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the moelcules are given by 2 coordinates, and it goes like:
0 0
1 0 1 1
2 0 2 1 2 2
3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 etc.
Fill with 0s?
no, the labelling is literally a triangle sequence
The outcome is for each molecule and for each orientation, compute the energy difference with the 0 orientation of that molecule
so you get pairs of relationships and the systematic trend of that is the focus of my PhD
The python code is the most annoying part though, often have to think about how to code the loops
Refactor all of your loops into separate functions and that part should be a lot easier (and less bug-prone)
That's also boring, but can save a lot of work in the long run
There's usually some sort of vectorized way to deal with the loops, too
Yeah, in my code, most of the loops are only used in generating the numerous plots (because there isn't a nice way to vectorise it), but otherwise, column substraction, slicing and other things can be done in terms of arrays and lists
The above triangle shaped indices cannot be generated by list comprehension as far I know from python though, because the iterator itself changes (e.g. if i=0, then j runs from 0 to n, if i=1, then j runs from 0 to n-1 and so on)
thus it has to be generated using two for loops
Well list comprehensions are more or less equivalent to for loops anyway, at least in terms of efficiency
You can be a heathen and nest comprehensions lol
You can do stuff like [[f(i, j) for j in range(n-i)] for i in range(n)] but it's not really going to make that much difference
Oh @danielunderwood I see we were thinking along the same lines
The real speedup comes from vectorization vs iteration though
Yeah, I really love thinking in terms of vectors (to the point I can compute matrix stuff manually very quickly because of that), thus I always get frustrated whenever pandas or python throws some error saying that I cannot use lists
I'd see if there's some way to rearrange your calculation so that it can be done in vectorized form. Possibly even if each value winds up being computed twice, i.e. if you reflect your triangle across the diagonal to create a full matrix
I have no idea if that's possible, of course, but if it is, it could still be faster than the iteration
Well the major issue here is the symmetry of the data makes that reflection very complicated. Specifically, the orientation is a rotation of the molecule around a central axis in increments of 20 degrees, thus if the molecule has coordinates (a,b,0) where the entries means (atom group 1, atom group 2, orientation in degrees), then we have the symmetry where (a,b,180) = (b,a,0) for all a,b
@Secret hmm, it looks like I was wrong. the attracting fixed points (for large times) are at x=-1.255 and x=0.86
minus 1.255 seconds???
by comparison, the classical minima are at x=pm 0.943
What do the new streamline diagram look like afte fixing that when it goes all the way to t=4?
@Semiclassical sounds exotic is that Method of Moving Asymptotes?
also, the repelling fixed point (what the critical trajectory is heading to) is at x=0 classically and x=-0.442 according to bohm
hmm, so bohm is saying the classical maxima is displaced slightly to the 2nd well
and in the first as well
which is goofy
not necessarily wrong, of course
@vzn well, in the simplest case, it's just the ode you'd have for constant velocity motion: dx/dt = x/t
Can you show an updated streamline plot with t running from 0 to 4?
@bolbteppa for whatever it's worth, the unit vectors (ijk only) of H and their sums provide a surprisingly succinct and informative way of classifying the fermions and their properties. Glashow indirectly noted this (using just cubes, no mention of quaternions) way back in 1980.
@Secret once I actually trust it, yes. right now I'm finding reason to distrust it
...oh, shoot. Now I remember
It will also be interesting to see what happens if the trajectory is started at x=0 and see if the two streamline plots agree qualitatively with each other
the ode i had extracted was for the small-time asymptotics only
ah, so t > 1 will be way off
I have the full-time expression, I just was only looking at terms of order t^2 or less
let's see if mma can do the full time expression numerically
mixed martial arts?
sure, why not
@Semiclassical are you using MMA built into mathematica? found some posts on that but nothing else. is it built into NDsolve/ Dsolve?
MMA = mathematica
it's just NDSolve magic
alas, mathematica seems unwilling to touch the full thing
can't really blame it
I may still be able to do streamplot though
[Meanwhile in my PhD slicing my geometry data]: 5000 molecules, let's just hope this hotfix will get me through
In the 00s, Brazillian kikboxing became popular. In the 90s, muay thai was a thing. In the 80s, it was ninja schools, In the 70s, I guess it was kung fu. Martial arts sure are a lot like programming languages.
Wow, why did my stream show the quaternion discussion as having just happened... and now it disappeared? Sorry for the out-of-date irrelevancy, folks.
sub atomics ftw
what's Brazillian kickboxing?
← (lol) black belt in coding + ninja master :P
@enumaris this is a trick question, right? I'm going to guess... kickboxing that takes place in Brazil??
But is it somehow distinct from just "kickboxing"?
ok, uh
this is what i get as a streamplot
I thought BJJ was the big popular martial art from Brazil.
just saw the Rock in Rampage on new home HD bigscreen prj, oh geez
if you're looking for me to explain wth is going on there...well, keep waiting
actually, the 'problem' feature is not so strange I think. it's basically the same as what's going on near (0,-2)
youre working with bohmian trajectories? wouldnt one expect some symmetries? where they are missing? maybe a way to debug it...
actually, there are some symmetries. they're not just so obvious in that picture
if i plot only on [0,pi], by contrast:
@Semiclassical the picture is not symmetric. horizontal/ vertical gradient wise vs the color coding. or rather (stating the obvious) the gradations are symmetric but the lines arent.
there's no exact symmetry, I guess, but there is an approximate symmetry if you rotate the figure by 180 degrees (ignoring the direction of the arrows)
lol ACM is probably gonna get annoyed about now :P
That may be a reflection of what the classical trajectories would be, though
Why will we expect the wavepacket to tunnel completely into the second well though, I thought only half of it will tunnel?
I think the lesson goes like this. Suppose I localize a particle in the first well
If very soon after that I measure its position, I'm most likely to find it still in the first well
if I wait a bit, though, then apparently I'm more likely to find it in the second well
and if I wait a bit longer, more likely in the first well
and back and forth
I see
ok, sounds like a lorenz-like strange attractor setup
it's a bit goofy
Maybe if you made the second well deeper, you can find it more often in the second well :D
this is a symmetric well, so i"m not sure what would happen for an asymmetric one
I am still more interested on those features I labelled "hmm" though, I wonder what causes those blips?
yeah, I'm not sure what to make of those either
going to demo code to clients . Show time
@Cows gl :D
@bolbteppa what the heck, in case you drop back by, here's Glashow's little cubic fermion mnemonic (it's all there was in his paper!) from 1980: goo.gl/AY2gKe, and here's an example (out of date but reasonably accurate) of how such cubes correspond to quaternion unit vectors (the three \xi coordinates; I've since switched back to simple ijk, with IJK for the flipped and superimposed left-handed quaternion space for left fermions: goo.gl/JxUVeh
My experience on going though many seminars in various subjects told me that: If for any vector plots you see anything that spirals around, whirls around or acts like a bump, it is either behaviour due to special values in the function or it is reflecting some strange physics predictions
I don't know how one can zoom into those "hmm" s though, maybe there's a saddle point somewhere in there
that's what I get if I set up the classical problem and consider a few trajectories starting at x=1 with various initial velocities
some obvious things. one is that the trajectories can now cross a lot; this is allowed classically, whereas with the bohmian trajectories you usually don't get crossings
@TerryBollinger cool will look into it
(the only times when you can get crossings, I think, is when $\psi$ blows up. that's definitely true of the localized initial state, and evidently it's also true at $t=\pi$ etc)
so this is already an example where the classical trajectories are considerably different than the bohmian ones
I'll also note that the propagator I got from the initial paper had $K(x,t|x',t')$ being $2\pi$-periodic in $t-t'$
and the bohmian trajectories should inherit this
(I expect that's the mechanism behind all the trajectories passing through the same point at t=pi)
I'm sorta weirded out by it, if I'm honest
but I guess it's not so strange for a propagator in QM to have explicit poles with respect to time, at least when dealing with a bound system
as far as symmetries go, I think it is the case that the trajectories are symmetric under a combined x->-x, t->pi-t operation. (it's not entirely possible to judge that from the picture, since it's not sampling in a symmetric way)
Guys, I was just wondering, every cell in our organism has the same DNA, except the sperm and egg, that's why humans are not exactly copies of the parents?
My question is is this why all of the humans are not all the same?
yep, $v(x,t)=v(-x,\pi-t)$
What is this symbol's mathjax code?
no its different
$\xi$, maybe?
i guess that's not right
nope, not that either
@danielunderwood thats where the screenshot is from lol
I couldnt find it on detexify
oh lol
Does it reference a certain quantity or something?
@danielunderwood emf, generally induced emf
that's definitely $\mathscr{E}$ in some particular font
good look figuring out which font they used for it, though
Q: How to write "â„°"

Bencould anyone please tell me how I can write "â„°" in latex in both text and math enviroment? I have already tried $\mathscr{E}$ and $\mathcal{E}$, but none of those are satisfying. What I want to have is but not any of these

myself I tend to use \mathcal{E} : $\mathcal{E}$ for emf
because making a curly E is easy
I dont know what they are talking about in the answers
is that (my) E possible or not?
in latex, yes. in mathjax, probably not



Here is a $\calE$ (script E)

Here is a $\mathscr{E}$ (script E)
Oh such a pain
mathjax is good for some things, but it's not able to do packages as far as I know
leave it
@Abcd MathJax is a watered down version of LaTeX for web-browsers. mathbcal won't work here.
it's the kind of thing you can worry about if you write a full paper/article
but if you're just typing stuff up here or for a question, just find an equivalent symbol in mathjax
Guys, is mRNA made of the same stuff that makes up DNA?
mRNA = messenger RNA is a special case of RNA, so like DNA it's a nucleic acid.
"Like DNA, RNA is assembled as a chain of nucleotides, but unlike DNA it is more often found in nature as a single-strand folded onto itself, rather than a paired double-strand. "
so the underlying substance is the same (nucleotides) but the structure tends to be different
@NovaliumCompany No, they differ in chemical composition
Well, I thought mRNA would copy the DNA?
In structure?
@NovaliumCompany Transcription is probably not such a simple process
Check a biochemistry textbook for details maybe
I'm already reading one.
Transcription is the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA (especially mRNA) by the enzyme RNA polymerase. Both DNA and RNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language. During transcription, a DNA sequence is read by an RNA polymerase, which produces a complementary, antiparallel RNA strand called a primary transcript. Transcription proceeds in the following general steps: RNA polymerase, together with one or more general transcription factors, binds to promoter DNA. RNA polymerase creates a transcription...
I'm not feeling motivated enough at the moment to look up the details :P So you'd have to search for yourself
@bolbteppa this more recent figure is easier to read: goo.gl/hcACav The strong force anticolors are the ijk unit axes, inverted to make positrons positive. Since this is an excerpt from a rather long draft paper (I like open approaches), a lot is unexplained. But geometrically, the positron in this figure is simply the sum of the two vectors (i+j+k) (e+ left handed) and (-I-J-K) (e+ right handed), superimposed on the same space. The epsilon and chi spaces are, well... something new.
Ha, ok no problems. You guys are really gods of knowledge.
A quick question. In the polypeptide chain, made of up of amino acids, in each amino acid group, there is that R. Is whatever you put as R what determines the function of the protein?
probably not, given how much people talk about protein-folding and the complexity of such
So it's still not understood what determines the function of the protein?
no clue
the fact that nearly identical amino chains don't always fold similarly (quoting from wikipedia) makes me think it's complicated
my impression is that the mapping from protein structure to protein function is really tough
Maybe the protein has a soul :D
@NovaliumCompany I'm not sure what you mean by "determining the function". A protein is a complex molecule, what it can "do" is determined mainly by both its shape and what it can (easily) bond to. Do not commit the fallacy of thinking that such a molecule has a predetermind "function" inherent in its molecular structure - what it does in any given organism is as much a consequence of the environment and what it can interact with as of its molecular structure.
So simply said, a protein is a very complex thing, with strongly varying functions and structures?
How the molecular structure determines the shape is in itself a very rich subfield of physical chemistry
I always wonder, do these things really have that shape. I mean, the chromosome for example has a weird X shape, is that in reality? And also the DNA for example, it also has a specific shape but if you were to look at it (somehow) would it really have that shape?
I mean, what does even determine their shapes (if they even have)
@NovaliumCompany Chromosomes definitely have that shape in a straightforward sense - you can see them on a karyogram
the passage from a microscopic picture to a macroscopic one (or even a mesoscopic picture) is really hard in biochemistry
It's like the chromosomes have their own shape language, that's really cool.
it's far easier to say "this is what we see" than it is to determine how the things that are seen come to be
For a proteine, or molecules in general, you have to take most of the common depictions with a grain of salt - the angle and positions of the nuclei are meaningful enough, but remember that all bonds are in the end just shared electron clouds, van der Waals forces and similar things, and not "of substance".
Is it possible for example one part of the chromosome is negative and the other positive and they kinda attract? (lol, what am I talking about...)
I don't know either what you're talking about :P
Well, it looks like the chromosomes are bent. Maybe that is cause if one side of the chromosome has more electrons than the other side, and they kinda of attract and bend the structure?
I imagine some things are known about the mechanisms of chromosome formation
But it’s probably not so simple as electrostatic repulsion
(or attraction)
A chromosome is a rather complicated object, with a lot of internal structure
By contrast, a molecule is sufficiently simple that electrostatics + quantum mechanics are largely enough to understand their structure
After the polypeptide chains are produced from the ribosomes, do they go to the Golgi to get sent where they should go? (For example outside of the cell, or stay inside)?
Actually, proteins and lipids that should stay in the cell, do they even go to the Golgi?
dun dun dunnnnnnnnn
1 hour later…
Just made small changes after meeting with client.
Heading back to him in 30 mins hehe
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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