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@SirCumference bitch you keep saying hi and not replying
Why have I now got 3 emails from Manchester saying I won't be 18 by the time I go to university... Like calm down lads hardly like I haven't noticed.
@CooperCape this is an adult chat
Sue me.
Or ban me whatevs
Take your pick.
As long as you're over 13 that's fine :-)
adult only since '15
Oct 19 '15 at 4:00, by 0celo7
this is an adult room now
@JR ban him
More precisely, as long as you don't tell us you're under 13 we don't care.
@CooperCape Are there age restrictions to go to uni? That's so strange
i am 13
@Blue No you just gotta get parent to sign forms and stuff... Make sure I don't do naughty adult things before I'm an adult (like drinking - that's mentioned soooo many times)
@ooolb since making jokes about testicles is most definitely not adult behaviour I would also have to immediately ban myself.
@JohnRennie do it
I'm not sure I can. I could try i suppose ...
that's the physicist spirit.
Well so that's the third useless pdf saying "Yeah it's fine lol"
You can always take tips from @0celo7 on how to get banned :P He's an expert :D
I've got banned twice.... :/
@ooolb it appears I cannot ban myself. If I click (for example) your avatar I get a popup menu:
hey that's me
The kick mute option is the nearest I come to being able to ban someone.
try me
i'm a performancer
But when I click my own avatar there is no kick mute option.
Obviously. No normie developer would put in a self-kick-mute option. :P
To be honest if I could sometimes I would so I actually do some work for once.
just do it
just shia labeouf it
@Blue I would always add the option for users to commit computerised suicide, if only so I could laugh at them when they phone the support line :-)
@JohnRennie Can you tell me how $\dfrac{d^2\theta}{dt^2}= -\omega^2\theta$
@JohnRennie some men just want to watch the world burn
- Manbat
@Abcd are you asking me how we know the coefficient on the right is $\omega^2$?
Or how the equation is derived?
@BernardoMeurer Eat some ice
Cool down :P
It had been a while
I was itching
@BernardoMeurer is that what computer dorks say when converting to freedom
GNUs of the world, unite!
@JohnRennie I want to know the derivation.
@ooolb It's what my girlfriend whispers in my ear when I'm nuttin
that aint christian
Yes it is
It's free software
what would jesus do
@Abcd the derivation depends on the physical system being studied. Since you use $\theta$ I'd guess you're thinking about a pendulum, where $\theta$ is the angle of the string. In that case it's just a matter of calculating the forces on the bob and showing that the torque is proportional to $-\theta$.
@BalarkaSen I also tell her to read me each clause of the GPL softly in my ear
@Abcd I can do this if you want, but it's a very standard problem that you'll find all over the Internet.
you might be the only person in the world who is sexually aroused by fantasizing about Linux
@JohnRennie I searched,couldn't find.
@BalarkaSen nah it's just right
we keep it real in the h bar
@Abcd OK, let's switch to the problem solving room, and I'll draw a diagram to show how it's done ...
@BalarkaSen no sex please, we're physicists.
@JohnRennie back in the day physicists had more play than movie stars
@JohnRennie That's a very weird reason XD
@JohnRennie Given that you are the academic descendants of Richard Feynman I call that line of logic trash
@BalarkaSen Come up with a new word for such people!
@JohnRennie you just set yourself up for some old quotes
@BalarkaSen Feynman was fake
May 5 '15 at 16:03, by John Rennie
Sex, drugs and rock and roll of course
May 5 '15 at 16:03, by John Rennie
In other words, everyday life for physicists :-)
@BalarkaSen I think you meant GNU/Linux
@JohnRennie lol
@Blue GNUphilia...?
I don't even know
Free software or libre software is computer software distributed under terms that allow users to run the software for any purpose as well as to study, change, and distribute it and any adapted versions. Free software is a matter of liberty, not price: users —individually or in cooperation with computer programmers— are free to do what they want with their copies of a free software (including profiting from them) regardless of how much is paid to obtain the program. Computer programs are deemed free insofar as they give users (not just the developer) ultimate control over the first, thereby allowing...
@Blue Looks like Bernardo got hold of Blue's computer
@SirCumference I'm thinking of words to describe Bernardo's species
@Blue Oh, probably should've gotten the context XD
@Bernardo Meanwhile, I have been thinking about some Rick & Morty level induction problems if you're interested
@ooolb Oh. How are you
@ooolb Good blue or bad blue?
every blue is good blue
except @Blue
da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die etc
@ooolb Yeah, I know good isn't good enough to describe me ;)
@BalarkaSen da*
@Blue @BalarkaSen math squad i'm looking at you
that statement doesn't make sense
where ya at
1 message moved to trash
@ooolb: don't do that again
do what?
Make homophobic posts
Oh wow if that was bad then I definitely deserve my bans holy moly.
idk what y'all are on
i never said anything homophobic
View the message JR moved to trash.
that's a genus
@ooolb don't take the piss. I'm not a huge fan of the big ban boot, but posting homophobic material then pretending it wasn'twill attract the attention of moderators bigger and badder than me.
you dunno me
@JohnRennie since when are you a mod?
I thought you were an RO
He's not a mod, indeed. But he can kick-mute users and move messages
Semi-mod of the specific room sorta
@BalarkaSen that's what an RO does
Yes, indeed.
@JohnRennie do you get extra privileges with your rep?
I don't understand what made you think he's a mod
At 100k rep, users should just be given moderator privileges.
@SirCumference Hahahahahahahaha...no.
I mean, only two or three dozen people on the entire SE network are that committed to sites
@ACuriousMind Glad to hear a normal debate
@SirCumference you get mod tools at 25k if I am not wrong
Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that you're imposing moderation privileges on users
You get some of them, and they can be overridden by a single moderator. E.g. users with >25k rep can't vote to undelete a post deleted by a mod.
Second this is that rep count doesn't have much to do with how committed you are to moderating/maintaining the site
Also, mods can delete posts without any votes, etc.
There are just super obvious rebukes to your proposal
@BalarkaSen The entire privilege system is based on the contrary...
@JohnRennie DON'T JINX IT
@SirCumference Being a high-rep user doesn't necessarily mean you are remotely fit to moderate. There are multiple instances of high-rep users (yes, in the 100k range) on the SE network that are definitely not moderator material. And no, I won't give examples :P
You certainly wouldn't want to give irresponsible lunatics like me moderatorial powers :-)
@Kaumudi.H Sorry :-)
@Kaumudi.H by the way I got my new bicycle.
@Kaumudi.H That moment when you're in the middle of an SR exam and you realize classical mechanics is wrong...
@JohnRennie PHOTO!!!
x'D Hahaha.
Damn, again you are out of the frame :P
Nice bike! :)
Naice! :-D
Is it comfortable?
That rear hanging part looks a bit weird though
It's actually quite a cheap bicycle. Since I only use it for riding to the shops there was no point in getting a posh bike.
Right, right.
always a point to getting a posh bike
super low rider
ride around like a boss
@Blue yes ... that's the silly rear mudguard. Not a design I think is very good, but that what the bike came with.
I suppose it's better than nothing.
@JohnRennie you're too British to be a lunatic
@EmilioPisanty We Brits have a long and noble history of eccentricity
@JohnRennie eccentric and lunatic are nowhere near the same thing
My favourite is the guy who decided, for no very good reason, to walk from Edinburgh to London stark naked.
@JohnRennie ...what?
Sophus Lie used to take off his clothes while hiking in a raining day
Oooh I remember a classic newspaper title that was something along the lines of "This man will smell your bike seat"
He got arrested in the Italian borders in the midst of one of his hiking trips on the grounds of being a suspected spy
:41581066 Ah, it's Chester in the US not my home town of Chester. Thanks god for that :-)
@JohnRennie Yeah, just realized. :'D
@JohnR: Are you still around?
@JohnRennie I think the "Homophobia" condition there was extremely weak, re Ooolb's
Why was Blue banned?
@Phase What?
Not that blue
Too much blue here...
@Phase I haven't banned anyone and I don't intend to ban anyone. I was just firing a warning shot.
@JOHNR: ?!
30 minute chatban
I didn't mean to imply perma
I didn't even know he was chat banned
@Phase JR can't chat-ban
It was a flag ban
Ah. I didn't ban ooolb, but I guess he did indeed attract the attention of a moderator bigger and badder than me.
Oh, apologies then
@Phase which blue?
Also he didn't get banned for the "homo homo homo" message (which is not homophobic per se, but a childish attempt at humor at best). The message which got him banned, based on my observation of which message got deleted from the chat transcript, is his "I'm not homophobic idiot" comment to JR
That got him banned?
Which is kinda annoying and rude
What the heck is this chat coming to
Is there a comma missing in that sentence? I can’t quite parse it.
If you're calling people idiot I have no sympathy for you
There’s either a comma or an “a” missing. The content depends strongly on which.
Then it's his fault entirely to not make that clear :P
Either he’s calling JR an idiot or homophobes idiots.
I have no sympathy for getting yourself banned based on vague commentary
@0celo7 both of which are rude and annoying...
Am I missing something here? Making any joke that refers to people's sexuality is always going to be edgy. Just don't do it in polite company.
I agree with JR.
For heavens sake, who flagged that?
What the flicker
What on earth?
@ACuriousMind you around? We just got an invalid suspension.
Just avoid calling people idiots (even homophobes). Saves you from trouble. (To be clear, I didn't flag that)
That was clearly not a legitimate flag.
For the record, whoever flagged that, homophobia is bigotted, small minded and stupid behaviour and Ryan was quite correct to call homophobes idiots.
I don't think it's particularly "rude" to call Homophobes idiots. I think anyone who has such a strong opinion about what irrelevant consenting adults do has something wrong with them
Yeah, exactly.
I agree.
Something happened here? In general, try to respect Stack Exchange's general Be Nice policy which applies to all cases, even when the other person is disrespecting it; it saves you a lot of trouble. That being said, I tried to counterflag it (but I was a few seconds too slow), and I do agree with the point, just try to uphold the BNBR policy to avoid trouble.
@JohnRennie I'm around. Just for the record, don't call people idiots even when it's true, though I've reversed the suspension.
@JohnRennie Do you realize that homophobia can be a behaviour deep engraved in some people that they cannot change it, even if they wish to? It's a "phobia"
@Blue no
well, yeah
But it's not a fear
The "phobia" is quite leniently used
No-one is having panic attacks at the sight of gay Roger the campy nextdoor neighbour
@Blue The act of homophobia is so far graver than the act of calling a generic person an idiot, the latter becomes kinda infinitisimal.
@ACuriousMind Thanks and noted.
@BalarkaSen Okay, anyhow, I was just telling him to avoid posting controversial stuff
I didn't flag that anyway
@ACuriousMind You did not.
But different people can take it to mean different things
@Blue I can agree with that.
@Blue what does that even mean
@Loong Heh
I clicked the button, though :P
@Loong thanks?
Has anyone here seen Simple Harmonic Motion in nature? If yes, could you give me an example?
@Abcd crystals
@ACuriousMind FGITW
@0celo7 which crystals??
what up pimps
@ACuriousMind Can you read the GPL to me while I ... nevermind
Perfect SHM? Surely not, every dynamical system in nature is acted on by so many natural forces that the flowlines becomes quite fractal-like on small-scales.
@ACuriousMind 24 hours is a bit much, no?
But there surely are systems well approximated by SHMs
@BalarkaSen Gimme those induction proofs
@BalarkaSen You could give me an example of SHM in nature when small angle approximation is used, it'll be fine.
@BernardoMeurer so, so, let's see.poof that
@Abcd the Einstein model of crystals uses SHM, IIRC
Please give a high school level example xD.
@0celo7 Yeah I had a question on that earlier today to do with natural frequency
Nature @JohnRennie
My aeronautical engineering gf says Tacoma Narrows Bridge at least 7 times a day I swear.
@Abcd Car Suspension I think
Had a question on car suspension earlier today as well...
@abcd sound waves!
@JohnRennie we don't seem them :/
Water waves then
that's SHM?
@JohnRennie If sound waves are then could shear waves be? Humans certainly feel them....
That's pretty nature-y as well
Good point. Earthquakes!!
@JohnRennie I thought water waves make points go in circular motion
Which I guess is SHM in two directions but eh
@Phase if you measure the height of the water at a fixed point you'll get an approximately sinusoidal variation with time.
circular motion is like SHM but someone decided to make the $i\sin(\theta)$ part real...
I mean why not, right?
Quantum fields!
@JohnRennie yes, that's a good example. The buildings are in SHM if I am not wrong.
@Bernardo Suppose you have a $2^n \times 2^n$ graphsheet of tiny squares. Cut out one square from it from anywhere on the graphsheet. Prove that you can tile deficient graphsheet by trominoes: shapes of this form -
@CooperCape when you do circular motion you keep the y axis imaginary if you're using complex numbers
a lot of the time its convenient to make otherwise real axes be imaginary
Honestly, pretty much anything that vibrates is likely to be approximately simple harmonic at low amplitudes.
A see saw ...
@BalarkaSen is it just to show that $2^{2n} - 1$ is a multiple of three?
That’s not nature.
Just say motion of atoms in crystals
That’s middle school level
@Bernardo Ah, cool guess. Is it?
Boltzmann Seesaw
Easy, now it's natural, just spontaneously is made
@Phase Won't lie imaginary stuff in physics confuses me cause half the time I'm like "Why is some part of something happening to the mass on this spring imaginary"

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