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Daniel Sank likes to culturally appropriate from people
We multicultural up in here.
@0celóñe7 Appropriate?
I just use words that I know some times.
@DanielSank cultural appropriation
:39578294 I'm not all white?
@DanielSank you said your mom was Lebanese
@AccidentalFourierTransform The recording is kinda hard to listen to :-(
@0celóñe7 I see your pretty face on the recording. Interesting.
@DanielSank Interesting?
@DanielSank no worries, I will find subtitles somewhere
Does he really look like the liquid ocelot.
@BalarkaSen Yes.
@BalarkaSen you doubted me?
tikz is nice
"fail to load"
@DanielSank I do have a question on noise that I'd really like to know the answer to, but it's one of those questions that's fiddly to phrase. Essentially I'm looking for the best way to model gate dependent noise when randomly sampling from a gate set. I'm using gate-dependent Krauss operators, with noise parameters that have a Gaussian distribution (with all the gates having the same mean value)
i have survived my first day of highschool.
mission accomplished.
@heather How bad was it?
@Mithrandir24601 well, there were the standard corny "let's get to know each other!" activities, and one or two classes which are almost 100% people I don't know + people I know but are known by everyone because, well, they're annoying and stuff
aside from that, most of the teachers seem pretty okay, and no one keeps their room at temperatures that rival the north pole, so that's good.
@0celóñe7 Write it first, then edit for content, then edit last for cosmetic appearance.
@heather ::sigh:: :/ Well... Could be worse(?) Is there such a thing as skipping years? Is it hard/a bad idea?
well, there is such a thing, but i have good friends in my grade, so I'm not sure I'd want too.
besides, the extracurriculars are fun.
quiz bowl starts this friday, and then i need to talk to the engineering teacher about when robotics starts.
oh, speaking of engineering, interesting awkward moment - my friend and I were the only girls in the class =P
hashtag teenagers socialize
@heather awesome!
@Mithrandir24601 ok...
high school is fun
or perhaps in the US it is not ;-)
@heather Well that's all right then :)
@AccidentalFourierTransform umm...........
Don Thomas Reyes
A horizontal force F is exerted on a 20kg box to slide it up a 30 deg incline. The friction force retarding the motion is 80N. how large must F be if the acceleration of the moving box is to be zero....... The formula that I made was F-Wsin-Ff=0 But still I'm getting a different answer
tip: you can use mathjax in chat
top right corner
oh ok thank you for that
A: Any chance of MathJax in chat?

Ilmari KaronenAs a workaround while this request is pending, there exist several client-side workarounds that can be used to enable LaTeX rendering in chat, including: ChatJax, a set of bookmarklets by robjohn to enable dynamic MathJax support in chat. Commonly used in the Mathematics chat room. An altern...

but I hope you can also help me with the problem
me? physics is not my area of expertise, sorry
if you want to know anything about memes on the other hand...
@AccidentalFourierTransform "I can't think that it would be terrible of me to say — and it is occasionally true — that I need physics more than friends. " Oppenheimer
what a nerd
more like Oppenheimdork
@AccidentalFourierTransform What did you finally study during the summer?
the summer is not over ok ;_;
a bit of CFT as ACM suggested, but I found the topic stupid
and that's pretty much it
I have the bestest tan ever though
I'm still stuck with the damn masters thesis
what? why?
you are supposed to work over the summer?
or you did it on purpose to have some more time?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Too physical for me
@AccidentalFourierTransform I am supposed to do it asap
how is it going?
IIRC you found someone else had the same idea before you
I have done some parts but my advisor seems to be really interested in topological insulators
(I first introduced the topic to her myself!)
and now she wants me to do some work related to photonic topological insulators too
@AccidentalFourierTransform still trying to understand how a TI works
@AccidentalFourierTransform yes but I guess I can still use my results for the thesis (can't publish though)
you have a deadline?
@AccidentalFourierTransform 5 semesters.
after that point things get complicated
@Mostafaııııııııııııııııııııııı as I said, everything has an error. Find the one in their work and publish that. If you understand the topic well enough it shouldn't be unrealistically difficult for you to find something
@Mostafaııııııııııııııııııııııı five semesters from now?
@AccidentalFourierTransform from 4 semesters ago
ok so good luck with that ;-P
I need a good review on the Hall effects
how long are masters thesis in your uni?
in mine they were supposed to be brief, around 30 pages
@AccidentalFourierTransform thanks ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
@AccidentalFourierTransform around 80~90 pages
@AccidentalFourierTransform mine was 86 pages (including references)
@Mithrandir24601 but was it supposed to be that long, or you didnt have a guideline about that?
@AccidentalFourierTransform We were told 60-90 pages
yeah well, it seems that in my case they didnt want to read kids bullshitting their way towards a passing grade, so they told us not to make it longer than that, around 30 pages or so
mine was around 70 pages anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Doing this move seems to be harder than doing a PhD in physics
@AccidentalFourierTransform uhh, what Dirichlet form should I use for Neumann conditions for a general elliptic operator in divergence form
I'm not @ACuriousMind dude
wrong ping there
he wouldn't know
he knows nothing about PDEs
neither do I, what is a Dirichlet form?
> Technically, a Dirichlet form is a Markovian closed symmetric form on an L2-space.
the bilinear form you use to to find weak solutions to pde
hmm good question
I do believe ACM might know the answer
@ACuriousMind counting on you
I'd be surprised if he heard of this
anyway, its almost midnight here
my prof said to include boundary terms
that seems like a horrible idea
yeah no, that sounds reasonable
whatevs, talk to you later
@AccidentalFourierTransform if $u\in H^1(\Omega)$, then $Du$ needn't have a trace
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind please ping me when you see this, I need some advice

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