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how different is the gauge theory based on the invariance of spacetime translation from the orthodox gauge theory like the Yang-Mills theory?
4 hours later…
Hi, how can I plot a gradient field given the modules and phases of each gradient?
1 hour later…
@Charlie do you even sleep
4 hours later…
@NiharKarve Huh?
@Charlie oh nothing lol I just see you commenting at like 2:00 AM or something
Q: Is $\zeta^{3,1}\simeq \Bbb M^{3,1}?$ Why or why not?

Jack ZimmermanA semi-riemannian manifold $\zeta^{3,1}:=\zeta^{1,1}\times \zeta^{1,0} \times \zeta^{1,0}.$ I calculated the non degenerate product metric of it: $ds^2=\frac{drdt}{rt}+\frac{du}{u}+\frac{dv}{v}.$ Previously I had studied $\zeta^{1,1}$ and came to understand that it is diffeomorphic to the Minkows...

any help would be nice
Love today's question about "drawing lines of worst fit". I'm grading student lab reports today, and I think that is one skill they exhibit to perfection ;)
Hello World...
Can we define period of trig functions as integer value.
Sin(x + 2kpi) = sinx
2kpi is period. Is it correct use k as integer for period
The "period" is not an integer though, you are multiplying $\pi$ by an integer and that is the period of the sine function
Thanks @Charlie
3 hours later…
Did I just game the system? I got 201 rep today
I downvoted something then undownvoted it
A: Wigner vs. BRST approach to Klein-Gordon

Prof. LegolasovThe faulty assumption is that the elements of the BRST cohomology can be represented by the elements of the unconstrained Hilbert space. They are really not, which means that one can't borrow the definition of the unconstrained inner product and use it. One has to invent another definition for th...

@bolbteppa ?
The answer seems to be arguing that because the wave functions aren't normalizable i.e. plane waves don't have finite norm they're not in a Hilbert space so it means something, but continuous spectrum non-normalizable wave functions are everywhere e.g. the hyperbolic (scattering) orbits of the hydrogen atom, is the point just to say one has to use a different inner product due to this or something more
@NiharKarve yes, enjoy your free point :P
I will relish it
HNQ-baiting is so fun
I think I've asked something similar before, but when we use the pole prescription in calculating QFT propagators, once we've pushed the poles out of the way with the $i\epsilon$ prescription, why can't we just do the integral along the real line, why do we have to close the contour around the top or bottom?
It is because once we take the $\epsilon\rightarrow0$ limit it will let us evaluate the integral through the poles?
Pole prescription doesn't make sense if you're not doing a contour integral
@Charlie I might be wrong here, but the whole point of the contour integration in this case is that the real-line integral is hard. Instead, you perform the (easier) contour integral, notice that the curved bit has some known limit as you take the radius to infinity and end up with the integral along the real line (since the entire contour integral can be evaluated using the usual techniques of complex analysis, particularly simple if there are no poles enclosed)
I don't see why the pole prescription doesn't make sense otherwise, I don't see why you can't just (as P&S put it) rotate the line along which we integrate slightly out of the real line into the complex plane, and evaluate that
We don't have to close a contour when we integrate along the real line, do we?
not usually, but often the integral along the real line resists the techniques of elementary calculus
No surely not otherwise every integral of a holomorphic real function would vanish
so why can we not just use the pole prescription, move the poles off of the real line, and integrate along the real line then take the $\epsilon\rightarrow0$ limit?
without having to close our integral in the top or bottom half of $\Bbb C$ and pick up residues of poles
try doing it using elementary calculus techniques
it's pretty much impossible
I could believe that, but still don't see why we must close the contour, surely we can just integrate along an infinite line rotated slightly into the complex plane, just like we do with the real line, and not bother closing the contour
I guess I don't know enough C-analysis, I hoped that wouldn't come back to screw me but apparently it has lol
I mean, closing the contour is the only way you get to use stuff like the residue theorem et al. which makes your life a whole lot easier
Oh I guess so, maybe the slightly rotated integral is just unjustifiably hard to solve by itself
so we close the contour and just make it about knowing the residues of the poles
ok I guess i can live with that for now
I actually think $\int \frac{e^{itx}}{x^2+a^2} \mathrm{d}x$ is given as the prototypical example for a lot of complex analysis concepts
@Charlie ...how would you compute that integral without closing the contour?
Yeah how would you just do it directly even if you could just insert a parameter to remove the problem with poles
the trick is that the contribution of the path that "closes" the contour becomes zero if you push it out to infinity, so you can use the residue theorem to evaluate the original integral
I guess I wouldn't personally know how, if doing so is a problem in principle then I guess that justifies closing the contour
there's no physical meaning to closing the contour, it's just how one computes that integral
the trick is purely mathematical
What happens when you are overthinking and it's positive?
Sounds overthinking becomes addiction
What do you mean "and it's positive"?
The more you overthink, you feel motivated, better.
Why would overthinking motivate you?
No Idea...
It just does
Then I don't know how to answer :P
People who overthink are often made very anxious by uncertainty
and relentless planning for the future is a sort of brute-force way of alleviating that
@Charlie Feynman figured out how to deal with this in position space physically, see the argument around equation (17) here, then the momentum space pole prescription is configured to arrive at Feynman's position-space result (see around eq. (31) on)
oh ty
@Aridhan Please do not advertise your questions here directly after they are posted; people that are interested in answering them will watch the main site anyway.
@ACuriousMind how do you know what has physical meaning and what doesn't?
@RyanUnger you never know for certain, but I've never seen any interpretation for that
@Charlie meanwhile, the shifting of the poles can be interpreted physically as introducing "damping", see physics.stackexchange.com/a/138221/50583
Unrealistic results have no physical meaning :p
@user85795 ...and what result here is "unrealistic"?
...in general
to answer:
11 mins ago, by Ryan Unger
@ACuriousMind how do you know what has physical meaning and what doesn't?
I've always heard of wavefunction collapse from measurement introduced as "that's just the way it is" but I was thinking about it recently. How is wavefunction collapse not made necessary by classical/quantum correspondence (and potentially relativity)? If you're going to measure some observable and have it be consistent with a classical measurement, I don't see how you could get around the quantum state going there for at least some infinitesimal amount of time
@user85795 but it's not a realistic vs. unrealistic scenario, it's just whether a (correct) mathematical manipulation has an associated physical meaning
@danielunderwood wavefunction collapse is a property a quantum interpretation may or may not possess, it is not an objective feature of quantum mechanics
Wiki has a handy but potentially imperfect table here
wow there are a lot more interpretations than I thought
I don't see how something like MWI could be consistent with a classical measurement, but perhaps I just need to read into the interpretations a bit more
a curious mind is always on the look out for interpretations :-)
and, of course, its associated logical reasoning
If MWI is consistent with quantum measurement it is automatically consistent with classical measurement no?
It's not even clear (to me, anyway) if MWI is consistent
@Charlie I think that's where my problem lies. In my head, it seems like you need wavefunction collapse for quantum measurement and classical measurement to be consistent. But if it's a property of the interpretation, then either that's not the case or I've ruled out a number of interpretations (unlikely)
@bolbteppa in terms of the interpretation of a whole or is a question of a specific part of the interpretation?
The whole interpretation
@danielunderwood what do you mean by "quantum measurement" and "classical measurement"
the world is quantum, all measurements are quantum :P
@user85795 no, I find most of the discussion around interpretations rather pointless
So part of my issue may be quantum measurements on a macroscopic scale, as we would have with a measurement device.
But my thought is that classically, measuring the position of something yields some number $x$ (within some error). If we make a subsequent measurement at time $t + dt$, the object has to be within $x \pm c dt$ to be consistent with relativity. If the wavefunction didn't collapse from this measurement, you could get something that is consistent with the Born rule, but not with the classical measurement
Though I suppose that could also be a problem that's fixed in relativistic quantum mechanics
@danielunderwood Collapsing the wavefunction is not the only way to get consistent results, see e.g. MWI
You're probably confusing the notion of wavefunction collapse with the technical statement that after a strong measurement the system is, for practical purposes, in an eigenstate corresponding to the measured value
hmmm could be
Unfortunately all of my exposure to non-Copenhagen interpretations has been on the level of popsci
Before I go digging into random resources, are there any standard technical resources (lecture notes/review articles) on interpretations?
it's not really a large field, and I don't think there are many lectures on quantum interpretations apart from this one
There's plenty of perimeter lectures on interpretations as well
I would also wager that your exposure to Copenhagen has also been on the level of pop-sci because it's not really a codified interpretation :P
Yeah I don't know that the word interpretation was ever mentioned in any of my QM classes
Perhaps I should check philosophy departments :D
since - apart from outliers like Bohmian mechanics that revise the whole formalism - they all share essentially the same technical underpinnings there isn't really a lot of "advanced" stuff you could do
I'd call quantum interpretations more metaphysics than physics, really, except for the few cases where they actually modify the predictions of standard QM
It had never occurred to me that the rational numbers are a countable set that is also a field, my mental image of what a "field" is has been totally corrupted by physics
omg you can have fields consisting of as few as two elements, mind blown
The reals are just one 'completion' of the field of rationals, by modifying the notion of closeness one can get p-adic numbers instead of real numbers
@Charlie About closing the closing the contour: the integral directly along the real line is not well defined, so you have to take the Cauchy principal value instead. It is possible to compute this without using complex analysis (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy_principal_value), but closing the contour in the complex plane provides a direct way to do it using the residue calculus which is much more elegant. That's all there is to it!
Not well defined due to the poles of course
Ty, I see why it's advantageous to do things this way if the contribution of the arc closing the contour vanishes as it's radius becomes arbitrarily large
@ACuriousMind why aren't virtual particles physical?
1 hour later…
It seems like wave function collapse is supposed to be an almost cartoon picture where one has $\psi \to \psi_i$, this seems to be the wiki claim and (as the link seems to say) it's apparently what von Neumann did, it really doesn't make sense to me though, and this is not what Copenhagen says:
Copenhagen says initially the combined wave function of the measuring apparatus (quasi-classical wave function) and quantum system is a product $\Psi^{sys}(x) \Phi^{app}_0(y)$ as they're initially independent, then the measurement takes place meaning they interact. Afterwards one gets a mess, but since the quasi-classical apparatus has a complete set of states we can expand the final wave function in this basis $\sum_n A_n(x) \Phi_n^{app}(y)$ where $A_n$ are to-be found.
Now the existence of classical mechanics is needed to argue that this sum is actually just one term since the classical apparatus is in a definite state, $A_m(x) \Phi_m^{app}(y)$ so we can say $A_m(x)$ has to BOTH encode the probability $a_m = \int \Psi_m^*(x) \Psi^{sys}(x)$ of the stationary state of the system that was measured AND the new wave function $\phi_m(x)$ after measurement, so $A_m(x) = a_m \phi_m(x)$, so $A_m(x)$ is just some integral equation evolving the initial wave function:
$A_m(x) = \int K_m(x,y) \Psi^{sys}(y) dy$ and it must reduce to the previous case fixing $K_m$. There's no witchcraft in this picture, no magic about the mystery of collapse, I'd really like to know why this is apparently so unseemly other interpretations are needed.
Apparently this simply picture was so objectionable that: "Everett's Ph.D. work provided such an interpretation. He argued that for a composite system—such as a subject (the "observer" or measuring apparatus) observing an object (the "observed" system, such as a particle)—the claim that either the observer or the observed has a well-defined state is meaningless;
in modern parlance, the observer and the observed have become entangled: we can only specify the state of one relative to the other, i.e., the state of the observer and the observed are correlated after the observation is made. This led Everett to derive from the unitary, deterministic dynamics alone (i.e., without assuming wavefunction collapse) the notion of a relativity of states."
It's hard not to say that this is just blatantly wrong

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