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@Rarst If Andrey would live in a first world country... he'd have the problems he's dreaming about ;)
6 hours later…
@kaiser hm?
1 hour later…
I want a idiom like first world problems but for WordPress (yes, you all puzzled what to talk about at WCSF ;)
@kevinjohng @no_fear_inc I think in that case patch would be to lower case Problems :) because we didn't mean that WP has *P*roblems...
great, versioned download for current version seems to be broken for all repo plugins :\
/plugin.zip works, /plugin.1.2.zip broken
aside it seems Composer is smart enough to get rid of folder level when archive contains folder with stuff and not stuff directly... just how perfect can it be!? :)
that sounds like what I'd expect by well written and smart software. not talking about wp level of smartness :)
3 hours later…
@Rarst Have you CLI support for Symfony enabled in PHPStorm? Tried and got an empty error message for "parse failed" when adding app/console.
I have Silex stack at moment, not Symfony
Little jq question..
Why this

jQuery('#dataTable tr th').each(function(index){}


jQuery('#dataTable').children('tr th').each(function(index){}

doesn't work?
does it work with find() instead of children()?
yes.. with find() it works.. but did I mis concept children()
> The .children() method differs from .find() in that .children() only travels a single level down the DOM tree while .find() can traverse down multiple levels
The child of a table in HTML is always thead or tbody, even if you don’t write the elements into the code.
Start and end tags are optional for tbody.
@toscho ah.. okey!
@Rarst did you add some console commands from within Silex?
@Sisir Use $ instead of jQuery. Wrap stuff like this:
it's pretty much router for different stuff, I am now slowly stuffing libs into service providers
;( function($) {
    "use strict";

    // do stuff
} )( jQuery || {} );
@kaiser okey.. I made the habit of writing jQuery
@Sisir Open your browser’s console and load this fiddle to see it.
@Sisir What I showed you is proper encapsulation. As well allows extending parent stuff. Example:
@toscho so, if we write table with <tbody>is it a invalid html?
        ;PARENT_MODULE = ( function($) {
            "use strict";

            var module = {};

            // do stuff

            return module;
        } )( jQuery || {} );

        CHILD_MODULE = ( function($,parent) {
            "use strict";
            var child = {};

            child.foo = 5; // public, accessible var
            var bar = 'hello world'; // private var

            child.bar = parent.foo; // Access parent

            // do stuff
            return child;
        } )( jQuery || {}, PARENT_MODULE || {} );
@Sisir no, you can write it down or not, the element will always exist in the DOM.
@toscho got it..
@kaiser what it called? never saw jquery code with ||
@Sisir It exists, but if it doesn't, it gets converted to an empty object. So you can test if ( typeof undefined === $ ) return; to not throw errors if jQuery wasn't initialized early enough or disabled by some crappy plugins or theme.
@kaiser any ref url?
@kaiser +1 to this method
@Sisir ? hm? what ref url?
@kaiser I mean any documentation url..
That's my conclusion from several different ideas I read about while getting better with javascript.
Next step is .prototype stuff and then coffee script to get rid of all this fooshit.
It also covers approaches in jQuery, but also everything between.
@userabuser does it cover if-loops?
never paid much attention to js/jq as i use them very little..
but i will need to get into it sooner or later
@kaiser CoffeeScript made me JS stupid. So I went back to understand JS properly, then back into CS, then I was ok.
That's why I moved .prototype-ing before CS in learning curve :)
@toscho ...and also the origins of the Universe.
ah, good, that would be my next question
because I need more God objects
Of course, all good JS manuals cover the origins of the Universe which is a more explainable concept than JS itself.
Q: How to make If title to be if home then different, if has parent then its name else just name

KangaroooMade own template from scratch and tutorials. This is showing description of post/page Title and in home its showing website name. <h3 style="text-align: center;" class="stuff"><strong><?php is_home() ? bloginfo('description') : wp_title(''); ?></strong></h3> I wanted to change that if home pa...

question title of the day
.prototype is the quantum collider of javascript
@toscho 8|
I miss just as the title says in the first line. should add it.
On the Seventh day God rested, but not before creating JavaScript, just to mind fuck ya.
Conditional question. Hm.
Aside from God objects, there's also one Devil object. In fact it's a complete language named javascript.
Honestly: Javascript really is the lousiest language ever introduced.
@kaiser It's shit.
But I love it.
@Sisir Read the link from @userabuser and "Module Pattern Variations" isn't that far from what I showed you above.
Ok, I have to indepth read that link. @userabuser thanks that's a good one.
bookmarked it..
@kaiser Quite good read, I have that on my desk. I recommend Osami reading in general. Also the books listed under the Reading section are also very good reads on the topic at large. If you get to that point where you need any of those let me know.
added core (stable and dev) to my Composer repo if someone wants to play with it rarst.net/packages.json
@Rarst @markoheijnen I feel weird about that. I am not a fan of loose files in the root.
I so need to write that proxy for repo...
1 hour later…
weeeekends... weekends...
so boring I might start answering questions...
you are ahead by thousand already, freaking chill :)
phpmd keeps charmingly timing out on core files...
1 hour later…
had anyone ever seen wp com site preview thingie show wrong image?.. showed some drug page for my blog briefly and I am freaking that I was hacked :) but everything looks peachy
1 hour later…
@toscho it's not often mentioned/used but chat search here is quite freaking awesome
I know. But my lazyness is awesomest.
cater to it and stop answering then :)
answer what? there are no questions.
plus, my next goal is 100k
...I need a new tea pot
I don't stand a chance otherwise :)
go, buy one
I can't. still in crazy hair, no hot water trap
what is crazy hair?
the longer is hair the more it makes you look like crazy hobo when unwashed
make a ponytail
doesn't do anything to mitigate it
wear a hijab
covering it and wandering around feels craptastic, amplified by unwashed :(
I'll have to heat some water tomorrow or risk cold shower :( fml
what's so bad about a cold shower?
it feels miserable and not good for my health
Don’t be so sensitive; you are almost from Siberia!
look up the freaking map! I am almost from subtropics! :)
then why are you freezing? :D
we hadn't had many warm days yet, water in pipes still cold
There is a bird on my balcony, singing ring-tones. It’s way too hot here.
I been hearing nothing but heavy machinery and colorful language from outside for two days. probably searching for that hot water.
language gradually increases in volume, so it's not going too good it seems :(
aren’t there public swimming pools with showers in Kiev?
there are, but they require medical checkups so I don't bother to maintain abonement
yaaaaaaaaaaay, hot water is back! and machinery stopped. saved!
I wonder why there is no pretty permalink for weeks? ?w=6 works, /w/6/ doesn’t.
date archives should be burned with fire anyway
slices same stuff too many ways, answers wrong question (no one goes to your site with intent to read "what you posted last may"), promotes being content with defaults rather than thinking what your archives should be
Q: Group post archive by last two weeks and months

user1169526I want to show an archive menu in each page in the following manner: Today Yesterday This week Last week This month Last month Earlier How could I do that?

I like them sometimes.
Looking at all the embarassing things I have written in 2008.
they can be done nicely, but leaving in WP defaults and shoving calendar widget in your face isn't "nicely"
and guilty of having date archives at my blog but de-emphasized and blocked from search. will rework in revamp
2 hours later…
will "transients expire and nciely go away" fairy tale ever die? :(
2 hours later…
PHP 5.2 was released year and a half before I started with WP and deprecated two years and some ago from now... :(((
powers 62% of WP sites... FFS
If WordPress would raise the requirements, 90% of all web servers would get an upgrade in less than two weks.
I wonder why they don't... legacy sites they won't touch unless customers ask? are there any hosts crappy enough to actually offer 5.2 by default now?
If they simply said "You're using PHP 5.2, consider using 5.3" in red text on the installer, that'd be enough to scare people into upgrading
even if there was no plan to raise the minimum spec
hosts would be fed up of the support requests and upgrade anyway
yeah, WP is nagging about browser, why not PHP?..
I have just written a plugin I should have written a long time ago. I wonder why I didn’t?
feeling stupid
@toscho we had something that did it if the file modified time changed
caused issues, we kept having to goto the permalinks page to flush manually
then it'd undo itself a while later
You can trust the option only. Otherwise strange things might happen.

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