into the modes or not
If you substitute the expression for $\phi$ in the integral, you will have an expression followed by d^3p' d^3p d^3x
I believe, that one should be able, through pure calculation
reach the following point
(and of course what Tobias said about invariance)
While the way is different
namely here, we start with integration in spacetime d^4x\delta(...)\theta()
the end result must be possible from both angles
The reason why I am trying, what I am, is because I am starting from the wave function solution and then leveling up to this point. While in here and in many texts, we start from the fourier decomposition
It's the same idea; the first expansion is manifestly invariant; that's actually the way we prove that the measure with energy is invariant
of the solution. And in no instance is made clear how that expression, which contains 1/2E was EVER derived
then you follow the wrong resources
this should be explained in any reasonable text
Tobias entering ACM mode
like L& L
who clearly do not derive the decomposition from the wavefunction solution of the eq.
I don't know L&L; I just know that in any basic course this should be derived
I believe that I gave a comprehensive explanation as to what the issue is here and why in no book I see the solution to my problem
@TobiasFünke the fourier decomposition?
and I honestly do not understand why you spent hours with this instead of checking 1-2 notes and going through the relevant computation step by step
@TobiasFünke I mean,.....
@Feynmate Please help me out :d I am no expert in relativistic QFT. But this should be derived in any intro course, no?
At least we did it in ours
and now after checking two books this was done there, too (although this are math books)
You derived the decomposition starting from a particular solution, i.e wave fuction?
I mean how the Lorentz invariant measure comes into play
that comes into play
@TobiasFünke I'm a little tired so I'm not sure I'm any more helpful in this condition, but it would help me to really understand what's the problem with the normalization
@TobiasFünke This?
if you START with decomposition in spacetime
@Feynmate at least this is what I understood
Ok, I will make it as clear as I possibly can
Well, if you are in a relativistic setting, you expect that the nornalization of states does not change with Lorentz transformations, so that's where the invariant measure comes into play
In the field expansion the energy factor is only there because of a normalization choice
Really, there is no reason in principle other than normalization, nothing to derive. The field is a function and you perform a Fourier expansion, then proceed to "divide" the Fourier transform into positive and negative modes, right?
16 mins ago, by imbAF
user image
I am working on posting soemthing. So by reading it, you'll be able to judge whether what I am trying to do is even possible or not. Because exchanging messages hasn't been working for the past 5 hours
I have just come into the discussion, so you could at least try to listen to someone who's trying to help you
This is the expansion. Understood, $A$ and $B$ are $A_\vec{p}$ and $B_\vec{p}$, functions of momentum
Ok, but when I wrote them down I didn;t think of them as functions of momenta
I mean, I have to argue for it, no?
Then your integral is badly divergent
So how do you argue the momentum dependency ?
No, you don't those coefficients are just the Fourier transforms of the field
Nothing to argue
So, when you have the K.G equation and you consider a wave function solution
you write
$\phi=A(\vec p)e^{ipx}$ ?
That's the first step
Ok, so that is the first mistake in what I wrote
I only have A or B
This is the Fourier transform, we haven't split into modes yet
that is the generalized solution ?
could you say that?
since you are integrating over momenta
Again, I'm just Fourier transforming a field T_T
I know that. I am asking if it is wrong to consider it as the general solution to the equation
But ok
Then what do we do, to avoid the divergence ?
A FT is a FT, not a priori any solution
Now we use the fact that the field satisfies the KG equation and write the equation in momentum space i.e. the FT EoM
$[\partial^2/\partial t^2+ \omega^2_\vec{p}]\tilde{\Phi}(p)=0$
Do you recognize this equation?
atm I don't
FT of eom
That a HO EoM
With frequency $\omega_p$
Ok, I recall the equation
imbAF, since you speak german (?), you can check the book "Tutorium Quantenfeldtheorie"...perhaps it helps
I am not sure how you got here
@TobiasFünke muss kaufen
most German universities have contracts with Springer; it should be possible to get a PDF for free, at least with high probability ;)
anyway, I won't bother you guys anymore. see you later
*Oh no they are speaking a foreign language, I must say something to sound like I know what they are talking about. Come on, Feynmate, chill out. They won't notice a thing.*

Guten morgen
I know that you can write in momentum space $(\partial^2_t + p^2+m^2)\phi$
so $\vec p^2+m^2=E^2$
So, how do we continue ?
Now, for a QHO you know that $\tilde{\Phi}(p)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_p}}(a_p+a^\dagger_p)$
I'm just writing the analogue of $\hat{x}\propto(a+a^\dagger)$ from QM, using the oscillators of our problem, $\tilde{\Phi}$
yes \phi plays the role of \vec x
And of course, the respective annihilations/creations are labeled by the $p$ of the mode
Got this?
meaning $a(\vec p), a(\vec p)^\dagger$
Just like $\tilde{\Phi}(p)$ plays the role of $x$, they play the roles of $a$ and $a^\dagger$
But of course you have a different mode for each $p$, so you label them with $p$
Okay, finally, we use the EoM of creation and annihilation of each mode, which are the same as QM
First replace this in the FT
9 mins ago, by Feynmate
Now, for a QHO you know that $\tilde{\Phi}(p)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_p}}(a_p+a^\dagger_p)$
I am not sure I am following
Just put that equation into the FT
this one $\tilde{\Phi}(p)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_p}}(a_p+a^\dagger_p)$ ?
in $\Phi(\vec{x},0)=\int\frac{d^3\vec{p}}{(2\pi)^3}\tilde{\Phi}(p)e^{i\vec{p}\cdot\vec{x}}$ ?
Then we want to write $\Phi(x,t)$, the one before was at zero. The time dependence is of course encoded in the coefficients, so we only have to write $a\to a(t)$
with the subscript \vec p i assume
but ok
I see
But one thing only. You have root of 2omega
I have seen notations where it;s simply 1/2\omega
For the field?
That happens in other cases
The field expansion usually has this normalization
oh, this is another case
so you have other expression ?
@imbAF This is not a stationary state, the stationary state solutions are $e^{ipx}$, 10.6 of L&L vol 4, they are normalized as in 10.16.
Because the $p = (E,\mathbf{p})$ in this is only constrained to satisfy $p^2 = m^2$, the $E$ is not independent it depends on $\mathbf{p}$, so the stationary states are indexed by $\mathbf{p}$, however the sign of $E$ is also independent so we sum over the signs of it as well, and the general Fourier expansion as a sum over all possible stationary states is then 11.1.
You can then re-interpret the stationary states of this equation as describing a system of two 'species' of particles as explained after 11.1, where both species are described by the same equation in the same system, and interpret them as anti-particles
@imbAF You can do that, it just changes the coefficient of the modes
The sign of the energy term in the exponential is just telling you whether the associated quantum field operator is going to be describing particles or anti-particles, as explained below 11.1
Ok so it is vol 4 10.6 until 11,1
I was naïve into thinking that going as I went
one could get the same result
but of course, I ended up dealing with an integral that diverges
(12.1 then discusses the more natural case where there is only one species of particles, which is what people would probably guess is going on at first)
Just read section 10, 11,12, skim 1 and 2, especially the last paragraphs of 2 for more on the sign of the exponential
@Feynmate hehe
Is there a generalization of the Moyal equation $\dot W= \{\{H,W\}\}$ ?
We can go Schrödinger equation $\rightarrow$ LvN equation $\rightarrow$ (Wigner transform to) $\rightarrow$ Moyal equation $\rightarrow$ ?

Now we are in phase space and practically made a full circle from the Hamilton's equation that are in phase space back to QM that is again in phase space. Did people feel the need to generalize further or is this practically it? The full circle?
I presume that it is (as always) possible to go even to greater generalizations and abstractions
@User198 it's not clear what you mean by a "generalization" here

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