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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@BernardMeurer wow you blew it
I stayed up till 1:20 am to do that for you
sorry, forgot one more rule: $\theta$ has to obey

$$\theta + 2\pi \equiv \theta$$
not sure if a continuous version of modular arithmetric makes sense , though...
@Secret Your last statement doesn't make sense. Isomorphic as what, and what is $A/S$ supposed to be given that $A$ is not a group?
You seem to be trying to express "Polar coordinates describe everything but the origin uniquely" as convolutedly as possible :P
Are polar coordinates even real
Have you seen them in the sky
What kind of crappy coordinate system doesn't cover the origin
@ACuriousMind Also they do, just set $\theta=r=0$, that's the origin.
@Slereah Yes, right this morning a swarm of $\theta$ flew right overhead
@ACuriousMind Looks like Germany's gone to hell in a handbasket
@0celo7 But $r=0, \theta=1$ is also the origin. I didn't say they don't describe the origin, I said they don't describe it uniquely
@ACuriousMind Oh, I didn't see that.
Carry on.
@0celo7 I don't know what that means
I'm probably at 50 tabs again
I have a tab fetish D:
@ACuriousMind Uhh, Deutschland is zur Hölle in einem Korb gegangen
@0celo7 Yeah, I don't get what the handbasket has to do with anything
aka "Germany has gone to shit"
It's a saying!
Don't analyze it :P
Or are you saying all German aphorisms and idioms make sense
@0celo7 No, most certainly not
@ACuriousMind what's your favorite Germanism that you can't translate
Q: Evidence for quantum gravity from gravitational waves

Solenodon ParadoxusThe rumor spreads that physicists will make their big gravitational wave announcement this thursday. I am far from being an experimentalist, but I want to know if there is any chance that the mentioned observations will reveal any experimental evidence for quantum gravity. Personally, I feel li...

The influx started.
@0celo7 Not sure...perhaps "There the dog goes crazy in the pan"?
Dude, I don't know what that means :P
Da geht der Hund verrückt in der Pfanne?
@0celo7 Da wird der Hund in der Pfanne verrückt
I think both are acceptable translations of that nonsense :P
Said in response to something unbelievable
@0celo7 Yeah, but mine is the version you'll actually hear
I don't think one geht crazy
It's wird crazy, right?
Fix your mic :P
I need German Unterricht
wtf physics homework, giving me measurements in m, cm AND mm
are we getting too many bogus account who claim to be a famous physicist? I cannot say that s/he is bogus with certainty but it looks that way. e.g
I am Steven Weinberg
He would not put Dr.
me too who isn't?
Is there a reason Prahar doesn't show up when typing in @?
@FenderLesPaul Yes, he wasn't in chat the last two days :P
@Prahar if you have some time in the near future, could I ask you some questions about your recent paper with Strominger et al on large gauge transformations in EM at scri?
@FenderLesPaul If the name didn't show up for auto-completion, that won't ping him, either.
@ACuriousMind aw man
that sucks
why is life so hard?
Because you won't text me back
You don't love me anymore ;_;
@FenderLesPaul; Stephen, I suppose.
@0celo7 can't reply immediately
looks too needy
gotta play the game
Wait hours between texts
IDK what ACM was warning me about, it's a good strategy
dude wtf we're talking to each other here, on skype, and via text
@FenderLesPaul what's the absolute longest you'd make the other person wait for
a day
how do you know when a day is appropriate
That is, like, the most physicisty question ever. You want a formula? :P
As a function of happiness and sexual tension, ideally.
@gonenc : that's Stephen L, not Steven. If you look on arXiv there's a Malte, an Evan, a David, an Isaac, a Jeffrey, and a Steven Weinberg.
I've actually speculated that much of relationships works out to about three things: Bob will love Alice if Alice has most of the qualities in Bob's set G, which are the "common ground" things that people need to have in common, furthermore she needs to have several qualities from I which is a set of things which Bob finds "interesting" but is not particularly good at.
@JohnDuffield: Yeh! that's what I pointed him out.
Finally both Bob and Alice have a quality q which describes how "giving" of affection they are, you require |q_A + q_B| < epsilon.
furthermore |q_A - q_B| is a measure of the dysfunctionalness of the love.
@0celo7 for the first order you can say $t= 1/(H*S)$ where $H$ is the happiness and $S$ is the sexual tension. The verification is trivial and is left as an exercise to the reader...
And $*$?
Wtf are they teaching you
Yeah man, who does star products in LaTeX.
Just spotted this LIGO article in case anyone feels like ramping up the excitement for tomorrow:
\cdot at the worst.
@CRDrost I know Bob likes Alice, Alice also likes Bob but probably not as much and Valentine's day will either be really good or a fucking mess.
@0celo7 sorry that aught to be $\propto$ and $*$ is just multiplication
$*$ is not multiplication
$\cdot$ is multiplication
@0celo7 when I'm too lazy to write \cdot it is
or just write $HS$
I do wish that * was a shorthand for \star though.
@0celo7 nevertheless I think it makes sense though
Sadly I don't know how to measure either variable
I mean when you are sad than you wanna make the other person "suffer" and when the tension is high you don't want to let someone wait too long
I'm not sad, I'm anxious
why does the emilio's started post has a different star?
@0celo7 I have no idea what your situation is so..
@gonenc I don't either
@FenderLesPaul Some hearsay: Princeton is about to send out
@gonenc It's a mod star
It stays pinned at the top of the star board no matter what else is starred
@ACuriousMind interesting :)
:27472991 that too
What too
@BernardMeurer I told you, you missed your shot. You snooze you lose.
@GBeau what timescale is "about"?
@FenderLesPaul 10 minutes
@FenderLesPaul "hearsay", I dunno, didn't say!
More hearsay: U Chicago admission committee out of town delayed decisions: expect sometime this week or next
What hearsay is this haha?
And thanks for the info :)
@GBeau my friend, who's a physics grad student at Princeton, said the committee hasn't said anything about physics yet (her advisor is on the committee)
so I'm not sure how reliable the hearsay is
there are women in physics?
@FenderLesPaul Sigh, I guess you're not going to send that thing to me after all
What thing?
amazon link that you promised hours ago?
I'm still thinking about what music related thing to link you
I just had an idea about the general thing to get
not a specific item
I don't know shit about music, so I dunno.
@gonenc That means the item is pinned. Moderators and room owners have that power. In this case I did it and I or one of the other mods will unpin it after the chat gets underway.
@gonenc If you have a question about an account sporting a famous name you can ask the mods and we'll look into it. I'm not sure what we're supposed to do if we discover that a user is spoofing a famous personality, but I can also ask in the Teacher's Lounge.
Has anyone used Amazon's gift wrap + card service before?
@0celo7 the amazon.de version, yes
@PlasmaHH I'm assuming the card attached is pretty generic?
@0celo7 yeah and pretty awful. 200dpi termoprint, tiny letters, and don't think about using special chars of any other language than english... äöü? dont try
beautiful font, excellent execution of a print...
@FenderLesPaul hasn't looked too busy today yet O.O
way cool to see mass media good coverage/ very interested, and einstein strikes again!
just a few yrs ago thought gravity waves might be just around the corner in the same way that fusion electricity was! (ie perpetually 2 decades away!) and lately both seem to be advancing spectacularly!
@GBeau yeah
I don't see any schools I care about
not yet anyways
@FenderLesPaul What's the iPhone emoji for :3
1 hour later…
Uh, probably not what was in mind when the Worldbuilding.physics tag was added to the feed...
That title has not enough evil overlord vibes to make a good WB question :P
@ACuriousMind I need a pun pickup line!
I think
@ACuriousMind what are some important topics every qft book should have?
Even if I don't need it, give me one anyway pls
A German one!
I bought this random qft book from a booksale and idk if I should read it.
@0celo7 Would you like to come over to the dark side?
(easiest one possible, I know...)
@0celo7 ..and what train of thought led you to ask me for one?
@Danu What?
@ACuriousMind You like puns
@0celo7 Oh, wait, haha you didn't want an evil overlord pickup line.
I mixed up the two conversations ;)
Dark side is my butt...uh, I think
Dude that's nasty
Well, tell her you want to go to the dark side, then?
Oh jesus
@3507 Which is it?
They had this awesome card with a rhino on it, and some pun on "horny"
@3507 we can't look inside
The description has contents.
so unless he pirates it right now, you're outta luck
@3507 looks fine to me
@ACuriousMind any keywords I should make sure it talks about?
from the index
@Danu you're free to give me one
Although it's not clear to me how much path integrals it does
a better one
@ACuriousMind you're right in the preface is says it does not develop path integrals in depth.
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