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@DanielSank skullduggery, join the club :o o_O :P
hey my question is vry simple
The sign of W (from a physics point of view) must be positive right? since the process is in clockwise direction and work is done by the system?
scroll down to fig.2 in the page in the link !
can anyone help? I tried asking in problem solving strategies no one seems to respond..
nvm everyone got it :)
Q. What do you call a scientist who is logical and consistent in their use of the sign convention for work?
A. I don't know, I've never met one.
Hi 🙋‍♂️
hey, can anyone tell me what properties an atom must possess to do a thing like reflection?
@KrrishDhaneja a single atom doesn't reflect light, only collections of atoms reflect light and a collection of atoms is a solid (or I suppose a liquid since water reflects light). So the question should be what properties must a solid or liquid possess to reflect light?
5 hours later…
It may can be @JohnRennie
but what is the answer to this ?
@KrrishDhaneja see:
A: Principle of Reflection on atomic level

John RennieThe question What IS reflection? is really a duplicate of yours, but I suspect the answer may be a bit brief for you. A light wave, like any electromagnetic wave, is a combination of an oscillating electric and magnetic field. These fields exert an oscillating force on the electrons in any mater...

"$\mathfrak{t}$ is the Lie algebra of a maximal torus $T$" - is this the Cartan subalgebra, or is it something else?
^ maximal torus of a Lie group G (obviously)
@NiharKarve Over the complex numbers, there's no difference between maximal toral subalgebras and Cartan subalgebras
Hi @ClaraDiazSanchez :-)
What brings to to science "non-fiction"? :-)
@ACuriousMind ah ok, thanks
I'm saving up for Henneaux and Teitelboim, for now I've found something online by Woit
Hi @JohnRennie. I'm completely snowed in today (very rare for Madrid!), so I can use some scientific stimulation.
Does the stack exchange sites of physics , chemistry and maths help in admission to colleges of science field
or engineering
Ofc , by showing your user profile
I'd be surprised if they asked for it specifically, but I know some people put their SE profile on their CV if they are a particularly high rep user (although I've only seen it done with stackoverflow)
What does broadening of energy spectrum mean? In the context of transport theory and relaxation time approximation? I don't think I understand the concept of energy spectrum well enough
@Charlie 292nd-highest-rep user on the world's largest physics community actually sounds lit
that's you btw
It's a blessing and a curse, I can't go in public without getting recognised
@Charlie ha.You are a star now
The pinnacle of academic perfection comes at a price ¯_(ツ)_/¯
1 hour later…
Hello, anyone here ?
"Cartan showed that $G_2$ could be realized as the stability group of the system
$$dx_3 + x_1 dx_2 - x_2 dx_1 = 0$$
$$dx_4 + x_3 dx_1 - x_1 dx_3 = 0$$
$$dx_5 + x_2 dx_3 - x_3 dx_2 = 0$$
in $\mathbb{R}^5$"
How are you supposed to even think about this let alone see it...
Can someone help me with some info regarding a topic in physics ?
Just say it and see if anybody responds
@bolbteppa Aren't those like
Cross product things
$x dy - y dx$ and all that
Yeah there's something like that going on here
I am searching for any theory (book/pdf/script or link) for the case of a monoatomic 1d lattice, but for the general case, where every atom interacts with any other atom on the 1d lattice.So IT IS NOT the Nearest Neighbor Interactions, rather the opposite
pdf page 4 (p.755) of this seems to say you can view all the Lie algebras in this way, gives a similar one for $C_l$ and $F_4$
anyone can provide info regarding what i am looking for ?
@imbAF Sounds like a strange model to me, why are you interested in it and what kind of interaction are you thinking of?
Well in most cases we study the Nearest Neighbor Interactions
and i was wondering how the equation of motion for an arbitrary atom looks like
ofc it should have have a summation no?
Let us say that this shpe is used for metal flowing
How will it prevent aspiration of the mtal...
My instructor told me this about Aspiration o molten metal
Aspiration Effect is a phenomenon of providing an allowance for the release of air from the mold cavity during the metal pouring. The shape of the sprue is made with a little taper rather than straight, to allow the passage of the air inside the mold while metal fills in. Otherwise, the metal flowing inside will be chocked by the air trying to escape from the cavity. Also, defects such as improper filling of the cavity, air entrapment and porous casting will be resulted in the castings.
How does the tapering shape save the purpose explain this
@imbAF I think you would have to postulate some type of interaction in order for it to make sense, it is at least not clear to me how to think about it
@B.Brekke well think of a 1d monoatomic lattice chain
each atoms interacts with any other atom on the chain
then how can we write a generalized equation of motion
for an arbitrary atom on position a*n,a being the lattice constant and n a natural number
@imbAF And then you want the interaction to decrease as the Coulomb potential or?
i want the equation of motion initially
and by writing the solution of it of the form exp(i(kx -$\omega$t) and then taking the limit case of n that goes to infinity when can find a dispersion relation.But initially i need to know the wave equation in this case
@imbAF Have you tried searching for second nearest neighbor interaction or third nearest neighbor interactions? Maybe that could be helpful. In some way or another I guess the interaction must decrease with distance between atoms, at least for it to be physical. Then, including only the closest atoms would be a good approximation
i tried as next neareast neighbor etc but nothing came up
Q: Phonons with next-nearest harmonic interactions

Q. Tang Given an account of the propagation of atomic vibrations along a monatomic chain of atoms, mass $m$, in which the spacing between atoms is $a$ and in which atoms, distance $na$ from each other are connected by a force constant $k_n$, Show that phonons in a 1-D chain with nearest, and next...

@B.Brekke thank you very much. I will study this and work it out from there in order to find the dispersion relation when n (number of particles) goes to infinity
thank you
Somebody please check my last query
Did anyone get my query?
@user586228 If someone wants to answer they will, if you're not getting a response it's because either no-one knows the answer or because they're busy
@bolbteppa There is a generic algorithm to get a Pfaffian system whose stability group is a specific Lie group, see doi.org/10.1016/S0393-0440(99)00016-9, it is likely Cartan & Co. knew part of it or at least its "spirit" when finding these examples.
i.e. it is not an accident that such representations can be found, every Lie group can be represented in this way
:O LuMo answered a question after 2 years
who's lumo?
oh lubos?
he stopped writing answers in late 2018, only occasionally replying to comments on his answers
He blocked me on twitter a while ago after a brief discussion about trump
To me LUMO will always be an acronym for Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital. The related acronym is HOMO for Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital, which caused sniggering in classes since we were a pretty puerile lot :-)
@ACuriousMind yeah that cites them, not sure if that gives an algorithm for this case "In fact we give all solutions corresponding to the case where the action is transitive, although this is not the case of the cited examples of Cartan and Engel" but definitely the right direction, can't find anything that just explains this pov
@Charlie haha did he really
@JohnRennie Ah yes, HOMO got a quiet laugh out of my year too, some things don't change
I'm not a fan of his political rants or whatever
but his answers are ::finger kiss:: sublime
@Charlie I suspect young male students were puerile even in the days when classes involved learning how to make flint tools and hunt mammoths :-)
He's clearly an excellent scientist, but as others have noted at various places across the internet, his political opinions are what I would describe as "abhorrent"
@JohnRennie I'm sure whichever caveman came up with the grunt for "willy" soon regretted it. Humans may have invented supercolliders to probe subatomic particles, but a classic is a classic :P
Also whoever named this compound definitely knew what they were doing
Nice, there's a whole wiki page dedicated to compounds with funny names
@Charlie gotta love the paper called "Arsole Aromaticity Revisited"
"We show that arsole is moderately aromatic"
@Charlie just following IUPAC nomenclature :D
Of course, just following protocol :P
1 hour later…
@ACuriousMind I gave cyberpunk another chance
I loaded in and some dude completely glitched out
and my weapons weren't showing
so I closed it again
1 hour later…
what is a metric-affine model?
In comparison with General Relativity, dynamic variables of metric-affine gravitation theory are both a pseudo-Riemannian metric and a general linear connection on a world manifold X {\displaystyle X} . Metric-affine gravitation theory has been suggested as a natural generalization of Einstein–Cartan theory of gravity with torsion where a linear connection obeys the condition that a covariant derivative of a metric equals zero. Metric-affine gravitation theory straightforwardly comes from gauge gravitation theory where a general linear connection plays...
'Metric-affine gravitation theory straightforwardly comes from gauge gravitation theory where a general linear connection plays the role of a gauge field'
so a metric-affine model is a geometry in which all curvature, torsion and nonmetricity don't vanish?
@NiharKarve Damn, you're right
There's a gene called Sonic hedgehog and its inhibitor is called "Robotnikinin"
Congratulations @HDE226868 for hitting 10k rep on Physics!
Q: $G_2$ as the group of Isometries of a Projective Space

CheyneIt seems like in the classification of simple complex lie algebras, every lie algebra corresponds to the group of isometries of a projective space. SO(n+1) is the group of isometries on $RP^n$, SU(n+1) is the isometries of $CP^n$, and SP(n+1) is the isometries of $HP^n$. John Baez explains in his...

... but on a much more depressing note, it seems that the site's non-mainstreamer-in-chief is also very close to hitting that milestone, based on a small minority of non-QM answers and a couple of HNQ questions. I really shudder to think of the damage that user can wreak with 10k privileges.
I hope the mod team can monitor for abuse there.
In mathematics, a symmetric space is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold whose group of symmetries contains an inversion symmetry about every point. This can be studied with the tools of Riemannian geometry, leading to consequences in the theory of holonomy; or algebraically through Lie theory, which allowed Cartan to give a complete classification. Symmetric spaces commonly occur in differential geometry, representation theory and harmonic analysis. In geometric terms, a complete, simply connected Riemannian manifold is a symmetric space if and only if its curvature tensor is invariant under parallel...
The table makes it all look so simple but it's just not simple to make sense of all this :(
@EmilioPisanty Aww, thanks!
@HDE226868 Eyy congrats

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