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Oh! Before I joined the room, the room only had one user. That's the lowest number of users I have ever seen in th h bar.
I found a lot of things can't be perfect. I prefer to inhabit a hill than downtown. But getting food isn't easy when being on a hill.
there was a wall tiger in my room. It was crawling everywhere on the wall before I slept, and it was still in my room when I waked up.
what kind of dry food solves hunger more effectively?
@CaptainBohemian What is currently provided for refugee camps? I bet UNHCR have already thought of this, so they might have some info on their website
2 hours later…
@B.Brekke you mean unhcr.org? It is raising money like a lot of other places.
@CaptainBohemian Hmm, I was expecting them to have some info about what they provide to feed as many as possible efficiently, but I couldn't find anything
@B.Brekke I think solving hunger is a difficult problem. It's really not easy to find food which can solve hunger for long.
@CaptainBohemian Definitely
@B.Brekke I admire camels for they have the body structure which make them be able to progress for long in a desert with harsh weather after eating a meal. I heard they can eat one meal to sustain for a week in a desert.
I am not really sure, but is this question a close-worthy HW question?
It doesn't seem low effort and it's not just a check my working question,
@Charlie yup, though I have seen similar questions get closed on the basis that they aren't asking about a specific concept, but are, politely, dumping their HW.
bruh my angular velocity is still closed
I worked so hard on it not looking like a HW type, and focussing on a specific issue
Its still closed ://
1 hour later…
c'mon, SE
give me my extra Marshal badges
@satan29 FWIW, I would say that the language still needs some significant work in clarifying both the phrasing and the structure. That's not an easy post to read.
2 hours later…
@Krishna hi!
@FakeMod :)
Are you free?
Depends on what you want me to do? :-)
Nah, just that I felt Lorentz force irritating me
Any idea why the charge moves in that particular circle?
@Krishna Just don't change frames of reference and you'll be okay...
@Krishna which particular circles?
Its not about problem solving, more about stability
Consider a magnetic field coming out of the paper. If a charge enters from S to N, you know what circle it makes, don't you?
@Krishna which circle?
(not enters, starts would be better)
I mean, the path it takes
@Krishna yup.
What then?
In the case I mentioned it moves to the right, right?
A clockwise circle.
Think of it as a current loop.
@Krishna yes.
@Krishna yes.
@Krishna alright, what next?
Fine. Now, in which direction does its magnetic moment point?
Inward, right?
@Krishna into the paper.
into the plane.
But, that is unstable equilibrium.
Isn't it?
@Krishna yes.
Why does the charge go to an unstable equilibrium, if it can turn anticlockwise into stable eqm?
Though I should not ask why nature works that way, it seems strange...
I thought it was non-mainstream to post in the main site
OK, bye
@Krishna idk :( I never thought it as a current loop. However I suppose you are mixig two different concepts here.
@FakeMod, probably yes. (Still, it lets me evade Fleming's rule in problems ;D)
@ACuriousMind Hi
can anyone tell me what rule is going from the 2nd to the 3rd line here?
rearranging the operators like that is very bizarre to me
@EmilioPisanty Not sure if I'm playing devil's advocate here, but I think it might be intentional to not endlessly award badges for flags - we already have a small but non-zero set of users that have voted (probably more or less randomly) on every site on the network exactly as much as they need to to get all the voting related badges. I'm sure the same happens for flags, and one might want to avoid incentivizing users to raise an endless stream of flags.
Many things can technically be flagged (and hence the flags not declined, so not triggering the flag-ban) but in volume it might overwhelm mod capacity.
@Krishna hey
Oh wait I think I literally just got it, the $\hat y$ is being pulled out of the x derivative and then the partial derivatives are commuting
@Charlie What do you mean by "rule"? They've just moved some operators through other operators with which they commute, there's no special rule there
I was thinking of them as matrices which can't just be commuted
ahh and each angular momentum component operator commutes with the other position operators
that sounds familiar
Matrices are operators - you can also commute matrices if they commute, rather tautologically so...
I tried to flag a post as belonging to another site, but I could see only math and meta.
@Krishna That's by design. Raise a custom flag if you want to suggest another migration target, we don't have a fixed migration path to any site but math.
The question gave the commutator of $\hat p_i$ with $\hat r_i$ but didn't mention the commutation of the different directions, ty
I got got
OK, thanks!
The Carter-Penrose diagram in general relativity, which is to demonstrate the causal structure of a spacetime manifold, is more profound than the Cause-and-Effect diagram.
From this comment thread as the final evidence, I have concluded that Qmechanic is German.
@FakeMod ...I don't think you need to understand German to recognize that as a login page, nor are all people who understand German German :P
I am guessing if you knew German you would know you (apparently) don't need to login to that page, because it certainly looks to me like you need to login :p
@ACuriousMind yeah, but s/he's European and straightforward. That smells German to me.
That smells a bit too reliant on stereotypes to me. (Also, Scandiavians are stereotypically at least as direct as Germans are)
@bolbteppa I think Finn is accessing the site from within the university's network and therefore doesn't need to login because there isn't a way to skip the login and no "Jetzt Laden" button.
BTW, if you Google Qmechanic, you get to see a woman who calls herself Qmechanic. I don't know if both of them are in any way related (most probably not)...
@ACuriousMind Lack of data/skill leads to badder assumptions...
@FakeMod In any case I'd ask you to respect Qmechanic's - and other users' who don't use their real name - wish to remain anonymous.
@ACuriousMind Yup. I am not gonna do anything like that...
@ACuriousMind well, there's a counter-devil's-advocate argument to be made that if you make those badges a get-as-many-as-you-can, then those users are unlikely to continue that behaviour through to even a second badge award
the driver for that behaviour is generally a completionism thing
you can't get completionist if there's no bottom
@EmilioPisanty Hi
@EmilioPisanty but you can still try!
Alas, I see your point
6 hours later…
Q: Really? Closed a simple clear question?

JasonI don't see why this was closed: Does a single photon have a constant cross sectional energy?

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